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Fourth Semester B.E. DE>gree Examination, January/Fcbt"Uary 20(
Common to HM/I!:C/EEfi'Wl\lLII'I'/CS/IS
Computer Organisation
IM;)X Marl--s I 00
Note: any FTVE jill/
1. c a) Explam dJl'J'crent funct.ional wuts of a cmnpuL<>r
c b) r,,,l and till' dcvPiopments made dunng diiT(>I'Pnt gent'r:ttions of
t(tll\l)ll t .....
crl What :1 Exphun slructun man anhtc>ctt JJ'C' .
2. ca) E.xplam the foJI.owmg:
i 1 R\ic
ii Gi:.t .. <'n( lia
iii I Littli'-Pmlmn ssignnwnl.
dl What an mldtess1ng moc(p? Explain difTII'<'nl adclre,;sing modp;; tH Marks)
3. '"' l>q>laul >I Logical 1i! Shift 1111 Rotate w1Lh
I h 1 E'tllain wiLh an C'xamtll(', usag<' of in a nt>si.Pcl ,.-ubrouLin<' calls.S \lowksl
ccJ Wnlc an asKC>mhly pttlJ:,'l'Ollll tu solq ;Ill <1.rt lu r 0
two ncldns ... 1ng nwdt
t'l (G
4. l; d gxpl:un any l\\'O methods of handhng multiple> 1/0 dcvrtes.
rl11 Why bus arbitration IS r<'quirtct J:xplaJil with bfok chaJ:,'l':un llli S arl)ltt':ILion
dau;,v daul ttlMudu.
lc, \\'1th a bloC'!< cuagnun, explain. how kc,boanl "C'onnPt'l.c'cl to a JWoccssclr.
.). c.11 flow rc>ad 1111d writ O)II'J'iltion tak<;; pl:w< m Ill > I nwmnn rh1p'> Explain.
C111 l:xplain any two tarhe ftmrlions.
(I' I What arP t he kPyfacLor" !.hat aJhd Llw perfom1anct and cost. or a computer
1\lth to mtmory'l Explain lu-inlly 16 Mnrll
G. 1<11 t:xplam lhP \I'Orking prinnplt;; nf maJ.r!WlJC' cb;;k.
I h) Cil't" lloot.h's algoruJuu to muiLipl,l' two I.Jinai',V Explnin the working
of ;clg-ol' taking <Jn examplt' 112 MMksl
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