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License No : R-725 & Government of India Recognized IA!A "IA!A ""I#

$ea%ort office: 93/2, Linghi Chetty St,

Mannady, Chennai 6 Ph"ne# $ (a)# $ !

%%$%2 2!&'3

%%$%2 2!&'3

M"*# $ 9!$9%9' &'&29, 9!$99%! !+!29 E$,ai-#$ .a-.i/hi00inga//"1iate/2g,ai-31", 4e*/ite# $ 5553.a-.i/hi00ing35e*/31",

CONTACT PE6SON# A3C36A7I 8A89 MO8ILE#$ 9!$9%9' &'&29, 9!$99%! !+!29

8:an1he/# Chennai, M;,*ai, Manga-":e,Kand-a

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$



M// KALKI SHIPPING ASSOCIATES was established during the year 1 !" as a Pri#ate Li$ited %&n'ern" with the s&le intenti&n t& (lay an e))e'ti#e r&le as a %learing and F&rwarding Agent" and als& an E*(&rter t& ser#e the '&$$unity &) trade and '&$$er'e n&t &nly in the %ity &) %hennai but als& in the s&uthern states &) the '&untry+

,&t &nly t& $aintain the na$e &) the '&$(any" M-s .AL.I S/IPPI,0 ASSO%IATES " but als& t& ha#e and t& h&ld the <GOO=4ILL> &) b&th the '&$(any and its 'lients" the brain behind" the ,anaging =i:e1t":, M:3A3C36a?i8a*; had endea#&red his e#ery best t& ser#e the 'ause )&r whi'h the '&$(any was established+

The Managing 1ire't&r" M:3A3C36a?i*a*;" a P&st 0raduate" with an early e*(&sure in all the i$(&rt and e*(&rt a'ti#ities" has an in2de(th 3n&wledge and 4)l&&r e*(erien'e5 in 'learing and )&rwarding &) all '&$$&dities 6 b&th i$(&rt and e*(&rt 'arg&" )ully #ersatile t& the re7uired d&'u$entati&n" (r&'edures" rules and regulati&ns (re#alent" )r&$ ti$e t& ti$e" (er the E*i$ P&li'y+

8ith &#er 19 years &) result &riented l&gisti' e*(erien'e" the Managing 1ire't&r" had built in g&&d relati&nshi( with his 'lients and '&n'erned agen'ies" whi'h had '&$e 7uite handy t& $a3e a )ir$ )&&ting )&r the '&$(any" M-s .al3i Shi((ing Ass&'iates" and had $ade a dent in the 4$&st '&$(etiti#e5 (r&)essi&nal )ield &) 'learing and )&rwarding and L&gisti's+

8ith su'h a sin'ere ser#i'e and '&&(erati&n t& all the 'lients" the '&$(any" M// KALKI SHIPPING ASSOCIATES, had $ade an in2 r&ad" and has g&t the best 'lients" detailed in Anne*ure I+


A tea$ &) sin'ere dedi'ated and 4w&r3&li'5 $e$bers $anage the %&$(any" in additi&n t& the M1 being at hel$ &) the ad$inistrati&n and '&ndu't+ The 4.al3i Shi((ing Ass&'iates5 Me$bers are well edu'ated" (arti'ularly t& render and gi#e the best l&gisti' su((&rt t& the 'lients with&ut as3ing )&r+

The tea$ &) .SA Me$bers is s(e'ialists in their &wn &rder" #i::

E*(&rt and I$(&rt '&ns&lidati&n O#ersh&&ting &) $ar3eting targets Strategi' de#el&($ent &) new 'lients 1e'isi&n $a3ing t& suit the situati&ns - gr&und '&nditi&n %&&rdinate well with '&n'erned agen'ies 0i#e (ers&nal and indi#idual 'are t& dis'harge their res(&nsibilities 6 b&th assigned and assu$ed


The '&$(any e*tends the )&ll&wing e))e'ti#e and satis)a't&ry ser#i'es t& its #alued 'lients:

Sea (:eight#
Inb&und ; Outb&und ser#i'es

Regular sailing &n reliable liner #essels t& and )r&$ $a<&r Indian (&rts =>5" ?>5 and ?>5/' and all s(e'ial e7ui($ent shi($ents as F%L shi($ents+ Regular gr&u(age '&ntainer ser#i'es L%L shi($ents t& w&rldwide destinati&ns neg&tiable $ulti2$&dal bills &) lading+ we (r&#ide

Ai: (:eight#
Inb&und ; Outb&und ser#i'es Pri&rity air 'arg& ser#i'e &n reliable airlines Attra'ti#e '&ns&lidati&ns )&r &utb&und ; inb&und 'arg& %ust&$s 'learan'e ; Br&3erage #alid 'ust&$s li'ense+ E*(erien'ed sta)) $e$bers

6e-ated Se:?i1e/#
Pre %learan'e" %lients and all &ther agen'ies F%L ; L%L %lassi)i'ati&n %lassi)i'ati&n" I$(&rted %arg& %&&rdinate )&r &btaining a((li'able '&n'essi&nal duty bene)its Assist t& &btain 8areh&use Li'ense and renewal there&) %&$(lete )&r$alities t& register as an 1>>@ EOU Obtain IE% Registrati&n Obtain a((li'able S(e'ial ; 0eneral I$(&rt - E*(&rt Li'en'es %&$(leti&n &) P&st %learan'e re7uire$ents Obtain EP%0" 1EPB" 1FR%" 1EE% and &ther li'enses Obtain 1uty 1rawba'3 %&$(lete %entral E*'ise F&r$alities

%learing Un2a''&$(anied Baggage %learing &) %arg& &n Trans)er &) Residen'e Ad#ise %lients &n %BE% regulati&ns Analyses and ad#ise %lients &n EAIM P&li'y

="1;,entati"n @ In/;:an1e#
%&$(lete E*(&rt ; I$(&rt d&'u$entati&n Insuran'e ser#i'es )&r b&th inb&und and &utb&und 'arg&es

The '&$(any (resently handles all ty(es &) I$(&rt-E*(&rt 'arg&" #i::

P-ant and Ma1hine:y#

Industrial b&ilers T&&l 'utting $a'hines Printing $a'hines .nitting and sewing $a'hines /&siery2'l&th 'utting $a'hines Sh&e $a3ing $a'hines

Ind;/t:ia- Mate:ia-/#

Ir&n ing&ts

F&rge Furna'e &il Ir&n bl&&$s Ir&n - SS All&y and ,&n All&y %astings

Ag:", S0i1e @ P:"d;1t/#

Mil3 Pr&du'ts Ri'e Ragi )inger $illet %ereal and dhal #arieties 0r&undnuts %hilly %ashew nut Salt Pi'3le Pa((ad Pa'3ed )&&dstu)) Mang& (ul( Tur$eri' and (&wder Mustard and (&wder Ta$arind 3ernel (&wder Star'h Bb&th )&&d and industrialC Dell&w Mai:e


Fabri' Ready28are 0ar$ents TABLE%LOT/ Table$at Pla'e $at ,a(3in Tea t&wel /and t&wel .it'hen t&wel %ushi&n '&#er Pill&w '&#er Filled 'ushi&n A(r&n Terry t&wel Bed s(read %urtain 'l&th 8ind&w (anel 0l&#es P&th&lder Breadbas3et P&tat& bag Fl&&r '&#ering ; 1urries Laundry bag Runner


P&tassiu$ sili'ate S&diu$ sili'ate 1etergent $a3ing 'he$i'als %andle $a3ing (r&du'ts



/erbal (&wders

Leathe: P:"d;1t/#

Full sh&e B&&t" u((er Sh&e" u((er Flat" u((er Finished leather Lining leather 8allets Bags P&u'hes

/and w&#en $at


Pal$yra Fibre Adhesi#e ta(e PP sa'3s PP la$inated sa'3s 0ranite" r&ugh bl&'3 0ranite Tiles" P&lished 0ranite Slabs" P&lished Marble" 8h&le Marble" Slabs Slates and Slate Tiles M&nu$ental 0ranite Ele'tri'al de'&rati#e )ittings Fish net /andi'ra)t ite$s Aut&$&ti#e (arts /&useh&ld utensils %&s$eti' Ite$s Brass Ite$s @ T:an/0":tati"n#
Panel &) dedi'ated (a'3ers and Trans(&rt '&ntra't&rs


8e #alue y&ur &(ini&n greatly and belie#e &(en '&$$uni'ati&n and ti$ely res(&nsi#eness are the )&undati&ns &) g&&d 'ust&$er relati&ns+

CHENNAI SEAPO6T O((ICE# M// KALKI SHIPPING ASSOCIATE/ CCHA Li1en/e N" # 6$+2& @ G"?e:n,ent "D India 6e1"gniEedF
93/2, Linghi Chetty St, Mannady, Chennai 6 Ph"ne# $ (a)# $ !

%%$%2 2!&'3

%%$%2 2!&'3

M"*# $ 9!$9%9' &'&29, 9!$99%! !+!29

E,ai-# .a-.i/hi00inga//"1iate/2g,ai-31", 4e*/ite# 5553.a-.i/hi00ing35e*/31", PTC# A3C36a?i 8a*; / G9!$9%9' &'&29, 9!$99%! !+!29

86ANCHES# Chennai, M;,*ai, Manga-":e, Kand-a3

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