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Measles/Rubeola Kopliks spots, little spots inside the mouth.

. The spots look like a tiny grains of white sand, each surrounded by a red ring. They are found especially on the inside of the cheek (the buccal mucosa) opposite the 1st and 2nd upper molars. Meningitis nucchal rigidity. Mumps swollen parotid glands. Pertussis paroxysmal coughs ending with whoop. Pneumonia rusty sputum. Polio flaccid paralysis, weakness or paralysis and reduced muscle tone without other obvious cause (e.g., trauma). Rabies hydrophobia, a morbid fear of water. Because of this name, many people think that rabies makes one afraid of water. In fact, this is not the case (although rabies does cause mental confusion of other kinds). The name hydrophobia comes from the fact that animals and people with rabies get spasms in their throat muscles that are so painful that they cannot eat or drink, and so will refuse water in spite of being very thirsty. Scabies weeping itch. Scarlet Fever raspberry tongue. Syphilis painless chancre or ulceration. Tetanus locked jaw or trismus. Tuberculosis initially ASYMPTOMATIC. Typhoid Fever 3 cardinal signs: ladderlike fever, rose spots, spleenomegaly (enlargement of spleen beyond its normal size).

Brucellosis Email this page to a friendShare on facebookShare on twitterBookmark & SharePrinter-friendly version Brucellosis is an infectious disease that occurs from contact with animals carrying Brucella bacteria. Causes Brucella can infect cattle, goats, camels, dogs, and pigs. The bacteria can spread to humans if you come in contact with infected meat or the placenta of infected animals, or if you eat or drink unpasteurized milk or cheese. Brucellosis is rare in the United States. About 100 - 200 cases occur each year.

People working in jobs where they often come in contact with animals or meat -- such as slaughterhouse workers, farmers, and veterinarians -- are at higher risk. Symptoms Acute brucellosis may begin with mild flu-like symptoms, or symptoms such as:

Abdominal pain Back pain Chills Excessive sweating Fatigue Fever Headache Joint pain Loss of appetite Weakness Weight loss

High fever spikes usually occur every afternoon. The name "undulant" fever is because the fever rises and falls in waves. Other symptoms that may occur with this disease:

Muscle pain Swollen glands

The illness may be chronic and last for years. Exams and Tests

Blood culture Bone marrow culture Clean catch urine culture CSF culture Serology for brucellosis antigen

This disease may also change the results of the following tests:

Febrile/cold agglutinins

Quantitative immunoglobulins (nephelometry) Serum immunoelectrophoresis

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