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SUBIECTUL I (10 items x2p=20p P!t t"e #e$% i& %$'()ets i& t"e p$*pe$ te&se (+*! m'+ !se t"e &e,'ti#e Helen always 1(get up) _____________ early in the morning. She 2.(prepare) _____________ breakfast for her husband and children. Now the children . (sleep)______________ but soon they !. (wake up) ______________ . "sually they #. (go) __________ to school with their father by car. $his morning their mother %. (dri&e)____________ them to school. 'esterday they (. (walk)_________ because the car was broken. )hile they *.(walk) _____________ an accident +.(happen) _____________. $heir car is repaired now. So they are &ery happy they 1,.(ha&e to walk) ______________ to school from now on . SUBIECTUL II (. items x 2p=10p

C*mp/ete e'(" se&te&(e s* t"'t it me'&s t"e s'me 's t"e 0i$st se&te&(e1 Use ' (*mp'$'ti#e 0*$m *0 t"e *pp*site '23e(ti#e1 $im is older than Sarah. Sarah is younger than Tom. -ur house is larger than yours. 'our house is ______________________ . .ill is not as tall as /a&id. .ill is ____________________________ . 0ack1s marks are worse than mine. 2y marks ______________________________ . $his book is cheaper than that one. $hat book is ____________________________ . 'our bike is lighter than mine. 2y bike ___________________________.

SUBIECTUL III (. items x2p=10p*i&ts C"**se t"e (*$$e(t item1 3ate1s mother thinks that skateboarding is______________. 4. danger .. dangerous 5. in danger

/oes your sister play_____________6 4. the piano .. pianos 5. a piano

/o you know how to _________ chess6 4. make .. play 5. game

___________ the ne7t turning on the right. 4. 2ake .. 8o 5. $ake

$he biscuits are in the _________ in the kitchen. 4. table .. shelf 5. cupboard

SUBIECTUL I4 (10 items x1p= 10p*i&ts 5i// i& t"e ,'ps1 6$ite ONE 7*$2 0*$ e'(" sp'(e1 )hen we think of (,) a hospital9 perhaps we only think of doctors and nurses there9 but other people (1) ____ there9 too. $hey all do important :obs. (2)____ are secretaries9 cooks and engineers. ;n <ngland9 hospitals with a lot of children ha&e teachers who gi&e ( ) ___ lessons when they can1t go to school. Some people go to hospital (!) ____ for one day9 but other people need to (#) ___ there for a longer time. ;f you go to hospital9 sometimes you (%) ___ to wait a long time before you see the doctor (() ____ doctors ha&e a lot of work to do. ;f you are in hospital for a long time9 you need to take clothes and (*) ___ books or comics to read. -ften your friends and family bring you cards and flowers (+)____ they &isit you. Hospitals are full of people (1,)___ want to help you.

SUBIECTUL 4 1(10x2=20p 6$ite 8!esti*&s t* 7"i(" t"e 7*$2s i& %*/2 '$e t"e '&s7e$s1 J*"& came late last night. =ish li&e i& t"e 7'te$1 $his is J'()9s book. 0ohn telephoned ' 7ee) ',*1 )e want t* "e/p. 0ohn and Sue sent ' /ette$ to her. $hey are writing ' p*em. 4nn is going to meet $ony 't t"e st'ti*&. She bought the $e2 dress. He li&es i& Ame$i('.

SUBIECTUL 4I(.x2=10p Re'2 t"e text '&2 '&s7e$ t"e 8!esti*&s %e/*72y name is .etty and ; ha&e a little sister called <mma. She has lots of dolls9 but her fa&ourite one is called /aisy. 2um and /ad ga&e it to her when she was a baby and she takes it e&erywhere with her. She takes it to school and to her bedroom and when we sit down to eat9 the doll always sits ne7t to <mma.>ast Sunday9 our family went to the park to ha&e a picnic. )e took our dog9 $reasure9 with us and of course9 <mma took /aisy too. $here were a lot of people in the park because it was sunny. )e found a place near the lake to ha&e our picnic. 4fter lunch9 <mma and ; went on the swings. 4fter a few minutes9 <mma said to me9 ?.etty9 ; want /aisy on the swing with me. 5an you go and get her for me6@ ?-3A@ ; answered..ut when ; went back to our picnic9 /aisy wasn1t there. ?2umA@ ; shouted9 ?we1&e lost /aisyA@ /ad looked in all the bags and 2um and ; looked under our sweaters and other things9 but we couldn1t find her. ; went to tell <mma the bad news9 but when ; got there9 ; saw $reasure. He carried /aisy carefully in his mouth. ?>ookA@ said <mma9 ?$reasure has brought /aisy to play with me. He1s &ery kind.@

)hen did <mma get the doll6 )here does /aisy sit when <mma eats6 )hy was the park full of people6 )here did <mma and .etty play after lunch6

)ho brought the doll to <mma6

SUBIECTUL 4II (20p*i&ts ;magine you are on holiday in the ".3. )rite a letter to a friend (*,words) telling himBher about the location9 the weather9 the sights9 the acti&ities9 the people9 the food and about your plans for the ne7t daysA

:E;< =AR:IN> SC?E=E (CLASA ' 4I'

I (10x2=20p gets up prepares are sleeping will wake up go is going to dri&e walked were walking happened will not ha&e to walk

II (.x2=10p smaller than ours. shorter than /a&id. are better than 0ack1s. more e7pensi&e than this one. is hea&ier than yours.

III1 (.x2=10p . 4 . 5

I4 1(10x1=10p 1. work $here them :ust stay ha&eBneed becauseBas some whenBif who

4 1(10x2=20p 1. )ho came late last night6 )here do fish li&e6 )hose book is this6 )hen did 0ohn telephone6 )hat do we want to do6 )hat did 0ohn and Sue send her6 )hat are they writing6 )here is 4nn going to meet $ony6 )hich dress did she buy6 )here does he li&e6

4I S!,,este2 '&s7e$s(.x2=10p
Emma got the doll when she was a baby. When Emma eats Diasy sits next to her. The park was full of people because it was sunny. fter lunch Emma and !etty went "played on the swings. Treasure brought the doll to Emma.

4II1 20 p

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