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Hello Champion, My name is Sam Crowley from www.everydayissaturday.

com and I am excited to introduce you to my new e book titled You Are A Champion! I feel blessed to be able to share some of my experiences with fellow champions around the world. The success of Everyday Is Saturday has been nothin short of ama!in . "hat started as three simple words from a three year old irl back in #$$%, has turned into one of the fastest rowin motivational websites on the Internet. My three year old dau hter used to ask me continuously &'addy, is tomorrow Saturday() *rom her mouth to my heart, the vision was created and a corporate slave was slowly turnin into a life+chan in , fear+demolishin motivational messen er. I like the term messen er because inside the word messen er is &mess.) I have turned my mess into a messa e for people worldwide to empower them to defend their dream. I always knew there was somethin ama!in waitin for me if I ,ust stepped out and went after my dream. I knew it was possible to live the life I loved. It knew it could become my excitin reality to have coffee each mornin with my wife, put my kids on the bus, play a round of olf and pick them up from school. -nfortunately, up until my dau hter asked why everyday couldn.t be Saturday, I was lettin other &thin s) dictate my success level. I speak about those thin s in the next pa es of this e book. I hit on a few topics I feel are paramount in preparation to live the life you love. "hat you will read in these next few pa es may not be new material for you, or maybe it is/ either way you will walk away knowin more about me and more importantly more about yourself. My oal is to help you understand that if an ex+stuttererin colle e drop out can retire in his 0$.s livin the life he loves, you can too. It.s not easy but the steps are simple. 1lease do me a favor and send an email to with feedback on the e book or anythin at I would love to hear from you. To 4our Success, Sam

5efore you read any further in this book, you have to believe without any shadow of a doubt that you have what it takes to be a champion. "hat is a champion( 6 champion is someone who succeeds no matter the circumstances. 6 champion does not blame other people or circumstances for where they are in life. 6 champion does not et lucky. 6 champion is prepared 7$$8 when an opportunity presents itself. "hen a champion enters the room people notice. 6 champion doesn9t have to be loud and boisterous, but has confidence. 1eople have a different sense about champions when in their presence. 6 sense that says, this person is different than the rest. 6 champion does not et cau ht up in ossip or other useless wastes of ener y that are distractin . 6 champion is laser+focused on their oals. :othin will stand in their way. 6re you a champion( I su est you are and am excited to share this e book with you.

This e book is meant to stimulate thou hts in your mind that may have lied dormant for some time. Maybe because you felt like you could not succeed or because someone told you that you could not be successful. In the next few pa es I will speak to your heart. I am not a motivational speaker, I am a messen er. I took my mess and turned it into a messa e for millions to hear worldwide. I challen e you to dream bi , save the small stuff for other people. ;et other people be cau ht up in thin s that don9t matter, but not you. 4ou are a champion< The Million Dollar Key If I ave you a key to a door that had one million dollars behind it, would you take the key( =f course you would< So stop what you9re doin , and put your nose as close to this document as possible because this thou ht alone will start you on your way to earnin a fortune. If you do

nothin else I say the rest of your life, please promise me you will act upon this critical piece of advice. >eady( Here we o. *ire your ne ative friends. "ow Sam, nothin like comin out shootin from both barrels< ;et me back up for a minute. I am a no+nonsense individual who defends his dream everyday and has achieved the success I have by battlin the enemy. To me there is no bi er enemy than toxic attitudes that reside in people who are not champions. If that is you, you need to chan e and chan e now. 4ou will hear me say this over and over ? &;ife is not a dress rehearsal, you only et one shot.) I et emotional when I think of ne ative people and the effect they have on champions+to+be. I have seen so many dreams derailed because people listen to friends or family members who have never done anythin with their lives, yet seem @ualified to ive advice. So now you have some insi ht as to why I consider this a lar e component of bein a champion. This nu et is so hu e/ I could write a 0$$ pa e book on this one topic alone. It is the sin le bi est reason for my success as an entrepreneur. I talk about it on my podcasts all the time and blo about it till I9m blue in the face. :e ative people will hold you back/ they will sabota e your dreams. 4our ne ative friends are like toxic fumes you are inhalin every sin le day. 4ou have to put your mental H6SM6T suit on ,ust to be around them. I found it is much easier to find positive, successful friends than it is to put my H6SM6T suit on everyday. I can hear some of you ri ht now sayin &5ut Sam, I like my ne ative friends. "e han out to ether and I was in their weddin and they9re my children9s odparents and A.) I9m not sayin to send a hit man over to their house. "hat I am tellin you is if you are ever oin to take the first step towards success, you need to eliminate toxic people. :ot all people, ,ust the ones that are dra who those individuals are. in you down. 4ou know better than anyone

Here9s an example. 4ou have a reat idea you want to brin to market. 4ou have thou ht about it a thousand times and you ,ust can9t take it anymore. 4ou9re convinced this product will chan e lives and in the process, make you a very wealthy individual. "ho is the first person you9re oin to tell( If you9re married, it9s most likely your spouse. Then who(

4our friends( 4our friends are probably very nice people. They are polite and make reat dinner uests. They remember your birthday and your family member9s birthdays. They were there for you when you broke up with your boyfriend or irlfriend. I et all that, but this is where success separates from mediocrity. These people are the same ones that will tell you all the reasons your new product or idea will not work. They have an uncle whose cousin9s sister tried the same thin and was unsuccessful. Then here comes the killer line every carin friend or family member usesB &"e ,ust don9t want you to et your hopes up.) 4ea, wouldn9t want that would we( "hat a terrible world it would be if more people actually has somethin to look forward to, a little hope to et them throu h the day. >idiculous. "hat they9re really sayin is &I don9t have the sli htest clue about how to be successful, so I9m oin to do my best to keep you ri ht here with me. 5ecause if you become successful, we can9t ossip on the phone or at lunch because you9ll start to view that as a waste of your time.) Here9s an analo y for youB 4our dream is a brand new flower you have planted. >i ht now it sits by itself with nothin else around. 4ou water your dream everyday with positive ener y, knowin it will blossom into somethin reat when the time is ri ht. Then slowly, weeds Cne ative friendsDco+workersE start to pop up. 6t first, ,ust a few Cwhen you tell a few friends about your new opportunityE, then more and more weeds CfriendsE try to suffocate your flower CdreamE. 4ou cannot let that happen. This scenario is also commonplace in the workforce. "hen I was in sales mana ement, I would see this behavior everyday. "e would send our new recruits off to trainin for three weeks to learn about or products and how we position them to the consumer. The newly trained employee would arrive back in our office ready to & et after it.) Their eyes would be wide open and they soaked up as much wisdom as they possibly could until the &weeds) started sproutin up around them. It was like clockwork, you could see it happenin ri ht before your eyes. I remember one of our shinin stars we hired. This individual was as hun ry as a stray cat that hadn9t been fed for weeks. I mean, he came back from trainin and wouldn9t let anyone or anythin stop him from succeedin . He worked his first sales campai n and hit it out of the park, doin the ,ob with inte rity and a reat attitude. Then the weeds ot to him. His performance didn9t slip as much as his inte rity. He started cuttin corners and workin in the ray area. He was tau ht this by veteran weeds and soon he abandoned the work ethic and attitude that made him so special.

He lost his identity. He was so influenced by the ne ative weeds, that there was a mutual understandin that he ,ust had to o. It was sad, because this person was a shinin star and ended up fi!!lin out due to the ne ative influences of others. Here is somethin you need to understandB The bi feedback you will encounter. er the dream, the more ne ative

"hen I first launched my website, I told a few friends I was leavin my six fi ure executive level ,ob to be a dad. >i ht then and there some people thou ht I had fallen off the deep end. I mean, what person in their ri ht mind would leave a reat ,ob ,ust to be a father( Then I mentioned my oal of becomin an international motivational speaker and usin my website to motivate and inspire millions nationwide to defend their dream and my friends at the time ,ust lau hed. *ortunately I did have people who believed in me. 1eople who understood there was a need for stru lin champions world wide to hear my messa e. The ones who believed in me were my wife 6n ela, my business coach and a handful of people in Cincinnati. I woke up one mornin after I had made the decision to o for it, and looked at my cell phone. Cell phones can tell you a lot about yourself. I looked at the last ten calls that were lo ed in my phone and asked &6re these people helpin me or hurtin me() The answer was a resoundin &They are hurtin me.) So I went throu h my entire list of names in my cell phone and be an deletin the names and numbers of toxic people. :ot bad people, ,ust individuals I knew were not oin to be supportive of me or my dream. 1eople who did not understand what reatness was all about. 1eople who think it9s o.k. to be avera e. If I saw these people at the mall or a restaurant I would be courteous, but I was performin sur ery on our relationship. If you cannot do that to toxic people, you will never be successful. It is an absolute must. 4our dream will flourish. 6ll you have to do is water it everyday and weed the arden. 'on9t misinterpret this messa e to mean you now need to call all your friends and curse them out for holdin you back all these years. "hat you need to do is identify each relationship as havin a positive or ne ative influence on your dream. If it9s ne ative, start movin away from the relationship. 4ou need to be tendin to your &dream arden) with water and nutrients, not asoline.

Conquering Fear *ear stands for False Evidence Appearin eal. *ear can be paraly!in and can stop any champion+to+be in their tracks. I know, because it has stopped me several times before I learned how to overcome fear. ;et me be very clear about one thin . I am not a psycholo ist. I do not have seven masters9 de rees on masterin the human mind. Heck, I9m a colle e drop out who used to stutter till he was a teena er, so I9m definitely not someone who would sit you down on a couch and et inside your head. However, I have con@uered fear. I am a successful entrepreneur and I know what it takes to et that little voice to o away inside your head. 4ou know that voice that says &4ou can9t do it.) "ho do you think you are() &"hat if you fail() How did I con@uer fear( I failed. The first time I failed it hurt and hurt badly. 5ut you now what( The sun still came out the next day. My family was still alive and I was still breathin . I reali!ed ri ht then and there that failure was ,ust a temporary state and nothin to fear. I remember seein a recent documentary on 5ob "oodruff, the 65C anchorman who had suffered severe head trauma while on assi nment in Ira@. The Humvee he was ridin in ran over an I.3.' and tri ered a hu e explosion. The entire left side of "oodruff9s skull was essentially blown off. He said he had an out of body experience while waitin to o to heaven, lookin down at himself on the operatin table. He said at that point he had such a sense of calm/ it was somethin he never felt before. :ow he states he is no lon er afraid of death. 5ob "oodruff had seen death and fears it no lon er. :ot to mention, he had a whole new appreciation for life on earth and reali!es ,ust how precious and temporary it really is. That is the point I am makin with failure. I have seen failure. I have lost all my money, lost businesses and still was able to kiss my wife, hu my children and et back on my feet. *ailure is temporary, but what you learn from failin stays with you forever, and that is a ood thin . I have earned so much more income by applyin what I learned in my bi est failures, that I can9t ima ine what I would have done had I not had those experiences. Fnowin what :=T to do is e@ually, if not more important than knowin what to do. "hen I coach my clients one+on+one, we spend much of the first few sessions speakin about failure and removin fear and self+doubt. I have an entire coachin class ,ust on

fear. The reason I spend so much time on this one topic is because I have found once people let o of fear and stop lettin it paraly!e their thou hts and actions, they advance much more @uickly. >emember when you were a child and first sat on a swin . 4ou were holdin on for dear life as your parents pushed the swin . Then you would o a little hi her, and then hi her until you no lon er needed your parents help. The same principles apply with your dream. I9m here to push you on that swin until you understand you can do it on your own. I have many testimonials from champions who overcame fear and no lon er need that part of the coachin , there is no reater satisfaction than seein someone con@uer fear. The first step is seein failure for what it is ? a temporary setback ? similar to an exit ramp on the hi hway. 4ou may exit the &dream hi hway) for a brief period of time in order to re+fuel, but you et ri ht back on sooner than you thou ht and proceed toward your dream. 4ou have to understand that you can do anythin / I mean 6:4THI:G you want to do in this life. It is such a shame that so many people die with the music still in them, they never let their music out. 4ou can drive by any cemetery around the world and hear a symphony playin from all the people who died with the music still in them. 'on9t be like them, you are a champion. In my opinion, it is fear that kept the music inside these people. I9ve spoken to thousands of people around the lobe on the sub,ect of fear. I won9t o into much detail in this e book, but I ,ust want to tell you that you must fail to be successful. 4ou can9t have one without the other. How borin is life when you ,ust play it safe( Take a chance once in a while. 4ou don9t have to do anythin cra!y, ,ust step out on a limb, that9s where the best tastin fruit can be found. 6s Helen Feller saidB 6voidin dan er is no safer in the lon run than outri ht exposure. ;ife is either a darin adventure, or nothin . ;et9s talk about another common fear that may impede your pro ress towards reatness. Fear !" #eing $udged :one of us want to look silly in front of other people. Ideally, we want everyone to like us and sin our praises. If you9re oin to defend your dream and be that rare individual who is livin they life they love ? bein ,ud ed comes with the territory. Think of yourself as a salmon, the fish that swims upstream a ainst the current. 4ou are swimmin upstream a ainst a society of people who are more concerned with ,ust

makin it to the weekend. 4ou are tryin to make a difference and you can9t swim upstream and o unnoticed. In places like 6laska and Idaho, people come from miles around to watch salmon perform this awesome feat. That9s you champion< 1eople will travel from miles around to watch you as well, but you have to eliminate the fear of bein ,ud ed. 4ou can Goo le any successful person or business and find somethin ne ative. "ould you consider 5ill Gates a success( Michael 'ell( 'onald Trump( *or et any personal feelin s you may have towards these individuals, I9m speakin strictly about success. 'o you think if you Goo led any of them you may find somethin ne ative about them online( 6bsolutely. They don9t worry about what people say and neither should you. This next point I would like to address is my last for this e book. It is also the most critical component of defendin your dream and bein a champion. "hat I am about to say to you have to ima ine as if we are havin a conversation in your livin room. Ima ine I am lookin you in the eye and nobody else is in the room. It is that important. "e talked about eliminatin toxic people from your sphere of influence. "e talked about con@uerin fear, specifically the fear of bein ,ud ed. Those were the foundation for buildin the new you, the champion that lies within. This next point is one I elaborate more on my 3veryday Is Saturday C'. The C' will be released in the summer of #$$H and will chan e the personal development landscape. It is that powerful. It is so powerful mainly due to what I am about to tell you. 4ou have to et so emotional about your dream that it keeps you up at ni ht. 4our dream must wake you up in the mornin . 4our dream must occupy your thou hts throu hout the day. 6nd then this ? 4ou have to tie a heavy emotional bow around your dream. *or me it is my dau hters. The vision came to me in #$$% throu h my three year old dau hter. 6 sweet little irl whose only ob,ective in life was to et her father to spend more time with her. 6 irl who used to asked every evenin &Is tomorrow Saturday daddy() My dream be an with those four words she would ask me. I took it so seriously that anyone who lau hed at my dream was slappin my dau hter across the face.

It was that serious. "hen I say you have to be laser+focused on your dream, I am not sayin that as an option but as a mandate. The stakes are hi her than anythin else, we9re talkin about your life< Stop and close your eyes for a moment. "e9re still sittin in your livin room and you9re ettin emotional by the word pictures I am describin . Maybe you9re thinkin of all the lost days with your children you can9t et back and how you want to chan e ri ht now. 4ou want everyday to be Saturday for your family. Maybe you9re thinkin of the thin s you would like to do that you still haven9t done. Maybe there9s a family you would like to bless if only you had the financial resources to do so. =pen your eyes. "hat you must start seein is your dream every minute of every day. It is that crucial to your success. "hat emotions will stir inside you the next time someone makes fun of your dream( *or me it is my dau hter9s life. "hat is it for you( "hat person or event could you tie to your dream that is so important to you that if anyone lau hed it would drive you even more. 4ou must be steadfast in your convictions. If not, eventually someone will talk you out of what you are doin . Can you ima ine if I let anyone talk me out of my mission with 4ou would not have found my website and downloaded this e book. "e would not be connected for years to come. Multiply this one event times thousands of champions worldwide and you can see how powerful dream can be when it ains momentum. Most importantly, my dau hter would have become another corporate orphan. 6 irl whose father valued his pla@ues, awards and ribbons more than time with his family. It is you ri ht to be champion. 4ou have the ri ht to defend your dream 4ou have the ri ht to live the life you love 4ou are blessed to be a blessin 4ou are empowered to do reat thin s 4ou can be and do whatever you want I believe in you. 4=- 6>3 6 CH6M1I=:<

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