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Suspiiia is about a young Ameiican stuuent
(Suzy) gone to stuuy in ueiman at one of
the best ballet schools. Anu the film begins
with hei aiiiving at the aiipoit in ueimany.
The uaik setting of the film is set fiom the
beginning when Suzy is on hei way to the
boaiuing school. The sounu of the iain
echo's anu the biight ieu stieet lights
ieflect on hei face whilst in the taxi making
us feel a bit uncomfoitable; like something
is going to jump out; the beginning scene
cieates the sense that 'Fverytbinq is normol.
Fxcept notbinq is (Ciockei. 2u1u).

The uouble muiuei in the beginning makes
us think that theie going to be this gieat
amount of bloou thioughout the film
howevei the film has a change in pace.
Aftei the muiuei in the beginning the films
pace slows uown a little howevei theie's
something stiange about the people anu
the events taking place; like all this is
builuing up to something. Anu in the enu we iealize that it is.

A stiong chaiacteiistic within this film is the use of colouis. Nainly pinks anu
reJs. Sbootinq on bolJ, very foke-lookinq sets, be uses briqbt primory colors onJ
stork lines to creote o compy, surreol otmospbere, onJ bis JistorteJ comero onqles
onJ crozy liqbtinq (Naslin. 1997). Which help cieate this fieaky moou. The use
Figuie 1- Suspiiia Film Postei (1977)
Figuie 2- Suspiiia- Reu Balls- (Film Still - 1977)
of colouis to emphasize on moou anu this was also eviuent in the Black
Naicissus. Anothei thing that cieates this mysteiious moou is the way in which
the smallest noises echo. Foi example the sounu of iain anu watei, the teachei's
footsteps at night builu up towaius you anu occasionally pause anu then go off to
the uistance. In that paiticulai scene at night when Suzy has been seiveu hei
meal the colouis
begin to change
then to the ieus,
gieens anu
oianges. Cieating
this link with the
ieu wine. When
she uiinks it she
seems uiuggeu,
which makes us
think that is it
actually being
given wine oi is it something else. 0ne night Suzy ueciues to not uiink it anu spilt
in uown the sink it uiun't wash uown easily anu way veiy thick, almost like

ueneially the film is veiy bloouy anu the louu sounutiack builus to the suspense.
It somewhat expecteu that the teacheis have something to uo with the muiueis
anu uisappeaiances. Wheie the heau mistiess pietenus to caie anu 'though she
puts up a gieat show of gentility in public, she secietly shiieks things like "She
must uie, uie, uie!" (Naslin. 1997). The uance teachei on the othei hanu shows
hei chaiactei thioughout the film, by the way in which she staies etc.

Figuie S - Suzy spills the wine- Film still (1977)


Naslin. }anet (1997). Suspirio {1977) 'Suspirio,' o Speciolty Hovie, Brips Witb 6ore.
E668S8C669EBE (Accesseu on 1u122u1S)

Ciockei. }onathan (2u1u). Suspirio . At: http:www.totalfilm.comieviewsblu-
iaysuspiiia-2 (Accesseu on 1u122u1S)


Figuie 1. Suspiiia Film Postei. (1977). At:
http:www.eatsleeplivefilm.comcelebiating-aigento-suspiiia-2 (Accesseu on

Figuie 2. (1977). The Reu Ballway from Suspiiia. Biiecteu by Baiio Aigento,
(Film Still). Italy: At:
1977-ieview.html (Accesseu on 1u122u1S)

Figuie S. (1977). Suzy spills the wine fiom Suspiiia. Biiecteu by Baiio Aigento,
(Film Still). Italy: At:
of-iecent-poll-uaiio-aigento.html (Accesseu on 1u122u1S)

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