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AR: Architecture and Planning

lion: Three Ht'l\ll'S

MaXimum Mttrks: 150
This qucsuorl contatns 90 objct'ljvc quesuons. Q. J ... Jo one mark c.ach .:lnd
Q.3190 two m;;u'ks caciL
2. Answ-er :111 the questions.
3. Questions must be answc.l'ccJ on special gradablc Ob]ecti\le Response
{0RS) by darkening I he opproprialc (marked A, B. C. D) using lfB pencil agauc"
the qucstio11 number on the left h.and side of the ORS. Each question hus only one
COIYecr :mswel'. In case you wtsh to change .:m :..nswc-r, cr.tse the ol d complelcfy
using :.1 good soft e..-aser.
4. T11c::re will be NECATJVE mal'king. For each wmng answer 0.25 mal'l<. from Q. J.30 and
0.5 mark fi'Ortl Q.3190 will be deducted. More than one an$wcr marked ag.:ri nst ot
qucstton will be deemed as un im;onect resp011St:. :md will be neguivel y marked.
5. Write your registration number. nan'e name o( the Ccntr'e at the spccined locations on
1he rigln half of 1he ORS.
6. Usin,s. f-IB pencil. d3rkcn tile appropriate bubble undel' each digit of your registration
7. Using, HB pencil, daJ'ken the appropriate bubble under the letters corresponding to your
paper code.
S. No chJns or tables ate provided in lhe hall.
9. Usc the blank given ttL the end of the question paper for r,ough work.
I 0. Olooso the closest numcical Otmong ,h,c clloiccs g,vcn_
J I. Th1S question paper coo tams 24 p:gcs. Please rcpon if there is any disctcp:mcy.
Q. l - 31) c::.ny nne m:1rk each
Q I 111< Sansknt sdtool or Aurovollc os or
It\ J
/ lflt
rnodulo1r pr-c-c:tsl concrete hind ...
(ciTn :ancJ tcn-:a
tu.Jv,,nccd ;111cl
:cduhc uud phas1c.dng
r.. 1 h-.: n.uuqu\! \' II)' nl Europc;UI it('ll.U\ .... n..:c ,JOd Lilt.' Be.unllul M ovcmc nl rhou_-h
SC{'I;ttJk."tJ by .1 pc.nod n( 300 )'C.11"C. <tnc .-r tile follo'"'ng .n common
JMI:k!c:.,. ;,md r.culptufi!S
Ct11t\1ln.tdc.."' :md"i
1':md Upcrt 5Jl<lCCS and w:II CI'\\',1)':\
' . ( I)) :uJml SU'CCIS ;u)d conccnlnc
Q.) The Sur\ cy o( India toposhcca l rdcl' ro -
tAl scale
'...{B) scale
tC) umc scale: (D) numeric scolc

- ,.. ; '
' ".
Q -4 lrnprovcnlcnt o( physic:.! con<bttons uf population m .nncr Clly areas 1.S
{A) lncumbtl upgradation
(B) gentrilic:otion
(C) <l um upJ;rodation
CD) homcstcadong - c.o .,
' .. - f t. lo ) ,.
QS The londscapc of Tara Group oC H""'in;;. New Dclho wos
Charles Corre:1
Milne command in AutoCAD 2000
creates multtplc parullel hncs
(U) dra:ws two
v (C) draws polylines
(0) move.> a lone
' (D)
JllSbir Snwhncy
RaJ Rcwal
In Greek struclUrcs, distyle, pro,tylc and {!ffiphiprostyfc :nc JWUC'CSS4:S or
(11) I'CJlCIIIillll
(D) clulOICI '-'IJ;Mi1.:1linn
Q.S The pmponmns o.f P3ttheoon to
blue scncs and the sptDI
[:C.Omcanc and Archtmcdc.ul soltds
r\IICl or Protogoms unt.ll!utlldc;n ;mthrnpom.:.tnc..;.
cnuasi5 und the golden mc.u1
... ,/
yQ.9 or waler to the passage nf light lhrough it is a measure of
(A) wlour culbodioy
(C) hardness 10) ponabilicy
Q. IO n,c tCinlS OHC:Cirix :and Eccentncity 3fC ltlamly connccletf Wllh
I A) """ shells
(I)) trabcaccd systems
ICI arches
@) pncumiiUC or lcnsigrity struc1Urcs
Q. l l ldcntt(y the \'Orict y of plas11C used CO prepare ' ' P<::rspc.\ ''
(8) nylon
(D) polystyrene \
Q. 12 The number of vehicles movtng m t1 spec f1cd direction on a civen lane and p:wng a
aaven point during a specified Uftll of limt is called
(A) or.rnc dcnsily
jB) crnfl.c volumc
(C) oraffic capacioy
(D) basic c:opacicy
Q. ll 1'hc tOOIIo recover the COSt o( providing Kw services and mfrasuuc1urc is "nown as
propcnr tax
land IU
development charge
Q. l4 h\ an urt >an cii!Ctricity neawotk, load f:.c-tor is dc(ined :as
(.:\) d1vidcd by max unum detn<md
(D) overage denund divided by minimum demand
)C> max1mum demand divided by avel":lgc dcmund
(0) ntinimum cJemand divided by ;,veragc
Q. 15 111c htcra1 r'neaning of is
house and tlS household
geudcr scnsiaivcncs."
drocccncy of design
w111d water

Q. 16 l)h:anut musH und Ohanurgr;tha nrc lxt!)t(. tn<l(iular us..:d 111 AtKh.:lll (ut.h:t Tht.'.\'
the twm systems n1
( D)
cnvuonmcm mtd CCC.llogy
at..ChllCClUfC a.,d town plaomng
how.c ''"d l<:tnples
mic.rocosm 3nd m:acroc:osm


,,,,, ... u t::.pcc.:t 10 01 m:tp, dcrui f y the odd one nut
(A) phy$1Cal
IUJ lopologcal fcaiUres
(C) t:conomic:
I D) plannmg and adm.n.slr.ativt: buunc.brics

Q 18 A Psychromccric ch3rt concerns the lx-h;t\ 1hnr ,.,,
(1\) mixtures of ;ur and v:tpmu
(U a1r :md ambient lCtuJK: I!ltlllt.:
rc:, ope.r:ni vc and outtfoor hl Ol J)I!I
(I) ) people in
(J. I9 (ollowing names ate us.socwted w1th the movcm..:nt
(A) Louis Sullivan, Paulo Solen
(0) Paul Klc<:. M:ttecl Breuer
..,-(' Richord Ncutr.l, Paul Rudolph
(D) J;mc Drew, Rlph Rpson
Q.10 TI1c sampling cechntquc used to "select from C\'Cr)' uf ,,npulatiOil m .tl
une scagcoCthc proccdl!lc" JS known as
(A) syscmatic sampling
(13) cfuSlcr sampling
, (C) stmified s3mphng
(0) multi-s1agc rondom smrling
Q.21 WhiCh One o( the (OIIOWIOJ sequences i.$ in the Com:ct :asccncJmg order
(A) tithosphon:, borysphcrc, mesosphere, slr.ltos11hcre
,(.Bl hydrosphuc, troposphere, ooosphc<e. cxosplce
(C) borysphere, hthosph:re, IC)nospl>erc, 31n10sphee
(0) ionosphere., C>.OSJ')hCI'C, troposphere, barysphcrc
Q.22 fn a land usc map. idenu(y the colour code used for I he manufuctunng I ndustry
(A) )'CI!O\v ( B)
(C) purple ( 0)
0 l.'l he technique lh:.t c:an "iltCf the <C<!Ie or !.1 budding IS
(A) (ocadc niWiall<>ll
(C') pho1ogrammc1ry
( I)) sp:.ce prognammtn!t
Q.24 Ouddhi$1 Gfeck clcmcut) met other l<.l f tJt ll t
(A) in Suuth lndm
(U) Gandhoar.l Sly1e Hl
(C) As$yriun ttl);t.SC ' "
( D) of Judea
Q l6
fn J\utoCAD 1000. which command will allow you to select two point pairs. move.
rot;ltc muJ sc;tlc 1he selected in 2D Of tn wtlh other objects?
( AI
(al ilhgn

(I) I Skpoly
ILkal wtdth h) dctHh l'<tt io nl' <Ut due-t JS
(AI I : <>
IDI 6 : I
In(' rc;tsc 111 w:ucr cement r.tjo in conc1ttc
(I\ ) Slt'Cngth
(B} i nCfC:.tSCS sucngth
(C) t nCrC<tSC:S>ility
( l) l dc-crc:tse1' work;tbility
Q.:!S "l1lc concept or obt:1ining m;.udmum utility per umt length of foad tS called
(A) cap:tt:ity building
(B) facil ities infomt:Hion system
CC) satuzotton system
( 0} tnt> distribution
Q.29 The hanging gm:dcns of Bnbylon were built on
the nood planes of Tigris
Lhc bo_nks of river Euphrates
the of the Mediltl hills
the COM( lutes of the Persian Gulf
Q.30 !)evolution of fund refers lo
{.-\) Income from 11ropcrty t::t :t.
t B) , spcc1fic 1mticct
<C) mcch:1msm or sharing revenue the higher le,cl g.o,cmmcnl 10 1hc Jower
level government
(D) nlCOttl<: fmm rcvetmc_ resource
Q.JJ - 90 carry two rn11rks each
Q Jl Comr<r>enls or 111< Lowry mn<kl rna' h< tdcnll(tcd

I" modes
() cmploynw:nt
R populanon
\ puhhr uta hues
f iefV1CC employment
lA) Q. R. T (Ill Q. R. ({') I'.R,'I (01 P. Q. R. T
0 '\2 A""umc tluu a cnmcrn wuh .1 152 m1u ICK' lll length nuwn o"cr a l1u1 terrnl u
IOC;II Cd IU 1200 Il l Ul>o\'C MlC!II'I IC\'CI tr the SCltle ()( the I)CI'Itll phOIOftruphy IS
I calculalclhc fl ying l>t tUill ;thl!..1ltc ltrr.tin
(A) 6400m
Ill) 7600 Ill
(C) 8800 m
(0) 4166m

, ,,
Q 11 A IOWn o( l.lS.OOO popuiOIIOn tn lq81 h." r\lttbtiCd dctildJI &ruWih rJte< o( 2S-., ond
JO't dunna 1991 1nd 2001 rupc<:l"cly ullml< 1hc '"lOll hovtng
40'l dccodol sroWih ... ,.
(A) ), SQ,OOO
(0) 6,14,250
(C) S, I I,87S
(D) 4,50.000
Q,, 4 Match 11tc following
CJr011p I
(Cutczory fJ/ ,,,,,,,,)
I' hydrophyu:s-
Q \CfOjlhyt<>
It cptphytcs
\ hJioph)'l<!l'
lA) (Ill
I' 1
I' I
Q4 Qb
R S l( d
S<> S3

' .


hH: nn woody YCf:CIIUIOfl
111 Of ncJr w:.tcr
tk'Ktt IC&IOO\
!C'I (I)J
, .. J
()I Q4
1(.,\ 1( . 2

Hippodamus and Vuruvius ptoneered 1n mporw:..nt 01re:u o( built cn\'ronrn!:lL They
are farnc)U$ for
Ill< plannong or nd 'Do

the plannong of Memph1S and 'Do
the planntng of Conitanunoplt .snd ' T rtaii!'.C of
the plannms of Alcundna und The lotuc order

Q :\< A group Jl lot or 1100 uhull ing II lO "' ro:d 1\ pcumucd I(} h. c
ground coverage and moxhnum FAR of 1.1:t 70 :'lqm of huillup
:mJ.a, C:Jiculatc t he OIIUWilUrn 111HII I)c:(Of !lOIIi\ l h :U Clll1 hC .t("CUUl111n(b11CcJ
(A) 5 (UJ 7
Q37 Motch 1he followma
r I

s 3DPACE--
(A) (D)
R-4 lt-7
S-2 S2
(C) '! (I>)
C1U:tet. a surface thnl IS no ftlled 1n
Creal< 3 surface 1hn1 os rllled on
Con1rol.l 1he lmc1 plti('C'tncnl of UCS 1c.t1n
When $CJ toO molr\es p:llCJ SlliK:C !M:Hve
StiS 1hc orocntati011 or the UCS on 3 0 <i>occ
Ol$plays r'lt:w UCS 111 Jlhtn \tew whenever chc UCS
;, ehunacd
Allows muluplc "c:cou che: screen

Q-6 Q6
R-4 R7
S- 1 52
Q.J8 A5 3peed o( t he vc:hlc:lc ju(li('IISCS, I he dJ'ivtt' CJiptnC:IlCCS 0110 ()I IIIOI'C O( I he foiiOWUlQ
Jl pi ones pcq>etUitculut to the roud become mote fllutmucnt
Q dlstan<C of focusing JlOIJU <k.'CfCIIScs
R peripherg,l vttttm lnc:t'C4'C.S
S forc&round dct1h bc#IO lO (ode
T tmport.ance or lhC- ru:adstdc lft.:ilftle:HI
(A) P. Q. S. T
CCI r.Q.R.s.r
(0) s. 1
(0) 1', S. I
Q 30 1'1\.C. 'caryal td' mode of connruc11on ts u cotnflO\tlm tlf
(A) linea( c:oh.unn!l illld heum of o thrcc 111
j')t:l lutc$
( IJ) $Culpwtcd fcm.tlc :a:. columni'll supputts IO ..:ntablt*arcs tn Ciuxl.
(C) vc.rucal l lllColf clements cJcCintng volume CJ( lhiO-.fl,tr\!rH sp;tCCS iii :mCtCIII
Turkish dome$
(D) baste relationship between structur-.d ckrnenl!( luppontn& roo( and tlk" 100fing
materials in Ooth1c churches
Q.40 The conaempumry style that lut'rlS rlo" n n :tiUI'C anti hccumc:\ tkpcnl1cnc f m
energy 5opply referred a$
( A) Aerodyn:emi cs lind tcchnofog)' C11 )'gale. 1Ju"-.,dtk1rf
(0) l..oel chnDIOklf.l""l condoll<v>< - Xcw \.al<dnnoJ Culun.ol ( 'cnlcr. I ll(
(C) Box outonlutcc.l sy,tcng Ccutcr. N\!\\ \ ud.;: (',,,
(I)) ACh\'<! 4,..01\lrulf, Snptu.; I "" ..:1 '!oil\ 1
0 41 A lSswued office hutldanr '-CI t-d In .. !!"""I' nl -4 hlh 'I CdJl." c.t..: h
the I' ' ubahlc numhct uf
lA) 14 (Ill Ill
d! I I I
Q12 lhc: \.due u( MilO til .t \\.Ill or I hit l..11Cl.ll 0 14.1 IUCit'r \\tlh the IHIIU\\In}:,:
(I) r:.fiWIVC lw:oghl " 174m
(i I) l'.ffccllvc lcn;lh = 4.32 111
(oil) SufferllnJ co-cfrtcacnt t
(lv) thiCkiiCS..'\ a ACIU:IItlud. ttCS<
(A) 22.7 (I)) IO.S CCI
14 "
101 IK 6
Q,41 Molch I he followon&
Group l
Gruu1' 2
(Vc/oi<lc Npc) ( I '(.' I/)

Q nutomobllc
2 10
R bus )
s laJIICUitul.ll ll'tiCl()t 11'111101 d 0.5

6 0.2
(A) (II) (C) (0)
1' 1 P2 p.
Q-4 Q(l
I{ R3 1(-l

Ql4 lhc COI'TCCt of

II o/;OUICC u:.lfUCttUII
(II) 1'. R,Q, S IU) 1). S. R. I'
(C) S. P. R, Q
lq) R. S. P, Q
Choose the concct sequCilCC of the evolution or U.K. planning laws
(A) IJthw:ut Cmnu1i.ssu)rl. Scou Comnusslon, PAG rcpcm. llal'low Commiss'ion
(0) Rarlow Comrnissitm. Uthwa11 Comrnissorl, Scon Commission. PAG repor1
(C) l)tulow Conuni:>.'ilflll , PAG Scou Comm5.sion. Uthwau Commisson
(OJ PAG rCfJ<n . Sc:ou C()mmission, Uthwau Commssion. Oarfoy.r Commission
f) 1(, l'.ullu l,:.lloay pl.u1 havmg scope hl:c dclatlcd phmtung, coordmmcd
tlt.lntlcd dc ... rgn, ! sc1 ' t-:.s. coordn:trtn,g tcudcJ prl)C;.'i.S, coot cll nilting eons1tu..:l10n,
IIIHbrl11;.11um of tHt u1pugt bmJ.c.:t,tlc. upcr.:uum :md sales ond
11, ... lo:.cturg. " knuwn
butld opcnuc :md u1m$fCI'
<IH devcloJHncut uutluuvcs
(C) ICIIMilgC<l lll fiiC'(
(I)J direct m:ao:lgcrnenl service contract ,.
(,117 The r)tnod ltctween 1870 und the er-;1 u( ntclrOf>OII Inn t.fevtlopmcm in the
LISA I<Jcnh(y the f'uctunluu w;lj NOT' fur IHCIICPjhJIhn d(l vc:loJ>ment
(II ) The J>I'Cnt mtgr:111011 1'1on1 Eu1'0pc
(I)) TcchlOiogtcll :.dvtmct.s 111 hig.hwny nnd hgiH'!SC cngioc:enng
(C) The COIU!l,uutivc lldvml4llftC:5 ()( Wold Wni'S !tnd
(_9) n,e PI'OCCS$ or Ul'ban
Q 11to Dmi loche model the key dovcloJ>mcnt factur liS <he ll.asic Needs 10 cn! urc
, rowth Choose the con-ccc corul)inmi(,Jn thtit :S(tJ)hcs to u
cJcollh I'IUU
blnh mlc
lltcrucy nile
c:IOie intake
Cmf>loymcnt ntte
sehoul cnrolhncru
cductHi on
urbUIIIZ,.:It i OH
bu1h l'tHC
school eurollmeru
hetslth cnrc
(l hJcnti fy lhCCI'IIcl'la that ;!fC best SlntOO for huHdlng
P high hudtJin,g
Q jlhuu:lton par-J.IIcl to air OlOVCil'IC::tU
k s mall O(X:IIIO!;J
!) lhu; "
T hu'gt! OJ)CIIlll);tS
U pllml:HtOn pcrponUtculur to iJJr mo-vcm\..nt
1'. 0 . 1CS
1'. R. S. U
( IJ )
( I))
Q. S.T
P. T.U
Q.50 Whoch o( lhe rollo .. an& MC rta.<0<1S 10 use mulch on lhc I<>P'"" "' . ,

rttd. in w:.ttcr 1etent1on
prevent 1011 temperature OUC1u=t.uon
da scour11ge weed """1h

impn>"" l>ndsc:ape ppcllr:m<:e
protcc.:l fmm insects
(A) P.Q (OJ P.l<
Q Match the rollowang
Grou1 I

(C) P.R. T (D) P.CJ R.S
Gaoup 2
dtQIIa1 govcrnuncc i' Vl$1,131 sunui3HOn Of Cfl V1rOOtneot
Q scn<t< olpnhm
m;a:n,pultUon. m3nJSCtmnt
R utu>l ruhly 3
s proce:stmJ 4 tccen 10 mfonnauon on &nte.rnet
evolutCn'llU')' vtsunl
6 'n:tgc t nccfl)'ret .. tfQft
(A) ( ll) (C) (0)
P-4 p.J 1'4
R1 R I R l
S-6 S2 S2 S l
Q Sl Calculnle the number ol h&lu r,,.luaet tqw cd an orcacc room or 8na 7m.
rcquannc '""""""'ion .. ..,1 or 400 lu on 11\c """'pl>nc Exh h&fll r ...... hs.
l"lled OUlpUl or 7350 lumens Assume uiiiiUI- or 0 S and I m:un1cnonce
laelororos r . . " I ' I
(A) 8 (BJ 7 (C) 10 (01 12
J .,. .. "" ,...
Q.Sl 111<: concept of"p.AJtctn l.111aug: .. cl<:lls "'''h one or more of 11\c (olio"''"&

p dc...nphon O( I problem lh:&t bGCUI"llll OUf CnYir()ttmcnt lnd the COfC u(
"''"'""' 10 tl!ol problem
Q comJnumc._llon and JM,Iblc P'lfl!Cip.IJOO sla;n
Jt ttl!.:O,S.Uit iOU O( Slylc.t. IU1d ()(
S fMUcms 10 C'n:alc n huHd111g or u town
II\) r.Q.s (81 Q <C.1 Q. R (0) p s
<) \.& Itt loddn Jywc.m of lnu""' .oukl unl.ntJ\\n
1 c. 8 anul a,; = t p.1d.a. I l l:l,_\la S d.u\l1,a a , j"Wl(.l' Gavco 1h1'. llmJ out
lhC I")Cnmcta U( ;:t 'l.llC Ill .H1d dJnd.D tf 1" 'l(k.'"" oan: nlC'.LWIU1f "ho,t.l:r;
164 ""d 4 d:mdO$
126 ngulll$ .Uid u:md..s
AR 10124
IY2 ;and 1 d..u'Kl.i3>
JOS AA:;ui.LS and 6
/ Q.SS
11lc contemporary orchttcclural theory wluCh undermines conventtonal nntums of
ha1mony. unity. and stabiliay. cnnttmuty. and dtsturbs rcl.attonshtp bc1wccn
intcnor and UltttOf'. IS known .ts
( Al

({") .
Q 56 Jdcnu(y the hcst .tpply to Rm"lypc dl\tnhuttun .,( ch..'\:tr&L :.U(lJil\'
p only one cable tS I:.t1d from suhstattQnnuo each hutldtng
Q only one swuch Is requi red " ' c.hslnhuuvu board 111 c.tch w
isolate che sysccm
R currt:nt now'S tn both from tncoke room
S rcpans- to any potnt dJsrupu supply 10 other bu.tldtngs
T provtdes bencr and b:Jinnced suppl y than radtal S)'$1Cil1
U rcpairtng :any cable fauh :u any point docs not lc:;.td to loss or supply to :my
(A) R. S, T. U
(BJ P.Q. S, T
(C) P.R.T.U
(D) Q.S.T.U
Q.S7 Match the 1n JKllnhng w1th their descri ption
Group I

Group 2
p Dislocation or looseni ng of some po11ion or paimcd surface 1 Aashing
Q Form:11ion of bubbles under! he film o( paon>- ' 2 Fadong
R Fonnahon o( g.los:t.y on the. surf:t.ce- 3 Bhstcnng
S Gradual of col out or J)il ull due to effect of sunhglu '--4 ""' r laking
on IJigments S Grinmng
(A) (U) (C) (0)
P-4 P-6
03 0 QJ Qo)
R-2 ll l R- 1 1(
S l S- 1 S-2 s.s
Q. 58 Whtch s the corrcct mr\ch for the (Cirnup l l \\' tl h hd 1avaor (Grotq') 2)?
Group I Gcnup 2
(Eh.m(;nf) ( ,,,,11.;, Jf)
I' Beam/SI:oh Flc'turc
Q Arth 2 Co1npn:ssum
R Cable

Mcnc.lion:.l Sire"'
s Shell f't:Jl.)IIIU
.' lnd.:km11n:ty
(A) / P- 1. Q-2. R->. S-4
(B) P-1 . Q-2. R-<i. S3
(Cl P-5. Ql. R-J. s .. ,
(0) P2. Q-3. R-4, $.5
Q.S9 \Vhnt is the theoretical tr:tffic lane wnh onc.-w:y traffic Oow :tt of
60 kmph? Assume th:11 rhc. 1ncr.gc ccucr-to...:cHc ' r)acmg of vehicles :u
is 16.68 m ,
(A) 1000 (B:O 3597 (Cl ;oo (0) 4{)()()
(A) schools. parks, dub. wJtcr stpply
(B) water Slll>r ly
(C) hospitals. water supply. electric suppl}
(D) schools, hospitols, library. club
Q.6l Choose the rigJH ki nd of statutory provis1on to en(ol'ce intcgr;ued tu'bao con.SCI'v:ttlon
(1\) Conservation of Ancient Monuments Si tes. Ac l
,.<B) Urban Ans Commissu:m Act
(C) or Eocfgy Act
(D) Conservation or N:.nurJI RCSOUI'CC$ Ac l
A cotnrllunily compnsutg 120 h<.'Ctarcs 1S h;l\iug nt the f:111d put 10
plots. <Uld a population or dlC nCl n.: -.uJctUI;,tl
375 pph
425 pph
(ll) "<Kl J11>lo
(D) 'Oil J1ph
Q.63 Poor pc'(onuanccs (\ ( sdlo<ll .:hilt.lrcn .tUIIhutci.l h' mi::.-.m!:! flrl!:. l.. t,, .. :
and subsequent nKtl nulntwn. n lc smvcy s...:hcdulc t luC:.Iutlh.'d
sh.l dcm, how many t;kay)i the suu.Jcms h:avc 1hc hn::1U:tsl'' 'l11cu m:.>
be rcfcn'Cd
nominaJ S(:;tl c
longitudinal scale
(l3) urdrn:1l
(0) ' uucrvat scale

Q.64 A ste map shows rive contour lines. A hnc dn.wn across the lowest and 1he hghest
conl()ur I 25 m <tnd hns a slope of 8%. Oeccrmine the contour interval
(A} (8) 2.5 m 10m
ldcnufy the component\ System
P computer :md soflwatc
f) Sp:lll.l) ddl;t
H unfc un cnci'1!,Y
5 .a
T reo)l t me d<lt!\ h:J11dlu1g :.ystem
U daua m.magcmcm ;1nd anulytac.allools
1', Q, R, S, T. U
P,Q, U
(B) P,Q, S, U
(D) P,S ,T, U
(D) 2m
Q.66 In enctgy technology. dfictcncy IS equal 10 cnugy output by eJle'lY nput. lf tht
efficiency level Of a fOSSil fuel is 90% :tnd the mcchJnicaf cfficteru:y o( the
\'Chicle 1$ 25% then how much IS the total efficiency o( the
62.5% (0) (C) 33.33% tDl
Q.67 fdenufy the prutlc f:JCIOr fOI' dcs1gn mveStigation based On Cf&OilQIOICS o( the
(1) (A) shape
(B) lunctoons
(C) site
(D) acslhclics
Moverm:nl Sc11ses
Q 68 llte B3h:.u Temple :u New Delhi h;a$ a LoLUs Plan. 1l1<; Lotos ..t number of pewls.
y number or cqunl z Lypc of archilccLurJitradlioo. Which of Lhc foUowmg
is correc1"

12 )0 deooccs E2.vouan M:tS(okbJ
9 40dc l't::cs Pets on SC"r'hanal
10 36 de' .,.,. Sonoo Sonhoa. Tu1kv
1l:l cl""C(;rcc!i fdc:tl Cilv- of Vin<"Cnzo Scmt1oz:ti
Poc$ Pia/a (6crhn). Kyotu Ccnlcr (hp;tn). MuMc Sc;houl and n,c.llrc
1\Cadcmy (SHIII$:111)
(iate (UK). ld:muc Arts C"<ntcr V1!.1WfS
llc1d1 Stag (l.k1 hn). Camden Arts Center (Fr.mcc). 'fate <i;,llc:ry (CtlCllwall)
FQUlllau' Ahbcy Vstors Cen1c1 (Yol1.t.hire), Convci'Shm (London),
More Cuo\obc (UKJ
AR ll/24
Q.70 Ma!Ch the filling.< shown ln Group I wuh the s ketches shown on ()roup 2
Group I
I' Songlc socketed pope .
Q Double equol Juneuon
R Pope-shoe
S Reducmg ptccc
Group 2
s 6
{A) (B)
P-S P-4
Q-4 Q2
R-1 R-7
51 SS

3 4
7 8
Q-6 Q- 1
R-5 R 2
S-1 S-7
Q. 71 Which is 1he correc1 match ror iiCm$ given in Group I wtlh items gtvcn tn Group 2?
GrotJpl Group2
r PlotStering, Volume
Q E:Jnhwork 2 Pi;:RT
R Rcln[()(CCrncnt )
Schedule of lkndms
s Mana.gcmcnt

\ T cn1pcmturc::
\ h)
\ ' - ~ - \ . ~ - ~ - ' ~
(13) P-2. Q l. R. J, S-4
P-3. QS. R 2. S-4
(0) P-2. Q3, R-4, SS
AR 1412A
Q.72 Match the aunhutcs wi{h the corrcspondmg sh:.t j>e of <.:cnlr!ll ishmt.l in a rotary shown
in the hclo\v
P rcdte1um nf vchicul:1r !ljX"Cd on entering m1:1ry :111d t:r1:1hk :\J'>CCdmg of going ou1
Q enables c'CC$.'iive uf
R where 1 wo equally imf>t>H:nu mads
S il<:C\llllllHld atcS i'um o)f tll<lfC llllcn.e<IIHg H>:t<l> ;md aiiii" S greater ll';>fr.C n"'v
;alnnv. du..:t:IIOII 1)1

' ,\ J
( !I t

I' LQ2. R-.\S--l
t' --1. Q-2. R-3. S- 1
P-J. Q-4. R-1, S- 1
I .

Q.73 Jdemify tJte unributcs th;ll ;lf)pJ.y 10 landfill
P waste is deposited in 0.90 m- 450 m thick h.1ycrs
Q low I yutg. m.afshy wa,o;tc land ;tre tr.msfonncd ult) usc(ul :u'C<\S
R ullmCJ rl ies, insects.. o.tnd rodents
S c.suscs hcaJlh and pollu1ion
1' chan<es of fi n: h.:>rd in wet wca1hcr
U skilled pctsonncl arc rcql!ircd
V SCI'lliSki Jicd pc!-I'SOMid urc tcqucrcd
R. S, T. U
(13 ) .
Q.R. S. T
Q.74 Match the urbw1 fomlS in Group 1 wil h liiCtf urban 10 Group 2
Group I
(IJrbtuJ fin'm)
I' shcc.(
Q ='Wf
(A) .
p. J
Q 2
' (IJ)
R- 1
Groutl 2
(UImn urt'a)
l Delhi
2 Tokyo

4 Ohio
5 Oomb:.y
(C) (D)
P- 1 P4
Q 2 Q l
R-3 R2
S-(J S-3
AR I S/24
Q. 75 Four o( dcvctopmcm :uc. gvcn below. Choose lhc one that 1s
rur slums
( AI
( ll)
land 4 4 h,.,,,:<L' -) f>Corlc
f:u1d -t SCI'\' ICC:.. --1 -, house
lll.;(lplc land -t _c;cl'\

Q "i6 s<:hPni :tttf Ct'llfi.-IC:tl !t>dliU1 oJ ..:11\ lflllltltCI"liUI
ddtcr 011
(;\) lhl!tf hiSlOri<;;tl or c nvirnnmCnl;tl i'CSOUI"CCS
( IJ) rd.Ui \'c Clllflh,t..; l!- un te-st resources de\clopm-c-nl
(C 1 lhc- u ulh:.(jn\!I:Jilon of glob;JI ecosystems
( 0) lh<;il' llliCt'f)I'C.I<! IUlll tll lhc M:llthusian model or cxpl:unl ng
cnv, rmuncntal
Q 17 The wnns hnpcrhl Garden, Vu:wu1g. Hill . Sea. South Sea, G:llc- of
L:uld outd God Clf Gntul af (' aSSOCt:tt<:d with
( t\J Moug:oktn Garden- Ul:tn Bator
(B) Jap:.mcsc Li Gmdcn at Kobe
Chtnese F'orhu..ldcn City :u Peking
( Ol Garden - Palttcc Coun at Persepolis
Fna.l the lr:ms miu:mcc {U) l)r a :\(Lcm !hick wall wi1h 5 c;.m c:tvtl.)' . I.S cw
th1<:k plaster hncm:"llly and hav1ng a exposure ..

f' . lr- . -t- I u
Given " J2. & ,... - !-<--<"""'"' ' .
f- ) 1'-f"
Thcm1al resistivity mf blickworl = 0.96 k ctl i>Cf m
h (lC . \ ,,.
Thcnn;1l O!SI::>tivity or t>I:Lc;tcl' -: 2.02 k c,;.;1l per m
h C v '
Tiltnmtlt'C$islivity of 5 Clll cavtt)':. 0 .205 k f>Cr m
ltnem:tl surf:tcc rc.<>istancc = 0.14-10 "-cal h (IC
E.:ucm;1l smf:tc resi!)<.'C = 0.0620 k pc.r h f)C
1 672 k cal pel' nl:! h (lc

I 078 k cl per m h C
0.935 l.. c:tl h (IC
. "c
1.015 k per n h
Q 7t) J)uulCs (l l ls l.unk- pt:n lKI lut,md Ill t lu ..:t: ph:tSl":'. (..i m:n hl;lq\\ .10: fl)Ur
ph;L,cS and lhctr f"c,; pcnivc ldt.:IHtl )' lhl'
Ph;u;.cs r;;,-.,
(A) lm >eri:1l Lftdhi Tomh Oomc. Delhi
Pmvind:1l style Dome
(C) Sl \' lc Dome
!0) Muhal <lyle Slh:m Gh:.tri Dornc
Q.80 IOCnti(y the building that has open pasngcways. inner oulcr cou11s. innuenccs from
Lodhi gardens, use of l ot1.1l s10ncs for hOrizon I;&! clcmnls :md prccJst concrcJe
for vcnical elcmcnls, inSitu concrete :tnd hltml Cl::l}' jali!\.
(A) French Embassy stotff qoHJ1crs if\ New Delhi
(JJ ) lodm lntemntionnJ Center in New Delhi
(C) Akb:tr l lmel in New Delhi
(0) Yf\1CA Gue$1 Hoose Complex and quaJ1CI'S I ll Nc\\ n .. :llll
() .81 Fmd 1hc Hal volume o( l1qud 111 scpllc wnk Wltillhc lnLcna
Ntnuh...:r of users = 20
11 Ctc:mng uncrvals ::- ,
'" The rcqtured fo sludge digesuon = OJ))J m pc1 c.tpHa on 15
1 v Volume or digested $ludgc = 0.0002 m ':. pCf J)t: r tby
(A) 4080 liu-c< {13) 2580 1itrcs :U50 li ti"CS (D) 32S9 hires
Q.82 S:lfe lo:1d sho11 R.C. squ.:lrc column h:1ving <: ross S(..'Cton a.'i JOO mm s JOO
and 4 long11udiMII bai'S vi' di:un<:tc 20 mm (using M 10 concrete Fe 4 15 steel} i$
ncar 10
(A) IOOkN (B) IOkN
IOOOkN (D) 10000 kN
Q.83 Given below lS a l<l blc of five 'YI)C:S or I'Qads and thcr Winch of Lhc
followilS types represent the collector and the urban urtcdal -.trcct?
T)'pO \Vidlh (meters) Recommended speed
r 10-10 30
Q 20-30 50
R 30-40 (j()
s 50-60 so
T SO IOO 80 100
(A) R, S ,JJW Q,S (C) Q. R
Q.S4 Mntch the hicc;m;hy of f():)d t><lHCIYI
Group I Gn'mp 2
( Nierm dn of mat!}
It V4
p .. ]:

( ll)
P- I
- (Crumcc:t irm)
scct.or c:onnc.clor
2 cross counuy
) to buildmg
4 SuttOI di \id<;l
5 C(Ul HCCII(l !l
AR 17/24
(C )

S. T
Q.85 Public interest dctctminanrs of urban development mny he stared to comJll'tSc of
(A) emcnanlrn<:nl, and S<tfcty
(13) economy. amenity. convenience. :and cntcnoulmlc.nt
(C) hcahl1 :md safety, convenie-nce, economy. :and :tmcnil)'
(D) cntcn:tinment, hcahh. 'omd infr;lstf.uctm'C
Q.86 Which hou:\tng variation does 1\"0 T (ollf)\ \' a Slnct gc(mlclnc.:al (ort hof'Oil:il)
(A) Ptastam
(ll) f u1gcr variation
(C) Clus1cr vari:-ttion
(()) Pi nger :tnd cluster vrui::nion
Q.87 Choose the appropnate concept In the lund usc thp:ory hascd on
e.conomic ,rletcrrninants

( D)
conccntlic ?.<me lhcory
sector theory
ttxi:tl de'<; lopment theory
multiple nu.clcllhc!Ory
Q.SS ldentify the ch:aractcristic or a "district" as an elemenc ()[
P Jw.r
Q is chanr\cl of movemtn1
R used as hucr!ll references, boundaries, Qr b1euks
S ObSCfVcr CntCfS "inside of '
T presence o( a common
1'. S. T (0) P. R.S
(Cl Q. R. S (I))
P.R. S.T
Q.89 A St tllcmcnt paucrn h;Lo; 4 x 4 mauix with .iJ cro.'is Jlrinctpal \f m:un tuad:-.
nnd four Sfnallcr cro!ts like nctwol'l.. s of nri Cn<al UIJio 4 g<tltw:tys
The p:tfcm is called
t A}
(C) Ch:uunnukh01
. (0)
s:.rvatohh::ldf a
I( 1he cxpC(.;Ictl of 01 pmJCCI is }0 mon1hs along with :1 stand:trd deviation of
6 mor111ts. wlt:tl 1S rhe prob;tl>llsty prOJCCt will be comtllcted tn 26 months'!
(II) 0. 1 ()() (B) 0.500
ccr 0.253 (D) ().340

Z Tallie
z Pruhahdtt v of mccrtug due d;lle
1.0 fl .S II
0.8 0.7SS
0.6 0.72(,
._ v
0.-1 0 .(>.\)
0.2 0.579
0.0 0. 500
/ ,
-0.2 0.421
OA 0.345
-0.6 0.214
-o.s 0.212
1.0 0. 159
End or the question paper
AR 19124

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