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A)Choose the correct one 1)My mother usually is going / goes to shopping with my aunt. 2)Susan is watering / waters the flowers at the weekends. 3)We are having / have great time. Why dont you join us? 4)Who is wanting / wants to come with me? 5)They never are helping / help us. 6)My parents are visiting / visit my grandparents this weekend. 7)She sometimes is studying / studies rench. 8)!ow often are you visiting / do you visit your grandmother? )"Where is your #rother?$ "!e is washing / washes fathers car.$ 1!) We are happy #ecause we are going / go to the %oo. 11) &m very #usy. & a" wor#ing / wor# on a project. 12) 'immy is #nowing / #nows the facts a#out the old man. 13) "What are you doing / do you do?$ 14) " & a" washing / wash my car.$

15) The children are waiting / wait every morning #ut they are going / go #y train.

for the #us today

16) Are you helping / do you help your mother in your free times? $)%resent or %resent Continuous& 1)(ina ''''''''''''' ( )e ) so ill that she ''''''''''''' ( loo# ) like a ghost. 2)*''''''''''''' ( you + )elieve ) in ghosts?$ ")o* & '''''''''',& 3)The kids ''''''''''''' ( have ) great time at picnics. They ''''''''''''' ( -ly ) their kites* ''''''''''''' ( s#ip ) rope. &t ''''''''' ( )e ) so #eautiful for them. 4)& ''''''''''''' ( li#e ) spending time with my family. My father ''''''''''''' ( teach ) me how to play chess* & ''''''''''''' ( help ) my mother with the housework* we ''''''''''''' ( go ) out with my sisters. +ur grandparents ''''''''''''' ( visit ) us at the weekends. 5)Tonight is very different for our family. My father never ''''''''''''' ( watch ) T, #efore dinner #ut now he ''''''''''''' ( watch ) T,. My mother '''''''''''' ( coo# ) fish #ut no#ody ''''''''''''' ( eat ) fish in our family. &t '''''''' ( )e ) a strange night.

6))ormally cats ''''''''''''' ( drin# ) milk #ut my cat ''''''''''''' ( hate ) milk. 7)"What ''''''''''''' ( your -ather . do ) in the garden?$ "!e ''''''''''''' ( cut ) down the trees. !e ''''''''''''' ( love ) spending time in the garden.$ 8)"What ''''''''''''' ( you + do ) ?$ "&m a teacher.$ )-e careful. The car ''''''''''''' ( co"e ) towards you.

C/Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the verbs in brackets in Past Simple.
Last Easter holidays Jimmy and Paul ___________(go) camping in the mountain. They _________________(spend) a wonderful time there. They ______________(wake up) early in the morning and then they ________________(go) for a walk. In the illage they __________________(!uy) e erything they _______________(need). In the afternoon they ___________________(play) foot!all" ____________(watch) the !irds and ________________(swim) in the ri er. They ________________(not ha e) a T# set" so after dinner they ______________ (talk) for a while and then they ________________(go) to sleep. $ne night" Jimmy _______________(ha e) a ery strange dream% they ______(!e) !y the ri er watching the moon. &uddenly they ______________(hear) someone calling '(ello) (ello)* They _____________(turn) around and they ______________(see) a strange creature. It _____________(!e) green and ery small. (e ________________( in ite) them to go to his spaceship. There they ______________(meet) other strange creatures and a !eautiful princess. They ______________(sit) down round a ta!le and they _____________(eat) some strange food. Jimmy _______________(drink) a glass of fruit +uice. It ______________(taste) good so he ________________(ask) for another glass of it. ,fter a while he ______________(feel) a !it strange.

$h" dear-he ________________(turn) green and small like the others. The princess _______________(not !e) !eautiful anymore and she ______________(look) horri!le. .hat was happening/ (e ________________(open) his eyes and - what a relief) It ___________(!e) only a dream) 0.Translate into English this sentences 1) 0) E) :) Ta r2eka +est g34!s2a od r2eki w dolinie. 5as2 most +est na+s2ers2y w mie6cie. 7o+a !lu2ka +est na+dro8s29 !lu2k9 w tym sklepie. Ten c23owiek +est na+wa8nie+s2ym c23owiekiem w tym ur24d2ie.

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