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RM Bridge V8i June 2012

RM Bridge Professional Engineering Software for Bridges of all Types

RM Bridge Procedure Guide

This document is an integral part of the program package RM Bridge. Duplication and dissemination is only allowed with explicit permission of Bentley Systems, Incorporated. 2012, Bentley Systems, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

Bentley Systems


RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Contents I

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Pier Support Definition with Modeler ......................................................................................... 1 Multiple Bearing/Spring Support Definition with Modeler......................................................... 2 Multiple Bearing Support for Twin Girders with Modeler .......................................................... 3 Bearing Support - Twin girders + Twin piers with Modeler .................................................... 4 Cross Section with variable depth Definition with Modeler..................................................... 7 Orthogonal Grillage Definition with Modeler ............................................................................. 8 Composite Structure Definition with Modeler........................................................................... 10 Tendon Definition & Calculation in RmBridge ......................................................................... 11 Creep & Shrinkage Calculation in RmBridge ............................................................................ 13 Load Management Definition in RmBridge ............................................................................... 15 Stage Definition & Calculation in RmBridge ............................................................................ 16 Fibre Stress Check Calculation in RmBridge............................................................................. 17 Nonlinear Temperature Gradient Calculation ............................................................................ 18 Defining a Live Load in RmBridge ............................................................................................ 20 Using ADDCON in a Simple Example...................................................................................... 22 Using ADDCON - Stay Cable Bridge example ......................................................................... 23 Response Spectrum Calculation in RmBridge ........................................................................... 25 Ultimate Moment Check in RmBridge....................................................................................... 26 Shear - Check Calculation (AASHTO/LRFD) .......................................................................... 28 Design of a Reinforced Concrete Beam ..................................................................................... 29

Bentley Systems


RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Pier Support Definition with Modeler 1

Pier Support Definition with Modeler

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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Multiple Bearing/Spring Support Definition with Modeler 2

Multiple Bearing/Spring Support Definition with Modeler

AXIS 1 Node 101

Y Z CP1 (Spring element 1101) Spring element 1100 (Node 1100) CP0

The element begin and element end of the eccentric springs are defined by the directions CP0 CP1 or vice versa and CP0 CP2 or vice versa N.B. CP1 is the position of the bearing element 1101 CP2 is the position of the bearing element 1102
CP2 (Spring element 1102)

Node 0

Presumption: Axis, Cross Section for girder plus Segment numbering and assignment and Part numbering and assignment already made

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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Multiple Bearing Support for Twin Girders with Modeler 3

Multiple Bearing Support for Twin Girders with Modeler

Part 1 101

Part 2 201

The element start and end for the eccentric springs are defined by the directions CP0 CP1 or vice versa and CP0 CP2 or vice versa N.B. CP1 is the position of the bearing element 1101 CP2 Is the position of the bearing element 1102

Y Z Node 1100 CP0 CP1 (Spring Element 1101) Spring Element 1100 Node 0 CP2(Spring Element 1102)

Supposition: Axis, Cross Section for girder plus Segment numbering and assignment and Part numbering and assignment already made

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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Bearing Support - Twin girders + Twin piers with Modeler 4

Bearing Support - Twin girders + Twin piers with Modeler

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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Bearing Support - Twin girders + Twin piers with Modeler 5

Choose the segment from the segment list (segment 2) Select the segment icon Insert the segments points for the Pier at segment 2 N.B. height 0 is at the top of the pier the other segment points have negative values say Pier 1 connection to ground is at height 10 and top is at height 0 in steps of 5 metres. Select the Edit icon and assign the pier cross section to the segment points. Choose Parts and then the Edit icon Enter the material type, and the start element number and node numbers Element No 1101 Repeat Start Node 1 End Node 2

Segment Points

Assign Pier cross section & Parts

Repeat the above procedure for all the piers located on the respective segments. Define the connection between the pier segment and the Main Girder segment 1. Select the Pier Segment for the connection definition. say segment 3 Choose Segment list and then the place on the segment list that the connection is to be made: Segment point 3 node 1103 for example for the bearing connection

Add Connection Points

Segment Connection




Select connection Choose Insert in the new input window Left frame Segment Point 3 Part 1 Check/modify the segment point and part to be connected. (Part 1 point 3) Select Spring between 2 nodes The connection to the node at the top of the pier is automatically assigned if the correct segment point is chosen Part 1 Point 3 in this example (see above). Right frame Segment Point 1 Part 2 Check/modify the segment point and part to be connected. Select the Connection Point pull-down-menu arrow and choose CP2 for segment 3 (CP1 for segment 2) Select the correct part part 2

Insert a new Connection

Spring between 2 nodes


Define the 1 Reference Point (Left frame) Define the 2nd Reference Point (Right frame
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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Bearing Support - Twin girders + Twin piers with Modeler 6

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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Cross Section with variable depth Definition with Modeler 7

Cross Section with variable depth Definition with Modeler

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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Orthogonal Grillage Definition with Modeler 8

Orthogonal Grillage Definition with Modeler

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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Orthogonal Grillage Definition with Modeler 9

Reference Set

Insert points of the type Connection

Define connection points

Enter Connection point in the CS, where the cross-member shall be connected to the main girder. Names of the points e.g. Sup1; Sup2 & Sup3

Give names to the points


Insert from 0 to 140 step 4


Assign cross-sections


Assign element numbers and material to the parts, starting from above in the list Creation of a cross-girder between 2 parts (longitudinal girders). Input of element numbers and specification of parts and connection points as wells as cross-sections and material of the cross-girder. The data of the defined cross-girder are stored as TCL file (2 Tcl-files in this example) Select the 1st Station, where a support shall be defined (Station 0) Select spring-0 Insert element 1101, select sup1 for connection point and Part1 for part. Insert required stiffness terms. Repeat for Part2 Sup2 El 1102 Repeat for Part3 Sup3 El 1103 Select next support point (e.g. Station 11) and repeat the above described steps. Note: Do not change the angel Alpha1 to 90 the program does it automatically! Select the option Recalculation in the Remodel menu. Select the option Create model in the Remodel menu. Note: The Modeler creates only structure data; loads and schedule data are defined directly in the RmBridge GUI.


Cross girder

Define supports

Insert New connection

Spring constants

Define a further support

Recalculation (Required!)



Bentley Systems

RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Composite Structure Definition with Modeler 10

Composite Structure Definition with Modeler

(Supposition: Bridge axis, Segment already defined) Input the cross- section geometry
Cross Section Insert a new Cross-Section in the Cross-Section list and open it. Input all the construction lines necessary for defining the complete cross section (all the beams) Define all the elements in the complete cross section (all the beams) Select the Parts pull-down-menu arrow and insert 2 additional parts (2+3). The node for the new part must be selected immediately after clicking the insert button. Click on Part3 and then COMPOSITE to define the Composite section: Choose Part 1 and Part 2 and confirm with OK Select the element part number in the cross section for modification the number will change to the number shown in the Part window. Element numbers must be the same as their Part numbers Insert segment points e.g. from 0 to 140 Step 4

Parallel Construction Line

Node Part 3 1 Node Part 2 Node Part 1 1 1


Create Parts



Assign elements to part(s)

Assign the Element Numbers



Assign cross sections to all the points Starting at the top of the list: Assign beam element numbers and material numbers to the parts automatically N.B. Elements numbers can be directly defined by selecting the parts radio button and then the edit icon.


Define Supports

Remodel Recalculation RmBridge

Select the option Recalculation in the Remodel menu. Select Select the the option option Create Create model model in in the Remodel menu. the Remodel menu.

Bentley Systems


RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Tendon Definition & Calculation in RmBridge 11

Tendon Definition & Calculation in RmBridge

Define the tendon profiles & assign to elements


Insert all the tendon constants (top) Assign the tendon(s) to the elements in the structure (bottom)


Define tendon geometry


Tendon Assign the tendon geometry control point relative to a node or an element number. N.B. For the profile to be viewed, it must either be a Standard Profile or have been made defined in GP2004


Define the prestressing load set & load case

Construction Schedule Load definition

Load Set

Insert a new load set called prestressing

Pre/Post tensioning Tendons Define the tendons to be stressed in this load set

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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Tendon Definition & Calculation in RmBridge 12


Load definition

Load case

Definition of a load case and assignment of the load sets

Definition of the Stress actions



Tendon actions

Definition of: -Multiplication factor for max. Tendon force (SIGMAX 8z.B. 1,05) Tendon Stress label (e.g. BA1) Definition of the wedge slip


Calculation of pre-stressing



Schedule Actions

Calculation actions Stress Definition of the tendons to be stressed Calculation of the pre-stressing load case Definition of the ducts to be grouted



Bentley Systems


RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Creep & Shrinkage Calculation in RmBridge 13

Creep & Shrinkage Calculation in RmBridge

Presumption: Bridge axis, girder cross-section & permanent loading cases already defined

Import the variables


Import the creep & shrinkage variables into the RmBridge-Project-Database (e.g. CEB78.rm or CEB90.rm..)

Reload Default Properties Variable Select the Variable checkbox and choose the group containing the relevant creep & shrinkage variables (e.g. CEB90).

Mark / Copy

Mark all variables and copy them to the RmBridge project database.

Select the additional material definitions


Material / Info

Select the Info button & then the time dependent functions for creep & shrinkage (see below) Click on the pull-down menu arrow s for the creep coefficient, the shrinkage coefficient & the E-Modulus and select C78sh, C90sh appropriate for each. N.B.: Sig-Zy, Conc and Z-Typ must be defined for all model codes except CEB78. Confirm with OK

PH(t) EPS(t) EMOD(t)



Define Time, Age, Temperature


Input the Age of the Concrete, the shrinkage time, the Relative Humidity and the Temperature for the elements using the MODIFY BUTTON, confirm with OK and close the window

Bentley Systems


RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Creep & Shrinkage Calculation in RmBridge 14

Loading Case


Load definition

Load case

Define a new blank loading case (e.g.: 601 for Creep & Shrinkage in construction stage 1), containing no load set . (it is not necessary to define a load set for creep & shrinkage)


Calculation Action
Schedule Actions

Select Stage

Select Action

Calculation Action

Select Calculation Action


Select CREEP Inp2: Number of Time Steps (e.g:.1) Out1: Loading case Number (e.g.: 601) Out2: List-File Delta-T (Day): length of Creeping Time since last creep calculation

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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Load Management Definition in RmBridge 15

10 Load Management Definition in RmBridge

Presumption: Structural System, Load Sets & Load Cases already defined

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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Stage Definition & Calculation in RmBridge 16

11 Stage Definition & Calculation in RmBridge

Presumption: Whole Structural System already defined

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Define the Load Cases


Load definition

Load Set

Load Case

Define the relevant Load sets for the construction stages (e.g.: 101 for Selfweight in the first CS, 102 Self-weight second CS etc..) and the relevant Loading cases (e.g.: 101 for Selfweight in the first CS, 102 Self-weight second CS etc..)


Define the Construction Stages


Insert all the Construction Stages (3 construction stages needed in this example stage 1 to 3) N.B. Construction stages can be used for things other than actual construction stages i.e. for a clearer calculation procedure (e.g. traffic calculation in a separate stage etc..) Activate the relevant elements and springs in each stage (e.g.: in Stage 1 all the elements that are constructed in stage 1 etc.) Add all the actions required in the different stages (e.g.: Calculation action of loading case 101 in Stage 1 etc..)


Schedule Actions

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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Fibre Stress Check Calculation in RmBridge 17

12 Fibre Stress Check Calculation in RmBridge

Presumption: Bridge axis & girder cross-section already defined

1. Modeler:
Specify the Stress Points


Select the Girder cross section and open it. Unlock the cross section if necessary. Insert a new reference point group of type stress Choose a point Insert symbol to specify the Stress Points (SPtop & SPbot say) Select the Reference Point Group pull -down menu arrow to change the type to Stress Point. Specify the position of the Stress points in the cross section at top and bottom respectively Select option recalculation in the Remodel pad Select the option create model establish the RmBridge calculation model to export the data to RM2004 Select Schedule/Stages Fibre stress results for both combination files and load cases can be plotted and/or printed to a file. Fibre Stress output listing FibLc and FibSup prepare an output listing of the fibre stress results and annotate overstressed results. Inp1: Load case or Combination File Inp2: Factor F1, F2 User Defined Stress limits (defined as a proportion of the limits defined in Properties\Material Out1: -blank Out2: name for printout Fibre File Stress Plot Select Results\PlSys to specify the fibre stress plots: Basic definition Select Results\PlSys\Macro\Load case plot, stresses or Superposition plot, stresses to get a basic Fibre Stress Plot The Plot file prepared by the Macro can be easily edited to display additional results refer Results in the User Guide. Select Recalc to get output listing Results can be plotted immediately after the relevant load case / sup file calculation.

Reference Point

Point Insert

Specify Stress Points Remodel Recalculation Remodel Create Model Construction Schedule / Stages

2. RmBridge:
Call for Fibre Stress calculation in the Schedule

Action FibLc or FibSup



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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Nonlinear Temperature Gradient Calculation 18

13 Nonlinear Temperature Gradient Calculation

Presumption: bridge axis & girder cross-section already defined

Temperature difference MINUS


Temperature difference PLUS T1 T2 C

T1 T2



Deck depth


1.0 or d-0.20

T4 T5 T4 T6 0.45d

T5 T7

Node 101




Specify the additional Temperature Points in the Modeler


Select the relevant cross section and open it Construction lines must be inserted in the cross section at each of the temperature change points T1 to T8 here (some variable depth construction lines are required here) Insert two new reference point groups with the name TEMP-MINUS and TEMP-PLUS ( type temperature

Additional Lines

Reference Point

Point Insert

Select the appropriate construction line intersection point to define the temperature points (T1-T6) in the cross-section, name the points appropriately and enter the specified temperature difference. N.B. The temperature points must be defined in consecutive order and must not be defined in a random order or the program will misinterpret the data.

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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Nonlinear Temperature Gradient Calculation 19

Create Table

If the deck has a variable depth, it is necessary to create an additional table defining the location of the temperature points that vary with the deck depth . - refer User Guide The revised Modeler data must be Recalculated and the respective RmBridge model created before completing the temperature input in RmBridge.


2. RmBridge INPUT:

Specify the additional input in RmBridge


Change to the RmBridge Schedule menu

Load Definition Load set Load definition Load case Stages Schedule actions

Prepare a blank Load set, note the set number and describe it as T-MAX Define a Load case containing the T-MAX load set

Calc. Action Temp-Var

Insert a calculation action TempVar: Inp1: Group-name (TEMP-MAX, named in the Modeler) Out1: Load-set number defined above for T-MAX Insert a calculation action CALC: Inp1: Load case number defined for T-MAX Repeat the above procedure for T-MIN.



The program prepares and stores the full load-set input data for T-MAX and TMIN from the above data Recalc Part 2

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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Defining a Live Load in RmBridge 20

14 Defining a Live Load in RmBridge

Input the Lanes
Schedule Enter a lane number

Load Definition Input the elements and the lane eccentricity i.e. input Lane 1 and Lane 2 with eccentricity (e=+/-1.5m) using MACRO2

Traffic Lanes

Input the Load Train


Load Definition

Load Trains

Define the loading simulating the load train . (Refer User guide) i.e. input the load train 1

Calculate Loading



Schedule actions

Envelope action Supinit

Initialise all the superposition files that will be used. i.e. live.sup, livele.sup, liveri.sup

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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Defining a Live Load in RmBridge 21

Calculation Action Infl

i.e. Define the influence lines for lanes 1 and 2

Inp1 Inp2 Out1 Out2


1 1

Calculation Action LiveL

Define loading input files & output files for the lane results: i.e.:

Envelope Action SupAnd

Combine the lanes with the appropriate combination code (Supadd, Supand, Supor)

Bentley Systems


RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Using ADDCON in a Simple Example 22

15 Using ADDCON in a Simple Example

Presumption: Whole Structural System already defined
LC1 :UDL=15kN/m Node 11 11
20 m 20 m

Node 1

Element 1200

Node 21

Unit settlement = 0.001m

Define the Load Cases for the Constraint Criteria

Construction Schedule Load Definition

The Structure: A 2 X 20 metres span continuous beam with a uniform loading of 15kN/m. The Problem: Find the amount of settlement required at Element 1200 such that the moments at node 11 due to the sum of LC1 (15kN/m) plus settlement load case is exactly 500kNm. The Solution: Apply a Unit Settlement Loading of 0.001m (LC2) and use AddCon to factor this unit settlement such that in combination with LC1 the required result is achieved.

Load Set

Load Case

Define the two load sets and the two load cases (e.g.: LC1 is a UDL of 10kN/m from Elem 1 to Elem 20 and LC2 is a Settlement of 0.001m at the beginning of element 1200.)


Define the Constraint Criteria


Choose AddCon and insert the Additional Constraint (Top table) Insert the load cases applicable to the Constraint criteria. (Bottom Table) Loading case 1 as FIXED LCFIX with the factor as 1.0 Loading Case 2 as VARIABLE LCVAR with the factor as VAR Insert the Constraint Criteria under Elements (Mz = 500kNm at node 11): Element 10 End DOF Mz Val-max = val-min = -500 Select stage to define the iterative calculation



Start the Iterative Calculation

Schedule Actions

Select Schedule Actions Insert Restart in the Action list of the Schedule


Bentley Systems


RM Bridge example Procedure Guide

Using ADDCON - Stay Cable Bridge 23

16 Using ADDCON - Stay Cable Bridge example

Presumption: Whole Structural System already defined
LC1 : UDL=105kN/m The Structure:

Cable El 2001 Cable El 2002 Node 1

5 8 20 m

A 2 X 20 m span continuous beam. Top of pylon 10 m above girder.

Cable El 2004 Cable El 2003 The Loading Uniform loading on the girder including self weight of 105kN/m. Unit Cable Stressing to 1000kN Unit Settlement at top of elements 100 and 300 of 0.1m The Problem: Find the appropriate cable stressing forces and support movements to ensure that the girder moments at the cable supports and the pylon from the combination of these loading cases with the uniform loading on the girder (LC1) is exactly -500kNm. A Solution: Stress cables 2002 and 2003 in one loading case Apply other Unit Loading Cases ( stressing cables 2001 & 2004 and settlement at 100 and 300) as separate loading cases. Use AddCon to factor the unit loading cases such that in combination with the uniform loading, the required result is achieved (-500 kNm in the 5 places) 5 Unit Load Cases 5 constraints (moments in 5 positions)

11 14 20 m 17

Node 21

Spring El. 100

Spring El. 300

Element 1200 Spring El 200

Define the Load Cases for the Constraint Criteria


Load Definition

Load Set

Load Case


Choose AddCon and insert the Additional Constraint (Top table) Insert the loading cases applicable to the Constraint criteria. (Bottom Table) Loading case 1 as FIXED LCFIX with the factor as 1.0 Load Cases 2 - 6 as VARIABLE LCVAR with the factor as VAR

Define the Constraint Criteria


To Stage

To Elements

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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Error! Use the Home tab to apply berschrift 1 to the text that you wan 24

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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Response Spectrum Calculation in RmBridge 25

17 Response Spectrum Calculation in RmBridge

Presumption: Structural System already defined
Specify the Response Spectrum
Properties Insert the Response Spectrum using both Formula and Table to define the values. N.B. The program expects OMEGA for the abscissa (horizontal ordinate) and must be told via Formula what is given in terms of OMEGA. The type of vertical ordinate is defined in the Schedule/Load Definition/Earthquake



Specify the Loading and Masses

Load Definition Specify the Earthquake masses and the mass of the structural System (e.g.: Self-weight) and sum it up to one loading case (e.g.:LC100)

Load Set

Load Case Enter the seismic loading input: Number of seismic event (e.g.: 1) Modal-File: (e.g.: eig1001.mod) Rule: (ABS, SRSS, DSC, or CQC) Duration: Seconds (e.g.: 10) Specify the Response Spectrum: Type of Resp.Spec. graph: d,v or a Load vector components defining the direction of the displacement, velocity or acceleration (e.g.: Vec-Vx = 1) Damping Factor: logarithmic decrement (e.g.: 0.05 = 5%) Insert the Calculation Action EIGEN: Inp1: Number of natural modes Inp2: Reference LC (e.g.: LC100) Out1: (e.g.: eig1001.mod) Out2: (e.g.: eigen.lst) Initialize all new *.sup files: Out1: (e.g.: seismic-x.sup) Insert the Calculation Action RESPS: Inp1: Number of Seismic Load (e.g.:1) Out1: (e.g.: seismic-x.sup)

Earthquake Load
(upper window)

Earthquake Load
(lower window)

Stages / Schedule Actions

Specify the Additional Actions

Calculation Action Eigen

Envelope Action SupInit Calculation Action RespS Recalc

Bentley Systems


RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Ultimate Moment Check in RmBridge 26

18 Ultimate Moment Check in RmBridge

Presumption: Bridge axis & girder cross-section already defined

Specify additional reinforcement


Select the relevant cross section and open it. Unlock the cross section if necessary. Insert new reference point group(s) to identify the additional reinforcement i.e REINFtop & REINFbot etc Choose a point Insert symbol to specify the reinforcement positions Specify position of additional reinforcement in cross section (top, bottom, left, right) reinforcement area is allocated in RmBridge Select Recalculation before creating RmBridge model. Select Create Model to create the RmBridge calculation model.

Reference Point

Point Insert

Specify Reinforcement Remodel Recalculation Remodel Create Model

Specify the material Stress/Strain curves

Properties Material Prestr.steel Select Prestressing Steel


Select Info

Ultimate load check EPS1-8

Select the ultimate load check pulldown menu arrow Select the EPS1-8 pull-down menu arrow Input the Stress/Strain values for the material N.B. n-1n and n-1n Repeat the above input procedure for defining the material properties for the concrete and the reinforcement

EPS1-8 SIG1-8 Repeat

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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Ultimate Moment Check in RmBridge 27

Insert the Group Reinforcement Area(s)

Structure/ Elements/Checks

Select Structure/Elements/Checks to define the area of reinforcement to be allocated to the reinforcement Group(s) Note: If one group name was used (in the Modeler) for several separate points or polygons, the defined area will be equally divided between these points or polygonal lines


Select Edit to modify the reinforcement area for the elements for the relevant reinforcement groups

Insert UltLc or UltSup action in the Schedule

Schedule/Stages/ Schedule Actions

Select Schedule\Stages\Schedule Actions to call for the Ultimate Moment check to be made. Select Insert and go to the place in the Construction Schedule where the Ultimate Moment Check is to be made Select Envelope Action Select SupInit to initialize a new superposition file for the results from the Ultimate Moment of Resistance calculations (say UltMz1.sup)


Envelope Action


Calculation action

Select Calculation Action

UltLc or UltSup

Select UltLc or UltSup to call for the ultimate moment calculation. Inp1: i.e.Comb1.sup (The combination file containing the applied ultimate loading) Inp2: UltMz (type of ultimate check) Out1: UltMz1.sup (Output file data, available for further operations).

Bentley Systems


RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Shear - Check Calculation (AASHTO/LRFD) 28

19 Shear - Check Calculation (AASHTO/LRFD)

Presumption: Bridge axis & girder cross-section already defined

Specify the Perimeter and the Borderlines


Search area for web-width Perimeter

Select the Girder cross section and open it. Unlock the cross section if necessary. Insert a new reference point group to identify the Perimeter und the Borderlines (say SHEAR) Choose a point Insert symbol to specify the Perimeter and the Borderlines. To define the Perimeter in the cross section you have to choose Perimeter Point and to define the web you need Borderline Start and Borderline End. Select recalculation before creating the RmBridge calculation model Select create model for creating the RmBridge calculation model

Reference Point

Point Insert


Specify Perimeter and Borderline

Remodel Recalculation Remodel Create model Schedule / Stages

Select Construction Schedule/Stage Fibre Stress output listing Inp1: Loading case or Combination File and if Prestressing is used the Loading case with the total Primary state (*.sup, 500). Inp2: Additional Group1, add Grp2 Used Groups to calculate the shear check Out1: -Name of the superposition file where the min/max results will be stored (*.sup). Out2: File name for list file (*.lst). Select Recalc. Output List The Output List shows us the necessary Parameters for the shear check and the required reinforcement. Av..vertical reinforcement (Q, Mx, Q + Mx) Al..longitudinal reinforcement (Q, Mx, Q + Mx).

Call for ShearLc or ShearSup in the Schedule

Check Action ShearLc or ShearSup


Open List

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RM Bridge Procedure Guide

Design of a Reinforced Concrete Beam 29

20 Design of a Reinforced Concrete Beam

Presumption: Bridge axis & girder cross-section already defined

Specify the reinforcement

Cross-section Reference Point Point Insert


Select the Girder cross section and open it. Unlock the cross section if necessary. Insert new reference point groups to identify the reinforcement Rei_top, Rei_below,..etc. (you need groups as far as necessary for a CS). To define the reinforcement in the CS you have to choose Point, Line To or Curve To. Select Recalculation before RmBridge calculation model creating

Remodel Create model

Select Create model to create the RmBridge calculation model Select Elements / Checks Define reinforcement in Structure/Elements (Fix or Var (variable)). A1 is always Fix and the user can use it for the min. reinforcement. A2 is the required reinforcement with is calculated by the program (Var!). Select Schedule / Stages With ReinIni it is possible to initialize the reinforcement store A2 (empty).

Call in the Schedule for the UltLc or UltSup action with option Rein

Structure / Elements/Checks

Schedule / Stages

Check Action UltLc or UltSup

Input for the dimensioning Inp1: Load case or Combination File (e.g.: *.sup or lc1000) Inp2: blank Out1: blank Out2: File name for the List file (*.lst).


Select Recalc

Open list and create plot

Output List and Plot The Output List shows us the required reinforcement (A1 and A2). It is possible to create a ASCII Plotfile witch shows as the reinforcement on a plot.

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