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International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering

2013; 2(3): 121-127 Published online July 20, 2013 (http://www.sciencepublishin !"/#/i#epe) doi: 10.11$%&/#.i#epe.20130203.1$

Protective relaying scheme of distributed generation connected radial distribution system

Murali Matcha, Sharath Kumar Papani, Vijetha Killamsetti
'ep(!t"ent o) *lect!ic(l *n inee!in , +(tion(l ,nstitute o) -echnolo y .(!(n (l, /ndh!( P!(desh, ,+',/ - 00$00%

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2u!(li 2(tch(, 3h(!(th 4u"(! P(p(ni, 5i#eth( 4ill("setti. P!otecti6e 7el(yin 3che"e o) 'ist!ibuted 8ene!(tion 9onnected 7(di(l 'ist!ibution 3yste". International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering. 5ol. 2, +o. 3, 2013, pp. 121-127. doi: 10.11$%&/#.i#epe.20130203.1$

Abstract: -his p(pe! discusses so"e (spects !el(ted to the connection o) dist!ibuted ene!(to!s to !(di(l dist!ibution syste"s, especi(lly thei! i"p(ct on the p!otection coo!din(tion. Penet!(tion o) ( '8 into (n e:istin dist!ibution syste" h(s "(ny i"p(cts on the syste", with the powe! syste" p!otection bein one o) the "(#o! issues. -he !el(ys in the powe! syste" h(6e to be coo!din(ted so (s to (6oid "(l-ope!(tion (nd unnecess(!y out( e o) he(lthy p(!t o) the syste". ,n this p(pe!, ;6e!cu!!ent !el(y coo!din(tion o) si"ple !(di(l indust!i(l powe! pl(nt is p!esented usin +*P</+ 3o)tw(!e. ,t p!esents the sho!t ci!cuit (n(lysis o) !(di(l indust!i(l powe! pl(nt. -his p(pe! shows the st(! 6iew o) !el(ys which is uni=ue )e(tu!e o) +*P</+ )o! coo!din(tin the" co!!ectly b(sed upon !eco!ded d(t( o) indust!i(l dist!ibution pl(nt )o! c(lcul(tin sho!t ci!cuit cu!!ents in indust!i(l powe! syste". 7esults obt(ined (!e 6e!i)ied by "(nu(l c(lcul(tion. Keywords: 'ist!ibuted 8ene!(to!, P!otection 9oo!din(tion, 'ist!ibution 3yste", ;6e!cu!!ent 7el(y

1 !ntroduction
/s the ye(!ly elect!ic ene! y de"(nd !ows, the!e is ( si ni)ic(nt inc!e(se in the penet!(tion o) dist!ibuted ene!(tion ('8) to )ul)il this inc!e(se in de"(nd. ,nte!connectin '8 to (n e:istin dist!ibution syste" p!o6ides 6(!ious bene)its to se6e!(l entities such (s the owne!, utility (nd the )in(l use!. >ence so"e o) the ene! y de"(nd is supplied by the cent!(li?ed ene!(tion (nd (nothe! p(!t is p!oduced by distributed generation. -he elect!icity is oin to be p!oduced close! to the custo"e!s. <(! e sc(le inte !(tion o) dist!ibuted ene!(to!s (t eithe! <5 o! 25 is (t the p!esent the t!end )ollowed in powe! syste"s to co6e! the supply o) so"e lo(ds. -hese ene!(to!s (!e o) conside!(ble s"(lle! si?e th(n the t!(dition(l ene!(to!s (the!"(l, nucle(!, etc@). /n o6e!6iew o) so"e co""on bene)its (nd d!(wb(cAs B1C o) the '8 (!e p!esented below. 1.1. Benefits 9onnection o) '8 is intended to inc!e(se the !eli(bility o) powe! supply p!o6ided to the custo"e!s, usin loc(l sou!ces, (nd i) possible, !educe the losses o) the t!(ns"ission (nd

dist!ibution syste"s. -he connection o) '8 to the powe! syste" could i"p!o6e the 6olt( e p!o)ile, powe! =u(lity (nd suppo!t 6olt( e st(bility. -he!e)o!e, the syste" c(n withst(nd hi he! lo(din situ(tions. -he inst(ll(tion o) '8 t(Aes less ti"e (nd p(yb(cA pe!iod. 2(ny count!ies (!e subsidi?in the de6elop"ent o) !enew(ble ene! y p!o#ects th!ou h ( po!t)olio obli (tion (nd !een powe! ce!ti)ic(tes. -his incenti6es in6est"ent in s"(ll ene!(tion pl(nts. 3o"e '8 technolo ies h(6e low pollution (nd ood o6e!(ll e))iciencies liAe co"bined he(t (nd powe! (9>P) (nd "ic!o-tu!bines. Desides, !enew(ble ene! y b(sed '8 liAe photo6olt(ic (nd wind tu!bines cont!ibute to the !eduction o) !eenhouse (ses.

1.2. Drawbacks 2(ny '8 (!e connected to the !id 6i( powe! con6e!te!s, which in#ects h(!"onics into the syste". -he connection o) '8 "i ht c(use o6e! 6olt( e, )luctu(tion (nd unb(l(nce o) the syste" 6olt( e i) coo!din(tion with the utility supply is not p!ope!ly (chie6ed.


2u!(li 2(tch( et al.: P!otecti6e 7el(yin 3che"e o) 'ist!ibuted 8ene!(tion 9onnected 7(di(l 'ist!ibution 3yste"

'ependin on the netwo!A con)i u!(tion, the penet!(tion le6el (nd the n(tu!e o) the '8 technolo y, the powe! in#ection o) '8 "(y inc!e(se the powe! losses in the dist!ibution syste". 3ho!t ci!cuit le6els (!e ch(n ed when ( '8 is connected to the netwo!A. -he!e)o!e, !el(y settin s should be ch(n ed (nd i) the!e is ( disconnection o) '8, !el(y should be ch(n ed b(cA to its p!e6ious st(te.

" Problem Statement

+ow(d(ys, the powe! elect!icity de"(nd is !owin )(st (nd one o) the "(in t(sAs )o! powe! en inee!s is to ene!(te elect!icity )!o" !enew(ble ene! y sou!ces to o6e!co"e this inc!e(se in the ene! y consu"ption (nd (t the s("e ti"e !educe en6i!on"ent(l i"p(ct o) powe! ene!(tion. -he use o) !enew(ble sou!ces o) ene! y h(s !e(ched !e(te! i"po!t(nce (s it p!o"otes sust(in(ble li6in (nd with so"e e:ceptions (bio"(ss co"bustion) does not cont("in(nt. 7enew(ble sou!ces c(n be used in eithe! s"(ll-sc(le (pplic(tions (w(y )!o" the l(! e si?ed ene!(tion pl(nts o! in l(! e-sc(le (pplic(tions in loc(tions whe!e the !esou!ce is (bund(nt (nd l(! e con6e!sion syste"s (!e used B2C. +e6e!theless, p!oble"s (!ise when the new ene!(tion is inte !(ted with the powe! dist!ibution netwo!A, (s the t!(dition(l dist!ibution syste"s h(6e been desi ned to ope!(te !(di(lly, without conside!in the inte !(tion o) this new ene!(tion in the )utu!e. ,n !(di(l syste"s, the powe! )lows )!o" uppe! te!"in(l 6olt( e le6els down to custo"e!s situ(ted (lon the !(di(l )eede!s B1C. -he!e)o!e, o6e!-cu!!ent p!otection in !(di(l syste"s is =uite st!(i ht)o!w(!d (s the )(ult cu!!ent c(n only )low in one di!ection. .ith the inc!e(se o) penet!(tion o) '8, dist!ibution netwo!As (!e beco"in si"il(! to t!(ns"ission netwo!As whe!e ene!(tion (nd lo(d nodes (!e "i:ed (E"eshF syste") (nd "o!e co"ple: p!otection desi n is needed. ,n this new con)i u!(tion, desi n conside!(tions !e (!din the nu"be!, si?e loc(tion (nd technolo y o) the '8 connected "ust be t(Aen into (ccount (s the sho!t ci!cuit le6els (!e ())ected (nd "iss coo!din(tion p!oble"s with p!otection de6ices "(y (!ise B3C,B%C. -his !ese(!ch (dd!esses so"e o) the issues encounte!ed when desi nin the o6e!-cu!!ent p!otection coo!din(tion between p!otection de6ices, in c(se th(t ( nu"be! o) '8 sou!ces (!e connected to ( !(di(l syste". 2.1. Fault Analysis -he )(ult cont!ibution )!o" ( sin le s"(ll '8 unit is not l(! e, howe6e!, the ( !e (ted cont!ibutions )!o" "(ny s"(ll units, o! ( )ew l(! e units, c(n si ni)ic(ntly (lte! the sho!t ci!cuit le6els (nd c(use )use-!el(y o! )use-)use "iscoo!din(tion. -his could ())ect the !eli(bility (nd s()ety o) the dist!ibution syste". ,n this conte:t, it "(y be necess(!y to "(Ae (d#ust"ents in the p!otection sche"es, ch(n in !el(y settin s o! !epl(cin o! (ddin new !el(ys (nd othe!

p!otection de6ices, in o!de! to u(!(ntee the inte !ity (nd !eli(bility o) the syste". ,t is (lso i"pe!ious to 6e!i)y how h(!")ul the new )(ult cu!!ents c(n be (nd i) they )low tow(!ds the subst(tion. -he cont!ibution o) the ene!(to!s )o! the )(ult cu!!ents is "o!e si ni)ic(nt in u!b(n syste" with low i"ped(nce ci!cuits, th(n in !u!(l syste"s, whe!e the )(ult le6els (!e typic(lly s"(lle!, (nd this cont!ibution does not usu(lly c(use p!oble"s. 'ue to the ele6(tion o) the )(ult le6els, the c(p(city o) inte!!uption o) switchin e=uip"ent should be 6e!i)ied )o! th(t new ope!(tion point, to u(!(ntee thei! suit(ble ope!(tion when de"(nded. ,n c(se the !epl(ce"ent o) ci!cuit b!e(Ae!s o! switches is necess(!y, the (n(lysis o) the sho!t ci!cuit le6el is essenti(l )o! speci)yin the". -hey concluded th(t the c!itic(l cle(!in ti"e (99-) when ( distu!b(nce occu!s in ( syste" with e"bedded ene!(tion is "uch s"(lle! th(n the cle(!in ti"e in the (bsence o) e"bedded ene!(tion. ,) ( )(ult l(sts lon e! th(n the 99- in ( syste" with ( synch!onous ene!(to!, it would lose its synch!onis" with the netwo!A. ,n c(se o) (n induction ene!(to!, it would d!(w hi h in!ush cu!!ents )!o" the netwo!A until the o6e! speed o! othe! p!otection inte!!upted the )(ult.

# Protection $oordination %undamental

7(di(l dist!ibution syste"s, usu(lly e"ploy nondi!ection(l o6e!-cu!!ent !el(ys (in6e!se o! de)inite ti"e), !eclose! (nd switch )uses in thei! p!otection syste"s. /s these de6ices do not conside! the )low di!ection, they "(y )(il in c(ses when dist!ibuted ene!(to!s cont!ibute to the )(ult. / )o!" o) e6(lu(tin the p!otection coo!din(tion is th!ou h the (n(lysis o) the ti"e 6s cu!!ent cu!6es o) the de6ices in6ol6ed in the p(!t o) the netwo!A whe!e the )(ult occu!!ed. -he p!i"(!y p!otection is the one closest to the )(ult point (nd b(cAup p!otection is the ne:t between the )(ult (nd the sou!ce (subst(tion o! dist!ibuted ene!(to!). D(cAup p!otection should inte!!upt the )(ult only in c(ses when the p!i"(!y )(ils to ope!(te. ,t is i"po!t(nt to !e"e"be! th(t the utility ob#ecti6e is to "(int(in the lo(d supply (s lon (s possible, but the independent ene!(to! (i"s to p!otect its e=uip"ent )!o" d("( e c(used by the e:te!n(l syste", so they "ust !e(ch (n ( !ee"ent in =uestions !el(ted to low )!e=uency/lo(d cu!t(il"ent situ(tions o! !eclosin ope!(tions. -he si"ul(to! desc!ibed in the section ,,, "(Aes the si"ul(tion o) se6e!(l )(ult conditions (nd the 6e!i)ic(tion o) the coo!din(tion ("on o6e!cu!!ent !el(ys (nd/o! )uses e(sie! B7C, B&C. -o ope!(te ( powe! syste" (pp!op!i(tely, the syste" should h(6e ( well-desi ned (nd p!(ctic(lly coo!din(ted p!otection syste". -he p!otection !e=ui!e"ents o) ( powe! syste" "ust t(Ae into (ccount the )ollowin b(sic p!inciples: 7eli(bility: the (bility o) the p!otection to ope!(te co!!ectly. 3peed: "ini"u" ope!(tin ti"e to cle(! ( )(ult to

,nte!n(tion(l Jou!n(l o) *ne! y (nd Powe! *n inee!in 2013; 2(3): 121-127 127


(6oid d("( e to e=uip"ent. 3electi6ity: "(int(inin continuity o) supply by disconnectin the "ini"u" section to isol(te the )(ult. 9ost: "(:i"u" p!otection (t the lowest possible cost. Dec(use dist!ibution syste"s (!e typic(lly desi ned in ( !(di(l con)i u!(tion (nd with only one sou!ce, they h(6e ( 6e!y si"ple p!otection syste", which is usu(lly i"ple"ented usin )uses, !eclose!s (nd o6e!cu!!ent o6e! !el(ys. ,n ( dist!ibution )eede!, )uses "ust ust be coo!din(ted with the !eclose! inst(lled (t the be innin o! "iddle o) the )eede!. -he coo!din(tion "e(ns th(t ( )use "ust ope!(te only i) ( pe!"(nent )(ult ())ects the )eede! ()use s(6in sche"e). Go! ( te"po!(!y )(ult, howe6e!, the !eclose! "ust !(pidly !( open to isol(te the )eede! (nd to i6e the )(ult ( ch(nce to sel)sel) cle(!. ,) the )use )(ils to ope!(te )o! ( pe!"(nent )(ult, the !eclose! will (ct (s ( b(cAup by ope!(tin in its slow "ode. -he )eede! !el(y will then ope!(te i) both the !eclose! (nd the )use )(il. -o coo!din(te (n o6e!-cu!!ent cu!!ent !el(y, (s soon (s ( )(ult t(Aes pl(ce, it is sensed by both p!i"(!y (nd b(cAup p!otection. -he p!i"(!y !el(y is the )i!st to ope!(te, (s its ope!(tin ti"e is less th(n th(t o) the b(cAup !el(y. ,n o!de! to 6e!i)y i)y the coo!din(tion o) ( p!otection syste", the pe!)o!"(nce o) (ll p!otection de6ices in the )(ult cu!!ent p(th between the sou!ces (nd the )(ult point should be 6e!i)ied. -hese sou!ces (!e the subst(tion (nd the

dist!ibuted ene!(to!(s). -he "(in (spect o) the p!otection coo!din(tion is th(t the p!i"(!y de6ice, close! to the )(ult point, should (ct be)o!e the b(cAup de6ice. ,t should be pointed out th(t, ()te! the inse!tion o) dist!ibuted ene!(tion, the )(ults (!e not inte!!upted by only openin ( switchin switch de6ice (t the subst(tion side (ny"o!e, it is (lso necess(!y to eli"in(te the )eedin )!o" the independent p!oduce!. .hen the )(ult cu!!ents )lowin in the chosen p!otection de6ices (!e di))e!ent, the cu!!ent sc(le p!esented in the coo!din(tion ch(!t is 6(lid )o! the b(cAup de6ice, (nd its cu!6e is plotted di!ectly )!o" the t(bles o) the +*P</+ d(t(b(se. ,n this c(se the cu!6e o) the p!i"(!y p!otection !el(y o! )use is (d#usted (cco!din to ( )(cto! th(t !e)lects the !(tio between the ci!cul(tin cu!!ents s th!ou h the two de6ices.

& 'elay Protection $oordination o( 'adial Systems

Gi . 1 shows ( si"ple !(di(l dist!ibution syste" , whe!e -7/+3 3H3 is the t!(ns"ission syste", 87,' I27 is the t!(ns)o!"e!, /, D, 9 (nd ' (!e the buses o) the syste", thei! co!!espondent !!espondent lo(ds (!e lo(d1, lo(d2, lo(d3 (nd lo(d%, !especti6ely, <-/D, <-D9, D9, <-9' < (!e the lines between co!!espondin buses (nd 7-1, 1, 7-2 7 (nd 7-3 (!e the o6e!cu!!ent !el(ys. .hen ( )(ult occu!s in the netwo!A o6e!o6e! cu!!ent p!otection t(Aes pl(ce.

Figure 1. 1 Distribution system with out distribution generation

-he !el(ys ch(!(cte!istic (!e b(sed on ,*9 200-3 200 st(nd(!d (ne(!ly in6e!se), which is e:p!essed by the e=u(tion (1) B0C
ti = 0.1%TD I fi I pickup i


.he!e: -' J ti"e di(l settin o) !el(y i. ,t is desi ned t(Ain into (ccount th(t the upst!e(" !el(y p!o6ides ( b(cAup )unction to the downst!e(" !el(y. ,)i J )(ult cu!!ent seen by !el(y i. ,picAupi cAupi J picA up cu!!ent o) !el(y i.


2u!(li 2(tch( et al.: P!otecti6e 7el(yin 3che"e o) 'ist!ibuted 8ene!(tion 9onnected 7(di(l 'ist!ibution 3yste"

shows ( selecti6ity 6ity di( !(" o) !el(ys ! )o! ( down-st!e(" )(ult.

) 'elay Protection $oordination with *istributed +eneration

-he coo!din(tion o) the !el(ys is ch(n ed with the p!esence o) '8 dependin on nu"be!, c(p(city (nd loc(tion o) these units. ,n this section the )ollowin ) c(ses (!e conside!ed B0C. -he type o) '8 used in the si"ul(tions is wind tu!bines, which (!e "odelled (s induction ene!(to!s, usin st(nd(!d "odels (6(il(ble in the +epl(n lib!(!y. 5.1. Single DG interconnected case
Figure 2. Selectivity diagram of !without D" case# elays when fault applied to bus$D bus

,n the netwo!A shown in Gi . 1, !el(y 2 (lso (ct (s the b(cAup o) !el(y 1, (nd !el(y 3 (lso (ct (s the b(cAup o) !el(y 2. -he "ini"u" di))e!ence between the ope!(tion ti"es o) p!i"(!y/ b(cAup p!otection is c(lled coo!din(tion ti"e inte!6(l (9-,). -he 9-, depends on ( nu"be! o) )(cto!s such (s the ci!cuit b!e(Ae! ope!(tion ti"e, del(y (nd !etu!n ti"e o) the "e(su!in ele"ent, etc. -he -' settin s (!e set in such ( w(y th(t the )(!thest !el(y (!el(y 1) h(s the lowest -'. /s )o! !el(y 2, i) ( )(ult h(ppen in line 9', its ope!(tion ti"e should be l(! e! th(n th(t o) !el(y 1 (t le(st by the 9-,. Go! !el(y 3 the s("e philosophy philos is )ollowed. .hen ( 3-ph(se )(ult occu!s (t bus-', ', 7-1 7 will sense the "(:i"u" )(ult cu!!ent )ollowed by 7-2 7 (nd 7-3, when )(ult occu!s (t bus-9 7-2 2 will sense )ollowed by 7-3 7 (nd when )(ult occu!s (t bus-D then 7-3 3 will ope!(te. Gi . 2

Gi . 3 shows (, '81 is connected connect to bus D. ,) ( downst!e(" )(ult occu!s, )o! inst(nce in bus-', bus !el(y 1, 2 (nd 3 will sense the downst!e(" )(ult cu!!ent, which it is !e(te! th(n without '8 due to the cu!!ent cont!ibution )!o" the '81. -hen, !el(y 1 will cle(! the )(ult (nd the sensiti6ity 6ity will be enh(nced bec(use o) the !e(te! )(ult cu!!ent. ;n the othe! h(nd, i) ( )(ult cu!!ent is hi he! th(n pe!"issible cu!!ent li"it, coo!din(tion between !el(ys 1 (nd 2 "(y not hold B0C. ,) )(ult cu!!ent is hi he! th(n pe!"issible cu!!ent li"it, di))e!ence di) between the ope!(tin ti"es o) "(in (nd b(cAup !el(y p!otection will be lowe! th(n the 9-, (nd coo!din(tion "(y not hold B$C. Gi . % shows the selecti6ity di( !(" o) the !el(ys when )(ult is (pplied to bus-'.

Figure 3. Single D" connected to %&S$%

,) ( 3-ph(se )(ult occu!s in bus-9, 9, !el(y 7-2 7 will sense the )(ult cu!!ent )ollowed by 7-3 3 (nd i) ( )(ult occu!s in bus-D then !el(y 7-3 3 will (lone cle(! the "(:i"u" )(ult cu!!ent. -he line ne d(t( )o! the (bo6e test syste" is i6en in /ppendi: -(ble ,,. -he type o) '8 used in the si"ul(tions is wind tu!bines, which (!e "odelled (s induction ene!(to!s, usin st(nd(!d "odels (6(il(ble in the +epl(n lib!(!y. ,nduction ene!(to!s (!e connected connect to thei! !especti6e buses th!ou h t!(ns)o!"e!s (.-8I"!). 2o!eo6e!, the dist!ibution syste" is connected to the t!(ns"ission netwo!A th!ou h (nothe! t!(ns)o!"e! (8!idI"!). -hei! d(t( is i6en in /ppendi: -(ble 5 (nd the

t!(ns"ission syste" d(t( is p!esented p!esen in -(ble ,,,. -he lo(d 6(lues (!e collected in /ppendi: -(ble ,5. 5.2. Two DG case Gi . 0 shows, '81 (nd '82 (s("e ch(!(cte!istics (s '81) connected (t bus D (nd bus 9, !especti6ely. Go! ( downst!e(" )(ult )!o" '82 the coo!din(tion o) !el(ys is the s("e e (s in the p!e6ious c(se (nd selecti6ity between the" will hold i) the )(ult is lowe! th(n the pe!"issible cu!!ent li"it. Go! ( )(ult in bus-9, bus !el(y 2 ope!(tes be)o!e !el(y 3 (nd )o! ( )(ult in line bus-D bus !el(y 3 should t!ip while the lo(ds, '81 (nd '82 will )o!" (n isl(nd. -he

,nte!n(tion(l Jou!n(l o) *ne! y (nd Powe! *n inee!in 2013; 2(3): 121-127 127


p!ope! coo!din(tion o) the !el(ys depends on the ("ount o) )(ult cu!!ent, which is inc!e(sed when '8 is connected to the syste" (nd should not e:ceed the p!edete!"ined cu!!ent set !(n e o) the !el(ys, i) not, coo!din(tion "(y be lost. lo ,t c(n be s(id th(t with ( downst!e(" )(ult o) '8, selecti6ity (nd coo!din(tion holds (nd sensiti6ity is i"p!o6ed (s lon (s the )(ult cu!!ent does not e:ceed the pe!"issible li"its. .hilst )o! (n upst!e(" )(ult the coo!din(tion is p!ob(ble lost B$C. -he sho!t ci!cuit cu!!ent )o! ( th!ee ph(se )(ult in bus-' bus when '8-1 (nd '8-2 2 (!e connected to bus D (nd bus 9 (nd when they (!e not is shown. /s in the two p!e6ious c(ses not (pp!eci(ble di))e!ence between the sho!t ci!cuit cu!!ent with (nd without '8 is noticed. >owe6e!, ( sli ht dec!e(se in the sho!t ci!cuit cu!!ent when '8 it is connected. -his is ( cont!(dicto!y to the situ(tion e:pe!ienced be)o!e. -he dec!e(se in the sho!t ci!cuit cu!!ent le6el when '8 is connected to the syste" is c(used by (n inc!e(se se on the i"ped(nce seen by the )(ult. De)o!e the '8 is connected, the !(di(l syste" h(s less i"ped(nce (nd the!e)o!e the cu!!ent seen by the )(ult is hi he!. ;n the othe! h(nd, the connection o) '8 inc!e(ses the i"ped(nce

o) the whole syste" in ( p!opo!tion p!opo!ti de)ined by the i"ped(nce p!o6ided by the '8 technolo y, which in this c(se (!e wind tu!bines.

Figure !. Selectivity Diagram of !with single D" case#

elays when fault applied to %us$D %us

Figure 5. Two D" 'onnected to adial System

5.3. T ree DG connected case Gi . $ shows th(t '81, '82 (nd '83 (!e connected in the syste" (nd the!e is ( 3-ph(se ph(se )(ult in bus-' bus (o! )u!the! downst!e("), 73 will sense the "(:i"u" )(ult cu!!ent, )ollowed by 72 (nd nd 71. Go! ( )(ult in bus-9 bus 7-2 will ope!(te )ollowed by 7-3. 3. Go! ( )(ult in bus-D, bus )o! (ny othe! lines upst!e(" beyond bus-D, D, 72 will sense "o!e cu!!ent th(n 73. /cco!din to the (bo6e (n(lysis, the coo!din(tion i"p(ct unde! this situ(tion c(n be su""(!i?ed ?ed (s )ollows. ,) the coo!din(tion !el(y p(i! detects ( di))e!ent cu!!ent )o! ( downst!e(" o! upst!e(" )(ult, the!e is ( "(! in (6(il(ble

)o! coo!din(tion to !e"(in 6(lid. ,) disp(!ity in the )(ult cu!!ents sensed by the de6ices is "o!e th(n the "(! in, coo!din(tion oo!din(tion holds. 9oo!din(tion is liAely to hold i) the '8 )(ult in#ection is !e(te! th(n the "(! in.

, 'esults
-he )(ult cu!!ents (nd co!!espondin t!ippin ti"e o) the !el(ys with !espect to th(t )(ult cu!!ent (!e si"ul(ted usin +epl(n so)tw(!e (nd 6e!i)ied the !esults theo!etic(lly in -(ble,.


2u!(li 2(tch( et al.: P!otecti6e 7el(yin 3che"e o) 'ist!ibuted 8ene!(tion 9onnected 7(di(l 'ist!ibution 3yste"

Figure ". Three D" 'onnected to adial System

- $onclusions
-he "(in type o) )(ult th(t is )ocused in this p(pe! is the wo!st )(ult th(t "(y (!ise in powe! syste"s, th!ee ph(se )(ult. -he !(di(l netwo!A w(s "odi)ied (nd (n(ly?ed )o! di))e!ent situ(tions, ch(n in the loc(tion (nd inc!e(sin the penet!(tion o) '8. 3o"e ene!(l conclusions we!e e:t!(cted: 1) Penet!(tion o) (ny '8 into ( dist!ibution syste" c(uses (n inc!e(se in the )(ult le6el o) the netwo!A (t (ny )(ult loc(tion. 2) Penet!(tion o) ( '8 in the syste" c(uses it to lose

its !(di(l powe! )low ch(!(cte!istics. /s the dist(nce between the '8 (nd the )(ult loc(tion inc!e(ses the 6(lue o) the )(ult cu!!ent dec!e(ses. Go! )utu!e in6esti (tion the inte !(tion o) '8 into e:istin dist!ibution netwo!As is ( co"ple: issue bec(use d(t( (c=uisition syste"s (!e not (6(il(ble. -he inst(ll(tion o) (n in)o!"(tion syste" such (s the 3upe!6iso!y 9ont!ol (nd '(t( /c=uisition (39/'/) syste" "(y help to sol6e "(ny p!oble"s. -he inte!net is (l!e(dy e(sily (ccessible; the!e)o!e it could be ( !e(t ch(nce to utili?e it )o! the pu!pose o) powe! syste" ope!(tion. 3)

Table 1. 'omparison of Theoretical and Practical results Therotical 'esults $ase +; '8 %ault 2ocation DK3-' DK3-9 DK3-D 3,+8<* '8 DK3-' DK3-9 DK3-D DK3-' DK3-9 DK3-D DK3-' DK3-9 DK3-D %ault $urrent /3A1 0.L1130 1.2%1%0 1.3700% 1.1710% 1.7L$&0 2.07$72 1.%302& 2.01L2 2.7$7&L 2.1301 3.102%$ 3.2$137 'elay 4peratin5 Time /sec1 '61 0.31 ------0.2L2 ------0.220 ------0.210 0.021 ----'6" 0.7002 0.2L ---0.$$%3 0.230 ---0.0&L$ 0.21 ----0.$23$1 0.2 0.2$0 '6# 1.20 1.0%%$& 0.30 1.1%1 0.L1%1 0.2L& 1.07002 0.L01$0 0.237 1.0%&$ ----0.072 Simulation 'esults /0eplan1 %ault $urrent 'elay 4peratin5 Time /sec1 /3A1 '61 '6" '6# 0.&L% 1.22L 1.3$1 1.10$ 1.7&3 2.0$L 1.%20 2.%L1 2.7%$ 2.11& 3.0&0 3.20L 0.300 ------0.20$ ------0.1L7 ------0.1L0 0.%&3 ----0.711 0.27% ---0.0L0 0.210 ---0.%&3 0.1L ----0.02$ 0.17& 0.23L 1.1 0.L$1 0.320 1.07 0.&0% 0.2&$ 0.L3L 0.&2$ 0.20$ 0.L2% ----0.001

-.; '8

->7** '8

Table 2. (ine data for the above section %rom bus / D 9 To bus D 9 ' 'esistance /ohms1 0.120$ 0.1L12 0.%&7% 'eactance /ohms1 0.1%0% 0.2122 0.0%10

Table3. Transmission system data Parameters 2(:i"u" sho!t ci!cuit Powe! 2ini"u" sho!t ci!cuit Powe! 2(:i"u" 7/I !(tio 2(:i"u" M2/M1 !(tio 2(:i"u" I0/I1 !(tio 2(:i"u" 70/I0 !(tio Value 100 25/ L0 25/ 0.0 1 1 0.1

,nte!n(tion(l Jou!n(l o) *ne! y (nd Powe! *n inee!in 2013; 2(3): 121-127


Table !. (oad data 7us / D 9 ' P2 /M81 7.$017 0.%023 0.712% 0.1131 Table 5. Transformer data Parameters 7(ted powe! 7(ted 5olt( e >5 side 7(ted 5olt( e <5 side 9oppe! losses +o-lo(d losses 8T+ :mr $30 A5/ 0.% A5 11 A5 &.1 A. 1.L A. +rid :mr 20 25/ 33 A5 11 45 102.7$ A. 10.L$ A. 92 /M81 1.1$07 0.2003 0.3110 0.00

9on)e!ence on 7enew(ble *ne! ies (nd Powe! Nu(lity (,97*PNO00), *sp(P(, 1$-1& 2(!ch 2000. B%C J. 3(deh, 2. D. E*))ect o) 'ist!ibuted 8ene!(tion 9(p(city on the 9oo!din(tion o) P!otection 3yste" o) 'ist!ibution +etwo!AF. /?(d Kni6e!sity, ,***, ,!(n, 2010., pp. 100-110. *. D. 3pie!, G. /. D. <e"os, /. 3. D(?(nell(, E*6(lu(tion o) the ,ndependent P!oduce!s 9onnection to 7(di(l Geede!s in 'ist!ibution 3yste"s (,n Po!tu uese)F. 5,,, 3i"posiu" o) 3peci(lists in *lect!ic ;pe!(tion(l (nd *:p(nsion Pl(nnin , D!(sQli(, D!(?il, 2002. 2. -. 'oyle, E7e6iewin the ,"p(cts o) 'ist!ibuted 8ene!(tion on dist!ibution 3yste" P!otectionF. Powe! *n inee!in 3ociety 3u""e! 2eetin , 2002 ,***, 5ol. 1, pp 103-100, July 2002 G. /. 5i(w(n, '. 4(!lsson, /. 3(nnino (nd J. '((lde!, EP!otection sche"e )o! "eshed dist!ibution syste"s with hi h penet!(tion o) dist!ibuted ene!(tion,F ,*** Powe! 3ys. 9on)., pp. LL-10%, 200$. 7. 'u (n (nd '. 7i?y, E*lect!ic dist!ibution p!oble"s (ssoci(ted with the inte!connection o) s"(ll, dispe!sed ene!(tion de6ices,F ,*** -!(ns. on Powe! /pplic(tions (nd 3yste"s, 6ol. P/3-103, no. $, pp. 1121R1127, June 1L&%. <iu 4uiHu(n, Ii( 2in ch(o, E,"p(cts o) '8 on (uto"(tic !eclosin o) dist!ibution netwo!AsF, /d6(nced Powe! 3yste" /uto"(tion (nd P!otection (/P/P), ,*** con), 2011.



Table ". )ind turbine generator data Parameters 7(ted powe! 7(ted 6olt( e 3t(to! !esist(nce 3t(to! !e(ct(nce 2( . 7e(ct(nce 7oto! !esist(nce 7oto! !e(ct(nce ,ne!ti( ti"e const(nt 8T+ $30 A. 0.% A5 0.01& p.u. 0.010 p.u. %.%2 p.u. 0.010& p.u. 0.12& p.u. 0.3& p.u.




-he (utho!s would liAe to th(nA +,- .(!(n (l )o! p!o6idin +*P</+ so)tw(!e to c(!!y out the si"ul(tion wo!A.

B10C +#o?el(. 2, 9howdhu!y. 3, 9howdhu!y. 3.P, E,"p(cts o) '8 on the ope!(tion o) (uto-!eclosin de6ices in ( powe! netwo!AF, ,*** Powe! (nd *ne! y 3ociety 8ene!(l 2eetin , 2011. B11C 'ew(d(s(. 2, 8hosh. /, <edwich. 8, EP!otection o) dist!ibuted ene!(tion connected netwo!As with coo!din(tion o) o6e!cu!!ent !el(ysF 37th /nnu(l 9on)e!ence on ,*** ,ndust!i(l *lect!onics 3ociety- ,*9;+ 2011. B12C M(y(ndeh!oodi. >, 2oh("ed. /, 3h(!ee). >, 2oh(""(d#()(!i. 2 (nd G(!hoodne(. 2, E/ no6el p!otection coo!din(tion st!(te y usin b(cA t!(cAin (l o!ith" )o! dist!ibution syste"s with hi h penet!(tion o) '8F, Powe! *n inee!in (nd ;pti"i?(tion 9on)e!ence (P*'9;), ,*** con), 2(l(ysi(, 2012.

B1C 5u 5(n -hon , J. '. E,nte!connection ;) 'ist!ibuted 8ene!(to!s (nd -hei! ,n)luences on Powe! 3yste"F. ,nte!n(tion(l *ne! y Jou!n(l, 5ol. $, +o. 1, June 2000, 4(tholieAe Kni6e!sities <eu6en, Del iu", pp. 312&-31%0 *. 5. 2 (y(, M. 2. E-he ,"p(ct o) 9onnectin 'ist!ibuted 8ene!(tion to the 'ist!ibution 3yste"F. 9?ech -echnic(l Kni6e!sity, /ct( Polytechnic( 5ol. %7 +o. %-0/2007, pp L$101. G. 8on?(le?-<on (tt (nd 9. Go!toul. E7e6iew o) 'ist!ibuted 8ene!(tion 9oncept: /tte"pt o) Kni)ic(tionF ,nte!n(tion(l



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