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F_QN1~_ IUI"'~U $£1tV1tI:.S COMMITTEe
lILonnrtgg of Ibe Wnileb IA>lnttg I)o<.-::.~_~_

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-,oHICa n. TUfII< C;OM M'Tn E
UfnS:bllllItOIl. ill( 20515-0103 """"'....""" c:....., I _~ _ ....... "",
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Marc.h 30, 2009

The llufK)r"ble David Obey 'Ibe lIonoruble Jerry Lewis

Chllirm~11 l{ankillg Member
lIou~ Appropriaci<)n~ Cormn inee HUlISC Approprimiull$ Commince
~1 ·218. The Capillol 1016 Longworth [Ioll'l~ Office
Build ilIB
Wll..'lhingtoll, UC 20515 Washing((ln, DC 20515

L>car Chuirman Obey and Ran.king Member l.cwis,


I 11m requesting funding in Ihe I'Y I0 Commerce. JI\.'!I1cC, Seienee Appropriptions hill,
f>cparlmcnl of Justice, cors I,aw Enforcement TC\:hnology aceOUIli for the Chy..,1'
Auburn, The enti ty to receive fllnding for this project is the Cily of l\ubUl'tlllt 144
Tichenur Avcoue, I\uburn, AL 36830, It i~ my ,U1derst9uding that the funding would be
used to fuml a m(>bi1c data system fur Auburn'~ rolicc l)ivision, 1 certify that this project
docs oot ha~ 1\ direct and foreseeable e[fo:cl un the pecuniary imerests ufmy ~pous<:: or

I hereby certify mat this request wi II he made publicly llvailable un my OffICial Websile
liS ~uired by Chainnan Obey' s new Comminee potiey thaI ..,nly roosted rcquCJU will be

Consistent wi lh lhe Repuhlicall Leadership's JX>ticy on earmarks, r hereby certi ry that to

the best of my knowkdge thi~ request (I) is nut dinxled to 811 cntity or program lhat will
be named after a sining Member of Congress [OR: ww> n~med ~ller Itcpn:sentalive Juhn
O()e in 19831; (2) is nOI inlend~dli' be u~cd by an emity tu se~un: funds for other entilies
unle~~ Ihe usc of funding is consistent wilh lho specified purpo~e of the earmark; and (3)
meets or ell~c~ds al I slaullor)' requjrel'llenl~ for malchins li.mds where IIpplieable, J
furthcr certify lhal ~hould this requcst be included in Ihe bill, J will pJnce ~ statemcnt in
the Congn:s.sional Record describing how the funds will be spent alldjustirying the 1l.~ of
federal taxpayer funds,

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