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Movie Review World War Z

Posted on June 23, 2013 | by admin

URGENCY solves all your screenplays ills!

Genre: Zombie/Horror/Thriller/A tion Premise: !"rom #$%&' (nited )ations em*loyee Gerry +ane tra,erses the -orld in a ra e a.ainst time to sto* the Zombie *andemi that is to**lin. armies and .o,ernments, and threatenin. to destroy humanity itsel"/ About: 0orld 0ar Z, the mo,ie, has had its o-n a*o aly*se leadin. u* to its release/ #ts -ell1 *ubli i2ed a-"ul third a t !-hi h "or ed the studio to re-rite and reshoot the -hole thin.' steered bu22 on the "ilm to-ards %eath 3alley/ Thin.s didn4t e5a tly .et better -hen .ee6 s reen-ritin. -hi**in. boy %amon +indelo" ame on to 7sa,e8 the mo,ie/ &ut 9ust li6e a 2ombie, the "ilm ame ba 6 "rom the dead and started buildin. *ositi,e -ord1o"1mouth -ith strate.i early s reenin.s and that leaned u* endin./ Pro9e ted by mu h o" Holly-ood to bomb, the "ilm made :;; million this -ee6end, 1; million more than the studio4s best ase s enario/ #t loo6s li6e all as*e ts o" 0orld 0ar Z .ot an im*ro,ed endin./ 0riters: $atthe- $i hael <arnahan and %re- Goddard = %amon +indelo" !story by $atthe$i hael <arnahan and J/ $i hael >tra 2yns6i' !based on the no,el by $a5 &roo6s' %etails: 11; minutes

#4m not sure -hy e,eryone this -as .oin. to "lo*/ The trailers loo6ed a-esome/ #t had &rad Pitt in it/ 0hat else do you need to .et butts in seats? # a tually read an early dra"t o" this s ri*t a lon. time a.o and there -ere te5tboo6 *roblems -ith it that needed i" this mo,ie -as .oin. to ha,e a shot/ They made those !nailed them, in "a t' and ,oila, -e ha,e a $(<H &@TT@A s ri*t and there"ore a $(<H &@TT@A mo,ie/ 0orld 0ar Z "ollo-s (nited )ations a.ent Gerry +ane as he and his "amily !-i"e and t-o dau.hters' are be.innin. their day/ As they4re dri,in. throu.h the ity, haos eru*ts, -ith ra2ed

*ossessed *eo*le atta 6in. and 6illin. e,eryone in Those ,i tims then turn into atta 6ers as -ell, reatin. an e5*onential *ath o" destru tion/ #n a harro-in. o*enin. 20 minutes, Gerry leads his "amily to sa"ety and e,entually to an e5tra tion *oint -here the .o,ernment *i 6s them u*/ They head to the only sa"e area on the *lanet, military boats in the middle o" the sea, and e,eryone starts tryin. to "ind out -hat4s .oin. on/ 0hat4s .oin. on is a *arti ularly lethal strain o" 2ombie/ Bne that4s ma6in. Cui 6 -or6 o" the *lanet/ #" they don4t do somethin. soon, these boats may be their "inal destination/ Just li6e any *la.ue, i" you "ind out the sour e !Patient 0', you ha,e a han e o" omin. u* -ith a ,a ine/ &e ause Gerry4s 9ob is to .o into dan.erous *la es and .et ans-ers, he4s a natural "it to .o sear hin. "or this *atient/ Problem is, e,ery ountry is bein. o,errun by 2ombies/ >o it4s sort o" li6e sendin. a tree into a "ield o" hainsa-s/ The han es o" ma6in. it out -ith all your bar6 in ta t isn4t ,ery .ood/ Gerry starts his in,esti.ation in >outh Dorea, -hi h e5*erien ed the -orst o" the atta 6s/ <lues there e,entually lead him to #srael, -hi h someho- 6ne- to build a 2ombie -all be"ore the 2ombie outbrea6 e,en These .uys -ere onto somethin. and Gerry -ants to 6no- -hat/ 0hile there, ho-e,er, our le,er !and Cuite ener.eti ' 2ombies, "i.ure out a -ay to s ale the -alls and o,errun the ity, "or in. Gerry to ma6e a harro-in. es a*e on a * *lane/ That *lane e,entually leads him to a 0orld Health Br.ani2ation enter -here Gerry uses the lues he4s .athered to !s*oiler' ome u* -ith a ,a ine/ B6ay, are you .uys ready "or today4s bi. s reen-ritin. lesson? (AG@)<EFFF This s ri*t *ro,es ho- im*ortant ur.en y is to a story/ 0hy do # say that? &e ause # ha,e the old s ri*t to om*are it to/ #n that ,ersion, the s ri*t tried to stay true to the no,el/ The no,el -as more about the AGT@A$ATH o" the 2ombie outbrea6/ #t too6 a 7Post1Hurri ane Datrina8 a**roa h to thin.s, -ith Gerry tryin. to "ind -ho -as to blame "or the outbrea6 rather than Patient 0/ That4s "ine "or a boo6/ &ut shit li6e that don4t "ly in mo,ies/ #n a mo,ie, you need ur.en y/ #4m sur*rised they didn4t "i.ure this out a-ay H that they *aid a -riter to -rite a dra"t that had no ho*e o" *leasin. audien es/ &ut someone "inally .ot it They reali2ed that tellin. e,erythin. in "lashba 6s and ha,in. Pitt strollin. around ountries leisurely -ithout a sin.le immediate threat didn4t lend itsel" to an e5 itin. "li 6/ The brillian e o" 0orld 0ar Z, the mo,ie, is that it ne,er slo-s do-n/ Butside o" the o*enin. s enes establishin. the "amily to.ether, on e the 2ombies hit, they ne,er sto* hittin./ And "or that reason, Gerry had to do his in,esti.ation 0#TH TH@ THA@AT BG &@#)G D#++@% AT A)E $B$@)T as o**osed to the threat o" .ettin. a *a*er ut at any moment/ And e,ery-here

he -ent, the 2ombie threat -as behind him/ # 6no- some *eo*le don4t li6e "ast 2ombies, but they multi*lied the ur.en y in this ase a thousand "old and really made thin.s e5 itin./ The best e5am*le o" this -as in #srael/ 0e sa- these 2ombies lamorin. to .et inside the ountry and -e 6ne- it -as only a matter o" time be"ore they did/ >o -hen Pitt4s in,esti.atin., he doesn4t ha,e time to ho* around the ountry meetin. numerous *eo*le and .ettin. detailed rundo-ns/ He tal6s to one dude be"ore the 2ombies s ale the -all and he4s runnin. "or his li"e/ 0orld 0ar Z is a tually the *rototy*i al G>( s ri*t/ Eou ha,e the Goal !"ind Patient Zero so you an reate a ,a ine', the sta6es !Gerry bein. reunited -ith his "amily A> 0@++ A> the "ate o" the human ra e' and the ur.en y !2ombies al-ays on their tail'/ >*ea6in. o", that -as another .reat han.e %amon +indelo" and %re- Goddard made/ They a tually su..ested .oin. ba 6 and addin. the "amily s enes at the be.innin. o" the mo,ie, as -ell as another *hone all bet-een Gerry and his -i"e durin. the se ond a t/ They -anted more stu"" bet-een the "amily/ They 6no- that G>( doesn4t -or6 unless the audien e <AA@> A&B(T TH@ <HAAA<T@A> and 0A)T> TH@$ TB A@()#T@/ Bne o" the best -ays to reate that arin. is to reate a "amily unit, a *air !or a .rou*' o" *eo*le -ho -e -ant to see reunited/ Eou do this by sho-in. the "amily to.ether, sho- ho- mu h they are "or ea h other, then ri* them a*art/ #" Gerry is B)+E tryin. to sa,e the -orld here, this mo,ie doesn4t -or6/ #t4s that -e -ant to see him ba 6 to.ether -ith his "amily that 6ee*s us so in,ested/ As "or the endin., # don4t 6no- -hat they han.ed the s ri*t "rom, but you an tell -here the s*lit ha**ened/ <learly, that *lane -as .oin. some-here else in the old "ilm/ )o- the *lane rashes and Gerry omi ally -al6s o,er to the 0orld Health Br.ani2ation, -hi h 9ust ha**ens to be a *leasant I minute -al6 "orm the rash site/ &ut on e Gerry4s in the buildin., thin.s *i 6 u* s*lendidly/ +indelo" and Goddard reate their o-n little mini1mo,ie -ith ne- G>(/ The .oal is "or Gerry to .et a s*e ial bottle the s ientists need in &10in., the sta6es are, on e a.ain, sur,i,al o" man6ind, and the ur.en y isn4t as *rominent, sin e the situation is so " -ith tension !the 2ombies *otentially s*ottin. them at any time'/ Gor omin. u* -ith this endin. as Cui 6ly and under as mu h *ressure as they did, they really did a .reat 9ob/ Eou 6no-, # .ot to thin6in. about this mo,ie and -onderin. -hy it -as so .ood, des*ite its me hani s bein. so sim*le/ There are no real sur*rises in this s ri*t, no 51"a tor/ #t -as all"or-ard/ # -as reminded o" a mo,ie "rom earlier this summer that had a similar stru ture, yet -asn4t nearly as .ood: A"ter @arth/ #n that mo,ie, -e ha,e the "amily unit !%ad and son' and a lear .oal -ith hi.h sta6es and lots o" ur.en y !son must .et to the tail se tion to retrie,e the >/B/>/ bea on'/ >o -hy did it "all so short o" this one? A "e- thin.s stu 6 out to me/ The "irst -as that the sta6es -ere so mu h hi.her in 0orld 0ar Z/ #n A"ter @arth, only the "ather and son4s li,es -ere at sta6e/ 0orld 0ar Z had the li,es o" the "amily at sta6e A> 0@++ A> the entire -orld/

A se ond *roblem -as that the obsta les -ere so mu h .reater in 0orld 0ar Z/ # al-ays tal6 about the ,alue o" reatin. bi. im*ossible obsta les "or your hara ters and # ne,er sa- that in A"ter @arth/ @,erythin. the son ran into -as bad, but ne,er 7Bh shit ohmy.od holy shit -e4re "u 6ed8 bad/ <ontrast that to 0orld 0ar Z, -hi h has tons o" these moments/ # mean at one *oint Gerry is -at hin. the *lane he4s on be o,errun by 2ombies and must de ide -hether to blo- a hole in the side o" the *lane -ith a .renade, e""e ti,ely rashin. it, or ta6e on the 2ombies in lose ombat/ )o- THAT4> -hat # all an obsta le/ The other *roblem -as that A"ter @arth4s storyline -as too sim*le/ Eou -ere al-ays -ay ahead o" the story/ 0orld 0ar Z sCuashed that issue by reatin. a entral mystery to the storyline: 0hat ha**ened? Pitt needed to *ut to.ether lues to "i.ure out -hat ha**ened in order to .et to ea h su essi,e lue/ #n A"ter @arth, the 6id didn4t really ha,e to "i.ure out anythin./ His "ather 9ust told him -here to .o and he "ollo-ed orders/ And that4s A)BTH@A reason -hy this is su h a .reat s reen*lay to study/ Bn to* o" all this, -e ha,e a sna*shot o" the *ro*er -ay to -rite a *rota.onist: H@4> A<T#3@F Pitt is ma6in. his o-n hoi es, "i.urin. thin.s out himsel", and "or-ard/ #sn4t that a -ay more interestin. *rota.onist than one -ho 9ust "ollo-s orders "rom his dad the -hole mo,ie? That4s not to say 0orld 0ar Z -as -ithout "ault/ 0hat 6ee*s this "rom bein. im*ressi,e are some o" the .larin. lo.i o,ersi.hts/ #srael is bein. heralded as this .enius ountry "or buildin. a -all be"ore anybody else to 6ee* the 2ombies out/ Eet they4re allo-in. random *lanes to land on their run-ay and random *eo*le "rom those *lanes to ho* into their ity -ithout endurin. H oh, # don4t 6no- H a J(AAA)T#)@/ %itto "or the random "ol6s they4re lettin. throu.h the -all/ #" someone an ta6e as lon. as 10 minutes to turn, -hy are you allo-in. *eo*le into your ity a"ter a J = A session that basi ally

amounts to 7Are you a 2ombie?8 The *lane that Gerry and re- sto* and board is the -orst e5am*le o" this/ Gerry4s hel*in. alon. a *ale si 6ly -oman, -ho4s omin. -ith him/ >he ne,er turns into a 2ombie, but i" you4re those *ilots, aren4t you thin6in. she And yet they ne,er blin6ed/ Eeah, sure, ome on in/ # understand -hy they did this/ They balan ed the audien e4s need "or lo.i a.ainst the audien e4s need "or ur.en y/ #t4s a *roblem s reen-riters are onstantly "a ed -ith/ Eou ould ha,e had Gerry and re- *la ed into Cuarantine "or 12 hours a"ter they landed in #srael to be more realisti , but it -ould4,e 6illed the momentum/ #4m not sure there4s a uni,ersal solution "or this/ #t needs to be addressed on a ase by ase basis/ &ut my .ut tells me they needed it here/ &e ause e,erybody loo6ed li6e morons "or ne,er on e onsiderin. the "a t that the ne- .uy they4re lettin. in the room be in"e ted/ The thin. -as, e,erythin. else -as so damn -ell done that # thorou.hly en9oyed mysel"/ # mean there isn4t a slo- moment in the mo,ie/ >o on.rats to the -riters -ho -or6ed so hard on this/ #t *aid o""F K L -hat the hell did # 9ust -at h? K L -asn4t "or me K55L -orth the *ri e o" an @3@)#)G ti 6et K L im*ressi,e K L .enius 0hat # learned: # al-ays tal6 about .i,in. your *rota.onist a di""i ult hoi e at the end o" the mo,ie, somethin. that their "atal "la-/ This reminded me that you don4t -ant to B)+E -ait "or that endin. to do this/ Eou should .i,e your hara ters di""i ult hoi es 0H@)@3@A EB( <A) in the s ri*t/ # lo,ed the s ene in the *lane -here Gerry is -at hin. the 2ombie mayhem .et loser and loser, and must ma6e an im*ossible de ision/ He4s .ot a .renade he an thro- at them, -hi h -ill rash the *lane and *robably 6ill him, or he an try and " the 2ombies o"", -hi h -ill *robably 6ill him/ Those are the .reat moments in s ri*ts, -here you see the hara ter battlin. that im*ossible hoi e/ Posted in Gound Goota.e, (n ate.ori2ed, 0estern M $ +u 6 N O months a.o P

B6/ # am sorry, but -hat is this need "rom e,eryone on here, and "rom you <arson to ha,e e,erythin. be non1sto* a tion? +i6e any do-ntime at all -ill 6ill any han e o" an audien e .ettin. ba 6 into a mo,ie/ 0hat ha**ened to *a in.? Peo*le need some ,ariety/ # 6noe,eryone on here seems to be in lo,e -ith >*ande5 mo,ies, > i1Gi Porn, and stu"", -ith a bun h o" Horror thro-n in/ &ut, seriously, there are as many, i" not more, ama2in. mo,ies that arenQt "ull s*eed ahead at all times, -ithout *ause/ And .uess -hat? They -in a-ards, they brin. in *eo*le, they are lo,ed/ $aybe # am the only one -ho doesnQt su""er "rom A%% or A%H% or

&> or doesnQt ha,e a han6erin. "or bein. on <o6e, >*eed, or <ra 6 2R/O/ #t is easy "or me to *ay attention/ A mo,ie li6e >HA0>HA)D A@%@$PT#B) -ould ha,e been terrible i" it -as )B)>TBP GB GB GB "or 2/I hours/ And yet it is one o" the .reatest mo,ies e,er, and there are armies o" *eo*le -ho -ould a.ree/ This last -ee6 # sa-: &@GBA@ $#%)#GHT, TH@ @A>T, +B3@ #> A++ EB( )@@% !no one *robably 6no-s -hat this is: Pier e &rosnan in a "orei.n "li 6', and # -ant to see >TBA#@> 0@ T@++, and $(%, and TH@ D#)G> BG >($$@A, and maybe, thou.h unsure still, TH@ &+#)G A#)G !thou.h # ha,e no "aith in <o**ola anymore'/ )o- none o" these are bi. a tioneer, set *ie e mo,ies/ The losest thin. -ould be TH@ @A>T, thou.h it -asnQt/ #t -as *retty darn lo- 6ey "or the sub9e t matter/ >o lots o" hara ter *ie es, lots o""ul reation, lots o" do-n time, and yet, some o" them -ere *henomenal/ The most borin. mo,ie # ha,e seen in the *ast month -as >TAA TA@D 1 #AB) $A) 3 1 $A) BG >T@@+ 1 HA)GB3@A 3 1 tal6 about su**osed Sall out a tion, e5 itement, "unFS yet they -ere the most &orin., terribly made mo,ies # ould ha,e ima.ined/ (r.en y doesnQt ne essarily mean Cuality "ilmma6in./ # en9oyed TH@ #<@$A) more in terms o" setu* and a tion than any o" the >*ande5 mo,ies # listed/ >o, seriously, # thin6 the o,era.e o" mo,ies and -hat ma6es them .ood needs to be e5*anded some/ no- the idea o" Cuality, -orth-hile "ilm is ,ery, ,ery narro-/ see more M M M M M M 2T 1 N Ae*ly N >hare U
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Ja6e&arnes12 $ +u 6 N O months a.o

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#Qm not sure i" there is the ombination o" *ersonalities on this site, $, "or that to -or6/ <an you ima.ine -hat <arson -ould say about a Diarostami "ilm? # a.ree -ith you that .enre mo,ies li6e 0orld 0ar Z, desi.ned "or the lo-est ommon denominator, are limited in some -ays/ 0hen youQre ma6in. a t-o hundred million dollar blo 6buster, youQre on"ined to ertain shootin. styles and ombinations o" .enre elements, et / Personally #Qm ,ery atholi in my ,ie-in. tastes 11 last # -at hed the German "ilm S+oreS by <ate >hortland and my most anti i*ated mo,ie o" the summer is +in6laterQs S&e"ore $,S but on the other hand #Qm sure #Qll he 6 out the nerdy stu"" li6e S$an o" >teelS and S0orld 0ar ZS on %3%/ Gor me the best a**roa h, unless you -ant to be an e5*erimental "ilmma6er, is to do -hat 0hedon does in his best -or6 and Sdis.uiseS real issues in the tra**in.s o" .enre/ He did this brilliantly in S&u""yS and this an -or6 in mo,ies too/ #" youQre headin. more into indie and e5*erimental areas, # al-ays .o ba 6 to $ DeeQs de"inition o" the minimalist "ilm 11 you ha,e the basi stru ture o" a mainstream mo,ie !in itin. in ident, A t turnin. *oints', but you hollo- it out to lea,e s*a e "or hara ter -or6/ S+ost in Translation,S >o*hiaQs most su ess"ul -or6, "ollo-s that idea/ # .uess also itQs di""i ult to Stea hS e5*erimentation and e,en more di""i ult to do it -ell/ #tQs li6e *layin. tennis -ith the net do-n, as Grost said about o*en "orm *oetry/ Then a.ain, # -as reminded re ently that you anQt really tea h mainstream s reen-ritin. either/ ThatQs an illusion reated by all the *rin i*les/ Just as there are *eo*le -ho are learly musi al, there are *eo*le -ho learly ha,e a natural "a ility "or and dramati story and dialo.ue and those -ho donQt/ The *ositi,es o" dis ussin. more "are ould be this: thereQs a lot o" meanin.less *rattle about Sbrea6in. the rules,S usually "rom *eo*le -ho ouldnQt *ut the rules into *ra ti e s6ill"ully in the "irst *la e/ >tudyin. more indie and e5*erimental "ilms, ho-e,er, an *ro,ide ideas, ins*iration !uh, stu"" you an steal, basi ally' "or "o used rule1brea6in. in more mainstream s ri*ts/ ThatQs -hat Hemin.-ay did -ith Gertrude >teinQs -or6/ @,eryone round to my *la e "or S<erti"ied <o*yFS see more

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T N Ae*ly N >hare U

$ +u 6 Ja6e&arnes12 N O months a.o

VPlease read my *ost abo,e !# added a res*onse to mysel"' # .et really u*set -hen # see a mo,ie and it has been made "or the +o-est <ommon %enominator as you ha,e said/ # mean the mo,ies are 9ust Tra.i ally >tu*id/ # thin6 they are really shortin. their audien e/ # thin6 the ma9ority o" *eo*le are mu h more intelli.ent than the mo,ies they are reatin. "or them/ $aybe # am -ron./ $aybe e,eryone 9ust -ants to sit around -ith a &ud -hile in %ia*ers and -at h GAB0) (P> 2 !-o-, i annot e,en belie,e the stu*idity o" that trailer' or any Adam >andler mo,ie "or that "a t/ # am a tually not e,en tal6in. about ha,in. an ar.ument about Holly-ood $o,ies 3>/ Arthouse/ # thin6 Holly-ood mo,ies an be some o" the most ama2in. Art"ul mo,ies in the -orld, and ha,e been/ $any o" the Arthouse mo,ies are 9ust as terrible as the bi. &lo 6buster mo,ies/ # am mostly not a.reein. -ith narro-in. our mindsets about -hat a $o,ie #> or )@@%> TB &@/

1 N Ae*ly N >hare U

#.or0asTa6en Ja6e&arnes12 N O months a.o

J& -rote: SPersonally I'm very catholic in my viewing tastesS J&, # ho*e you donQt ta6e this in a bad -ay 1 # donQt mean it in a bad -ay 1 but a"ter some o" our ba 6 and "orth yesterday, the oin idental double entendre in there made me lau.h/

N Ae*ly N >hare U

%e,in $ Day $ +u 6 N O months a.o

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#" youQre into dramas, this is not the blo. "or you/ There are P+@)TE o" *eo*le tea hin. that/ #Qm .rate"ul there is somethin. out here "or us, .enre "ol6s, tryin. to ma6e those dolla dolla bills, yaQll/ Also, noti e that Gran6 %arabont -rote 7A )i.htmare on @lm >treet 38, 7The &lob8, and 7The Gly ##8 lon. be"ore he .ot to sin6 his teeth into 7The >ha-shan6 Aedem*tionS/
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I N Ae*ly N >hare U

$ +u 6 %e,in $ Day

N O months a.o

VPlease read my *ost abo,e and # am not any s*e i"i "an/ # am a hu.e mo,ie and -ritin. "an/ # lo,e .enre and Cuir6 and indie, and blo 6buster mo,ies/ # am "amiliar -ith -hat %arabont has done, and am not mu h o" a "an o" the rest o" his -or6/ >ometimes thou.h, all the *ie es 9ust "it to.ether/ &ut i" someone had de ided that >HA0>HA)D didnQt ha,e enou.h A<T#B) and that Andy had to be doin. Dun.1Gu and shootin. .uards, and runnin. "rom bad .uys et throu.hout the mo,ie, it -ould not ha,e been 1/10th as .ood/ 0e ha,e seen it all be"ore/ Just .o -at h Gast Gi,e, or si5, or -hate,er/ #t -as so -ell done, and unli6e anythin. most *eo*le had seen/ #t 6e*t your interest -ithout all that needless !and usually re*etiti,e and borin.' a tion/

N Ae*ly N >hare U

&rainia 13W $ +u 6

N O months a.o
o o

This reminds me o" a meetin. # had -ith an a.ent about an a tion s ri*t # -rote in the ,ein o" the The Gu.iti,e/ #t had about R bi. set *ie es, but "or the most *art, all the tension in the s ri*t -as build around dramati irony/ # "elt the dramati irony reated ur.en y be ause so many hara ters didnQt -ant ea h other to 6no- all the *ie es and -hat -as .oin. on/ Ho-e,er, the a.ent basi ally said to me that it -ould be .reat i" these on,ersations -ere all ha**enin. on the *hone, -hile ea h other -ere on the run, be ause audien es -onQt belie,e a hara ter is in unless they are runnin./
o o o o o o

R N Ae*ly N >hare U

A arl &rainia 13W N O months a.o

&rainia 11 you o-e me a ne- shirt "or # lau.hed so hard that # s*it my o""ee out -hen # read read -here the a.ent said:Saudien es -onQt belie,e a hara ter is in unless they are runnin./S "unny and sad at the same time/

2 N Ae*ly N >hare U

&rainia 13W A arl N O months a.o

0hat is -orse is that a"ter # de"ended -hat # -rote and my moti,ation # -as told that 6ind o" story doesnQt -or6 on a I0 "t/ s reen/ #" # -ant to -rite a s ri*t -ith dramati irony and tense on,ersations # should try to .et on &rea6in. &ad, -hi h he didnQt seem li6e he -ould be ,ery -illin. to hel* -ithF

N Ae*ly N >hare U

$arlin $ +u 6 N O months a.o

o o

%itto/ And # li6e a tion 9ust as mu h as the ne5t .uy/ $aybe more/ &ut -hat # thin6 # see a lot o" is more lenien y "or "ast1*a ed a tion "ilms/s ri*ts -hen it omes to stru ture, dialo.ue, or other "la-s/ Thin.s -e -ould normally rush a drama or slo-er1*a ed "ilm/s ri*t "or/ >ure # .et the ur.en y and sta6es ,alue/ #t is a .ood lesson to onsider "or any s ene/seCuen e/story/ And # 6no- that # am "airly ne- at this site !"ollo-in. o"" and on "or about si5 months no-', but # am be.innin. to thin6 that all those thin.s # mentioned !stru ture, dialo.ue, et /' matters less -hen it omes to a tion/ >o, $idni.htQs *oint about a "as ination "or non1sto* a tion seems ,alid and has *rom*ted me to say -hat # ha,e been thin6in. "or a -hile/ Gor instan e, the last amateur s ri*t re,ie-, S0here An.els %ieS !thou.h # li6ed it' -as "ull o" heesy dialo.ue, lon. des ri*tions, and some li hes/ #n my o*inion/ Eet, it -as -ell re ie,ed nonetheless/ As # said, # too en9oyed the read/ >o, does a tion su*er ede all these thin.s? )ot to say that they do not matter at all, only less so/ # am thin6in. that to some it does/
o o o o o o

R N Ae*ly N >hare U

martinXbasra-y $arlin N O months a.o

# a.ree -ith both $ +u 6 and $arlin/ #Qm ne- to this site as -ell and <arson de"initely seems to ha,e his ti s and *re"eren es, -hi h ould stand to be more in lusi,e !"or la 6 o" a better -ord'/ # read 0here An.els %ie and had many serious issues -ith it, -hi h -ere already thorou.hly *ointed out by other *osters here/ And yet <arson en9oyed that s ri*t a hellu,a lot "or other reasons, su h as -ritin. style, stru ture, et / Those are .ood thin.s to ha,e, o" ourse, but there seems to be !to me, in <arsonQs -ritin.' a tenden y to o,erloo6 "la-s i" the rest o" the *ie e !s ri*t, "ilm' on"orms to ertain rules !G>(, et /'/

O N Ae*ly N >hare U

<iti2en $ martinXbasra-y N O months a.o

#" a mo,ie has PA<@ you an .et a-ay -ith a lot o" "la-s/ 0hen # say Q*a eQ # donQt ne essarily mean ar hases and e5*losions, # mean the *lot is de,elo*in. at su h a .ood li* that you donQt sto* to -orry about -here the hero .ot the o" *i*e he sma 6ed the ,illain -ith !to ite a re ent s ri*t # remember'/ Hit h o 6 alled it Sre"ri.erator lo.i S/ Plot holes that o ur to you as you raid the re"ri.erator a"ter omin. home "rom the mo,ie/ And he -asnQt too on erned about them/ He a e*ted that no mo,ie is *er"e t, and as lon. as you .ot your moneyQs -orth o" entertainment -hile you -ere -at hin. it, the mo,ie had done its 9ob/

2 N Ae*ly N >hare U

$aliboJa 66 <iti2en $ N O months a.o

Aeaders ha,e read so many bad s ri*ts that they seem to e5*e t s ri*ts to be bad 11 and they "ind e,ery ty*o, *et *ee,e and *lot hole/

%o *eo*le buy ti 6ets to mo,ies 11 e5*e tin. them to be bad? !)ot sure i" this ma6es any sense/'

N Ae*ly N >hare U

$ +u 6 $arlin N O months a.o

VPlease read my *ost abo,e !# added a res*onse to mysel"' and # thin6 you are .ettin. to the heart o" -hat # am sayin./ #t saddens me that all those thin.s: hara teri2ation, dialo.ue, et are om*letely bein. s-e*t aside and the *o-ers that be, or a tually 9ust about e,eryone, someho- belie,es e,erythin. -ill be made u* "or, i" -e 9ust add a TB) more A<T#B)/ And # 9ust donQt belie,e it/ Eou need to start -ith hara ters and story that *eo*le are about i" you -ant a mo,ie that stands the test o" time/ !o" ourse there # am sure *eo*le -ill say, a tually no one ares about that anymore/ and they are, it seems no one does/ all they are abou is ho- mu h money the mo,ie ma6es BP@)#)G -ee6end, and a"ter that, they ould are less about the mo,ie,

unless by some lar6 it -in an Bs ar someho-, then they -ill ome ba 6 to it in late %e ember'/

1 N Ae*ly N >hare U

#.or0asTa6en $ +u 6 N O months a.o

o o

$+, # "eel your S*ainS on this/ B,er the *ast "e- years, #Q,e *osted many omments a6in to yours/ #t seemed <arson -ould o"ten omment, SThis s ri*t "ails be ause a s ri*t must ha,e XXXXXXXX/S Then, as -ith your *ost, #Qd *ost, S<arson, ho- an you say s ri*ts QmustQ ha,e XXXXXXXXX, -hen so many .ood ones donQt?S #$B, <arson 9ust sometimes lea,es out the Cuali"iers/ He doesnQt ty*i ally in lude, S#n a s ri*t like this one///S !$aybe as he -rites any .i,en re,ie-, he doesnQt thin6 any Cuali"iers are needed, but #$B the only -ay to re on ile his many re,ie-s is to onsider that !o"ten' he sim*ly "or.ets to in lude them, or ho*es -eQll in"er them/'

All that said, in his re,ie- o" S0orld 0ar ZS, # thin6 he does a tually Cuali"y his other-ise blan6et statements/ Br at least heQs toned do-n their blan6et1ness/ <arson -rote: SOkay, are you guys ready for todays big screenwriting lesson? UR !"#$%%% &his scri't 'roves how im'ortant urgency is to a story(S >ure, # ha,e -ritten that as, SThis s ri*t *ro,es ho- im*ortant ur.en y is an be to a story/S &ut at least he didnQt -rite Severy storyS/ And # es*e ially li6ed this alibrated omment <arson made: S&hey balanced the audiences need for logic against the audiences need for urgency( Its a 'roblem screenwriters are constantly faced with( $ou could have had erry and crew 'laced into )uarantine for *+ hours after they landed in Israel to be more realistic, but it wouldve killed the momentum( Im not sure theres a universal solution for this( It needs to be addressed on a case by case basis( ,ut my gut tells me they needed it here(S Bh, and $+ 1 The >*ande5Y *eo*le and Date (*tonQs *eo*le -ill be onta tin. you/ see more
o o o o o o

R1 N Ae*ly N >hare U

$ +u 6 #.or0asTa6en N O months a.o

VPlease read my *ost abo,e !# added a res*onse to mysel"' # ho*e they are omin. to "ind me/ #Qm bored, and that ould A@A++E li,en thin.s u*F # 9ust "ind it "rustratin. sometimes that it seems li6e the attitudes and the styles and the dire tion on here 6ee* .ettin. more and more sin.ular/ Bnly one thin. is loo6ed "or, only one thin. is -anted/ And # 6no- it isnQt 9ust the site, it is Holly-ood in .eneral, and "rom -hat # an tell it has al-ays been that -ay/ The S)o one 6no-s Anythin.S idea, and so e,eryone 9ust "ollo-s -hate,er is ma6in. money A#GHT )B0 around li6e a dan.lin. arrot/ # 9ust donQt belie,e it/ 0rite a &#G A<T#B)@@A mo,ie no-, and you ne,er 6no-, by the time your s ri*t is and *ossibly made, mo,ies li6e DAA$@A ,s/ DAA$@A be the HBT ommodities !o6, *robably not, but maybe mo,ies li6e <+(@ or somethin./ $ysteries, not a tion'/

N Ae*ly N >hare U

#.or0asTa6en $ +u 6

N O months a.o

BD/ 0hen # read your initial *ost in this thread, timestam*ed/*osted 21 hours a.o, # thin6 # understood it/ &ut no- #Q,e read your re*ly1*ost to me, and !as you reCuested' your re*ly1*ost to yoursel", both *osted -ithin the *ast hour or so !as # -rite this', and "or me theyQre both as mysterious as the label on a bottle o" %r/ &ronnerQs Pe**ermint <astile >oa*/ 0hi h is "ine, but # #Qd 9ust mention it/

1 N Ae*ly N >hare U

$ +u 6 #.or0asTa6en N O months a.o

sorry/ Than6s "or the heads u*/

# am $u 6in. u* as # am tryin. to <lear u*/

N Ae*ly N >hare U

)e-X@ $ +u 6 N O months a.o

o o

Totally a.ree -ith you 1 in .eneral/ &ut # thin6 there are mo,ies and movies and .enre e5*e tations *lay a bi. *art/ An e5*ensi,e summer mo,ie 11 an action mo,ie, must ha,e, -ell, a tion/ %onQt 6no- that it has to be nonsto*, but .i,en the *remise, donQt you a.ree that a slo- *a e -ouldnQt ma6e any sense? #tQs a ra e to sa,e man6ind in -hat is a ,ery limited amount o" time/ Had they hosen to turn this into a Bs ar1bait drama -ith &rad Pitt sear hin. "or a ure a ross the .lobe, #Qm sure the *a in. -ould ha,e been di""erent and 9ust as 9usti"ied/ B""1to*i : >ur*rised ho- "e- *eo*le !mysel" in luded' ha,e lin6s to their s ri*ts as *ost si.natures .i,en that <arson himsel" .a,e it the BD/ @
o o

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N Ae*ly N >hare U

$ +u 6 )e-X@ N O months a.o

VPlease read my *ost abo,e !# added a res*onse to mysel"' A.ain, not statin. that 00Z needed to be turned into a drama/ # am statin. the o,erall dire tion and ad,i e the olumns here are ta6in./ That Z1 e,erythin. needs to be .oin. "ull steam ahead or you -ill lose your audien e, reader, et / That no one an e,en handle a hal" *a.e in a s ri*t that lulls, or ta6es a breath/

1 N Ae*ly N >hare U

AB $ +u 6 N O months a.o

Totally a.ree/ Plus there is no rule sayin. you anQt still ha,e tension and ur.en y in a slo-er *a ed s ene/ Audien es need a breather and itQs u* to the -riter and the subseCuent *rodu tion to do it -ell enou.h to .et e,eryone on board and not treat "ast *a ed a tion/ur.en y as a rut h -hi h it tends to be in most mo,ies/

N Ae*ly N >hare U

$ +u 6 AB N O months a.o

Ees, e5a tly/ A<T#B) an mean anythin./ The buildin. o" T@)>#B) and @[<#T@$@)T is -hat .ri*s *eo*le at the mo,ies, not ar a"ter ar hase/ #t is built around the arin. o" the *eo*le and the thrill o" the tension in the s ene, -hi h an ome "rom a million di""erent thin.s/ #t does not 9ust mean Heli o*ters -ith a million bombs and a hundred -ays to *un h a >*ande5 man, or a thousand -ays to run a ross a >*anish tiled roo", or a million -ays to hase a ar do-n a narro- alley -ay/ Br lest # say: another -ay to rash a *lane/ !-hite house do-n, 00Z,, et '/

N Ae*ly N >hare U

Panos Tsa*anidis $ +u 6 N O months a.o

o o

$y o*inion on this is that "irst and "oremost you anQt *ut e,ery mo,ie under the same mi ros o*e/

(r.en y in this 6ind o" mo,ie is maybe the best in.redient/ The same a**lied to Ta6en also/ &ut that doesnQt mean that ur.en y is the in.redient that -ill ma6e A++ mo,ies a-esome/ # ha,enQt seen the a tion mo,ies youQre mentionin. so the only thin. # an assume is that maybe those mo,ies didnQt a**ly ur.en y as -ell as 00Z did, thatQs -hy they -erenQt any .ood/ &ut in this 6ind o" mo,ies, ur.en y is -hat salt is to oo6in./
o o o o o o

2 N Ae*ly N >hare U

J/A/ Dinnard Panos Tsa*anidis N O months a.o

Totally a.ree -ith you/ # thin6 the ommon mista6e that -e sometimes ma6e is e,aluatin. mo,ies a.ainst ea h other rather than a.ainst themsel,es/ Ho- -ell does S0orld 0ar ZS a om*lish its .oals? Ho- does it "ul"ill the reCuirements o" the .enre? ThatQs ho- you e,aluate the -orth/s6ill o" a mo,ie, #$HB/

#t is instru ti,e, there"ore, to om*are the e""e ti,eness o" S0orld 0ar ZS and SA"ter @arthS be ause they o u*y similar orners o" the uni,erse/ &ut om*arin. S0orld 0ar ZS to S>ha-shan6 Aedem*tionS is a "alse *remise to -ith/ They ha,e di""erent aims and rules based u*on the on,entions o" their res*e ti,e .enres/ $ore s*e i"i ally, there is (AG@)<E in both o" these "ilms, but it is on,eyed and resol,ed in -ays di tated by their .enre/ Andy doesnQt resol,e his *roblem by blo-in. u* >ha-shan6 be ause that -ould be in onsistent -ith the .enre/ &ut &rad Pitt .otta blo- shit u* be ause thatQs -hat the .enre demands/ @bert has one o" the .reatest Cuotes about mo,ies that #Q,e e,er heard/ S#tQs not -hat a mo,ie is about, itQs ho- it is about it/S # try to 6ee* that Cuote in mind -hene,er #Qm -ritin./

2 N Ae*ly N >hare U

Panos Tsa*anidis J/A/ Dinnard N O months a.o


N Ae*ly N >hare U

$ +u 6 J/A/ Dinnard N O months a.o

# -asnQt om*arin. 00Z to >HA0>HA)D/ # -as tal6in. about the .uidan e bein. .i,en and the re,ie-s o" mo,ies and s ri*ts/ Ho- there is a serious bent to-ard a sin.ular style and ty*e/ Almost e,ery s ri*t -hen it "ails is bein. tal6ed about that it needs more a tion/ >ame -ith the mo,ies bein. -at hed/ And -e donQt .et >ha-shan6Qs anymore/ 0e .et 00ZQs and #$3 and G;Qs and >P#%@E;, et /

N Ae*ly N >hare U

$ +u 6 Panos Tsa*anidis N O months a.o

VPlease read my *ost abo,e !# added a res*onse to mysel"' # thin6 TAD@) and ()D)B0) !both -ith +iam )eeson' are some o" the best A tion mo,ies sin e %#@ HAA%/ They -ere smart, they -ere -ell out, they had hara ters -e ared about/ >till )either -as as .ood as %ie Hard, but they -ere >B $(<H better than almost anythin. # ha,e seen in bet-een !sa,e maybe the "irst >P@@%'/

N Ae*ly N >hare U

Dieran B%ea $ +u 6 N O months a.o

o o

# thin6 you missed the *oint o" his re,ie-/ #tQs not that there -as non sto* a tion be ause there -ere lots o" brea6s, but durin. those brea6s there -as al-ays this hei.htened tension due to the "a t that Zombies -ere al-ays nearby/ !>PB#+@A> #)<' # it -as a .ood mo,ie e5 e*t "or the G+AA#)G lo.i al errors -hi h <arson a tually mentioned e5 e*t "or the one at the end -here he lea,es the ro-bar outside the hamber///
o o o o o o

2 N Ae*ly N >hare U

$ +u 6 Dieran B%ea N O months a.o

VPlease read my *ost abo,e !# added a res*onse to mysel"'

# didnQt miss the *oint, # .ot the *oint ,ery mu h/ >ee abo,e, # -asnQt s*e i"i ally tal6in. about 00Z, # -as tal6in. about trends and the "o us o" re,ie-s and ideas/

N Ae*ly N >hare U

blueR3T $ +u 6 N O months a.o

o o

Eou 6no-, this is not really a mo,ie site *er se/ B asionally <arson re,ie-s mo,ies to illustrate *oints about s reen-ritin., -hi h is -hat his blo. is about/ # donQt thin6 <arsonQs sayin. 0orld 0ar Z is A ademy A-ard material, but "or -hat it is, itQs *retty .ood/ # *ersonally *re"er 2W %ays +ater or e,en the %a-n o" the %ead rema6e be ause # the hara ters -ere better, but thatQs 9ust me/ # donQt 6no- i" youQre a -riter, but the "a t o" the matter is that art/indie mo,ies donQt really ma6e .ood e5am*les "or a s reen-ritin. blo. be ause those mo,ies are usually .enerated by -riter/dire tor ty*es 11 the rules donQt a**ly to them/ &asi ally, Holly-ood is the main em*loyer o" s reen-riters so to brea6 in you ha,e to see material throu.h its eyes, -hate,er your *ersonal *re"eren e may be/ Eou lo,e +ars 3on Trier mo,ies, but youQll ne,er -rite "or him/ Eou ha,e to learn -hat -or6s "or Holly-ood/ #n *o* orn mo,ies, *a e is a .ood thin., or *ut another -ay,

the absen e o" borin. moments/ #Qm not sayin. nonsto* a tion/ A .ood hara ter turn is as .ood or better than an o,er1 horeo.ra*hed, .eneri .un battle/ The best thin. about %ie Hard is the hara ters/ $y bee" about 0orld 0ar Z is not the *a e, itQs that !e hoin. others' Gerry +ane is 9ust not a .reat hara ter/ He basi ally has no "la-s/ He has a de"inite emotional .oal, but itQs su h a .eneri one 11 .et ba 6 to his "amily/ Eou really donQt -ant your *rota.Qs .oal to be the same as ,irtually e,ery other hara ter *ut in his *osition/ #t really -ould ha,e been more "ri.htenin. to ha,e the entire "amily in 9eo*ardy "rom 2ombies the entire mo,ie/ &ut then you ouldnQt ha,e Gerry .lobetrottin. all o,er the -orld tryin. to sto* the 2ombies/ #n a -ay, the lassi 2ombie mo,ie situation o" a "e- humans tryin. to stay ali,e amidst hordes o" undead, to me .i,es the most *ro*ulsion and also .i,es a lot o" "a e time to the hara ters/ 00Z e5*ands the *arameters o" the 2ombie mo,ie, but somethin. -as lost in the *ro ess/ #nstead o" a "e- hara ters -e are dee*ly about, itQs the -hole -orld thatQs threatened, but the -hole -orld isnQt su h a .ood hara ter, to me/ #n "a t, 0orld 0ar Z reminds me more o" disaster mo,ies li6e Arma.eddon -here the entire -orld is threatened by some de,astatin. "or e/ see more
o o o o o o

N Ae*ly N >hare U

+isa Aldin $ +u 6 N O months a.o


AGA@@F &y the -ay, # adored &@GBA@ $#%)#GHTF # lo,e that trilo.yF #Qm 6ind o" obsessed -ith it/ And # -as ri,eted all the -ay throu.h/ #t -ould be interestin. to a re,ie- o" that here but # sus*e t itQs not <aronQs u* o" tea/ # also -ant to see $(% and TH@ D#)G> BG >($$@A and TH@ >P@<TA<(+AA )B0 -hen it omes out and >TBA#@> 0@ T@++/ # lo,e SsmallerS stories/ >tories that ould ,ery -ell be ha**enin. around the orner at this ,ery moment but you donQt e,en 6no- it/ The thin. is, to the hara ters, those stories an "eel as bi. as aliens or 2ombies ta6in. o,er the -orld/ Those are my "a,orites but # an also a**re iate a heart1*oundin. a tion or s ien e "i tion or thriller, althou.h itQs mu h rarer that # end u* li6in. any o" those/ &ut # a.ree/ A di""erent loo6 at some di""erent stories -ould be ool/
o o o o o o

N Ae*ly N >hare U

$ +u 6 $ +u 6 N O months a.o

o o

A little lari"i ation/

>o # am a lo,er o" A++ 6inds o" mo,ies/ # ha,e seen T0\ o" the >*ande5 "li 6s that ha,e ome out/ # also see all other 6inds o" mo,ies as -ell !e5 e*t $usi als, unless somethin. really, really .ets me interested'/ # am not sayin. # B)+E li6e %AA$A or #)%#@Qs/ )ot at all/ # +B3@, +B3@ mo,ies/ # am not *i 6in. on the 0orld 0ar Z mo,ie, or <arsonQs o,era.e s*e i"i ally/ 0hat # am sayin., is there has been a serious trend in his o,era.e o" mo,ies and s ri*ts "or Cuite a -hile/ #t 9ust so ha**ens in this re,ie- he s*ells it out so s*e i"i ally that this mo,ie -as sa,ed by ma6in. it an a tion, .o1.o1.o mo,ie/ And # am not sayin. it didnQt/ # am sure it -as a .ood hoi e/ The *roblem is, that re,ie- a"ter re,ie- 6ee*s statin. that it is *aramount to ha,e thin.s mo,in. "ull tilt ahead, all the time/ To 6ee* thin.s HAPP@)#)G, to .o1.o1.o/ This seems to be the most im*ortant thin.s -ith s ri*ts and mo,ies, to him, to others on this site as -ell/ The *roblem in Holly-ood is that e,erythin. is bein. "unneled do-n to a sin.ularity/ &asi ally they ha,e one tool in their toolbo5: $AD@ #T &#G or GB HB$@F oh and $AD@ #T +BA%@% 0#TH <G# and A<T#B)F # ha,e read many arti les about this *arti ular thin./ The mo,ement inside is A0AE "rom di,ersity, and TB0AA% ,anilla, un, "amiliarity/ >o, -e are .oin. to end u* -ith nothin. di""erent ,ery soon/ Gor me, # am 3@AE TB(GH on mo,ies, -ritin., and e,erythin. in,ol,ed/ # am loo6in. "or stories that are done so -ell, they a""e t me in a hu.e almost *ermanent -ay/ TT/;\ o" mo,ies "eel as i" they -ere *honed in in many -ays/ # -ant the dialo.ue, the hara teri2ation, the <inemato.ra*hy, the s ore, the story, the intri ate *arts, basi ally all *ie es to "lo- beauti"ully/ # -ant my e5*erien e to ta6e me into the -orld that is reated and ma6e me om*letely " -here # am, -ho # am, or anythin. that is ha**enin. in my li"e "or those 2 hours/ # -ant to be so u*set it ended, and -ish so dee*ly it -ould .o on "ore,er -hen it is o,er/ # am A@A++E tou.h on mo,ies/ # ha,e a TB) o" mo,ies # lo,e, a HA)%G(++ that are Per"e t in my boo6, and Cuite a "e- that "ul"ill -hat # ha,e des ribed abo,e/ &ut in om*arison to ho- many # ha,e read and been to, the best ones barely s rat h 1\ o" all # ha,e seen/ see more
o o

o o o o

N Ae*ly N >hare U

>in lareAose $ +u 6 N O months a.o

o o

$ +u 6, # om*letely understand -hat you mean/ All mo,ies donQt need an a tion1*a 6ed t-o hours "or it to be onsidered a .reat "ilm/ &ut hereQs the ans-er: #tQs all about the money/// money/// money//// !Eeah, # ha,e that son. in my head/' $ore *eo*le are .oin. to *ay the see the a tion1*a 6ed "ilm o,er the indie drama any day o" the -ee6/ The audien e o" the summer blo 6buster is 1male, 1W to 3I !# -ould .uess <arson "alls into this ate.ory'1 and those are the ones -ho -ill *ay/ 0ho ares i" itQs a .ood mo,ie/ $a6e ra2y "ast thin.s ha**en throu.hout the -hole mo,ie and they -ill *ay, and oh my .osh, thro- in 2ombies/// -at h outF ThatQs all QtheyQ are about anymore/ 0e an han.e that thou.h,
o o o o o o

N Ae*ly N >hare U

$ +u 6 >in lareAose N O months a.o

VPlease read my *ost abo,e !# added a res*onse to mysel"' # a.ree, that is ho- thin.s are .oin., or already are/ Peo*le -ill *ay "or the a tion *a 6ed stu""/ # thin6 *eo*le %B <AA@ i" it is a .ood mo,ie or not/ # <AA@, bi. time/ 0hy is %#@ HAA% *robably TH@ $B>T D)B0) a tion mo,ie @3@A? &e ause it -as so "la-lessly reated/ #n,enti,e, interestin., reati,e, a-esome hara ters you are about, *er"e tly or hestrated a tion *ie es/ #t -as a &#G A<T#B) *i ture, and one # stand behind as a solid mo,ie 100\/ &ut -e donQt .et those anymore/ )ot e,en lose/ # am sayin., *eo*le are arin. more about .ettin. the A<T#B) in there o,er .ettin. a .reat story that in ludes a tion -hi h is rele,ant to that story/

N Ae*ly N >hare U

6idbaron $ +u 6 N O months a.o

o o

# really -ant to see the The @ast/ Any .ood? %id you see The >ound o" $y 3oi e? #t -as by the same team/
o o o o o o

N Ae*ly N >hare U

$ +u 6 6idbaron N O months a.o

# hesitate to re*ly/ i ha,e a tenden y to be 3@AE"or-ard about my "eelin.s about mo,ies/ # donQt -ant to olor your ,ie- one -ay or the other be"ore you see it/ # also donQt -ant to .i,e anythin. a-ay a identally/ # -as e5tremely e5 ited to see -hat they -ere .oin. to do to the heads o" these &illion dollar om*anies, and ho- they -ere .oin. to ma6e hu.e statements to the -orld by doin. it/ That started o"" -ell, but it .ot less and less interestin. as the mo,ie -ent alon./ &rit $arlin.Qs "*rints -ere "elt all o,er this/ #t basi ally "elt li6e the e5a t same mo,ie as The >ound o" $y 3oi e/ >ame story beats, same style/ #t -as a tually 6ind o" stran.e/ )ot sure ho- that ha**ened be ause they are totally di""erent stories/ # am .lad # sa- it, but -as under-helmed honestly/ As # -as -ith >ound/

1 N Ae*ly N >hare U

M Paul <lar6e N O months a.o

At last a "ilm re,ie- # an a tually read be ause it -as released internationally at the same time/ Than6 you distributors/ As "or the mo,ie/ # lo,ed it, but the ta 6ed on endin. -as anti1 lima ti / #t -as .reat to see the e,olution o" the 2ombie .enre/ Grom shu""lin., to runnin., to *rimal sa, -ith near su*er human and s*eed/ $ade "or an e5 itin. ,ie-/ # did ha,e a "e- issues thou.h !VVV >PB#+@A> VVV' 1 0e are TB+% &rad is the only man "or the 9ob/ Eet -e ne,er really >@@ this in a tion/ 0hy is this .uy so im*ortant that e,ery other hara ter -e meet is -illin. to lay do-n their li,es to *rote t? He 9ust seemed li6e a normal .uy -ho sur,i,ed be ause o" e,eryone else/ 1 &e ause o" the -ay e,eryone else sa ri"i es themsel,es "or him, # "ound mysel" losin. em*athy/ @,eryone else sho-ed more heroi beha,iour than our hero/ 1 And o" ourse the endin./ The s ene itsel" is "ine, but i" you ha,e a mo,ie -ith a slo-, tense s ene o" a "e- *eo*le and a "e- 2ombies in a buildin./ And the same mo,ie has ra2y entire ity s enes -ith thousands o" 2ombies 1 # thin6 the later should be the lima5/ &uild the momentum, donQt "i22le out/ Gor me there seemed an ob,ious hoi e to sol,e these issues !a.ain ma9or s*oiler alert' 1 0hy not .i,e him the terminal disease "rom the be.innin.? He has le"t his 9ob at the () so he ould s*end the last "e- years o" his li"e -ith his "amily/ They need him/ #roni ally, the only man that ould sa,e the *eo*le !and his "amily' is the .uy -hoQs .oin. to die/ This sol,es em*athy *roblems, yet ma6es the terminal disease a ohesi,e *art o" the *lot not some ta 6ed on thin./ Plus it ma6es more sense -hy heQs the only one -ho an do the 9ob/ 0e 9ust donQt reali2e -hy he al-ays sur,i,es/ #t seems li6e a series o" oin iden es, then -e see that itQs the disease that they are a,oidin./ >ure it -ould ta6e a-ay his bi. hoi e at the end, but #Qm sure they ould ome u* -ith somethin. else in its *la e/ Any-ay, i" that *art -as ta 6ed on late # .uess they ouldnQt han.e the rest/ 0hy -ould you start "ilmin. a mo,ie o" that -hen you 6no- you ha,e a ra**y endin.? Ae.ardless o" all this # still "ound it a ,ery en9oyable mo,ie/ &ut # do ha,e a .reat lo,e o" 2ombies/ Bn a smaller note 1 # lo,ed the s ene -here heQs on the roo"to* and he stands on the ed.e ready to 9um* be ause he .ot 2ombie in his mouth and isnQt sure i" he -ill turn !somethin. sho-s li6e 0al6in. %ead donQt e,en bother to dis us' 1 &ut this ama2in. s ene -as ruined by not establishin. -hy he -as standin. there until a"ter/ The sus*ense -as ruined be ause # "ound mysel" -onderin. S-hy they hell is he standin. on the ed.e?S # thin6 that -as one o" the best minor little moments, a .reat hara ter moment, but they didnQt mil6 it "or all itQs -orth/ see more M M W


N Ae*ly N >hare U
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Alan &urnett Paul <lar6e N O months a.o

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%elete the Qterminal diseaseQ idea and 6ee* it o"" the net/ ThatQs a .reat idea and ould easily -or6 "or a horror "ilm hara ter: it ma6es the hara ter sym*atheti and ,ulnerable, there are still be the illusion o" *hysi al sta6es be ause the audien e -ill ideally not that the hara ter is in,ulnerable to -ith, it 9usti"ies -hy a normal hara ter seems to sur,i,e, there -ill be emotional sta6es be ause the other hara ters arenQt ,ulnerable and there are numerous -ays you an in or*orate irony into the "ilm !maybe the lead hara ter 1 -ho -as si.n*osted to die 1 is the only hara ter -ho sur,i,es the "ilm'/
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1 N Ae*ly N >hare U

yeebarr Paul <lar6e N O months a.o

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EayF Ginished my ma9or *ro9e t] elebrated returnin. to the land o" the li,in. by -at hin. my "irst mo,ie in ; monthsF Ae] the terminal disease 1 thatQs a .reat idea PaulF They should ha,e .i,en you a all instead o" +indelo" and GoddardF # Cuite en9oyed the endin. but it -as de"initely a stran.e -ay to "inish the "ilm !it -as only a"ter # read online re*orts about the han.e] # they !s*oiler' ould ha,e *ut his "amily in more at the end] ould ha,e had one "inal " as he tries to .et to them in the am*? And a.ree -ith the led.e s ene 1 ,ery ool !and lo.i al' Bh///but then !another s*oiler' did they seriously need to ma6e Pitts arry so %($& he had to dro* his -ea*on to o*en the door? >eriously?? Ty*i al +indelo" 1 *lot beats lo.i e,ery timeF :'
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1 N Ae*ly N >hare U

M PoeX>erlin. N O months a.o

>in e itQs Atta 6 o" the Zombies day on >>, hereQs an interestin. arti le # on e stumbled u*on about the inemati ori.ins o" the +i,in. %ead and their de ayin. brethren/ SZombies/// they as an anthro*olo.i al uriosity, dra-n "rom 0illiam >eabroo6Qs non1 "i tion boo6 "rom Q2T about 3oodoo *ra ti es in Haiti/// 0hite Zombie -as the "irst s reen treatment to *i 6 u* on >eabroo6Qs resear h and "or many years a"ter the 2ombie -as de"ined as a sla,e 1 maybe dead, maybe not 1 under the s*ell o" 3oodoo master/ The basi assum*tion ontinued throu.h a hand"ul o" hea*ies in the QR0s until HammerQs Pla.ue o" the Zombies this *hase to a lose -ith a tale o" a <ornish tin mine sta""ed by reanimated ada,ers/ >oon the se ond *hase -ould -ith Geor.e A/ AomeroQs ) o" the +i,in. %ead/S $y *ersonal "a,orite "rom this 3oodoo1ins*ired era: # 0al6ed -ith a Zombie !1TR3'/ Here Qa nurse in the <aribbean resorts to ,oodoo to ure her *atient, e,en thou.h sheQs in lo,e -ith the -omanQs husband/Q The "ilm -as dire ted by Ja Cues Tourneur/ A to*not h *rodu tion "rom *rodu er 3al +e-ton/ This one has atmos*here to burn, dream1li6e ima.ery, memorable dialo.ue, and a s ri*t loosely ins*ired by Jane @yre/ M M M M M M ; N Ae*ly N >hare U
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A,ishai PoeX>erlin. N O months a.o

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AomeroQs 2ombies -erenQt ori.inally an Su*datedS ,ersion o" the 3oodoo 2ombies that -ere the mainstay/ They -ere su**osed to be alled Ghouls, but the -ord Zombie stu 6/
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2 N Ae*ly N >hare U

PoeX>erlin. A,ishai N O months a.o

Hey A,ishai1

@5 ellent *oint/// the li,in. dead in AomeroQs "ilm are ne,er alled 2ombies in the ourse o" the story/

1 N Ae*ly N >hare U

A,ishai PoeX>erlin. N O months a.o

#t should be noted, thou.h, that to-ards the end o" %a-n o" the %ead, someone alls them 2ombies/

2 N Ae*ly N >hare U

M Andrea $oss N O months a.o

<arson, # 6ee* thin6in. the "irst dra"t *enned by >tra 2yns6i -ithout all the $atthe- $i hael <arnahan stu"" is GAA better than the "inal mo,ie and mu h more "aith"ul to the no,el/ #t -as a more adult a**roa h and has all the .reat moments "rom the boo6: the &attle o" Eon6ers !here the &attle o" Gran6lin >Cuare, be ause the -riter set the a tion in Philly', the Aaedde6er Plan !and -hat a mista6e -as to eliminate this hara ter "rom the "inal s ri*t, by the -ay in my dreamed ,ersion &ryan <ranston -ould ha,e .ot the role', the inter,ie-s1-ith1the1sur,i,ors stru ture !intert-ined -ith se,eral "lashba 6s "rom Gerry +ane and his "amily tryin. to sur,i,e to the "irst -inter o" the *la.ue'/// #" you thin6 this -as a borin. read be ause the la 6 o" ur.en y, # ha,e to disa.ree/ J/ $i hael >tra 2yns6i .ets a small mira le here: a s ri*t om*osed almost entirely o" "lashba 6s that is a *a.e turner/ Ho- does he do it? Trans"ormin. e,ery "lashba 6 in a mini1story -ith a be.innin., middle and end, and in reasin. hi.her sta6es/ 0ith e,ery ne- inter,ie- the audien e is sho-n the in radi al ends to -hi h humanity !and the +ane "amily, in *arti ular the dau.hter' has ome in their stru..le to sur,i,e, and the *ri e has ta6en in sur,i,ors/ #" you ta6e the best *arts o" The 0al6in. %ead and add to this the e*i s ale o" a disaster "ilm -ith some hints o" a ons*ira y thriller !be ause there are some .uys on the hi.her le,els that doesnQt -ant *eo*le 6no-s the the true e5tension o" the Aaede66er Plan >PB#+@A that the *o*ulation o" entire ities -ere abandoned to their "ate in order to .ain time to set a ounteratta 6 and are tor*edoin. Gerry in e,ery ste* o" his mission to un o,er the truth', you ha,e >tra 2yns6iQs 0orld 0ar Z/ >eriously, this isnQt a rant "rom a "anboy/ # thin6 00Z is a de ent mo,ie/ %e ent, but not .reat and boy/// #T <B(+% HA3@ &@ GA@ATF Paramount and Plan & has dro**ed the ball here/ >orry, but is true/ #tQs 9ust # remember s enes "rom the >tra 2yns6i dra"t "ulled o" tension, li6e the German ste-ardess o" a inter ontinental " in -hi h the in"e ted *assen.ers to atta 6 the rest, -ho hooses losin. her in a loset to sa,e her li"e be"ore alertin. the authorities at the air*ort o" the ni.htmare that is omin. to them, or that s ene in -hi h thousands o" #ndian re"u.ees are tryin. des*erately to at h the last boats de*artin. "rom a hot 2one -hile literally $#++#B)> o" in"e ted are on their heels !thin6 the >ie.e o" Jerusalem s ene "rom the mo,ie to the nth *o-er, and youQre not remotely lose to -hat # "eel -hen # read this *art o" the s ri*t'/// And # "eel sad be ause o" this .reat missed o**ortunity/ &e ause -e are tal6in. a s ri*t that ould ha,e satis"ied mainstream

audien es and "ans ali6e, A)% be ome a hu.e su ess -orld-ide/ &ut instead &rad Pitt and <o/ hose the easy *ath, and # an understand -hy/ They -ant a "irst installment o" a *lanned "ran hise, not a losed story/ They -ant the PG113 ratin. "rom $PAA at any ost/ They -ant an a tion "ilm -ith $r/ Jolie in the role o" a su*erhero, not a oral "ilm/ And itQs "ine/ He 6, the bo5 o""i e *roo" they -ere, yeah? &ut this isnQt 0orld 0ar Z/ Than6s to the muses -e still ha,e the no,el and the >tra 2yns6i ,ersion, but/// GBA <HA#>T >HAD@, HB0 <B(+% TH@E +@A3@ B(T BG TH@ $B3#@ TH@ &ATT+@ BG GAA)D+#) >J(AA@? TH@ G(<D#)G T(A)#)G PB#)T BG TH@ )B3@+? #T 0A> A $ATT@A BG &(%G@T? #> #T &AA% P#TT THAT <B(+% )BT <B$P+E 0#TH A T0B >TBAE TAA#+@A #)>T@A% BG B)@ BG THA@@ G+BBA> A)% 0#TH JA<(ZZ#??? /// >orry, #Qm still in sho 6 -ith this theme/ P%: #Qll -ait to the %ire torQs <ut &lu1Aay -ith the ori.inal <arnahan endin. set in Aussia to om*are the t-o ,ersions o" the mo,ie and de ide -hi h is better/ The 9ury is still out in this re.ard/ see more M M M M M M I N Ae*ly N >hare U
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M thethirde.. N O months a.o

Thin. is, the boo6 had so mu h de*th, so mu h alle.ory, so mu h ,alid ommentary all o" -hi h -ere se ondary to "as inatin. hara ters !Patient Zero do tor' and ri,etin., a tion1soa6ed stories

!$etsGan', -hat theyQ,e done -ith the "ilm is 9ust an insult to anyone -hoQs e,en *i 6ed u* the boo6/ Eeah, you an treat it as a standalone "ilm and 9ud.e it "or that, but does that ma6e it any di""erent to any other 2ombie or a*o aly*ti /disease "ilms? )o/ &ut the boo6 had that/ And its alled 0orld 0ar Z/ 0hy buy the ri.hts to su h a boo6? Gor the built in audien e? Gor the ideas -ithin? 0hy then ha,e they *ro eeded to ma6e a "ilm that i.nores both? >orry, you -ont .et a *enny "rom me/ 0hatQs le"t is a *o* orn, by the numbers, instantly "or.ettable "ilm/ 0ill it be remembered in either the 2ombie or a tion .enres? )o*e/ M M M M M M R N Ae*ly N >hare U
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M .a2roN O months a.o

S(AG@)<E sol,es all your s reen*lay4s illsFS Ho- ironi 1 Bnly last -ee6 # as6ed i" anyone ould thin6 o" a 2ombie mo,ie -ith a ti 6in. lo 6? They all ha,e G> but seemed la 6in. in the (/ A**arently, 0orld 0ar Z is: Sthe *roty*i al G>( s ri*tSF )ot .oin. to read the rest o" the re,ie- or -at h the mo,ie until # "inish my o-n 2ombie master*ie eF Guess # better hurry u* and "inish it 1 lo 6Qs ti 6in.F


M R N Ae*ly N >hare U
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A,ishai .a2roN O months a.o

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The ne-er dra"t o" my 2ombie s ri*t !The +ast Bnes But, re ei,er o" an AG S0asnQt Gor $e' has a ti 6in. lo 6 in it/
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N Ae*ly N >hare U

$ +u 6 A,ishai N O months a.o

ho- lon. a.o did that .et re,ie-ed? # donQt re all it/ an you .i,e the *remise? than6s

N Ae*ly N >hare U

A,ishai $ +u 6 N O months a.o

This is the re,ie-: htt*://s ri*tshado-/net/amateu/// #Q,e been -or6in. on a re-rite "or some time no-/

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