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Welcome to the North Day 1, April 35thPCs are traveling north when a blizzard sets in.

(Still four hours of travel till they reach Alheims Neck.) You look up to the sky as a howl besets your ears. To the north, a purple cloud as dark as night races toward you and the winds gust so strong that they threaten to knock you off your feet. The snow around you picks up, obscuring your vision, and as snow starts to fall from the sky and mixes with the wind, you start to get a bad feeling about this storm. Current temp: Cold; Drops to Severe Cold 10 minutes after start and Extreme Cold when night falls (6 hours later). Whiteout Conditions: -2 to AC, no dex bonus to AC, half move speed, -4 penalty on Dex based checks. Visibility 5 ft. Lasts for 3 days; Heavy Snow: 1ft 1st day, 2ft 2nd day, 4ft 3rd day. Cold: Unprotected characters must make a Fortitude save each hour (DC 15, 1 per previous check) or take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. Characters whose protection against cold is at least level 1 or higher (cold weather outfit, Cold Endurance feat) are safe at this temperature range. Severe Cold: Unprotected characters must make a Fortitude save every 10 minutes (DC 15, 1 per previous check), taking 1d6 points of nonlethal damage on each failed save. A partially protected character need only check once per hour. For complete protection against severe cold, a character must have a level of protection of 2 or higher (for example, wearing a cold weather outfit and fur clothing). A character whose level of protection is only 1 is considered partially protected. Extreme Cold: Unprotected characters take 1d6 points of cold damage per 10 minutes (no save). In addition, an unprotected character must make a Fortitude save (DC 15, 1 per previous check) or take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. Those wearing metal armor or coming into contact with very cold metal are affected as if by a chill metal spell. A partially protected character takes damage and makes saving throws once per hour instead of once per 10 minutes. A character must have a level of protection of 3 or higher to be protected against extreme cold. Level 2 is considered partial protection; level 1 is considered unprotected. CHILL METAL: characters wearing metal armor or in contact with metal more than 1/5 of its body weight; Takes minimum damage if touching less metal than this. Round Temperature Damage 1 Cold None 2 Icy 1d4 points 35 Freezing 2d4 points 6 Icy 1d4 points 7 Cold None Fatigue: -2 penalty to STR and DEX, cannot run or charge. Exhausted: An exhausted character moves at half speed and takes a 6 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. After 1 hour of complete rest, an exhausted character becomes fatigued. Disabled: disabled character may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can she take full-round actions). She moves at half speed. Taking move actions doesnt risk further injury, but performing any standard action (or any other action the DM deems strenuous, including some free actions such as casting a quickened spell) deals 1 point of damage after the completion of the act. Frostbite: -2 Dex Hypothermia: 1st failed check causes fatigue, 2nd failed check causes exhaustion, 3rd failed check caused disabled.

PCs either need to make a shelter or they will probably die or get lost. Regardless of what happens, they are dug out by Alheim Neck woodsmen/scouts who frequently look around the Neck after Blizzards to see if unwary travelers were caught. [Woodsmen: Jason, Samson & Alex (Ranger 3 rd )]. Woodsmen quickly free the PCs from their shelter or greet the PCs when they awaken (having found them during the storm by chance). After the PCs have regained their strength, they are taken to Alheims Neck. Day 4, April 39th On the way, the group is ambushed by a group of Wolves, hungry from waiting out the storm. Wolves x6: hp 14, 16, 9, 13, 10, 13; Init +2; Spd 50; AC 14; atk +3 bite (d6+1); SA Trip (free trip attempt on successful bite); SQ Scent, Low-light vision; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1; Hide +2, Move Silently +3. Two wolves attack from the front, leaping at Alex who is in the lead and surprising him. The other four attack from the sides, attempting to drop any stragglers quickly before moving onto the next victims. One attacks Samson and the other three go after party members. Jason and Samson both suffer injuries during the fight, and if the PCs kill all the wolves, they thank them repeatedly and say they owe them a debt. Alheims Neck: Military outpost/Naval base and fishing town: The town of Alheims Neck sticks out of the snow like a black thumb. Vertical pine logs almost 40ft in height create a curtain wall across which even more woodsmen patrol. Ahead of you, a group of six guards stand across a 20ft wide gate, barring your entrance to the town. Behind the guards, a long street stretches the length of the town and passes through a gate you can see on the other side. The houses you can see are made of more pine logs with slate roofs, none more than two stories, and those being rare. Halt, announce these people Jason, you know the rules! exclaims one of the guards. Relax Danwil. We picked them out of the storm, and they saved our lives, Jason replied smiling, but something in the set of his face made you think that there was an undercurrent to what he said. A storm you went out into without orders. Thats the third time this winter Jason, you and your cronies better watch out. Captain said no one goes outside the gates during a storm, warned Danwil, the other guards nodding along. You would leave them out there to die? Samson demanded. If I was told not to go out during a storm, I wouldnt. Period. You didnt even know they were out there. There was a bird a week ago saying they were coming! shouted Alex. That doesnt- THATS ENOUGH, a new voice shouted. An older man, you might put him in his late 50s if not for the spring in his step, lithely walks out from the nearby guard station and steps between the two shouting groups.Danwil, go back to your post, cant you see there are others waiting to get into town, its cold out man get a move on! As for you three, report to the Captains office and tell him that I will speak to you all when I am done here. But sir-, Jason began to argue but the older man cut him off. That was an order corporal. Yes Sir. As for you, the old man began, turning to you, You will accompany me into the guard post here and relinquish your weapons and armor and subject yourselves to search. No one enters Alheims Neck with weapons, especially people who look like adventurers. The man, one General Cain III, takes the PCs into the guard post and personally goes through all of the PCs things quickly, before storing them away in cubbies. If the PCs refuse to relinquish their equipment, then all of them are firmly asked to leave and are forced to leave if they dont go. The PCs are then questioned about their business in Alheims Neck, how long they intend to stay and where they plan to go after. Then are warned to report to the local lord in every town they enter, and that they might have to pay an adventurers tax if they want to stay on

any of the Manors from here to Renholme, or anywhere else in the kingdom for that matter. The society of Frostfell is laid back but very ridged, very feudal. Day 5, April 40th PCs can either take a ship to Renholme, or they can walk the rest of the way. Foot travel will be very slow because of the storm, so ice skiff or ship would be the best way and the fastest. Before they leave, Jason, Samson and Alex catch up with the PCs and ask to tag along. They say that the old man who the PCs met was General Cain III himself, here on inspection. They tell the PCs how the General berated them for disobeying orders then ripped the captain a new asshole about not sending help to travelers, especially because we need the settlers as a nation. Said he would be having a word with the king about how the Gatekeeper received guests and settlers to the kingdom. The three men say they were fed up with the captain anyway and they quit the service, which was not binding anyway, and they heard about the PCs heading north to try to claim a barony. Thought the PCs would like some help setting up their new lands. The men leave, regardless of if they go with the PCs or not. If not with the PCs, then they will be see n later as personal scouts to the king trying to find national information-sort of become part of the kings information network. Day 7, May 3nd PCs travel north and arrive at Renholme, (possible pirate encounter), where they seek an audience with the king to discuss the Barony. Arrive at The city of Renholme first comes into view as low hanging steam clouds clustered around the city. Next, slate roofs and stone buildings slowly come into view as your ship pulls into dock. The metropolis of Renholme seems to be a quiet place, almost somber. People move slowly around the docks, jackets pulled tight against a cold you think is just a little nippy. Pansies, one of the sailors spits next to you. all of them, living in the only warm place around and th ey cant take a little cold. Is it always this quiet? another passenger asks. Itll liven up round summertime it will, replied the sailor. Everyone is just bunkering down for the summer storms. Storms? the passenger asked shakily, Yep, every year. And right after is the planting. If you guys want to get started you better get a move on. If you dont get planted this year youre going to have a tough winter. The sailor nods to you. The king lives in the keep, just walk right up this road here and you cant miss it. Dont forget to talk to the harbormaster though, or your likely to be arrested for your gear. After leaving the ship or arriving at the gate, the PCs are forced once again to relinquish their arms and armor, and are escorted to the keep after getting the name of an Inn from the three woodsmen. While they are waiting to see the king, they overhear a group of nobles that are staring at them and snickering. On the other side of the waiting chamber three slightly overweight men dressed in fancy clothing star at your and snicker, then turn to each other and start talking in a whisper that clearly can be hear by you. Oh, theres more of them now. That Barony is attracting all sorts of unwanted sorts, the first sneared. Its not even a real barony. They werent born to rule, what claim do they have? the second added. None, and thats why we must try to make the king see reason. These lowborn have no place in our society. Theyre even worse than hedge knights, at least the knights can dre ss properly. Just then, the inner doors open and a group of nobles shuffles out of the kings chambers, looking sufficiently cowed. Following them out is a man in all black armor emblazoned with a blue mountain sigil. He is of medium height, with ice blue eyes, chaotic brown hair, sharp features, and a no nonsense stare that silenced the snickering nobles before they said a word. He looks at you and says, The king will see you now. You three come back tomorrow.

Without looking back, the man leads you into the room, then shuts the door behind you, planting himself in front of it. You find yourself in a meeting chamber with a massive sand map in the middle; Little figures move across its surface, lightly larger in scale than they should be, while runes dance around their heads. On the other side of the table stands the man you can only peg as the king, judging by the crown on his head, jeweled sword on his hip and fine clothes. His hair is unnaturally grey, like most kings, but his face was of middle years. Soft eyes and a round jaw give him a kind appearance, while bulging neck muscles and a warriors frame put him as a king who got himself here under his own power. Welcome, he smiles. Start with your names and titles, the armored man behind you commands. Oh, dont be so rude Zanthanul, the King chides, but none the less waits for your information. Its a simple meeting with the king; he writes up the charter after examining them, PCs sign or dont. Afterwards, the PCs who is going to be the Baron is knighted on the spot and is told to touch the map that is in the middle of the room (Modified version of a Map of Tactics: shows anyone the king commands it to that has touched the map). Afterwards the PCs are given an ironbound chest with the 20k gold in it and are free to do as they please, though the king suggests that they get to work as planting is right around the corner. PCs have until the 35th to finish their lodgingsummer storms are violent and floods are common, high ground recommended. The king also sends a dwarf advisor with the PCs. Lord Nar Dimdurfimstorest (ju st call him Nar) is an emissary from the Calbrigarr dwarves to the north. Sent to try to persuade the king to help, Nar has become too much of a nuisance to the king. Sworn to follow the kings orders, Nar is now told to go with the PCs as their advisor, the kings saying that helping settle the frontier between Renholme and Calbrigarr would make it easier to send help. Lord Nar, regardless of being a Lord and nobleman trying to be diplomatic, gnashes his teeth at the assignment but does his best to help, and he knows a surprising amount. He turns the PCs to the Settler Homes on the docks where new migrants are housed till they have a place to go, the PCs can recruit all the people they need there. Lord Nar, dwarf fighter/rouge 10: uses a repeating crossbow and 2 daggers. Surprises the PCs by showing up for the trip in full battle gear. To do: -Build lodging and other buildings (most importantly barns and places for people to live; barracks or basic bedrooms) -Find peasants for the land -build mine and quarry -Find manor staff and guards and possibly soldiers; most likely hire a steward to look after the manor -Explore land around their new holdings -Learn the responsibilities and social requirements of their new station (if the others want to be knighted) -Reputation Level: level + cha mod - 2

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