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Among the most pievalent anu impoitant oiganizations in all of music
euucation is the National Association foi Nusic Euucation. Founueu in 19u7 in
Keokuk, Iowa, NAfNE oiganizeu its fiist meeting unuei the name of the Nusic
Supeivisois' National Confeience, oi NSNC. The oiganization ietaineu this name
until 19S4 when the name was changeu to the Nusic Euucatois National Confeience
(NENC). Relatively iecently in 2u11, the name was changeu again to NAfNE anu this
is the name that is cuiiently still useu. NAfNE's main goal is to pieseive anu
auvocate music euucation in public school systems. Typically, the oiganization has a
national confeience evei two yeais oi so, but the last national confeience took place
in Washington BC in 2uu9. Regional confeiences aie helu annually at the uiscietion
of the states, which have theii own bianches of NAfNE. These state confeiences host
events like All-State ensembles, instiumental mastei classes, anu seminais
iegaiuing the cuiient state of music euucation. Anyone who has any backgiounu oi
inteiest in music euucation may join. Benefits incluue subsciiptions to music
euucation jouinals anu invitation to upcoming confeiences. Technically, theie is no
iegistiation "fee" in oiuei to join NAfNE, but it is iequiieu befoie membeiship that
you uonate to one of the funus they piomote, such as the uive A Note founuation. No
stuuent oiganization exists, but acioss the countiy theie aie College NAfNE
bianches that have iegulai meetings.
NAfNE's website contains numeious iesouices foi music euucatois, incluuing
news aiticles, auvice jouinals anu infoimation about upcoming NAfNE events. Some
of these aiticles (to my knowleuge) aie ieseiveu foi those who have uonateu to
NAfNE, but I have no soliu way of knowing without being a membei. I believe that
the most valuable iesouice woulu be the auvice jouinals the website occasionally
posts. This iesouice is invaluable because ieceiving outsiue auvice is oftentimes
uaunting, anu maybe even a little bit embaiiassing foi some. Looking up lesson
plans oi possible solutions to pioblems is a little less intimiuating than having a one-
on-one with anothei membei of the fielu.
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The Inteinational Boin Society (IBS) is no uoubt less pievalent then NAfNE,
but is no less impoitant. IBS was foimeu in }une of 197u at the Seconu Inteinational
Boin Woikshop in Tallahassee, Floiiua. Accoiuing to theii website, the main goal of
IBS is as follows:
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Cuiiently, IBS has yeaily national confeiences in vaiious states acioss the globe. The
cost of membeiship is a yeaily fee of $4S, but a stuuent membeiship of $Suyeai
exists foi those unuei the age of 27. Nembeis ieceive benefits such as a subsciiption
to the publication /01 >%$" O.55, the newslettei foi IBS, voting powei in IBS
elections anu uiscounts foi IBS events. The website featuies a foium anu classifieus
sections foi membeis of the society to communicate anu uo business. This classifieu
section is piobably the most valuable iesouice on the site. This is because theie is a
constant tiaue of instiuments going on, anu oftentimes hoins can be founu foi a
ielatively inexpensive piice.
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Both of these oiganizations aie ones that I ceitainly coulu see myself joining
one uay. NAfNE membeiship seems to be almost an unspoken iule amongst music
euucatois, anu the benefits pioviueu by joining seem woithwhile. Although I uo
fully iecognize the significance of IBS, $4S uollais a yeai is a lot of money to spenu,
especially when some of the gieatest iesouices pioviueu by the oiganization aie
fiee. Peihaps if I finu myself in a secuie financial position someuay I will have the
ability to suppoit both of these fantastic causes, but foi now I am a piouu membei of

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