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Alexandra Kollontai

Communism and the Family

1920 First Published: in Komunistka, No. 2, 1920, and in English in The Worker, 1920; Sour e: Selected Writings of Alexandra Kollontai, Allison ! "usb#, 19$$; %ranslated: b# Alix &olt.

Womens role in production: its effect upon the family 'ill the (a)il# ontinue to exist under o))unis)* 'ill the (a)il# re)ain in the sa)e (or)* %hese +uestions are troubling )an# ,o)en o( the ,or-ing lass and ,orr#ing their )en(ol- as ,ell. .i(e is hanging be(ore our /er# e#es; old habits and usto)s are d#ing out, and the ,hole li(e o( the 0roletarian (a)il# is de/elo0ing in a ,a# that is ne, and un(a)iliar and, in the e#es o( so)e, 1bi2arre3. No ,onder that ,or-ing ,o)en are beginning to thin- these +uestions o/er. Another (a t that in/ites attention is that di/or e has been )ade easier in So/iet 4ussia. %he de ree o( the 5oun il o( Peo0le6s 5o))issars issued on 17 8e e)ber 191$ )eans that di/or e is, no longer a luxur# that onl# the ri h an a((ord; hen e(orth, a ,or-ing ,o)an ,ill not ha/e to 0etition (or )onths or e/en (or #ears to se ure the right to li/e se0aratel# (ro) a husband ,ho beats her and )a-es her li(e a )iser# ,ith his drun-enness and un outh beha/iour. 8i/or e b# )utual agree)ent no, ta-es no )ore than a ,ee- or t,o to obtain. 'o)en ,ho are unha00# in their )arried li(e ,el o)e this eas# di/or e. "ut others, 0arti ularl# those ,ho are used to loo-ing u0on their husband as 1bread,inners3, are (rightened. %he# ha/e not #et understood that a ,o)an )ust a usto) hersel( to see- and (ind su00ort in the olle ti/e and in so iet#, and not (ro) the indi/idual )an. %here is no 0oint in not (a ing u0 to the truth: the old (a)il# in ,hi h the )an ,as e/er#thing and the ,o)an nothing, the t#0i al (a)il# ,here the ,o)an had no ,ill o( her o,n, no ti)e o( her o,n and no )one# o( her o,n, is hanging be(ore our /er# e#es. "ut there is no ne d (or alar). 9t is onl# our ignoran e that leads us to thin- that the things ,e are used to an ne/er hange. Nothing ould be less true than the sa#ing 1as it ,as, so it shall be3. 'e ha/e onl# to read ho, 0eo0le li/ed in the 0ast to see that e/er#thing is sub:e t to hange and that no usto)s, 0oliti al organisations or )oral 0rin i0les are (ixed and in/iolable. 9n the ourse o( histor#, the stru ture o( the (a)il# has hanged )an# ti)es; it ,as on e +uite di((erent (ro) the (a)il# o( toda#. %here ,as a ti)e ,hen the -inshi0 (a)il# ,as onsidered the nor): the )other headed a (a)il# onsisting o( her hildren, grand hildren and great;grand hildren, ,ho li/ed and ,or-ed together. At another 0eriod the 0atriar hal (a)il# ,as the rule. 9n this ase it ,as the (ather ,hose ,ill ,as la, (or all the other )e)bers o( the (a)il#: e/en toda# su h (a)ilies )a# be (ound a)ong the 0easantr# in the 4ussian /illages. &ere the )orals and usto)s o( (a)il# li(e are not those o( the urban 0roletariat. 9n the ountr#side, the# obser/e nor)s ,hi h the ,or-er has long (orgotten. %he stru ture o( the (a)il# and the usto)s o( (a)il# li(e also /ar# (ro) nation to nation. A)ong so)e 0eo0les su h as the %ur-s. Arabs and Persians, a )an is allo,ed to ha/e se/eral ,i/es. %here ha/e been and there still are tribes ,here the ,o)an )a# ha/e se/eral husbands. 'e are used to the (a t that a #oung girl is ex0e ted to re)ain a /irgin until )arriage; ho,e/er, there are tribes ,here it is a )atter o( 0ride to ha/e had )an# lo/ers and

,here the ,o)en de orate their ar)s and legs ,ith the orres0onding nu)ber o( bra elets. <an# 0ra ti es ,hi h )ight astonish us and ,hi h )ight e/en see) i))oral are onsidered b# other 0eo0les to be +uite nor)al and the#, in their turn, onsider our la,s and usto)s 1sin(ul3. %here is, there(ore, no reason to be (rightened o( the (a t that the (a)il# is in the 0ro ess o( hange, and that outdated and unne essar# things are being dis arded and ne, relations bet,een )en and ,o)en de/elo0ing our :ob is to de ide ,hi h as0e ts o( our (a)il# s#ste) are outdated and to deter)ine ,hat relations, bet,een the )en and ,o)en o( the ,or-ing and 0easant lasses and ,hi h rights and duties ,ould best har)onise ,ith the onditions o( li(e in the ne, ,or-ers6 4ussia. %hat ,hi h is in be 'ith the ne, li(e should be )aintained, ,hile all that is old and outdated and deri/es (ro) the ursed e0o h o( ser/itude and do)ination, o( landed 0ro0rietors and a0italists, should be s,e0t aside together ,ith the ex0loiting lass itsel( and the other ene)ies o( the 0roletariat and the 0oor. %he t#0e o( (a)il# to ,hi h the urban and rural 0roletariat has gro,n a usto)ed is one o( these, lega ies o( the 0ast. %here ,as a ti)e ,hen the isolated, (ir)l#;-nit (a)il#, based on a hur h ,edding, ,as e+uall# ne essar# to all its )e)bers. 9( there had been no (a)il#, ,ho ,ould ha/e (ed, lothed and brought u0 the hildren* 'ho ,ould ha/e gi/en the) ad/i e* 9n da#s gone b#, to be an or0han ,as one o( the ,orst (ates i)aginable. 9n the (a)il# o( old, the husband earns and orts his ,i(e and hildren. %he ,i(e (or her 0art is o u0ied ,ith house-ee0ing and ,ith bringing u0 the hildren as best she an. "ut o/er the last hundred #ears this usto)ar# (a)il# stru ture has been (alling a0art in all the ountries ,here a0italis) is do)inant and ,here the nu)ber o( (a tories and other enter0rises ,hi h e)0lo# hired labour is in reasing. %he usto)s and )oral 0rin i0les o( (a)il# li(e are hanging as the general onditions o( li(e hange. 9t is the uni/ersal s0read o( (e)ale labour that has ontributed )ost o( all to the radi al hange in (a)il# li(e. For)erl# onl# the )an ,as onsidered a bread,inner. "ut 4ussian ,o)en ha/e (or the 0ast (i(t# or sixt# #ears =and in other a0italist ountries (or a so)e,hat longer 0eriod o( ti)e> been (or ed to see- 0aid ,or- outside the (a)il# and outside the ho)e. %he ,ages o( the 1bread,inner3 being insu((i ient (or the needs o( the (a)il#, the ,o)an (ound hersel( obliged to loo- (or a ,age and to -no - at the (a tor# door. 'ith e/er# #ear the nu)ber o( ,or-ing; lass ,o)en starting ,or- outside the ho)e as da# labourers, sales,o)en, ler-s, ,asher,o)en and ser/ants in reased. Statisti s sho, that in 191?, be(ore the outbrea- o( the First 'orld 'ar, there ,ere about sixt# )illion ,o)en earning their o,n li/ing in the ountries o( Euro0e and A)eri a, and during the ,ar this nu)ber in reased onsiderabl#. Al)ost hal( o( these ,o)en are )arried. 'hat -ind o( (a)il# li(e the# )ust ha/e an easil# be i)agined. 'hat -ind o( 1(a)il# li(e3 an there be i( the ,i(e and )other is out at ,or- (or at least eight hours and, ounting the tra/elling, is a,a# (ro) ho)e (or ten hours a da#* &er ho)e is negle ted; the hildren gro, u0 ,ithout an# )aternal are, s0ending )ost o( the ti)e out on the streets, ex0osed to all the dangers o( this en/iron)ent. %he ,o)an ,ho is ,i(e, )other and ,or-er has to ex0end e/er# oun e o( energ# to (ul(il these roles. She has to ,or- the sa)e hours as her husband in so)e (a tor#, 0rinting;house or o))er ial establish)ent and then on to0 o( that she has to (ind the ti)e to attend to her household and loo- a(ter her hildren. 5a0italis) has 0la ed a rushing burden on ,o)an6s shoulders: it has )ade her a ,age;,or-er ,ithout ha/ing redu ed her ares as house-ee0er or )other. 'o)an staggers beneath the ,eight o( this tri0le load. She su((ers, her (a e is al,a#s ,et ,ith tears. .i(e has ne/er been eas# (or ,o)an, but ne/er has her lot been harder and )ore des0erate than that o( the )illions o( ,or-ing ,o)en under the a0italist #o-e in this he#da# o( (a tor# 0rodu tion. %he (a)il# brea-s do,n as )ore and )ore ,o)en go out to ,or-. &o, an one tal- about (a)il# li(e ,hen the )an and ,o)an ,or- di((erent shi(ts, and ,here the ,i(e does not e/en ha/e the ti)e to 0re0are a de ent )eal (or her o((s0ring* &o, an one tal- o( 0arents ,hen the

)other and (ather are out ,or-ing all da# and annot (ind the ti)e to s0end e/en a (e, )inutes ,ith their hildren* 9t ,as +uite di((erent in the old da#s. %he )other re)ained at ho)e and o u0ied hersel( ,ith her household duties; her hildren ,ere at her side, under her ,at h(ul e#e. No,ada#s the ,or-ing ,o)an hastens out o( the house earl# in the )orning ,hen the (a tor# ,histle blo,s. 'hen e/ening o)es and the ,histle sounds again, she hurries ho)e to s ra)ble through the )ost 0ressing o( her do)esti tas-s. %hen it6s oil to ,or- again the next )orning, and she is tired (ro) la - o( slee0. For the )arried ,or-ing ,o)an, li(e is as had as the ,or-house. 9t is not sur0rising there(ore that (a)il# ties should loosen and the (a)il# begin to (all a0art. %he ir u)stan es that held the (a)il# together no longer exist. %he (a)il# is easing to be necessary either to its members or to the nation as a whole. %he old (a)il# stru ture is no, )erel# a hindran e. 'hat used to )a-e the old (a)il# so strong* First, be ause the husband and (ather ,as the (a)il#6s bread,inner; se ondl#, be ause the (a)il# e ono)# ,as ne essar# to all its )e)bers: and thirdl#, be ause hildren ,ere brought u0 b# their 0arents. 'hat is le(t o( this (or)er t#0e o( (a)il#* %he husband, as ,e ha/e :ust seen, has eased to he the sole bread,inner. %he ,i(e ,ho goes to ,or- earns ,ages. She has learned to a) her o,n li/ing, to su00ort her hildren and not in(re+uentl# her husband. %he (a)il# no, onl# ser/es as the 0ri)ar# e ono)i unit o( so iet# and the su00orter and edu ator o( #oung hildren. .et us exa)ine the )atter in )ore detail, to see ,hether or not the (a)il# is about to be relie/ed o( these tas-s as ,ell. Housework ceases to be necessary %here ,as a ti)e ,hen the ,o)en o( the 0oorer lasses in it# and ountr# s0ent their entire li/es ,ithin the (our ,alls o( the ho)e. A ,o)an -ne, nothing be#ond the threshold o( her o,n ho)e, and in )ost ases had no ,ish to -no, an#thing. A(ter all, in her o,n ho)e, there ,as so )u h to do, and this ,or- ,as )ost ne essar# and use(ul not onl# (or the (a)il# itsel( but also (or the state as a ,hole. %he ,o)an did e/er#thing that the )odern ,or-ing and 0easant ,o)an has to do, but besides this oo-ing, ,ashing, leaning and )ending, she s0un ,ool and linen, ,o/e loth and gar)ents, -nitted sto -ings, )ade la e, 0re0ared @ as (ar as her resour es 0er)itted @ all sorts o( 0i -les, :a)s and other 0reser/es (or ,inter, and )anu(a tured, her o,n andles. 9t is di((i ult to )a-e a o)0lete list o( all her duties. %hat is ho, our )others and grand)others li/ed. E/en toda# #ou )a# still o)e a ross re)ote /illages dee0 in the ountr#, (ar (ro) the railroads and the big ri/ers, ,here this )ode o( li(e has been 0reser/ed and ,here the )istress o( the house is o/erburdened ,ith all -inds o( hores o/er ,hi h the ,or-ing ,o)an o( the big ities and o( the 0o0ulous industrial regions has long eased to ,orr#. 9n our grand)other6s da#, all this do)esti ,or- ,as ne essar# and bene(i ial; it ensured the ,ell;being o( the (a)il#. %he )ore the )istress o( the house a00lied hersel(, the better the 0easant or ra(ts)an6s (a)il# li/ed. E/en the national e ono)# bene(ited (ro) the house,i(e6s a ti/it#, (or the ,o)an did not li)it hersel( to )a-ing sou0 and oo-ing 0otatoes =i.e. satis(#ing the 9))ediate needs o( the (a)il#>, she also 0rodu ed su h things as loth, thread, butter, et . ,hi h had a /alue as o))odities that ould be sold on the )ar-et. And e/er# )an, ,hether 0easant or ,or-er, tried to (ind a ,i(e ,ho had 1hands o( gold3, (or he -ne, that a (a)il# ould not get along ,ithout this 1do)esti labour3. %he interests o( the ,hole nation ,ere in/ol/ed, (or the )ore ,or- the ,o)an and the other )e)bers o( the (a)il# 0ut into )a-ing loth, leather and ,ool =the sur0lus o( ,hi h ,as sold in the neighbouring )ar-et>, the greater the e ono)i 0ros0erit# o( the ountr# as a ,hole. "ut a0italis) has hanged all this. All that ,as (or)erl# 0rodu ed in the boso) o( the (a)il# is no, being )anu(a tured on a )ass s ale ) ,or-sho0s and (a tories. %he )a hine has su0erseded the ,i(e. 'hat house-ee0er ,ould no, bother to )a-e andles, s0in ,ool or ,ea/e,

loth* All these 0rodu ts an be bought in the sho0 next door, (or)erl# e/er# girl ,ould learn to -nit sto -ings. No,ada#s, ,hat ,or-ing ,o)an ,ould thin- o( )a-ing her o,n* 9n the (irst 0la e she doesn6t ha/e the ti)e. %i)e is )one#, and no one ,ants to ,aste ti)e in an un0rodu ti/e and useless )anner. Fe, ,or-ing ,o)en ,ould start to 0i -le u u)bers or )a-e other 0reser/es ,hen all these things an be bought in the sho0. E/en i( the 0rodu ts sold in the store are o( an in(erior +ualit# and not 0re0ared ,ith the are o( the ho)e;)ade e+ui/alent the ,or-ing ,o)an has neither the ti)e nor the energ# needed to 1 0er(or) these do)esti o0erations. First and (ore)ost she is a hired ,or-er. %hus the (a)il# e ono)# is graduall# being de0ri/ed o( all the do)esti ,or- ,ithout ,hi h our grand)others ould hardl# ha/e i)agined a (a)il#. 'hat ,as (or)erl# 0rodu ed in the (a)il# is no, 0rodu ed b# the olle ti/e labour o( ,or-ing )en and ,o)en in the (a tories. %he (a)il# no longer 0rodu es; it onl# onsu)es. %he house,or- that re)ains onsists o( leaning = leaning the (loors, dusting, heating ,ater, are o( the la)0s et .>, oo-ing =0re0aration o( dinners and su00ers>, ,ashing and the are o( the linen and lothing o( the 1(a)il# =darning and )ending>. %hese are di((i ult and exhausting tas-s and the# absorb all the s0are ti)e and energ# o( the ,or-ing ,o)an ,ho )ust, in addition, 0ut in her hours at a (a tor#. "ut this ,oris di((erent in one i)0ortant ,a# (ro) the ,or- our grand)others did: the (our tas-s enu)erated abo/e, ,hi h still ser/e to -ee0 the (a)il# together, are o( no /alue to the state and the national e ono)#, (or the# do not reate an# ne, /alues or )a-e an# ontribution to the 0ros0erit# o( the ountr#. %he house,i(e )a# s0end all da#, (ro) )orning to e/ening, leaning her ho)e, she )a# ,ash and iron the linen dail#, )a-e e/er# e((ort to -ee0 her lothing in good order and 0re0are ,hate/er dishes she 0leases and her )odest resour es allo,, and she ,ill still end the da# ,ithout ha/ing reated an# /alues. 8es0ite her industr# she ,ould not ha/e )ade an#thing that ould be onsidered a o))odit#. E/en i( a ,or-ing ,o)an ,ere to li/e a thousand #ears, she ,ould still ha/e to begin e/er# da# (ro) the beginning. %here ,ould al,a#s be a ne, la#er o( dust to be re)o/ed (ro) the )antel0ie e, her husband ,ould al,a#s o)e in hungr# and her hildren bring in )ud on their shoes. 'o)en6s ,or- is be o)ing less use(ul to the o))unit# as a ,hole. 9t is be o)ing un0rodu ti/e. %he indi/idual household is d#ing. 9t is gi/ing ,a# in our so iet# to olle ti/e house-ee0ing. 9nstead o( the ,or-ing ,o)an leaning her (lat, the o))unist so iet# an arrange (or )en and ,o)en ,hose :ob it is to go round in the )orning leaning roo)s. %he ,i/es o( the ri h ha/e long sin e been (reed (ro) these irritating and tiring do)esti duties. 'h# should ,or-ing ,o)an ontinue to be burdened ,ith the)* 9n So/iet 4ussia the ,or-ing ,o)an should be surrounded b# the sa)e ease and light, h#giene and beaut# that 0re/iousl# onl# the /er# ri h ould a((ord. 9nstead o( the ,or-ing ,o)an ha/ing to struggle ,ith the oo-ing and s0end her last (ree hours in the -it hen 0re0aring dinner and su00er, o))unist so iet# ,in organise 0ubli restaurants and o))unal -it hens. E/en under a0italis) su h establish)ents ha/e begun to a00ear. 9n (a t o/er the last hal( a entur# the nu)ber o( restaurants and a(es in all the great ities o( Euro0e has been gro,ing dail#; the# are s0ringing u0 li-e )ushroo)s a(ter the autu)n rain. "ut under a0italis) onl# 0eo0le ,ith ,ell;lined 0urses an a((ord to ta-e their )eals in restaurants, ,hile under o))unis) e/er#one ,ill be able to eat in the o))unal -it hens and dining;roo)s. %he ,or-ing ,o)an ,ill not ha/e to sla/e o/er the ,ashtub an# longer, or ruin her e#es in darning her sto -ings and )ending her linen; she ,ill si)0l# ta-e these things to the entral laundries ea h ,ee- and olle t the ,ashed and ironed gar)ents later. %hat ,ill be another :ob less to do. S0e ial lothes;)ending entres ,ill (ree the ,or-ing ,o)an (ro) the hours s0ent on )ending and gi/e her the o00ortunit# to de/ote her e/enings to reading, attending )eetings and on erts.

%hus the (our ategories o( house,or- are doo)ed to extin tion ,ith the /i tor# o( o))unis). And the ,or-ing ,o)an ,ill surel# ha/e no ause to regret this. 5o))unis) liberates ,or) (ro) her do)esti sla/er# and )a-es her li(e ri her and ha00ier. The state is responsible for the upbringing of children "ut e/en i( house,or- disa00ears, #ou )a# argue, there are still the hildren to loo- a(ter. "ut here too, the ,or-ers6 state ,ill o)e to re0la e the (a)il#, so iet# ,ill graduall# ta-e u0on itsel( all the tas-s that be(ore the re/olution (ell to the indi/idual 0arents. E/en be(ore the re/olution, the instru tion o( the hild had eased to be the dut# o( the 0arents. An e the hildren had attained s hool age the 0arents ould breathe )ore (reel#, (or the# ,ere no longer res0onsible (or the intelle tual de/elo0)ent o( their o((s0ring. "ut there ,ere still 0lent# o( obligations to (ul(il. %here ,as still the )atter o( (eeding the hildren, bu#ing the) shoes and lothes and seeing that the# de/elo0ed into s-illed and honest ,or-ers able, ,hen the ti)e a)e, to earn their o,n li/ing and (eed and su00ort their 0arents in old age. Fe, ,or-ers6 (a)ilies ho,e/er, ,ere able to (ul(il these obligations. %heir lo, ,ages did not enable the) to gi/e the hildren enough to eat, ,hile la - o( (ree ti)e 0re/ented the) (ro) de/oting the ne essar# attention to the edu ation o( the rising generation. %he (a)il# is su00osed to bring u0 the hildren, but in realit# 0roletarian hildren gro, u0 on the streets. Aur (ore(athers -ne, so)e (a)il# li(e, but the hildren o( the 0roletariat -no, none. Further)ore, the 0arents6 s)all in o)e and the 0re arious 0osition in ,hi h the (a)il# is 0la ed (inan iall# o(ten (or e the hild to be o)e an inde0endent ,or-er at s ar el# ten #ears o( age. And ,hen hildren begin, to earn their o,n )one# the# onsider the)sel/es their o,n )asters, and the ,ords and ounsels o( the 0arents are no longer la,; the authorit# o( the 0arents ,ea-ens, and obedien e is at an end. Bust as house,or- ,ithers a,a#, so the obligations o( 0arents to their hildren ,ither a,a# graduall# until (inall# so iet# assu)es the (ull res0onsibilit#. Cnder a0italis) hildren ,ere (re+uentl#, too (re+uentl#, a hea/# and unbearable burden on the 0roletarian (a)il#. 5o))unist so iet# ,ill o)e to the aid o( the 0arents. 9n So/iet 4ussia the 5o))issariats o( Publi Edu ation and o( So ial 'el(are are alread# doing )u h to assist the (a)il#. 'e alread# ha/e ho)es (or /er# s)all babies, re hes, -indergartens, hildren6s olonies and ho)es, hos0itals and health resorts (or si - hildren. restaurants, (ree lun hes at s hool and (ree distribution o( text boo-s, ,ar) lothing and shoes to s hool hildren. All this goes to sho, that the res0onsibilit# (or the hild is 0assing (ro) the (a)il# to the olle ti/e. %he 0arental are o( hildren in the (a)il# ould be di/ided into three 0arts: =a> the are o( the /er# #oung bab#, =b> the bringing u0 o( the hild, and = > the instru tion o( the hild. E/en in a0italist so iet# the edu ation o( the hild in 0ri)ar# s hools and later in se ondar# and higher edu ational establish)ents be a)e the res0onsibilit# o( the state. E/en in a0italist so iet# the needs o( the ,or-ers ,ere to so)e extent )et b# the 0ro/ision o( 0la#grounds, -indergartens, 0la# grou0s, et . %he )ore the ,or-ers be a)e ons ious o( their rights and the better the# ,ere organised, the )ore so iet# had to relie/e the (a)il# o( the are o( the hildren. "ut bourgeois so iet# ,as a(raid o( going too (ar to,ards )eeting the interests o( the ,or-ing lass, lest this ontribute to the brea-;u0 o( the (a)il#. For the a0italists are ,ell a,are that the old t#0e o( (a)il#, ,here the ,o)an is a sla/e and ,here the husband is res0onsible (or the ,ell;being o( his ,i(e and hildren, onstitutes the best ,ea0on in the struggle to sti(le the desire o( the ,or-ing lass (or (reedo) and to ,ea-en the re/olutionar# s0irit o( the ,or-ing )an and ,or-ing ,o)an. %he ,or-er is ,eighed do,n b# his (a)il# ares and is obliged to o)0ro)ise ,ith a0ital. %he (ather and )other are read# to agree to an# ter)s ,hen their hildren are

hungr#. 5a0italist so iet# has not been able to trans(or) edu ation into a trul# so ial and state )atter be ause the 0ro0ert# o,ners, the bourgeoisie, ha/e been against this. 5o))unist so iet# onsiders the so ial edu ation o( the rising generation to be one o( the (unda)ental as0e ts o( the ne, li(e. %he old (a)il#, narro, and 0ett#, ,here the 0arents +uarrel and are onl# interested in their o,n o((s0ring, is not a0able o( edu ating the 1ne, 0erson3. %he 0la#grounds, gardens, ho)es and other a)enities ,here the hild ,ill s0end the greater 0art o( the da# under the su0er/ision o( +uali(ied edu ators ,ill, on the other hand, o((er an en/iron)ent in ,hi h the hild an gro, u0 a ons ious o))unist ,ho re ognises the need (or solidarit#, o)radeshi0, )utual hel0 and lo#alt# to the olle ti/e. 'hat res0onsibilities are le(t to the 0arents, ,hen the# no longer ha/e to ta-e harge o( u0bringing and edu ation* %he /er# s)all bab#, #ou )ight ans,er, ,hile it is still learning to ,al- and linging to its )other6s s-irt, still needs her attention. &ere again the o))unist state hastens to the aid o( the ,or-ing )other. No longer ,ill there be an# ,o)en ,ho are alone. %he ,or-ers6 state ai)s to su00ort e/er# )other, )arried or un)arried, ,hile she is su -ling her hild, and to establish )aternit# ho)es, da# nurseries and other su h (a ilities in e/er# it# and /illage, in order to gi/e ,o)en the o00ortunit# to o)bine ,or- in so iet# ,ith )aternit#. 'or-ing )others ha/e no need to be alar)ed; o))unist not intending to ta-e hildren a,a# (ro) their 0arents or to tear the bab# (ro) the breast o( its )other, and neither is it 0lanning to ta-e, /iolent )easures to destro# the (a)il#. No su h thingD %he ai)s o( o))unist so iet# are +uite di((erent. 5o))unist so iet# sees that the old t#0e o( (a)il# is brea-ing u0, and that all the old 0illars ,hi h su00orted the (a)il# as a so ial unit are being re)o/ed: the do)esti e ono)# is d#ing, and ,or-ing; lass 0arents are unable to ta-e are o( their hildren or 0ro/ide the) ,ith sustenan e and edu ation. Parents and hildren su((er e+uall# (ro) this situation. 5o))unist so iet# has this to sa# to the ,or-ing ,o)an and ,or-ing )an: 1Eou are #oung, #ou lo/e ea h other. E/er#one has the right to ha00iness. %here(ore li/e #our li(e. 8o not (lee ha00iness. 8o not (ear )arriage, e/en though under a0italis) )arriage ,as trul# a hain o( sorro,. 8o not be a(raid o( ha/ing hildren. So iet# needs )ore ,or-ers and re:oi es at the birth o( e/er# hild. Eou do not ha/e to ,orr# about the (uture o( #our hild; #our hild ,ill -no, neither hunger nor old.3 5o))unist so iet# ta-es are o( e/er# hild and guarantees both hi) and his )other )aterial and )oral su00ort. So iet# ,ill (eed, bring u0 and edu ate the hild. At the sa)e ti)e, those 0arents ,ho desire to 0arti i0ate in the edu ation o( their hildren ,ill b# no, )eans be 0re/ented (ro) doing so. 5o))unist so iet# ,ill ta-e u0on itsel( all the duties in/ol/ed in the edu ation o( the hild, but the :o#s o( 0arenthood ,ill not be ta-en a,a# (ro) those ,ho are a0able o( a00re iating the). Su h are the 0lans o( o))unist so iet# and the# an hardl# be inter0reted as the (or ible destru tion o( the (a)il# and the (or ible se0aration o( hild (ro) )other. %here is no es a0ing the (a t: the old t#0e o( (a)il# has had its da#. %he (a)il# is ,ithering a,a# not be ause it is being (or ibl# destro#ed b# the state, but be ause the (a)il# is easing to be a ne essit#. %he state does not need the (a)il#, be ause the do)esti e ono)# is no longer 0ro(itable: the (a)il# distra ts the ,or-er (ro) )ore use(ul and 0rodu ti/e labour. %he )e)bers o( the (a)il# do not need the (a)il# either, be ause the tas- o( bringing u0 the hildren ,hi h ,as (or)erl# theirs is 0assing )ore and )ore into the hands o( the olle ti/e. 9n 0la e o( the old relationshi0 bet,een )en and ,o)en, a ne, one is de/elo0ing: a union o( a((e tion and o)radeshi0, a union o( t,o e+ual )e)bers o( o))unist so iet#, both o( the) (ree, both o( the) inde0endent and both o( the) ,or-ers. No )ore do)esti bondage (or ,o)en. No )ore ine+ualit# ,ithin the (a)il#. No need (or ,o)en to (ear being le(t ,ithout su00ort and ,ith hildren to bring u0. %he ,o)an in o))unist so iet# no longer de0ends u0on her husband but

on her ,or-. 9t is not in her husband but in her a0a it# (or ,or- that she ,ill (ind su00ort. She need ha/e no anxiet# about her hildren. %he ,or-ers6 state ,ill assu)e res0onsibilit# (or the). <arriage ,ill lose all the ele)ents o( )aterial al ulation ,hi h ri00le (a)il# li(e. <arriage ,ill be a union o( t,o 0ersons ,ho lo/e and trust ea h other. Su h a union 0ro)ises to the ,or-ing )en and ,o)en ,ho understand the)sel/es and the ,orld around the) the )ost o)0lete ha00iness and the )axi)u) satis(a tion. 9nstead o( the on:ugal sla/er# o( the 0ast, o))unist so iet# o((ers ,o)en and )en a (ree union ,hi h is strong in the o)radeshi0 ,hi h ins0ired it. An e the onditions o( labour ha/e been trans(or)ed and the )aterial se urit# o( the ,or-ing ,o)en has in reased, and on e )arriage su h as the hur h used to 0er(or) it @ this so; alled indissoluble )arriage ,hi h ,as at botto) )erel# a (raud @ has gi/en 0la e to the (ree and honest union o( )en and ,o)en ,ho are lo/ers and o)rades, 0rostitution ,ill disa00ear. %his e/il, ,hi h is a stain on hu)anit# and the s ourge o( hungr# ,or-ing ,o)en, has its roots in o))odit# 0rodu tion and the institution o( 0ri/ate 0ro0ert#. An e these e ono)i (or)s are su0erseded, the trade in ,o)en ,ill auto)ati all# disa00ear. %he ,o)en o( the ,or-ing lass, there(ore, need not ,orr# o/er the (a t that the (a)il# is doo)ed to disa00ear. %he# should, on the ontrar#, ,el o)e the da,n o( a ne, so iet# ,hi h ,ill liberate ,o)en (ro) do)esti ser/itude, lighten the burden o( )otherhood and (inall# 0ut an end to the terrible urse o( 0rostitution. %he ,o)an ,ho ta-es u0 the struggle (or the liberation o( the ,or-ing lass )ust learn to understand that there is no )ore roo) (or the old 0ro0rietar# attitude ,hi h sa#s: 1%hese are )# hildren, 9 o,e the) all )# )aternal soli itude and a((e tion; those are #our hildren, the# are no on ern o( )ine and 9 don6t are i( the# go hungr# and old @ 9 ha/e no ti)e (or other hildren.3 %he ,or-er;)other )ust learn not to di((erentiate bet,een #ours and )ine; she )ust re)e)ber that there are onl# our hildren, the hildren o( 4ussia6s o))unist ,or-ers. %he ,or-ers6 state needs ne, relations bet,een the sexes, :ust as the narro, and ex lusi/e a((e tion o( the )other (or her o,n hildren )ust ex0and until it extends to all the hildren o( the great, 0roletarian (a)il#, the indissoluble )arriage based on the ser/itude o( ,o)en is re0la ed b# a (ree union o( t,o e+ual )e)bers o( the ,or-ers6 state ,ho are united b# lo/e and )utual res0e t. 9n 0la e o( the indi/idual and egoisti (a)il#, a great uni/ersal (a)il# o( ,or-ers ,ill de/elo0, in ,hi h all the ,or-ers, )en and ,o)en, ,ill abo/e all be o)rades. %his is ,hat relations bet,een )en and ,o)en, in the o))unist so iet# ,ill be li-e. %hese ne, relations ,ill ensure (or hu)anit# all the :o#s o( a lo/e un-no,n in the o))er ial so iet# o( a lo/e that is (ree and based on the true so ial e+ualit# o( the 0artners. 5o))unist so iet# ,ants bright health# hildren and strong, ha00# #oung 0eo0le, (ree in their (eelings and a((e tions. 9n the na)e o( e+ualit#, libert# and the o)radel# lo/e o( the ne, )arriage ,e all u0on the ,or-ing and 0easant )en and ,o)en, to a00l# the)sel/es ourageousl# and ,ith (aith to the ,or- o( rebuilding hu)an so iet#, in order to render it )ore 0er(e t, )ore :ust and )ore a0able o( ensuring the indi/idual the ha00iness ,hi h he or she deser/es. %he red (lag o( the so ial re/olution ,hi h (lies abo/e 4ussia and is no, being hoisted alo(t in other ountries o( the ,orld 0ro lai) the a00roa h o( the hea/en on earth to ,hi h hu)anit# has been as0iring (or enturies.

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