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Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C

Serving Arboretum, Brentwood, Fort Lincoln, Gateway, South Woodridge and Woodridge

5C01 - Antonette E. Russell, Vice Chair 5C02 - Karla Butler 5C03 - Bob King 5C04 - Jacqueline Manning, Chair 5C05 - Regina James 5C06 - Mercile Banks 5C07 - Nolan Treadway, Secretary and Treasurer October 16, 2013 Fifth District Metro Police Station 1805 Bladensburg Road NE Washington, DC 20002 I. Call to Order - Meeting is called to order at 7:03 PM II. Determination of Quorum Commissioner Russell determines there is a quorum. Commissioners Russell, Butler, Manning, Banks and Treadway in attendance. III. Introductions Commissioners each introduce themselves IV. Agenda Approval Commissioner Treadway moves to adopt the agenda as submitted, Commissioner Russell seconds. Motion passes unanimously. V. Minutes Approval Commissioner Treadway says the minutes for September are not done yet, well have to approve them next meeting. VI. Treasurers Report No money has been spent or received. Checking balance remains $25,778.79. Balance in savings is ~$2.00 Commissioner Russell moves to adopt the Treasurers report, Commissioner Manning seconds. Motion passes unanimously. VII. Presentations a. Chris Collins of Holland and Knight, representing Stanley Martin Commercial. i. Owns a parking lot behind warehouses on V Street NE and fronts on 31st Street NE.

ANC 5C - PO Box 80127, Washington, DC 20018

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C

Serving Arboretum, Brentwood, Fort Lincoln, Gateway, South Woodridge and Woodridge ii. This parking lot has been in existence since 1957. Its subject to periodic renewal, every 10 years. Last renewal was 10 years ago. iii. This is a special exception for which special criteria must be met. Zoned residential but right next to industrial. iv. The basis for the agreement is the same as 10 years ago. It was signed between Gateway Civic Association, South Central Civic Association and the property owner. There are some changes to the agreement: 1. Too out a provision that lighting isnt required, because it has since been installed. 2. Other obsolete terms dealing with large trucks and employee parking (large trucks dont park there, its mostly employee parking) 3. Took out requirement to have an attendant, replaced with lock and secured requirement. 4. BZA postponed ruling on this from September to October to give the ANC a chance to weigh in. v. No questions from the Commissioners b. Commissioner Manning puts a motion on the floor in support the renewal of the special agreement between the property owner and the Gateway Civic Association for use of the parking lot, in the case of application #18164. Address of property is 3070 REAR, V Street NE, Washington, DC c. VIII. New Business a. Meeting Schedule discussion i. Commissioner Russell leads a discussion on our remaining 2013 schedule and 2014 meeting schedule ii. We will not meet in December 2013 iii. In 2014 we will hold meetings January through May, break for summer and then meet September and December. (no meetings in June, July, Aug 2014) b. Commissioner Butler asks to bring up the issue of the alley on Evarts Street NE at a later meeting. c. Commissioner Manning Staging of construction equipment in alley of Half Moon Place. DDOT wants to use the alley to stage equipment to build Half Moon Place NE, but the alley is in use for residents.

ANC 5C - PO Box 80127, Washington, DC 20018

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C

Serving Arboretum, Brentwood, Fort Lincoln, Gateway, South Woodridge and Woodridge i. Commissioner Manning makes a motion that DDOT do the staging on 30th Place NE (future Half Moon Place) and NOT in the alley serving residents of 30th Street NE. Motion passes unanimously. IX. Community Concerns X. Adjournment Meeting is adjourned at 7:36 PM

ANC 5C - PO Box 80127, Washington, DC 20018

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