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[edit] Subdivisions taken out to see if they contain cancer spread from the ovary.

Extragastrointestinal stromal tumors, by definition, arise from
outside the GI tract but histologically resemble their GI The greater omentum is often defined to encompass a variety of there is fluid in the pelvis or abdominal cavity, it will also be
counterparts. In general, they are an aggressive group of tumors structures. Most sources include the following three:[1][2] removed for analysis. The surgeon may "wash" the abdominal
sharing a similarity to GI stromal tumors (GIST) arising in the cavity with salt water (saline) and send that fluid for analysis. All
distal GI tract. One of the larger studies of 48 cases found a • Gastrocolic ligament - to transverse colon (occasionally the tissue and fluid samples taken during the operation are sent
female predominance (32F 16M) with an age range of 31-82 on its own considered synonymous with "greater to a lab to be examined for cancer cells. Staging is very
years (mean 58 years). The majority arose from the soft tissue of omentum"[1]) important because ovarian cancers at different stages are
the abdominal cavity while the remainder arose from the
treated differently. If the staging isn't done correctly, the doctor
retroperitoneum. The size ranged from 2-32 cm. • Gastrosplenic ligament - to spleen
may not give the right treatment.
Under the microscope, the tumors showed characteristic changes
of GIST with tumors having rounded epithelioid cells to spindled
• Gastrophrenic ligament - to thoracic diaphragm
cells with a fine fibrillary background and varying amounts of The splenorenal ligament (from the left kidney to the spleen) is
myxoid and hyalinized stroma. Immuhohistochemical analysis occasionally considered part of the greater omentum.[3][4]
revealed the following staining pattern:
The greater omentum (also the great omentum, omentum majus
, gastrocolic omentum, epiploön, or, especially in animals, caul) The greater omentum develops from the dorsal mesentery that
is a large fold of peritoneum that hangs down from the stomach, connects the stomach to the posterior abdominal wall. During
and extends from the stomach to the posterior abdominal wall stomach development, the stomach undergoes its first 90°
after associating with the transverse colon. rotation along the axis of the embryo, so that posterior structures
are moved to the left and structures anterior to the stomach are
Structure shifted to the right. As a result, the dorsal mesentery folds over
The greater omentum is the largest peritoneal fold. It consists of on itself, forming a pouch with its blind end on the left side of the
a double sheet of peritoneum, folded on itself so that it is made embryo. A second approximately 90° rotation of the stomach,
up of four layers. this time in the frontal plane, moves structures inferior if they
The two layers which descend from the greater curvature of the were originally to the left of the stomach, and superior if they
stomach and commencement of the duodenum pass in front of were originally to the stomach's right. Consequently, the blind-
the small intestines, sometimes as low down as the pelvis; they ended sac (also called the lesser sac) formed by the dorsal
then turn upon themselves, and ascend again as far as the mesentery is brought inferiorly, where it assumes its final
transverse colon, where they separate and enclose that part of
position as the greater omentum. It grows to the point that it
the intestine.
covers the majority of the small and large intestine.
These individual layers may be easily demonstrated in the young
subject, but in the adult they are more or less inseparably
The left border of the greater omentum is continuous with the
gastrolienal ligament; its right border extends as far as the greater omentum
commencement of the duodenum.
A fold of the peritoneum, passing from the stomach to the
The greater omentum is usually thin, presents a cribriform transverse colon. Also called caul.
appearance, and always contains some adipose tissue, which in
obese people accumulates in considerable quantity.
Between its two anterior layers, a short distance from the greater
curvature of the stomach, is the anastomosis between the right . In addition, the omentum is also removed (an omentectomy).
and left gastroepiploic vessels. The omentum is a layer of fatty tissue that covers the abdominal
contents like an apron, and ovarian cancer sometimes spreads to
The greater omentum can often be found wrapped around areas
this tissue. Some lymph nodes in the pelvis and abdomen are
of infection and trauma.

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