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Environmental issues concerning chemical trails: What seems very invisible to the naked eye can actually be very

harmful. These toxic chemicals within these trails can increase the risk factor for internal diseases to the human body. What looks like normal condensation trails, also known as contrails, dissipate in seconds whereas chemtrails have a long lasting existence in the atmosphere. More time? More time for exposure? Correct! What can this do for you? Health Risks: Chemtrails are made from combinations of barium and aluminum oxide. This raises the question of what type of side effects generate toxic exposure. Lets look at a list o f risk factors which stem from these toxic chemicals: -Alzheimers -Parkinsons -Lou Gherigs Disease -Heart/Kidney failure -Asthma -And many more Chemtrails safe for the environment? Suitable for human health? I think not, but the real question here is what can chemtrails do for you and your health?

Diet vs. Genetics for Kidney Stones: Diet: Not having enough water in your body can prove to be potentially deadly. Waste will begin to crystallize and put the body through a lot of pain. Pain almost equal to that of giving birth! What most people think about kidney stones is that it only ties with diet and hydration. Lack of water means more waste in the kidneys that cant be washed out. As these waste sit there, they begin to crystallize and solidify, attracting other minerals around them and thus forming stones. Genetics: Kidney stones may also be formed by genes. People are born with a dormant gene called Claudin-14. The minerals that we consume on a daily basis will enter our bloodstream and used by blood cells to carry on with functions of life. When too many of these minerals enter the bloodstream, Claudin-14 will become active and block the minerals from entering the blood stream, sending them right back to the kidneys. The minerals will soon pile up and crystallize, forming stones. Health Risks: Kidney stones will clog the kidneys, making it very painful to move and urinate. Urine will become bloody, cloudy, and smelly. Usually, drinking a large amount of water daily will flush out the stones. But in some cases, the stones will become

Im Big and I Just Cant Help It Many people say that weight is an issue that everyone can handle equally when in fact, that isnt true. Hypothyroidism is a disease where the thyroid gland makes the thyroid hormone TSH and doesnt produce as much hormone as it should, which causes many different problems. One of these problems pertains to metabolism. Not having enough hormones in the body makes it harder for the body to metabolize food, which could lead to obesity in critical cases. People with this disease have to exercise twice as hard and twice as much just to maintain their weight. Sometimes even a healthy diet will lead to disaster in this case. Some healthy food, such as broccoli, kelp, etc. will make the person gain more weight. Sometimes a healthy diet just isnt the key to everything.

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