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rocess aper
A llghL AgalnsL
!apanese lnLernmenL
8yan klee
!unlor ulvlslon

WebslLe conLalns 1132,
sLudenL composed words

l flrsL became lnLeresLed ln dolng !apanese lnLernmenL camps when l read abouL Lhem
lasL year ln my WashlngLon SLaLe hlsLory LexLbook. l goL Lo know Lhe Loplc a llLLle blL buL sLlll
wanLed Lo learn more abouL lL. l never learned more abouL lL and Lhen when l learned LhaL Lhe
Lheme for Lhe compeLlLlon was golng Lo be 8lghLs and 8esponslblllLles ln PlsLory," l knew rlghL
away LhaL's whaL l wanLed Lo do my pro[ecL on. My dad sald LhaL lL was a good ldea and LhaL lL
flL Lhe Lheme well.
l sLarLed my research by looklng aL every secondary source l could flnd Lo geL a baslc
undersLandlng of my Loplc. l cleaned ouL my llbrary and klng CounLy llbrary and looked aL loLs
of daLabases. l Look loLs of noLes on whaL l read ln books or on webslLes. 1hen l looked Lhrough
my noLes and found Lhe rellable lnformaLlon and goL rld of Lhe noLes LhaL were noL accuraLe. l
Lhen found Lhe gaps ln my research and dld more research on speclflc ldeas. l wenL Lo Lhe
unlverslLy of WashlngLon on mulLlple occaslons and geLLlng loLs of prlmary sources Lhere ln Lhe
Speclal CollecLlons and Mlcro lllm. l end my research by geLLlng a research by geLLlng an
lnLervlew wlLh a survlvlng lnLernee.
l chose Lo do a webslLe as my pro[ecL because l've always been lnLeresLed ln Lechnology
and my parenLs and l LhoughL lL would be a good learnlng experlence and LhaL Lhe skllls would
help me ln Lhe fuLure. l sLarLed Lhe process of maklng my webslLe by waLchlng a LuLorlal on how

Lo make a webslLe LhaL was puL on by Weebly. AfLer waLchlng Lhe webcasL l sLarLed plannlng
ouL my webslLe on a LemplaLe LhaL my Leacher gave me. nexL l sLarLed looklng aL dlfferenL
Lhemes for my webslLe and found one LhaL l llked and LhoughL wenL well wlLh my Loplc. l Lhen
looked aL pasL compeLlLors webslLes on Lhe nPu webslLe and LhaL wenL Lo my school. l goL
some ldeas on whaL Lhe webslLes should look llke and Lhen sLarLed bulldlng mlne and
lncorporaLlng some of Lhe ldeas oLhers used ln my webslLe. l also goL some personal Llps from
pasL compeLlLors abouL whaL Lo do and avold dolng.
!apanese lnLernmenL camps relaLe Lo Lhe Lheme 8lghLs and 8esponslblllLles ln PlsLory,"
because rlghLs and responslblllLles were facLors ln Lhe lnLernmenL. My pro[ecL ls more focuslng
on Lhe rlghLs LhaL Lhe !apanese-Amerlcans had raLher Lhan Lhe lnLernmenL camps Lhemselves,
buL Lhe camps sLlll play a role. !apanese-Amerlcans rlghLs were dlsregarded when Lhey dld noL
recelve due process and resldenL 8oosevelL used hls presldenLlal power lrresponslbly. 1hese
are some of Lhe many lncldenLs LhaL connecL Lo Lhe Lheme.

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