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4223 Beasley Ct Virginia Beach, VA 23462

Phone 757-354-7851 E-mail B !grage"gmail#com

Brian $ose%h !grage

Objective &o o'tain (!ll time em%loyment )ith the intent to %!rs!e a (!l(illing an* (r!it(!l career# +n or*er to ma,e a *i((erence in the )orl* an* %ro-i*e (or my (amily at the same time# Also + )o!l* li,e to %!rs!e my ./& 0- +++ certi(ications#

Work experience

$an!ary 2115- C!rrent

Maintenance & Inspection SVC, INC

organton, .C2 .or(ol,, VA

2115 - 2116 NDT LV I Eddy Current Technician Per(orme* B3P E**y C!rrent ins%ections o( heat e4changers in .!clear an* 5ossil 5!el %o)er %lants# + still c!rrently hol* this certi(ication )ith +6 an* %er(orm this ins%ection )hen re7!este* (or the 86 .a-y# 2116 - 2118 Mentor Protg Program Support 9el%e* o-ersee P Program 'et)een +6 an* :E/ 6ystems# + )as +6;s *esignate* re%resentati-e to 'e mentore* 'y :E/ in all as%ects o( go-ernment contracting to incl!*e contracts, estimating, %!rchasing, :A, an* %rogram management to name a (e)# &hen res%onsi'le (or ens!ring that +6 create* a com%liant inter-str!ct!re in or*er to %ro-i*e their ser-ices to the go-ernment# Also *!ring this time %erio* + )as res%onsi'le getting a%%ro-e* on c!stomer a%%ro-e* -en*or lists# 2117 - C!rrent NDT LV II TT, VT, PT, MT, and T!Si"#er $ra%e Per(orme* n!mero!s ins%ections in -ario!s in*!stries to incl!*e Petro-Chem, Po)er, an* 6hi%'!il*ing to name a (e)# 9o)e-er ma<ority o( this e4%erience is )or, )ith the 86 .a-y, 6C, AB6, 6hi%yar*s, an* other +/+:2A+& contractors, + ha-e all the *oc!mente* training an* e4%erience ho!rs +A= the .6&-&C-1A# 2118-2111 Program Manager &ssistant >on contract )ith :E/? 3-ersa) the 95C Con-ersion an* 6hi%alt %rogram (or :E/ systems# + )as res%onsi'le (or material or*ering, ,itting o( material, an* re%resenting :E/ to .6=C (or all as%ects o( %rogram management an* s!%%ort# Also assiste* in *e-elo%ing the AC alteration (or the PC Class shi%s an* o-ersa) all o( the PC;s in Bahrain con-ersions# 2111 @ 2112 Director o' Engineering and Technica" Ser#ices Nor'o"( +ncrease* the n!m'er o( em%loyees (rom one ins%ector >me? an* one machinist to no) ha-ing ten certi(ie* ins%ectors 0V-++ to 0V-+++, machinist, :A anager, an* Pro*!ction 6!%er-isor not incl!*ing mysel( here in .or(ol,# Also sec!re* the )or, an* c!stomer 'ase to 'e a'le to s!stain an* maintain this gro)th# Estimate* all )or, (or this area an* n!mero!s o-erseas <o's in )hich )e )on an* %er(orme*# =rote an* manage* 7 com%anies )el* %rograms )hich ha-e 'een a%%ro-e* 'y .66A an* 3 that ha-e 'een s!'mitte* to .AV6EA ha-e 'een a%%ro-e*# Pre(orme* ins%ections )hen *!ring the gro)th )hen the )or,loa* e4cee*e* the )or, (orce# Pro<ects in-ol-e* in )ill 'e %ro-i*e* i( re7!este*# 2112 @ c!rrent Corporate Director o' $usiness De#e"opment Aes%onsi'le (or 'ringing in all ne) '!siness (or all o((ices CA, VA, .C, an* PA Commercial an* Bo-ernment# 6!ccess(!lly )as a'le to get +6 in-ite* to <oin n!mero!s .!clear Po)er 3%erating Com%anies s!%%lier %ortals an* in-ites to 'i* on )or,#

Professional Associations Education

Acti-e mem'er o( American 6ociety o( .a-al Engineers>A6.E? an* A6

A!g!st 2113- ay 2114 Cal*)ell Comm!nity College .ot Com%lete* A!g!st 2112- ay 2113 .ot Com%lete* ay 2112 9igh school /i%loma Beorgia 6tate 8ni-ersity

9!*son, .C

Atlanta, BA

ilton 9igh 6chool

Al%haretta, BA

Ae(erences a-aila'le !%on re7!est

Skills .AV6EA, AB6, an* other stan*ar*s in regar*s to ./&, =el*ing, an* BraCing .AV6EA 6&/ +tems an* !sing them in a :A en-ironment %roce*!re )riting an* re-ie) Aea*ing an* +nterr!%ting /=B;s 2 6%ecs Estimating aintaining )el*ing %rograms P!rchasing Ae7!irement +A= /5AA an* Contract re7!irements :C+ 2 ./& 0- ++ s!%%ort Pro<ect 2 Program anagement =or* 3((ice 6!ite C!stomer Aelations

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