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All redactions made pursuant to

exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) and

(b)(7)(F) ,

Cali, Colombia, July 15th, 2005

JUL 2 5 2005
lAtarnatloiul ftognma DMgtofc
Otnoe of rowign Aowta Control

International Assets Office Director (OFAC)



By the present letter, I want to begin the appeal and revision process in order that my
name will be excluded from Clinton List, by the following reasons:


of a
I was bom in the year H f | , I was H H H modest family formed by a H |
a n d t h a t d e v o t e d tneir
H I M H H H existence for the education and raising of
their children in the values and principles of our society, I was educated in flHH
m i from Bogota, I became a H H H I H ^ ^ H H H H H H H N H I I '
HHHHHRHRHHHHHHHHI' ^ai I studied with effort and working
simultaneously i n H H H H B H H H

My labour history begun from the y e a r | H H H H H | > as an

®rnployee of |
customs, where I was in different positions, becoming m j ^ ^ m j jn different
cities of the country. |

All redactions made pursuant to
exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) and

|. Finally, in the yeargH> i quit to work

for that institution, and for labour reasons I moved to live to Cali city, where my
land I established my home.

Besides, I have worked as

HHH Call, ' H H H B H H H H H H H H H a n d obtained revenues from
those activities, revenues that have been affected since my name came out in the
Clinton list.

1 have never had problems with Colombian justice, and my Curriculum Sheet in the
customs is clean and spotless, for this reason I am proud, and I can also
demonstrate this when it will be necessary.


In the port of Buenaventura, there were a company denominated |

constituted by public Document No. • f M H ^ H ^ H * registered in the
Commerce Chamber de Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca), the company worked as
l a r i d H H I B H witii official permission granted by t h e H H U I
land the ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Q H H H H H f r o r n Colombia, and among its main
activities it was the H H I ^ H H i H H I H H 3 ^ handling of H H H B H H j
[of H H ^ I with specialized team. All these activities were developed
under the strict control o f f l f l H H I and I

To obtain the operation permissions as assistants of the public function

IHHbetween so many requirements and documents, it was the one of presenting
certifications corresponding of the body corporate, the owners, partners and the
legal representative (manager) who has not been sanctioned legally by deceitful
violation to the Colombian penal norms. Once fulfilled a series of obligations that are
dictated by the law of ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H , the general director I

All redactions made pursuant to
exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) and

grants the permission under the control of those' authorities which demand
permanent reports of the operations that are being developed. Besides, the company
should constitute a deposit in favour of the nation as a guarantee of the operations,
deposit that should be guaranteed by an insurance company of the state.

For my labour experience, for my knowledge in this area and for references I was
hired in B H H i H H
a person who I knew as
in Cali, called flHHH
| and he offered me to join the company
was the company from the year of in I |, period in which the company
made some investments (adaptation of lands, offices and lease of equipment for load
handling) and I began as a H H H H H H H H H H B H H H H H H i l l t o
H H H H H H M H H I i H < when I quit to the position because the company
a r e a for tne n
decided not to continue in the H H I '9 n c o s t s t n a t jt
represented to
maintain this operation. So I continued as|

| was rewarded with the national prize to the manager

development and the H H H I o f t n a t i H R M H w a s nominated to the prize
[in the category to the major directive.

By the other hand, the company was a shareholder of the H H ^ H | of

o f tne new s ecia
m B H H H I H I I l H P lized terminal of containers
that works inside the port, so the office equipment and the equipment for the handling
of goods were in financial leasing (rent) with the H B I H H i H i i w e nac* trustee
accounts in some banks like H H H H H H H H H ' c o n s i d e r important to point
out this because while i was H H H | , or in the beginning of the company an
account was never cancelled by any suspicion.

All redactions made pursuant to
exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) and (b)(7)(F)

I also want to point out that during my administration period, the company was not
investigated by any reason and it usually operated normally, neither the shareholders
companies made an investment, the money that entered was produced for the

The relationship between management and presidency was always with Mr.

H H H H H H H wno was of
part of the group of enterprises that formed the asset capital of |
the enterprise belonged to the family group|

With all these records of the mentioned company, one cannot suspect that one of the
shareholders, | H H H H H H H H ^ ^ I H M | | ^ H w j | l be accused of drug traffic
offence in the year of 2003, when has was captured and then prosecuted for illicit
activities during I

For this reason all the employees that work in companies where this person was a
direct or indirect partner, as is of public knowledge, were included in Clinton list, we
have been seen as drug dealers, sharing "honours" with the most dangerous
criminals of the world. I ask myself for the reason of this discrimination because the
authorities did not include in the lists the companies with w h o m H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ U H l
had business or made societies or the banks that worked for the company.

How could be guilty an employee and in this case the company was under the control
of the state directly, with all its permission documents in order when I work with them,
or could an employee foresee that a person that belongs to the crime world, and later
is caught is going to affect the people who worked honestly? What happens to the
image and good example one give to his children as a legacy? How to explain them
the reason why everybody points out to us as traffickers?

All redactions made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6),


Ace you dog see, Mister Werner I consider that criminal charge made to myself by
the TREASURE DEPARTMENT of your country is completely unfair, since the only
mistake that I made was to work in an enterprise that was approved by the
authorities of the state to operates you, to company that was not to facade, to
company of which one could not doubt, which had not been investigated and where
never happened anything abnormal or illicit that induced myself to think that the
company had links with criminal activities.

For all the above-mentioned my request is to appeal to the decision of the inclusion
of my name in Clinton list and to ask that my name will be excluded in order to
restore my good will and image that I maintained always during all my life, and in the
behalf and name of my children and my family.

I am able to give all the evidence for the facts that I have mentioned in this letter, in
order to clean my name of so terrible accusation.

With the hope that the present letter will receive attention from you and with the belief
that you will understand my situation I remain.

Cali, Valle del Cauca / Colombia / South America


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