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Unit 4: Animals

Adaptations of
Animals in the
Polar Region
Discuss with your partner:
1. What are the polar regions?
2. Describe the climate of polar region.
3. Name some living things in the polar region.

Class Discussion: Share your discussion points with the class.

Look at this cartoon.
What does it mean?
Polar bears and penguins will never meet as polar bears are only
found in the Arctic and penguins are only found in Antarctica!

Can you suggest why polar bears are only found in

the Arctic?
Are you

Are you
Why are polar bears only
found in the Arctic?
Polar bears are related to the brown bears of North
Key Terms
America. Thousands of years ago, a population of
Evolve - to change
brown bears would have migrated north across the
over a long period of time.
continent to the Arctic. Over time they would have
evolved and adapted to become polar bears in order to
Can you spot the survive the polar environment.
Why are penguins only found
in the Antarctic?
Similarly, penguins are only found in the Antarctic as they have evolved and adapted from a species of bird that
settled in the Antarctic thousands of years ago.
Let’s watch a video to understand the adaptations of polar bears and penguins.

Adaptations in Polar region | Science | Grade-4,5 | TutWay | - YouTube

Activity Time!
Time: 10 mins
Go around the classroom to read about the adaptations
of at least 4 polar animals.
Choose two and list their adaptations in your notebook.
Notebook Work:
Title: Adaptations of Animals in Polar Region
Task: Choose two animals and list four adaptations of each of these animals in your notebook.
Extension: You can draw the animals and label the important adaptations of body parts.
Apply your learning!
Watch the videos and share your understanding. 
In the Geography notebook:
Stick the world map given, in the geography notebook.
Research and shade the polar regions in the map using pink colour pencil.
Identify the ‘Arctic’ and ‘Antarctic’ regions.

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