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Submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirement of the award of degree in Master of Business Administration
Under the Guidance of:




I __________________ a student of MBA of __________________ respectively hereby declare that the Project Report on A Study on the Change in Buying Behavio ! Cu"to#e Pe $e%tion to&a d" 'oda(one v" Ai te)* is the outcome of my own work and the same has not been submitted to any other University/Institute for the award of any de ree or any Professional diploma!


2 2

A project is never the sole product of a person whose name has appeared on the cover! #ven the best effort may not prove successful without proper uidance! $or a ood project one needs proper time% ener y% efforts% patience% and knowled e! But without any uidance it remains unsuccessful! I have done this project with the best of my ability and hope that it will serve its purpose! $irst of all I wish to e&press my indebtness to M - A)o. Sha #a (Sa)e" O((i$e / for his valuable su estions and uidance throu hout the project!












__________________ who not only helped me in the successful completion of this

report but also spread his precious and valuable time in e&pandin my knowled e base! After the completion of this Project I feel myself as a well aware person about the Research Procedure and the comple&ities that can arose durin the process! Also I et an insi ht of the advertisin industry and its effectiveness in promotin sales! $inally% I am also rateful to all those personalities who have helped me directly or indirectly in brin in up this project report!


3 3

As a student of MBA 'MA()#R *$ BU(I+#(( A,MI+I()RA)I*+- one of the most reputed professional courses% I have to under o for the summer internship in the end of the first year! )he attractive feature of the MBA ,#.R## is that alon with theory we also et to have the e&posure of the practical environment!

)he topic for my summer project is/0

A Study on the Change in Buying Behavior & Customer Perception towards Vodafone vs Airtel
)he Project Report revolves around the chan es occurred in buyin behaviour of tiles companies and their effectiveness in ettin chan e in consumer perception about the brand! )he objectives are predefined and the task is to accomplish them!

)he study was confined eo raphically to selected areas of ,elhi! )he potential respondents are the home base consumers and the industrial consumers% who have commercial use for the product! )he whole process durin the report is well planned% the primary data collection is done from the respondents!


4 4

1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 2.


&istor' of $ellular Telephon' in India $ellular Industr' in India $ellular Mar(et Stru)ture in India The $hurn in the $ellular Industr'


2.1. 2.2. 2.3.

Stages of the )onsumer bu'ing pro)ess T'pes of )onsumer bu'ing beha,ior $ategories that effe)t the )onsumer bu'ing de)ision pro)ess


$OM-AN! -%O#I"E
3.1. 3.2.

Airtel +odafone

4. 5.

OB.ETI+E / S$O-E %esear)h Methodolog'

5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5.

Introdu)tion %esear)h design Data sour)es %esear)h instrument "imitations



5 5

0121 0131 0141 0151 0161 0101 0171 0181 0191

$ategor' of ser,i)e subs)ribed $ell phone Ser,i)e subs)ribed b' users The Brea( Up Brea( up in terms of Airtel and +odafone Spending -er Month B' Subs)ribers Time ta(en for a)ti,ating sim Satisfa)tion from $urrent Tariff Satisfa)tion from networ( qualit' Satisfa)tion from SMS Ser,i)e

012:1 Satisfa)tion from %oaming fa)ilit' 01221

Satisfa)tion from +alue added Ser,i)es;+AS<

01231 Satisfa)tion from +oi)e mail ser,i)e 01241 Satisfa)tion from Billing 01251 Satisfa)tion from $ustomer )are ser,i)es 01261 Users planning to shift to other )ell operators 01201 Users re)ommending their )ell operator to others
7. 8. 9.


7 7



INTRODUCTION (utu e e$ono#y- Inte nationa) the deve)o%#ent o( a

2Te)e$o##uni$ation" i" the 3a$.3one o( ou $o#%etitivene"" in$ ea"ing)y de%end" on

te)e$o##uni$ation" in( a"t u$tu e that i" $o#%ati3)e &ith inte nationa) "tanda d"2

)he cellular industry all over the world has been witnessin are becomin

very hi h

rowth rates in

subscriber base in recent years! $or developin countries in particular% cellular services a very si nificant proportion of the overall telecom infrastructure! )he mechanics of competition within this market involve comple& feedback effects between individual service providers and with their operatin environment% and these forces play an important role in overnin the rowth of this industry!

In a country like India which is not yet telephone0saturated and the on oin chan es in related areas are resultin in a rapidly chan in profile of users% providers and their respective needs% continuous revision of the telecom policy is imperative! .iven the 8 8

emer in new technolo ies and the inte ratin economies there must be fairness amon competitors!

)he tele0density in India is about four per hundred people in respect of the fi&ed telephones and a little less than one in respect of the mobile telephony! )he low densities are not because there is no need for a telephone but because of its hi h cost that many cannot afford that one! )he situation here is nothin demand2! Isn3t it4 but holdin true of the 1law of

)he cost for the companies can come down if the revenue share imposed on them as a condition of license is abolished or drastically reduced! )oday every telephone company is bound to pay a share out of its revenue to the e&che5uer! )hese costs are% however% not to be scheduled to take a step further in the development of the telecom! In addition when we o throu h the telephone bill there is a 6 to 78 service char e! )his amount also does not o for the telecom development! If these e&ternal cost are removed there can be seen a spurt in demand of not less then 9:8 as e&pected!

;hile takin the side of suppliers a lot of new companies are comin into the battlefield resultin in reduction of prices and hence a little less burdensome on to the customer! )he cost of interconnection with the incumbent is provin to be contributory to the hi h cost of services provided by the competitors!

)he delay in the interconnection disre ards the 5uality of service and hi h cost will detract from affordability! )his is an area in which no consumer body can knowled eably contribute unless it has the assistant of e&perts or economists who alone can discover all the relevant fact of all the contestin companies! It indicates the pre0eminent domain of )RAI ')elecom Re ulatory Authority of India-!

As the driven down of the prices for lon distance includin international services reduces the amount available for subsidi<in the local service% the rental for local services are bein increased! =onsiderin that about >:8 of the lon distance calls are made by less than ?:8 of customers% 7:8 of customers are havin to pay hi her rental this depresses 9 9

the demand for telephones and affordability! )he urban business subscribers will be bearin the bond of the subsidies to be iven to the rural private consumers!


1i"to y o( Ce))u)a Te)e%hony in India/

)he technolo y that ives a person the power to communicate anytime% anywhere 0 has spawned an entire industry in mobile telecommunication! Mobile telephones have become an inte ral part of the rowth% success and efficiency of any business / economy! )he most prevalent wireless standard in the world today% is .(M! )he .(M Association '.lobal (ystem for Mobile =ommunications- was instituted in @>7A to promote and e&pedite the adoption% development and deployment and evolution of the .(M standard for di ital wireless communications!

)he .(M Association was formed as a result of a #uropean =ommunity a reement on the need to adopt common standards suitable for cross border #uropean mobile communications! (tartin off primarily as a #uropean standard% the .roupe (peciale Mobile as it was then called% soon came to represent the .lobal (ystem for Mobile =ommunications as it achieved the status of a world0wide standard! .(M is today% the worldBs leadin di ital standard accountin for C7!68 of the lobal di ital wireless market! )he Indian .overnment when considerin the introduction of cellular services into the in country% made a landmark decision to introduce the .(M standard% leapfro neutral in (eptember @>>>% all the private operators are presently offerin in Duly ?::@ too% have opted for .(M technolo y to offer their mobile services!

obsolescent technolo ies / standards! Althou h cellular licenses were made technolo y only .(M based mobile services! )he new licensees for the 9th cellular licenses that were awarded

1.2 )he

Cellul ! I"#u$%!& '" I"#' .overnment of India reco ni<es that the provision of a world0class

telecommunications infrastructure and information is the key to rapid economic and social development of the country! It is critical not only for the development of the Information )echnolo y industry% but also has widespread ramifications on the entire economy of the country! It is also anticipated that oin forward% a major part of the .,P of the country would be contributed by this sector! Accordin ly% it is of vital importance to the country that 10 10

there be a comprehensive and forward lookin telecommunications policy which creates an enablin framework for development of this industry!


Cellular Market Structure in India

As in other countries% in India% the =ellular Mobile (ervice Providers '=M(Ps- are licensed to operate in desi nated eo raphical operatin areas! )he service areas include four metro areas and @7 circles cate ori<ed as A% B and =! ')he cate ori<ation is based on the revenue Proceedin s of the ECth Fawaii International =onference on (ystem (ciences-!

)he potential with cate ory = circles in the lower end of the scale! $or e&ample the metros account for 9:8 of the subscriber population% with =ate ory0A% B and = accountin for EE8% ?E8 and 98 respectively! )he =M(Ps had to pay an entry fee and subse5uently annual license fee as a percenta e of their revenue to the ,epartment of )elecommunications! )he entry and license fees varied accordin to the service area% hi hest for metros and lowest for =ate ory0= circles! (ome of the =M(Ps could not fulfill their licensin obli ations and their licenses were revoked leadin distance operators for carryin inter0service area calls! to a monopoly situation in certain areas! Apart from these char es% each =M(P has to share the revenue with the lon

In profitable metros and circles% the competition is severe and the market is split between the two operators! In a price0cap re ulated market% the operators use appropriate pricin strate y to win customers and win market share! In hi hly price0elastic markets% such as in India% as the service provider reduces the price% the subscriber base increases considerably% and so is the network traffic! )he increased network traffic decreases the performance and the 5uality of service% invitin customers to switch! Bein a new entrant in a metro area% the overnment operator reduced the airtime char es to such an e&tent that the subscriber base increased suddenly leadin to poor network performance! )he operator did not have enou h network capacity to handle calls 11 11


to blockin

of calls% with frustrated customers switchin

over immediately to


)he operators also have to resort to non0pricin competition strate ies to win customers! In India% =M(Ps offer a variety of service plans as a means to attract new customers! ,ifferent service plans include/ pre0paid callin card schemes% discounted airtime rates for evenin and ni ht time calls% discounted roamin char es% no or minimum activation fees% and reduced mobile to mobile lon distance call rates! )he service providers incur additional advertisin and infrastructure cost for implementin these plans! (hort Messa e (ervice '(M(- and ;ireless Application Protocol ';APservice are fast catchin up! $or e&ample% in India% about 6::%::: (M( messa es are bein carried by a service provider in one metro area alone! ;hen the sector moves over to an oli opoly market% the operators have to provide improved 5uality of service and value added services in order to survive and ain market share! Gar er operators who have e&perience and infrastructure may be able to provide a hi her 5uality of service and other value0added service at a lower price! )hey also have access to lar er project financin for enlar in their networks and services! $or e&ample% a sin le lar e operator now has license to operate in @9 service areas in the country with the lar est footprint to cover most of the areas of the country! Mer ers and ac5uisitions are commonplace as the operators are consolidatin their revenues to survive in the market places!

=ellular subscribers and those with a propensity to o mobile in ,elhi have never had it so ood! )hey now have four service providers to choose from% each offerin an array of both pre0 and post0paid schemes! More importantly% avera e tariffs across plans have% by some reckonin % dropped by at least 6: per cent in the last si& months! )he entry of Hodafone saw a further drop in tariffs and the operators have come out with new schemes to retain their subscribers and attract fresh ones! ;hat does this mean for subscribers and for the cellular industry in ,elhi4 All the four operators #ssar Mobile (ervices Gtd!% Bharti =elluar Gtd% M)+G and Idea =ellular services are convinced that the market will only e&pand and the subscribers will benefit even more! )heir reasonin is that cellular penetration in ,elhi% which traditionally occupies the 12 12

third position in other areas% is less than fifty per cent! )herefore% entry of new players will only increase awareness about the facility% the companies say! Moreover% the state0owned M)+G has also been playin with its cellular service for 5uite some time! that% with the imminent launch of limited mobility usin =,MA 'code division multiple access- technolo y by companies like )ata )ele (ervices will only add to the subscriber base% probably result in further reduction of tariffs% and an even widenin of the cellular market% accordin servicin ,elhi! Fowever% the companies also sound a note of caution I any further drop in tariffs will be harmful to the companies% points out one of the officials takin care of the I (ales J Marketin services! division of the% #ssar Mobile (ervices Gtd% avera e tariffs in ,elhi across different plans have fallen by E: per cent since ,ecember with launchin of the =,MA reater to officials in four cellular companies now

Besides the fall in tariffs% what has really happened with the entry of =,MA is a hei htened awareness in the market! Mobile penetration in ,elhi and its suburbs is estimated to be less than twenty0five percent of the population and the cellular operators believe that this number should definitely o up! It is here that Hodafone decided to tar et the customers with what it believes are uni5ue products and features! Its emphasis has been on value proposition and brand buildin ! Mobility is not only about carryin voice% as per the reports from the marketin department and adds that the unified messa in system for the post0paid customers of 'now Hodafone- is one such uni5ue product! Accordin ly% Hodafone si ned in its subscribers in lakhs from the year onwards it has been launched in ,elhi! Industry analysts say that a majority of them will be pre0paid customers% whose loyalty to a particular brand is always in doubt! Fowever% pre0paid for the cellular is nothin but the en ine for rowth and there is always a possibility that most of them will shift to post0paid once they are convinced of the 5uality of service provided! *n the other hand the entry of a new operator lends more visibility to the service and there is also increased trade activity I that is the number of dealers will increase and more people will be on the road tryin to sell the service and product! )here is also 13 13

reater consumer awareness of what cellular service can deliver and e&pectations o up in terms of pricin or service standards or network availability!


The Chu n in the Ce))u)a Indu"t y6

As like the other products =ellular industry has not been left untouched from the =hurn 'switchin over-! ,urin the survey this fact comes to the fore! Accordin to the cellular operators% there is a normal seven to ei ht percent churn in the customers% especially in the pre0paid cate ory! Amon the post0paid customers% the =hurn is much lower about two0three percent! )hey say that one si nificant chan e that has happened in the last few months% more so since lowerin of the tariffs% is that the bias in favour of incomin calls as far as call char es are concerned I incomin taken place! )his means that the cellular operators are encoura in receive calls% but also make calls I increasin their subscribers to not just calls has been set free while they are char in

reasonably only for the out oin ones I has chan ed! A tariff re0balancin has definitely

the usa e of the service! ;ith fallin

tariffs% cellular operators are convinced that increasin usa e is one way to ensure that avera e revenue per user 'ARPU- does not fall very low! )he industry fi ure for ARPU is believed to be about Rs!@%@:: while it may vary from operator to operator! )he operators are also concentratin on introducin more value added services to the customers! Halue0 added services have not really taken off! *nly the (M( 'short messa in service- has really cau ht on% but operators like Bharti are brin in in services like music messa in and concier e facility for its subscribers!

14 14

15 15


16 16


2. $onsumer Bu'ing Beha,iour Buyin Behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in buyin and usin products! +eed to understand/ ;hy consumers make the purchases that they make4 ;hat factors influence consumer purchases4 )he chan in factors in our society! =onsumer Buyin Behavior refers to the buyin behavior of the ultimate consumer! A firm needs to analy<e buyin behavior for/ Buyers reactions to a firms marketin strate y has a reat impact on the firms success! )he marketin concept stresses that a firm should create a Marketing Mix 'MMthat satisfies ' ives utility to- customers% therefore need to analy<e the what% where% when and how consumers buy! Marketers can better predict how consumers will respond to marketin strate ies! 8-4 STAGES O0 T1E CONSUMER BU7ING PROCESS

(i& (ta es to the =onsumer Buyin ,ecision Process '$or comple& decisions-! Actual purchasin is only one sta e of the process! +ot all decision processes lead to a purchase! All consumer decisions do not always include all C sta es% determined by the de ree of comple&ity!!!discussed ne&t! )F# C ()A.#( AR#/ 1. Pro le! Recognition 'awareness of need-00difference between the desired state and the actual condition! ,eficit in assortment of products! Fun er00$ood! Fun er stimulates your need to eat! =an be stimulated by the marketer throu h product information00did not know you were deficient4 I!#!% see a commercial for a new pair of shoes% stimulates your reco nition that you need a new pair of shoes!

2. In"or!ation searc#00 17 17

o o

Internal search% memory! #&ternal search if you need more information! $riends and relatives 'word of mouth-! Marketer dominated sourcesK comparison shoppin K public sources etc!

A successful information search leaves a buyer with possible alternatives% the e$oked set! Fun ry% want to o out and eat% evoked set is o o o o chinese food indian food bur er kin klondike kates etc

3. %$aluation o" &lternati$es00need to establish criteria for evaluation% features the buyer wants or does not want! Rank/wei ht alternatives or resume search! May decide that you want to eat somethin spicy% Indian ets hi hest rank etc! If not satisfied with your choice then return to the search phase! =an you think of another restaurant4 Gook in the yellow pa es etc! Information from different sources may be treated differently! Marketers try to influence by Lframin L alternatives! 4. Purc#ase decision00=hoose buyin alternative% includes product% packa e% store% method of purchase etc! 5. Purc#ase00May differ from decision% time lapse between 9 J 6% product availability! 6. Post'Purc#ase %$aluation00outcome/ (atisfaction or ,issatisfaction! C()"'%'*e D'$$(" "+e% have you made the ri ht decision! )his can be reduced by warranties% after sales communication etc! After eatin an Indian meal% may think that really you wanted a =hinese meal instead!



)ypes of consumer buyin behavior are determined by/

18 18

Gevel of Involvement in purchase decision! Importance and intensity of interest in a product in a particular situation! Buyers level of involvement determines why he/she is motivated to seek information about a certain products and brands but virtually i nores others! Fi h involvement purchases00Fonda Motorbike% hi h priced oods% products visible to others% and the hi her the risk the hi her the involvement! )ypes of risk/ Personal risk (ocial risk #conomic risk )he four type of consumer buyin behavior are/ Routine Response/Pro rammed Behavior00buyin low involvement fre5uently purchased low cost itemsK need very little search and decision effortK purchased almost automatically! #&amples include soft drinks% snack foods% milk etc! Gimited ,ecision Makin 00buyin product occasionally! ;hen you need to obtain information about unfamiliar brand in a familiar product cate ory% perhaps! Re5uires a moderate amount of time for information atherin ! #&amples include =lothes00know product class but not the brand! #&tensive ,ecision Makin /=omple& hi h involvement% unfamiliar% e&pensive and/or infre5uently bou ht products! Fi h de ree of economic/performance/psycholo ical risk! #&amples include cars% homes% computers% education! (pend alot of time seekin information and decidin ! Information from the companies MMK friends and relatives% store personnel etc! .o throu h all si& sta es of the buyin process! Impulse buyin % no conscious plannin ! )he purchase of the same product does not always elicit the same Buyin Behavior! Product can shift from one cate ory to the ne&t! $or e&ample/ .oin out for dinner for one person may be e&tensive decision makin 'for someone that does not o out often at all-% but limited decision makin for someone else! )he reason for the dinner% whether it is an anniversary celebration% or a meal with a couple of friends will also determine the e&tent of the decision makin !

19 19



A consumer% makin a purchase decision will be affected by the followin three factors/ 1. Personal 2. Psycholo ical 3. (ocial )he marketer must be aware of these factors in order to develop an appropriate MM for its tar et market!

Pe!$(" l Uni5ue to a particular person! ,emo raphic $actors! (e&% Race% A e etc! ;ho in the family is responsible for the decision makin 4 Moun people purchase thin s for different reasons than older people! Fi hli hts the differences between male and female shoppers in the supermarket! P$&+,(l()'+ l - +%(!$ Psycholo ical factors include/

A motive is an internal ener i<in force that orients a personBs activities toward satisfyin a need or achievin a oal! Actions are effected by a set of motives% not just one! If marketers can identify motives then they can better develop a marketin mi&! MA(G*; hierarchy of needsNN

o o o o o

Physiolo ical (afety Gove and Belon in #steem (elf Actuali<ation 20 20

+eed to determine what level of the hierarchy the consumers are at to determine what motivates their purchases! +utrament% a product marketed by Bristol0Myers (5uibb ori inally was tar eted at consumers that needed to receive additional ener y from their drinks after e&ercise etc!% a fitness drink! It was therefore tar eted at consumers whose needs were for either lo$e and (elonging or estee!! )he product was not sellin well% and was almost terminated! Upon e&tensive research it was determined that the product did sell well in inner0city convenience stores! It was determined that the consumers for the product were actually dru addicts who couldnBt not di est a re ular meal! )hey would purchase +utrament as a substitute for a meal! )heir motivation to purchase was completely different to the motivation that B0M( had ori inally thou ht! )hese consumers were at the P#)siological level of the hierarchy! BM0( therefore had to redesi n its MM to better meet the needs of this tar et market! Motives often operate at a subconscious level therefore are difficult to measure! Pe $e%tion:: ;hat do you see44 Perception is the process of selectin % or ani<in and interpretin information inputs to produce meanin ! I# we chose what info we pay attention to% or ani<e it and interpret it! Information inputs are the sensations received throu h si ht% taste% hearin % smell and touch! Selecti$e %x*osure0select inputs to be e&posed to our awareness! More likely if it is linked to an event% satisfies current needs% intensity of input chan es 'sharp price drop-! Selecti$e Distortion0=han in /twistin with beliefs! Advertisers that use comparative advertisements 'pitchin one product a ainst current received information% inconsistent

another-% have to be very careful that consumers do not distort the facts and perceive that the advertisement was for the competitor! A current e&ample!!!M=I and A)J)!!!do you ever et confused4 Selecti$e Retention0Remember inputs that support beliefs% for ets those that donBt! Avera e supermarket shopper is e&posed to @A%::: products in a shoppin visit lastin E: minutes0C:8 of purchases are unplanned! #&posed to @%6:: advertisement per day! =anBt be e&pected to be aware of all these inputs% and certainly will not retain many! 21 21

Interpretin information is based on what is already familiar% on knowled e that is stored in the memory! Problems marketin wine from (outh Africa! =onsumers have stron perceptions of the country% and hence its products!

A3i)ity and +no&)edge::

+eed to understand individuals capacity to learn! Gearnin % chan es in a personBs behavior caused by information and e&perience! )herefore to chan e consumersB behavior about your product% need to ive them new information re/ product!!!free sample etc! (outh Africa!!!open bottle of wine and pour itNN Also educate american consumers about chan es in (A! +eed to sell a whole new country! ;hen makin buyin decisions% buyers must process information!

+no,ledge is the familiarity with the product and e&pertise! Ine&perience buyers often use prices as an indicator of 5uality more than those who have knowled e of a product! +on0alcoholic Beer e&ample/ consumers chose the most e&pensive si&0pack% because they assume that the reater price indicates reater 5uality! -earning is the process throu h which a relatively permanent chan e in behavior results from the conse5uences of past behavior!

Onowled e and positive and ne ative feelin s about an object or activity0maybe tan ible or intan ible% livin or non0 livin !!!!!,rive perceptions Individual learns attitudes throu h e&perience and interaction with other people! =onsumer attitudes toward a firm and its products reatly influence the success or failure of the firmBs marketin strate y! Fonda LMou meet the nicest people on a FondaL% dispel the unsavory ima e of a motorbike rider% late @>6:s! =han in market of the @>>:s% baby boomers a in % Fondas market returnin to hard core! )o chan e this they have a new slo an L=ome ride with usL! Attitudes and attitude chan e are influenced by consumers personality and lifestyle! 22 22

=onsumers screen information that conflicts with their attitudes! ,istort information to make it consistent and selectively retain information that reinforces our attitudes! I# brand loyalty! )here is a difference between attitude and intention to buy 'ability to buy-!

Pe "ona)ity::
All the internal traits and behaviors that make a person uni5ue% uni5ueness arrives from a personBs heredity and personal e&perience! #&amples include/ o o o o o o o o o o o o ;orkaholism =ompulsiveness (elf confidence $riendliness Adaptability Ambitiousness ,o matism Authoritarianism Introversion #&troversion A ressiveness


)raits effect the way people behave! Marketers try to match the store ima e to the perceived ima e of their customers! )here is a weak association between personality and Buyin Behavior% this may be due to unreliable measures! +ike ads! =onsumers buy products that are consistent with their self concept! Li(e"ty)e":: Recent U( trends in lifestyles are a shift towards personal independence and individualism and a preference for a healthy% natural lifestyle! Gifestyles are the consistent patterns people follow in their lives!

23 23

#PAMPG# healthy foods for a healthy lifestyle! (un tan not considered fashionable in U( until @>?:Bs! +ow an assault by the American Academy of ,ermatolo y! S(+' l F +%(!$ =onsumer wants% learnin % motives etc! are influenced by opinion leaders% personBs family% reference roups% social class and culture!

O%inion )eade "::

(pokespeople etc! Marketers try to attract opinion leaders!!!they actually use 'payspokespeople to market their products! Michael Dordon '+ike% Mc,onalds% .atorade etc!=an be risky!!!Michael Dackson!!!*D (impson!!!=hevy =hase

Ro)e" and 0a#i)y In()uen$e"::

Role!!!thin s you should do based on the e&pectations of you from your position within a roup! People have many roles! Fusband% father% employer/ee! Individuals role are continuin to chan e therefore marketers must continue to update information! $amily is the most basic roup a person belon s to! Marketers must understand/ o o o that many family decisions are made by the family unit consumer behavior starts in the family unit family roles and preferences are the model for childrenBs future family 'can reject/alter/etco family buyin decisions are a mi&ture of family interactions and individual decision makin o family acts an interpreter of social and cultural values for the individual!

)he $amily life cycle/ families o throu h sta es% each sta e creates different consumer demands/ o o o o bachelor sta e!!!most newly married% youn % no children!!!me full nest I% youn est child under C full nest II% youn est child C or over 24 24

o o

full nest III% older married couples with dependent children empty nest I% older married couples with no children livin with them% head in labor force

o o o o

empty nest II% older married couples% no children livin at home% head retired solitary survivor% in labor force solitary survivor% retired Moderni<ed life cycle includes divorced and no children!

Because ? income families are becomin more common% the decision maker within the family unit is chan in !!!also% family has less time for children% and therefore tends to let them influence purchase decisions in order to alleviate some of the uilt! '=hildren influence about Q@E: billion of oods in a year- =hildren also have more money to spend themselves!

Re(e en$e G ou%":: Individual identifies with the roup to the e&tent that he takes on many of the values% attitudes or behaviors of the roup members! $amilies% friends% sororities% civic and professional or ani<ations! Any roup that has a positive or ne ative influence on a persons attitude and behavior! Me! ers#i* grou*s 'belon toAffinity marketin is focused on the desires of consumers that belon to reference roups! Marketers et the roups to approve the product and communicate that approval to its members! =redit =ards etc!NN &s*iration grou*s 'want to belon toDisassociate grou*s 'do not want to belon toFonda% tries to disassociate from the LbikerL roup! )he de ree to which a reference roup will affect a purchase decision depends on an individuals susceptibility to reference roup influence and the stren th of his/her involvement with the roup!

25 25

So$ia) C)a""::
an open roup of individuals who have similar social rank! U( is not a classless society! U( criteriaK occupation% education% income% wealth% race% ethnic roups and possessions! (ocial class influences many aspects of our lives! I# upper middle class Americans prefer lu&ury cars Mercedes! o Upper Americans0upper0upper class% !E8% inherited wealth% aristocratic names! o Gower0upper class% @!?8% newer social elite% from current professionals and corporate elite o o Upper0middle class% @?!68% colle e raduates% mana ers and professionals Middle Americans0middle class% E?8% avera e pay white collar workers and blue collar friends o o o ;orkin class% E78% avera e pay blue collar workers Gower Americans0lower class% >8% workin % not on welfare Gower0lower class% A8% on welfare

(ocial class determines to some e&tent% the types% 5uality% 5uantity of products that a person buys or uses! Gower class people tend to stay close to home when shoppin % do not en a e in much prepurchase information atherin ! (tores project definite class ima es! $amily% reference roups and social classes are all social influences on consumer behavior! All operate within a lar er culture!

Cu)tu e and Su3:$u)tu e::

=ulture refers to the set of values% ideas% and attitudes that are accepted by a homo enous roup of people and transmitted to the ne&t eneration! =ulture also determines what is acceptable with product advertisin ! =ulture determines what people wear% eat% reside and travel! =ultural values in the U( are ood health% education% individualism and freedom! In American culture time scarcity is a rowin problem! I# chan e in meals! Bi impact on international marketin ! 26 26

+o!!!but that is my opinionNN!!!)ea is a part of the British culture% hot with milk! ,ifferent society% different levels of needs% different cultural values! =ulture can be divided into subcultures/ o o eo raphic re ions human characteristics such as a e and ethnic back round!

=ulture effects what people buy% how they buy and when they buy!

27 27

Co#%any P o(i)e Ai te) ! 'oda(one

28 28

C(./ "& P!(-'le (- A'!%el

9-4 AIRTEL est private inte rated

Airtel comes to you from Bharti =ellular Gimited 0 a part of the bi

telecom con lomerate% Bharti #nterprises! Bharti provides a ran e of telecom services% which include =ellular% Basic% Internet and recently introduced +ational Gon ,istance! Bharti also manufactures and e&ports telephone terminals and cordless phones! Apart from bein the lar est manufacturer of telephone instruments in India% it is also the first company to e&port its products to the U(A! Bharti is the leadin cellular service provider% with a footprint in ?E states coverin all four metros and more than 7 million satisfied customers! Ai te) ! 'i"ua) Identity $or a brand to be successful% it must build endurin relationships with its different

audiences! Inte ral to this relationship is the visual ima e of the brand the consumer carries in his/her mind! )he Airtel brand ima e is created throu h the consistent application of a carefully developed visual identity% which helps Airtel distin uish itself in a cluttered market! AirtelBs visual identity helps create instant brand recall and stren thens the relationships that its audiences have with it! )he Airtel visual identity has different elements that work to ether to create a stron and consistent identity for the brand! )he most important of these are/

The Ai te) Logo

)he Airtel lo o is a stron % contemporary and confident symbol for a brand that is always ahead of the rest! It is a specially drawn world mark! 29 29

The Ai te) I#age "ty)e It incorporates two solid% red rectan ular forms whose counter form creates an open doorway! The Ai te) Ty%og a%hi$a) "ty)e )he title case letterin with its capital BAB was deliberately chosen to reinforce the brandBs leadership position! )he red dot on the letterform BIB cues AirtelBs focus on innovation!! )he words B#&press MourselfB are very much part of the brand identity!

The Ai te) Co)ou Pa)ette )he letterin is rey so that the pure black of Airtel is visually unharmed! B1ARTI TELE:'ENTURES Bharti )ele0Hentures Gimited was incorporated on Duly A% @>>6 for promotin investments in telecommunications services! Its subsidiaries operate telecom services across India! Bharti )ele0Hentures is IndiaBs leadin private sector

provider of telecommunications services based on a stron customer base consistin of appro&imately @@!79 million total customers which constitute% appro&imately @:!>7 million mobile and appro&imately 76A%::: fi&ed line customers% as of March E@ % ?::6

Co %o ate St u$tu e

30 30

31 31

O gani"ationa) St u$tu e

Mo3i)e Divi"ion Ove vie& Bharti )ele0Hentures vision for its mobile business is T( . 0e .(1'le +(..u"'+ %'("$ 2 & (- l'-e "# 1e %,e +u$%(.e!$ -'!$% +,('+e. )he mission is to meet the mobile communication needs of the customer throu h @- error free service ?- Innovative products and services and E- cost efficiency! )he =ompany3s strate ic objective is to consolidate its leadership position amon st the mobile service providers in India!

32 32

)he Indian mobile market% accordin to the =*AI% has increased from appro&imately E!C million subscribers as of March E@% ?::6 to appro&imately 6@!:E million subscribers as of March E@% ?::7! ,espite this rapid rowth% the mobile penetration rate in India% at appro&imately C!>8 as of March E@% ?::7% is si nificantly lower than the avera e mobile penetration rate in other Asian and international markets! )he number of mobile subscribers in India is e&pected to show rapid rowth over the ne&t four years! By ?:@? it is projected at C: million by =*AI and 6? million by .artner! Bharti )ele0Hentures believes that the demand for mobile services in India will continue to row rapidly as a result of the followin factors/ R R R Gower tariffs and handset prices over timeK .rowth in pre0paid customer cate oryK .reater economic rowth J continued development of IndiaBs economyK R R Fi her 5uality mobile networks and servicesK and .reater variety and usa e of value added services!

Bharti )ele0Hentures% throu h its subsidiary has the licenses to provide .(M services in all the twenty0three telecom circles in India! It proposes to consolidate all its subsidiaries providin mobile services under Bharti =ellular Gimited! As of March E@% ?::7% @::8 of IndiaBs total mobile subscriber market resided in the =ompanyBs twenty three mobile circles% which collectively @::8 of IndiaBs land mass!

Re$ent A$hieve#ent" o( Bha ti Ce))u)a Li#ited ;ith the Indian economy showin si ns of a continued and robust rowth in the comin years% telecom cannot have a different outlook! Recent developments in the Indian telecom sector have brou ht the world focus on what is bein pronounced as the fastest rowin telecom market in the world! ;hile crossin the landmark ?:: mn subscribers has indeed brou ht Indian telecom sector in the bi lea ue telecom markets% the best ever rate of rowth that we see is the added silver linin ! +o wonder the world focus is on 33 33

India% which in all modesty is bound to become the second lar est telecom sector in the world% after =hina! )he telecom story unfoldin in India has enou h spice for any a ressive player because the market is just rowin and will continue to see more actionN Bharti Airtel Gtd announced that it has crossed the ?60million customer base mark! In a statement issued here% the company said% L)he ?6 million customer base covers mobile% landline as well as broadband customers!L )his customer base was achieved in just over @: years% makin Bharti Airtel one of the youn est companies in the cate ory% the company claimed! Mr Manoj Oohli% President% Bharti Airtel said% LIt is indeed a remarkable achievement not only for us at Airtel% but also for the country as it clearly underlines the comin of a e of the Indian telecom sector! Bharti AirtelBs e&ponential rowth hi hli hts the undisputed position of India as the telecom hotspot of the world as the economic development of a country is very clearly linked with telecom penetration!L (tron focus on e&ternal as well as internal customers% strate ic business alliances and a scalable business model have to ether helped Bharti Airtel to achieve leadership position% he added! )he achievement comes shortly after Bharti Airtel was ranked amon the top @: best performin companies in the world in the lobally renowned Business ;eek I) @:: list! St ong Sign" o( g o&th )he set tar et of reachin around half a billion customers by ?:@: and a teledensity of around 968 seems achievable! ;hat ives the industry the confidence of achievin these numbers is the investor0friendly overnment policies% a consistently stron .,P rowth% the e&plodin youn population and the Indian business model of bein profitable despite havin the lowest tariff in the world! A case in reference can be the Indian market currently re0attractin forei n players% who had abandoned the market for lucrative propositions! )he resur ent India story can be attributed to the phenomenal rowth in the BP* sector% rowth in industrial production% housin sector% a ricultural% fresh demands from the bur eonin middle class population% investments in infrastructure% and finally e&ports that stren then our Bmade in IndiaB ta ! *n top of fle&in muscles in the home turf% Indian operators/players have become more a ressive by spreadin their win s abroad by a5uirin new licenses and e&istin companies!

34 34

Innovative te$hno)ogie" In the wake of the western markets promisin slu ish rowth in the wireless% broadband and fi&ed line se ments% and investors turnin heat on telecom iants bein forced to e&ist saturated markets% any action in India will be worth watchin ! I see substantial telecom rowth happenin in the ne&t two to four years with a sli ht slowdown in investments later! )he intensification of rowth will be primarily driven by the wireless market especially the ?!6.% E. and ;iMa& in that order! ;ith wireless users bein around 668 of the current population% there is vast scope for e&pansion of the ?!6. network to provide the basic voice connectivity to the masses! #very operator intends to sei<e the opportunity to rab the land and plans major investments in the area! ,espite almost a simultaneous deployment of E. and ;iMa& in India% E. is likely to have a scorchin rowth dependin on the availability of the spectrum! )he current ?!6. scenario in major cities shall add to the compulsion of operators to deploy E. networks to take advanta e of the capacity and the device savvy Indian urban population! )he Indian urban market is as demandin as any other developed nations which has been proved by the success of applications launched by service providers like =RB) and music downloads! E. brin s in a broadband pipe to the wireless device thereby enablin launch of bandwidth intensive services such as video streamin and mobile )H! Halue added services such as video on demand% video streamin % etc would be on customersB most favored list when India embraces E.! ;ith the overnment focus on broadband penetration and initiatives like e0.overnance and m0commerce% E. and ;iMa& shall complement each other to drive the broadband penetration from the current dismal levels of @!7 mn to a tar et of ?: mn by ?:@: which may seem overambitious to somebody who is new to the Indian telecom sector! ;hile markets for these innovative technolo ies would be lar e cities and metros% rural India is thrivin to et their pie!

1igh)ight" (o Thi d ;ua te ended De$e#3e 94< 8==> Market leader ,it# a !arket s#are o" all India !o ile su scri ers at .3./0. 1ig#est e$er'net addition o" /3.2 lak# custo!ers in a single 3uarter. Total Re$enues o" Rs. /42/5 crore (u* 5.06'o'67. %(ITD& o" Rs. .42/3 crore (u* 5806'o'67. Cas# Pro"it o" Rs. .488. crore (u* 390 6'o'67. 35 35

Net Inco!e o" Rs. 14:.. crore (u* 5.06'o'67.

)he lar est private sector inte rated telecommunications services roup in India in terms Gar est of Mobile the footprint in number India% coverin ?E of circles customers! of I+,IA!

Proven track record of mana in ac5uisitions!

rowth 0 both or anic as well as by way of

$irst and lar est private telecommunications services company offerin fi&ed0line services in India! #&istin forei n shareholders have ac5uired direct and indirect e5uity interests in the =ompany for a total consideration e&ceedin U(Q@ billion! $irst private telecommunications company to launch lon distance services! $irst off the block to launch fi&ed0line services in all the four circles of ,elhi% Faryana% Oarnataka and )amil +adu!

&irtel Mo ile Strateg)

=apture ma&imum telecommunications revenue potential with minimum eo raphical covera e to ma&imi<e its revenues and mar ins! Build hi h 5uality mobile networks by deployin state0of0the0art technolo y to offer superior services! Use the e&perience it has ained from operatin its e&istin mobile networks to develop and operate other mobile networks in India and to share the e&pertise across all of its e&istin and new circles! Attract and retain hi h revenue tariffs% offerin eneratin customers by providin competitive

hi h 5uality customer support% proactive retention pro rams and

roamin packa es across all of its mobile circles! 36 36

Provide affordable tariff plans to suit each se ment of the market with a view to e&pand the reach% thereby increasin the mobile customer base rapidly!

To 3e g)o3a))y ad#i ed (o te)e$o# "e vi$e" that de)ight $u"to#e "-

,e &i)) #eet g)o3a) "tanda d" (o te)e$o# "e vi$e" that de)ight $u"to#e " th ough/ S =ustomer (ervice $ocus S #mpowered #mployees S Innovative (ervices S =ost #fficiency Se vi$e" Ai te) P e%aid Airtel Prepaid% the Ready =ellular =ard from Airtel comes to you from Bharti #nterprises% IndiaBs leadin inte rated telecom service provider! .oin mobile with Airtel Prepaid is a new way of life! ;ith a host of reat features% also simple to use% Airtel Prepaid makes everythin that you dreamt and believed% possible! Ai te) Po"t%aid Airtel welcomes you to a vibrant world of unlimited opportunities! More e&citin % innovative yet simple new ways to communicate% just when you want to% not just throu h words but ideas% emotions and feelin s! )o ive you the unlimited freedom to reach out to your special people in your special way!

Ai te) Roa#ing AirtelBs Roamin service allows you to use your mobile phone to make or receive calls from almost anywhere in India and abroad! Airtel Roamin ives you two reat options/

Ai te) Nationa) : #njoy roamin in India across 9? partners networks and over A6: cities! 37 37

Ai te) Inte nationa) : Roam across international destinations% in nearly @@> countries includin U(A% =anada% UO etc! with ?79 partner networks! Long Di"tan$e +ow e&perience complete freedom like never before with AirtelN *ur +ational Gon 0 ,istance facility allows you to make lon distance calls in India and

*verseas from your cellular phone! )his service is applicable to both Postpaid and Prepaid customers! 'ALUE ADDED SER'ICES Ca))e Identi(i$ation ?CLIP/ =all Identification ives you the power to know the phone number of the callin the incomin party

even before you answer the call% thus ivin you the choice to either reject or take the call! It provides the added advanta e of savin number directly in the Fandset Phone Book! (o that the ne&t time you want to call the same person% you donBt need to retype his number% simply use your phone book! Dia):a:"e vi$e ;ith AirtelBs information services you can et upto0the0minute cricket scores% order flowers as well as send couriers or check your daily horoscope! 0A@ ! DATA Airtel brin s you $a& and ,ata (ervice where you can take your office wherever you o! Mou can send and receive data/fa& documents% access the Internet% email accounts as well as corporate databases whenever you are on the move! GPRS A MOBILE O00ICE Mobile *ffice provides you with access to e0mail and Internet any time and anywhere% even while on the move! It is an indispensable asset for travelin e&ecutives% as it enables you to be in touch when at airports% hotels etc! (o whether youBre in Mumbai or not% youBll be never be short of Internet access! +ow you can access official mail% refer to sites for information and do everythin technolo y! 38 38 that you would% on the Internet! )his new0a e product is made possible throu h AirtelBs .PR( '.eneral Packet Radio (ervices-

GPRS Mo3i)e O((i$e "e vi$e ha" the (o))o&ing (eatu e"6 a- Access the Internet anytime% anywhere 'across all Airtel circles in Indiab- +o airtime char es c- =heaper than connectin throu h land line e- A minimal monthly subscription fee 'OICE MAIL SER'ICES Hoice Mail allows you to receive messa es even when your handset is switched off or when you are outside covera e area! Mou can then retrieve these messa es at your own convenience! CALL CON0ERENCING ;ith Airtel call conferencin % teleconference with C people simultaneously! Mou can also have the liberty of settin up a conference even when the other five individuals are usin a landline!

Airtel Presents... HELLO TUNES ;ith Fello )unes when you dial an Airtel (ubscriber3s mobile%

you will hear the son that he/she has selected for youNN 0EATURES T(on of the ,ayB at the top of the menu to make first time selection easy 'a iou" )anguage o%tion" 6 (elect from #n lish to Oannada 'over 6 different lan ua es=ontent represents all major lan ua es Eve yone:tune6 one son for all callers S%e$ia) tune6 personali<ed son for specified caller

Ea"y Bi))ing +ow enjoy the lu&ury of viewin details of your last E billin cycles and the convenience of payin your Airtel bill onlineN #&perience complete freedom with AirtelN Su1$+!'/%'(" Se!*'+e$ 39 39

;ith AirtelBs (ubscription (ervices% you can subscribe for cool alerts at the click of a buttonN ;hatBs better is that you can receive updates automatically on your Airtel phone without re5uestin everyday! Dai)y Ne&" A)e t" ;ith Airtel +ews Alerts% be in touch with the latest happenin s around the world% all the time! .et ? news bulletins sent to your Airtel phone% courtesy Aaj)ak% the ?90hour news channel from India )oday .roup! Dai)y A"t o)ogy A)e t" Mour future lies in your Airtel phone! GiterallyN .et daily forecasts of each sun si n from renowned astrolo er Ma Prem Usha! Dai)y Bo.e A)e t" =rack up with lau hter with AirtelBs daily joke alert! .et the funniest jokes that you can forward to your friends to bri hten up their day too! Dai)y Bu"ine"" A)e t" $or the latest bu<< on the business scenario% now you never have to look very much further than the palm of your hand! Airtel brin s you the daily business news and stock alerts% courtesy Business )oday% the leadin publication on business news J stories!

Dai)y 0i)#i Go""i% ;ant the latest khabar on Gara% (alman% =ameron and )oby4 )une into AirtelBs $ilmi .ossip% with the latest bu<< about your favourite Follywood and Bollywood stars!

40 40


. Co!*an) Pro"ile O" ;oda"one

Today< in India< 3e$o#e" 'oda(one- No&< the %in. $o)o )ogo o( &i)) 3e e%)a$ed 3y 'oda(one E""a C" $o %o ate ed $o)o ed oneIn ?::60:C% the *ran e brand in Mumbai was phased out to introduce 'now Hodafone-! )he company also chan ed the colors of its lo o from oran e to pink last year! After ac5uirin CA per cent of stake 'around Rs! ?6: crores- in ison #ssar from Fon Oon 0based ison ;hampoa% Hodafone #ssar is e&pectin employees of its business associates! A"i# Gho"h< MD< 'oda(one E""a % said 1;e3ve had a ood innin s as in India and today marks a new be innin for us% not as a departure from the fundamentals that created % but an acceleration into the future with Hodafone3s lobal e&pertise!2 'oda(one CEO and 'i$e:Chai #an A un Sa in o( the Doint ventu e 'oda(one E""a will be landin in India for the meetin that would discuss brandin e&ercise% e&pansion plans% spectrum re5uirements for its e&pandin subscriber base and future plans! Hodafone offers a host of premier value added services 'HA(- includin international roamin national and to touch over E6 million with customers across 9::%::: shops and thousands of 3s own employees alon

in over A: countries in over @C: networks% ;ireless Application

Protocol ';AP-% short messa e service% voice mail service% auto roam% fa& and data% cricket updates% M0bankin % eneral information% tarot line% etc! )he company launched ;AP in ,elhi in *ctober ?:::% much before its rival Bharti! It has 6::: ;AP customers% as in ,ecember ?:::! )he company has been a prime mover in introducin these value0 added services in the ,elhi circle!

)he values are stated simply! )o be fair and transparent in what they do and how they do it! )o provide the 5uality services with more customer friendly practices! )o make one3s communications e&perience simple% pleasurable and fun! ;here he doesnBt simply et technolo y 0 but technolo y that is relevant! ;here solutions are not just promised in the future 0 but delivered in the present!

41 41

;e shall uphold the di nity of the individual ;e shall honor all commitments ;e shall be committed to Uuality% Innovation and .rowth in every endeavor ;e shall be responsible corporate citi<ens

;oda"one -ogo

Se vi$e"
(tayin connected becomes a lot easier with Hodafone! ;e have a wide ran e of to fli ht

services you can access ri ht from your Hodafone phone! $rom cell bankin updates to call mana ement services% et all that you want% instantly! Dia) E== to a$tivate

)o activate these values added services on your Hodafone phone simply dial C:: and access our Interactive Hoice Response system!

Messa e your family and friends throu h Hodafone (M( (ervices! ItBs convenient and affordable! =ommunicate with cell phone users in over @:: countries and anywhere in India 0 by sendin and receivin te&t messa es! Pay just Rs! @!6: per messa e for sendin (M( anywhere across the country!

42 42

SMS C, %
+ow% you can chat on your Hodafone phone with as many people as you want! Its fun and as simple as sendin an (M(! Mour identity will remain anonymous as your phone number is never displayed durin the chat! Mou can have your own profile and chat name! Mou can also create your own chat rooms or chat in the different rooms that already e&ist includin / )eens% ?:s% E:s% *ffice% Bollywood% ,elhi! All you have to do is type in your messa es and send them to 858F! Mou will be char ed Rs! ? per out oin messa e! Incomin messa es are free!

V(# -("e O"l'"e

.et all the useful information you need directly on your Hodafone phone 0 with Hodafone *nline! Includin cricket% finance% entertainment% weather% astrolo y and more!

R (imply o to the Hodafone *nline menu on your Hodafone phone! If you do not see the Hodafone *nline menu on your phone% send F#GP to @?E! ;e will send you the list of keywords! R (croll to the topic on which you need information! R (elect the information and key input as re5uested on the screen!

Mou will be char ed Rs! ? per out oin messa e! Incomin messa es are free!

MTNL D'!e+%(&
;ith this facility you can et to know the address and telephone no! of M)+G users!you will be char ed Rs!? per out oin messa e!

STD 3 ISD C(#e$

43 43

Mou donBt need to look up your diary or a phone directory to find out (), and I(, codes! Mou can find it directly throu h your Hodafone phone!

R'")%("e$ & L()($

+ow you can chan e the rin tone on your Hodafone phone accordin to your moods! Mou can download lo os as well! ;ith the Hodafone and MahooN tieup you have hundreds of tunes and lo os to choose from! $or every rin tone downloaded% you will char ed Rs! A!:: 'includin the cost of (M( sent-! the cost of (M(

sent-! $or every lo o/picture messa e downloaded% you will char ed Rs! E!:: 'includin

Fl $, & Bl'"0
Hodafone now offers you two e&citin ways to send messa es! Mou can make your

messa e flash directly on your recipient3s screen instead of the inbo&! Mou can also hi hli ht the important parts of your messa e throu h blinks! (o your te&t messa es become not only more visible% but more effective too! Mou will be char ed Rs! ? per out oin messa e! Incomin messa es are free!

D' l4'" Se!*'+e$

Hodafone brin s you more conveniences at your fin ertips! Use our ,ial0in0(ervices to check cricket scores% horoscope% up0to0the minute news and other relevant information on services that touch your everyday life!

All ,ial0in0(ervices carry a flat char e of Rs C per minute '@ min pulse-! FereBs a shortlist of services you can access V

44 44

Se vi$e +,)H *nline Info Gine ,ial0n0,eliver =ricket *nline )arot Gine =ell Rashi ,ial0a0Pi<<a ,ial0a0=ab Hoice Response (ervice

Nu#3 e @?E E:@ E:C @?E E@9 E@6 E:E EE6 @?E

)here are occasions when you may not want to take a call% or your Hodafone phone maybe busy or simply unreachable! By payin a nominal monthly access fee% you can now retrieve your messa es at your convenience! #ven if you are roamin % you can retrieve your messa es from your voice mailbo& throu h a fi&ed line% anywhere on earth! 7ou 'oda(one voi$e#ai) $an R Fold up over @A messa es at a time! R Receive a messa e that lasts up to >: seconds! R (tore a messa e for as lon as you want! R Mou can also record your voice si nature and welcome messa e!

C ll'") L'"e I#e"%'-'+ %'("

Mou can check your callerBs telephone name and number on your phone screen whenever you receive a call! )his ives you the fle&ibility to either accept or reject an incomin call! )his service is also helpful in identifyin your missed calls!

Mou can access this service by just payin

Rs! 9> per month% if you are a postpaid

customer! )his service is absolutely free if you are a Hodafone Prepaid customer!

I%e.'5e# B'll'")
As a Hodafone Postpaid customer% you can choose to receive an itemi<ed bill at the end of each month! )his is a detailed billin statement which helps you keep track of all your calls! Mour itemi<ed bill includes/ 45 45

R *ri in of the call R ,estination of the call R ,uration of the call R )oll char es R Airtime and total char e Get you ite#iGed 3i))R Hia post/ Pay a monthly rental of 9> only! R Hia e0mail/ Pay just Rs! @> per itemi<ed bill!

F 6 & D % Se!*'+e$
)his service enables you to constantly keep in touch with your office% collea ues and information sources! Mou can send or receive fa&es and transmit data usin Hodafone phone anytime% anywhere! ;hether you are operatin from home% Fotels and airport lobbies! At speeds of up to >C:: bps within the network or while roamin ! Mou can even access the Internet! All you need is a handset compatible data card 'P= =ard- or a .(M (oftware% and a data chord cable with a P= to set up a mobile office! Mou can also opt for either Hodafone $a& or Hodafone ,ata services independently! Mour Hodafone fa& number can help you differentiate between incomin voice calls and fa& transmissions! Mou can also send and receive fa&es anywhere on earth with your Hodafone phone By optin for the Hodafone ,ata (ervices you can access e0mail% databases and the Internet! All on your sin le incomin data number! Cha ge" to activate the Hodafone $a& and ,ata service% you just need to pay a one0time activation fee of Rs 6::! )o access the $a& service% the fee is Rs! ?6:! )he usa e char es are nominal at Re @ per minute! your

C ll M " )e.e"% Se!*'+e$

46 46

)here may be occasions when you need to conference with up to si& people at a time or talk to just two! *r you are speakin to someone and want to forward an incomin call to another phone! ;ith your Hodafone phone% you can do this and more! Hodafonehelps you mana e your calls effortlessly so that you stay in control of your conversations% always!

V('+e Re$/("$e
.et your Hodafone phone to respond directly to your commands! =ustom desi ned to reco ni<e Indian voices and accents% the Hoice Response service makes your life more convenient! Mou can et the latest updates on news% stocks% cricket and your horoscope! Airtime char es will be Rs!C per minute '@ minute pulse-!

V('+e Me$$ )'")

Hoice Messa in has become even more affordable! Mou can now send voice messa es to cellular phones as well as fi&ed telephone lines in U(A or =anada for just Rs!E!>6 per minW 'as a ainst Rs!9!>6 per min earlier-! Hoice messa es within India across "e)e$t net&o ." will cost you Rs! !>6 per min only! Also% recipients of the cellular Hoice Messa in service have the option of replyin back to the messa es% which et returned back as return Hoice Mail messa es% facilitatin two0 way 'thou h not simultaneous- voice communication!

Y ,((7 Me$$e")e! F(! SMS

Mou do not have to wait to et a P= to use the MahooN Messen er! ;ith the e&clusive Hodafone0MahooN tie0up% you can easily et connected throu h your Hodafone phone!)his uni5ue messen er comes with a lot of e&citin features! Mou can connect with all MahooN Messen er users% send% receive and reply to instant messa es% view and mana e your friend list and also mana e authori<ation re5uests! All this and more just by usin (M(! Mou will be char ed Rs! ? per out oin messa e! Incomin messa es are free!

Cell B "0'")
47 47

Hodafone now puts the bank in your pocket with =ell Bankin ! Access your bank account and transact directly on your Hodafone phone by sendin te&t messa es! )he first of its kind in India% this service enables you to conduct your bankin havin Mou can to do visit =ell the Bankin bank from or over makin >: countries a without

call! worldwide!

Mou will be char ed Rs! ? per out oin messa e! Incomin messa es are free!

R( .'")
+ow you can always stay connected% no matter where you are! ;ith the Hodafone Roamin facility% you can use your Hodafone phone in over @:: countries worldwide and over @::: cities% towns and hi hways across India! Hodafone Roamin makes life easy and convenient for you!

One nu#3e a$ o"" the g)o3e Mour Hodafone phone number and PI+ number remains the same whether you are in ,elhi% =handi arh% Gondon% Paris or anywhere else in the world!

Nationa) and Inte nationa) Roa#ing on 'oda(one P e%aid Roamin on Hodafone Prepaid ives you the most e&tensive covera e in over @:::

cities% towns and hi hways across India% and in over @:: countries around the world! #njoy Roa#ing on you 'oda(one P e%aid $a d and stay in touch wherever you o!

Y ,((7 M 'l F(! SMS

Mou can now directly access your email account on MahooN Mail on your Hodafone phone! ;hat3s more% you do not need a ;AP enabled handset for this service as it is based on (M(! (o ain freedom from your P= and access your MahooN mails anytime% anywhere on your Hodafone phone! Mou will be char ed Rs! ? per out oin messa e! Incomin messa es are free!

48 48

;ith ;AP% you can have the Internet directly in your pocket! (o if you are lookin for 5uick and easy delivery of information and services% your Hodafone phone can show it all! Use it to check out news% finance% shoppin % entertainment% travel% entertainment and city service information etc! )o access this service all you need is a ;AP enabled handset and ;AP services activated on your Hodafone phone! )his service comes to you at a nominal char e of Re! @ per minute '@ min pulse-!

G!(u/ Me$$ )'")

Party invitations% movie outin s% festive reetin s!!! whatever be the occasion% you can send your messa e to all your friends at one oN ;ith .roup Messa in from Hodafone% you can thus save yourself the bother of painstakin ly sendin your messa e to one person at a time whether you are on Hodafone Prepaid or Postpaid!

V(# -("e8,el/
Hodafone9help now lets you take advanta e of a lot more services than before! Mou can connect to the nearest fire bri ade or mechanic or florist or even order a pi<<a! If you are stranded in the middle of the road% or if you you need immediate medical attention or if you are lookin for a police station close by% Hodafone9help ives you instant access to your nearest source of help% anywhere in ,elhi or the +=R! All the help services are char edXRs!C/min! while for police and fire help only local airtime char e is applicable!

49 49


)he research is a cross sectional analysis between two cellular service of ,elhi namely AIR)#G and H*,A$*+#! )his research is done to find the followin objectives/

;hat is the consumer satisfaction level by the services offered from the service provider 'Airtel and Hodafone-


;hat are the e&pectations of the consumers from the service providers! 'Airtel and Hodafone-

50 50

S)ope The given project is to analy e the overall satis!action o! s"#scri#ers $ith their %o#ile service provi&er. The scope !or the research is not very #ig. The area o! st"&y o! the researcher $as 'elhi region. (ar)eting is innovative !iel&. *ere nothing can #e ass"%e&. +hatever i&eas $e generate, $e have to test the% an& they %"st #e s"pporte& #y prove& res"lts. -or this, %ar)eting research is very i%portant. .o%parative st"&y is one s"ch aspect that is very &i!!ic"lt to %eas"re #y g"ess$or). /nything yo" say a#o"t it, it %"st #e #ase& on relia#le research. 0 a% going to &o a ASSESSMENT AND COMPARISON OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION LEVEL BETWEEN AIRTEL Vodafone.

To j"sti!y the c"sto%er satis!action level #y services !ro% service provi&ers 0 have "n&erta)en s%all s"rvey. This s"rvey thro$s light on %any things li)e $hat are the vario"s services $ith $hich they are satis!ie& an& &issatis!ie&, $hat are the e1pectations o! c"sto%ers !ro% service provi&er. To !acilitate o"r p"rpose, 0 have !or%e& a 2"estionnaire an& as)e& 200 respon&ents 3100 /irtel an& 100 4o&a!one "sers) to !ill it.

51 51

%esear)h Methodolog'


Research Methodolo !

This chapter ai%s to "n&erstan& the research %etho&ology esta#lishing a !ra%e$or) o! eval"ation an& reval"ation o! pri%ary an& secon&ary research. The techni2"es an& concepts "se& &"ring pri%ary research in or&er to arrive at !in&ings5 $hich are also &ealt $ith an& lea& to a logical &e&"ction to$ar&s the analysis an& res"lts. %ESEA%$& DESI*N


The researchers propose to !irst con&"ct a intensive secon&ary research to "n&erstan& the !"ll i%pact an& i%plication o! the in&"stry, to revie$ an& criti2"e the in&"stry nor%s an& reports, on $hich certain iss"es shall #e selecte&, $hich the researchers !eel re%ain "nans$ere& or lia#le to change , this shall #e !"rther ta)en "p in the ne1t stage o! e1ploratory research. This stage shall help the researchers to restrict an& select only the i%portant 2"estion an& iss"e, $hich inha#it gro$th an& seg%entation in the in&"stry. These set o! 2"estions are then propose& to #e st"&ie& "n&er a &escriptive research setting !inally lea&ing to !or%ation o! hypotheses an& testing "n&er ca"sal research./ research &esign is p"rely an& si%ply the !ra%e$or) or plan !or a st"&y that g"i&es the collection an& analysis o! &ata. The sur"e! research $as "se& in this project, #eca"se cons"%er6s !ee&#ac) $as necessary !or o#taining the &ata.
52 52


Data Sour)es

7e$ &ata gathere& to help solve the pro#le% at han&. /s co%pare& to secon&ary &ata $hich is previo"sly gathere& &ata. /n e1a%ple is in!or%ation gathere& #y a 2"estionnaire. 8"alitative or 2"antitative &ata that are ne$ly collecte& in the co"rse o! research. .onsists o! original in!or%ation that co%es !ro% people an& incl"&es in!or%ation gathere& !ro% s"rveys, in&epen&ent o#servations an& test res"lts.. 'ata gathere& #y the researcher in the act o! con&"cting research. This is contraste& to secon&ary &ata $hich entails the "se o! &ata gathere& #y so%eone other than the researcher in!or%ation that is o#taine& &irectly !ro% !irst9han& so"rces #y %eans o! s"rveys, o#servation. Pri#ar! data $as collecte& #y the 2"estionnaire #ase& %ar)et s"rvey. 0n this s"rvey 100 /0:T;< an& 100 4='/-=7; %o#ile "sers $ere s"rveye&. Secondar! data $as o#taine& !ro% jo"rnals, %aga ines, ne$spapers, #oo)s an& o! co"rse the 0nternet. 0n!or%ation that alrea&y e1ists so%e$here, having #een collecte& !or another p"rpose. >o"rces incl"&e %aga ines, vario"s $e# sites, an& s"#scription services. 'ata that have alrea&y #een collecte& an& p"#lishe& !or another research project 3other than the one at han&). There are t$o types o! secon&ary &ata? internal an& e1ternal secon&ary &ata. 0n!or%ation co%pile& insi&e or o"tsi&e the organisation !or so%e p"rpose other than the c"rrent investigation. 'ata that have alrea&y #een collecte& !or so%e p"rpose other than the c"rrent st"&y. :esearching in!or%ation $hich has alrea&y #een p"#lishe&. (ar)et in!or%ation co%pile& !or p"rposes other than the c"rrent research e!!ort5 it can #e internal &ata, s"ch as e1isting sales9trac)ing in!or%ation, or it can #e research con&"cte& #y so%eone else, s"ch as a %ar)et research co%pany. >econ&ary so"rce o! &ata "se& consists o! #oo)s an& $e#sites
53 53


:esearch 0nstr"%ent
-or &oing the s"rvey research, structured $uestionnaire $ith #oth open9 en&e& an& close&9en&e& 2"estions $as "se&.

(o&e o! >"rvey
The %o&e o! s"rvey $as %ersonal inter"ie& $ith the respon&ents &"ring the !illing "p o! the 2"estionnaires.

>a%ple >i e
/ sa%ple si e o! 200 respon&ents is "se& !or the st"&y.100 /0:T;< an& 100 4='/-=7; c"sto%ers $ere contacte& an& intervie$e&.

>a%ple @nit
This st"&y $as #asically an opinion s"rvey o! the resi&ents o! 'elhi A $ho are cell9phone "sers A regar&ing their vie$s on the cell"lar service provi&ers.

Blace o! >t"&y
'elhi region.

LIMITATIONS6 *bservations of a particular case cannot be universally applied to all instances Universally!

,ata made available by interviews and e&istin documents may be biased! $or the sake of convenience the sample si<e taken is very small so as to be a true Representative of the entire population!

54 54

Many factors like predetermined company strate y% hierarchy etc! make a company3s framework pretty different from others thus% there are many assumptions inherent in the nature of the case itself!

Parameters taken in the 5uestionnaire mi ht be insufficient to represent al the issues!

55 55

#indings / Anal'sis

56 56


F'"#'")$ & A" l&$'$

A sample si<e of ?:: respondents '@:: Air )el and @:: Hodafone Users- was used for obtainin the information for this study!

0121 T,e B!e 0 U/9

)he break up of the respondents is shown as follows on the basis of A e% (e&% #ducation Gevel J *ccupation/ Age Upto ?6 Mrs! ?C0E6 EC096 9C and above CC 7? 9: @? EE8 9@8 ?:8 C8




Upto ?6 Mrs! ?C0E6 EC096 9C and above


*ut of the total respondents CC'EE8- are of the a e of below ?6 years *ut of the total respondents 7?'9@8- are of the a e of below ? C0E6 years *ut of the total respondents 9:'?:8- are of the a e of below EC096 years *ut of the total respondents @?'C8- are of the a e of below 9C J above years

57 57

SE@ MAG# @EC C78




E?8 Males $emales C78

)he breakup of the respondents on the basis of (e& is Males @EC'C7 8- and $emales C9' E? 8-!

Edu$ation Leve)

Fi h (chool

6C 58 58


Under .raduate .raduate and above *thers

?9 @@C :9

@?8 678 ?8

Fi h (chool ?8 ?78 Under .raduate .raduate and above *thers



*ut of the total respondents 6C'?78- are have passed hi h school% ?9'@?8- are under raduate% @@C'678- are raduates and above 5ualified and :9'?8- belon cate ories to other

O$$u%ation (tudent (ervice Man (ervice Man Businessman *thers C: 67 9? ?? @7 59 59 E:8 ?>8 ?@8 @@8 >8




(tudent (ervice Man Professional Businessman

?@8 ?>8


*ut of the total respondents C:'E:8- are students *ut of the total respondents 67'?>8- are (ervice Man *ut of the total respondents 9?'?@8- are Professionals *ut of the total respondents ??'@@8- are businessman *ut of the total respondents @7'>8- belon to other cato ories

0131 Cell /,("e Se!*'+e $u1$+!'1e# 1& u$e!$

Airtel Hodafone @:: @::

0141 C %e)(!& (- $e!*'+e $u1$+!'1e#

60 60

*verall the results show/ Prepaid/ C?8 subscribers Postpaid/ E78 subscribers


Prepaid/ C?8 Postpaid/

0151 B!e 0 u/ '" %e!.$ (- A'!%el "# V(# -("e

Ai Te) Post paid Pre paid E:8 A:8

61 61

E:8 Post paid Pre paid A:8

A:8 of Airtel users prefer the prepaid se ment while E:8 prefer the postpaid se ment!

'oda(one Post paid Pre paid 9C8 698

9C8 698

Post paid Pre paid

698of Hodafone

62 62

users prefer the prepaid se ment while9C8prefer the postpaid se ment!)he results clearly show that there is a lar er subscriber base in the pre0paid se ment% which is in consonance with the industry fi ures!

63 63

0161 S/e"#'") Pe! M("%, B& Su1$+!'1e!$

)his shows that majority of subscribers of Airtel and Hodafone subscribers spends between Rs!6::0@::: every month!

64 64

0101 T'.e % 0e" -(! +%'* %'") $'.

)his shows that 7E8 of Airtel and AC8 of Hodafone subscribers ot their sim activated the same day of purchase while others had to wait for ne&t day and some for E days also! )his is really a trouble for subscribers waitin for activation!

65 65

0171 S %'$- +%'(" -!(. Cu!!e"% T !'--

)his show that only C@8 of Airtel users and 6E8 of Hodafone users are very satisfied with tariff char es!@68 of Airtel and @78 of Hodafone users are dissatisfied with tariff which could lead them to shift to other cell operator providin lower tariff!

66 66

0181 S %'$- +%'(" -!(. "e%2(!0 :u l'%&

AE8 of Air )el and CA8 of Hodafone users are very satisfied with network! *nly ?8 of Airtel users are dissatisfied which show that their network is best! A8 of Hodafone users reported dissatisfaction because of poor si nals or no si nals in basement!

67 67

0191 S %'$- +%'(" -!(. SMS Se!*'+e

7>8 of Airtel and 7@8 of Hodafone users shown reat satisfaction from (M( service!E8 of Hodafone users shown dissatisfaction because of late delivery of messa es and hi h char e!

68 68

012:1 S %'$- +%'(" -!(. R( .'") - +'l'%&

C?8 of Airtel and 678 of Hodafone users are very satisfied with roamin facility! @:8 of Airtel and @E8 Hodafone users are dissatisfied with roamin because of hi h char es and poor si nal stren th while on roamin !

69 69

01221 S %'$- +%'(" -!(. V lue ##e# Se!*'+e$;VAS<

*nly 6E8 of Airtel and 978 of Hodafone users are very satisfied from HA(! @68 of Air )el and @98 Hodafone users are dissatisfied from HA( because they are not usin these due to hi h char es for these facilities!

70 70

01231 S %'$- +%'(" -!(. V('+e . 'l $e!*'+e

978 of Airtel and 6?8 of Hodafone users are very satisfied with this service! 78 of Airtel and 68 of Hodafone users are dissatisfied from service because of hi h char e!

01241 S %'$- +%'(" -!(. B'll'")


71 71

only ?E8 of Airtel and E:8 of Hodafone users are very satisfied with billin ! ?7 8 of Airtel and @78 Hodafone users are dissatisfied with billin because of inflated bills and delay in resolvin ! In this case Hodafone is better in comparison to Airtel with less billin problems!

72 72

01251 S %'$- +%'(" -!(. Cu$%(.e! + !e $e!*'+e$

C78 of Airtel and 9?8 of Hodafone users are very satisfied with customer care! In case of Hodafone @78 of users are dissatisfied with customer care while in Airtel it is only 68 which shows that Airtel is winner in terms of providin =ustomer =are services! Reason for this is waitin time to talk to customer care and resolvin time taken is very hi h in Hodafone!

73 73

01261 U$e!$ /l ""'") %( $,'-% %( (%,e! +ell (/e! %(!$

@C8 of Airtel users are plannin to shift to other cell operator because they find call char es e&pensive! ;hile ?E8 of Hodafone users are plannin to shift because of poor customer care and hi h call char es! )his shows that users have much more loyalty towards Airtel in comparison to Hodafone!

01201 U$e!$ !e+(..e"#'") %,e'! +ell (/e! %(! %( (%,e!$

74 74

798 of Airtel and AA8 of Hodafone users are ready to recommend others! )his shows hi h satisfaction level in Airtel users as compared to Hodafone!

75 75




;ith the steep fall in the cost of providin cellular services% and increasin dere ulation and competition% developin countries are witnessin rapid rowth in cellular subscriber base! Indian cellular industry has been witnessin a =ompounded Annual .rowth Rate of about @:6!?8! It is a Q6 billion industry today% and the cellular subscriber base in the country has increased to C!9 million from a mere ?7%66: in ?::9! Accordin to reports% Indian mobile subscriber base is e&pected to row to @>!97 million in the current year% i!e!K ?::7! Fowever% the penetration rate of cellular services is very poor in developin countries! In India% the cellular density is :!6C per @:: population compared to AA!79 in $inland! #conomic conditions% market structure% policies re ardin tariffs and interconnect

a reements% and customer characteristics are some of the si nificant forces affectin the rowth of cellular services! (ince it takes about E09 years for cellular operators to attain 76 76

financial payback on their projects% estimates of market si<e can be useful for network and investment plannin ! Uualitative narratives and descriptive statistics of the cellular sector for many countries are available from a variety of industry sources! Fowever% ri orous empirically based studies of cellular market rowth are much more limited in number! Moreover% these studies do not provide much insi ht into the mechanics of rowth in

cellular markets! (uch insi hts can inform policymakers about the process by which rowth occurs and help develop policies that can improve cellular penetration in developin countries! )hey are also useful to service providers in plannin their network rollouts and services in the face of market competition!

;ith the introduction of new providers% the incumbents face erosion of their subscriber base! )hey can take preemptive measures to improve the 5uality of their services offerin s% reduce prices and increase the breadth of their service offerin s! )he new operators have to battle a ainst the advanta es of the incumbents such as e&istin subscriber base% economies of network operations% network infrastructure and their financial stren th! )here are other idiosyncrasies that may also need to be considered! In case of India for instance% some of the entities that have received licenses to operate as the fourth operator in metro areas% have prior cellular network provisionin e&perience in selected parts of the country! )hey can reduce the roamin char es when the subscriber roams in the operatorBs other areas! $urther% the overnment owned third operator% was erstwhile monopoly operator in basic and domestic lon e&tensive lon distance services! )his operator has distance network and a sound financial base that will enable them to

cross0subsidi<e the cellular service and reduce prices!

o o

)his study shows that most of the population prefer the pre0paid se ment! C?8 of Airtel and 678 of Hodafone users are very satisfied with roamin facility! 77 77

C78 of Airtel and 9?8 of Hodafone users are very satisfied with customer care! In case of Hodafone @78 of users are dissatisfied with customer care while in Airtel it is only 68!

o o

AE8 of Air)el and CA8 of Hodafone users are very satisfied with network! 7>8 of Airtel and 7@8 of Hodafone users shown service! reat satisfaction from (M(


78 78

79 79


(im card activation should not take more than ?9 hrs! More talktime should be iven on rechar e coupon! Rent should be brou ht down to minimum Rs!@:: to attract students who forms majority of mobile phone users! =allin line'=GIP- char es should be abolished as this is the necessity of mobile users to know the number of callin party! (atisfaction levels of Hodafone customers are comparatively lower than Airtel customers! )hey should introduce reward0based schemes for its customers! +etwork si nal should reach under round basement with voice clarity! Hodafone need to focus on it! Gocal (M( char es should brou ht down to less than 6: paisa as compared to Rs!@!6:! (M( is the need of students and easy way to stay in touch and have fun! Roamin char es should be minimi<ed! Airtel must provide .PR( facility on prepaid as Hodafone does! )his service is now in very much demand as accessin e0mail% internet becomes easier by .PR(! Hodafone is a winner in this! MM( is now in demand havin provided at low cost! Billin complaints should be resolved within ?9 hrs! Airtel should look into this sound and video messa es! )his should be

matter as they have more billin related issues!

80 80

=ustomer care should not take so lon to provide feedback to customers! =all pulse rate should be reduced to @6 seconds as most call end up less than this time! )his will save money of customers! =ustomers should be iven rewards or discounts for showin loyalty to service! Rewards to customers recommendin others!

$ree unlimited call to @ or ? nos! on same network without any char es!'A tribute to G*H#BIR,($ree callin within the roup at low monthly rental! Internet access on P=/GAP)*P throu h mobile be made cheaper!

81 81



(i liogra*#)
Boyd< ,e"t(a))< Sta"$h6 Ma .eting Re"ea $h' (eventh #dition Re"ea $h Methodo)ogy6 C-R-+otha i'(econd #dition Phi)i% +ot)e 6 Ma .eting Manage#ent-' #leventh #dition'oi$endata #agaGine- ' #dition/ ,ecember ?::982 82

Co#%any 3 o$hu e o( Ai te) and 'oda(one &&&-ai te)&o )d-$o# &&&-'oda(one&o )d-$o# &&&-goog)e-$o# &&&-voi$endata-$o#


83 83

84 84

=ue$%'("" '!e
@! ?! NAME6 AGE6 'a - upto ?6 Mrs! 'c - EC096 Mrs! E! SE@6 'a- Male 9! EDUCATION LE'EL6 'a- Fi h (chool 'c- .raduate J above 6! OCCUPATION6 'a - (tudent 'c- Professional 'e - *ther """""""""""" 'b- (ervice Man 'd- Businessman 'b- Under raduate 'd- *thers""""""""""" 'b- $emale 'b - ?C0E6 Mrs! 'd- 9C Mrs! J above """""""""""""""""""""""""


,hi$h $e)) %hone "e vi$e you a e u"ing6 'a - AIR )#G 'b - H*,A$*+#


,hi$h $atego y o( "e vi$e you a e u"ing6 'a- Prepaid 'b- Postpaid


,hat i" you "%ending %e #onth6 'a- Upto 6:: 'c- Rs!@::@0?::: 'b- Rs!6:@0@::: 'd- Above Rs!?:::


1o& #u$h ti#e ta.en 3y you "e vi$e % ovide to a$tivate "i# 6 'a - (ame day 'b- +e&t day 85 85

'c- ?0E days @:!

'd - More than E days

To &hat eHtent you a e "ati"(ied &ith Cu ent Ta i(( o( you $e)) o%e ato 6 'a- Hery (atisfied 'c- (atisfied to an e&tent 'b- (atisfied 'd- ,issatisfied


To &hat eHtent you a e "ati"(ied &ith Net&o . ;ua)ity o( you $e)) o%e ato 6 'a - Hery (atisfied 'c - (atisfied to an e&tent ' b- (atisfied 'd- ,issatisfied


To &hat eHtent you a e "ati"(ied &ith SMS 0a$i)ity o( you $e)) o%e ato 6 'a - Hery (atisfied 'c - (atisfied to an e&tent ' b- (atisfied 'd- ,issatisfied


To &hat eHtent you a e "ati"(ied &ith Roa#ing 0a$i)ity o( you $e)) o%e ato 6 ' a- Hery (atisfied ' c- (atisfied to an e&tent 'b- (atisfied 'd- ,issatisfied


To &hat eHtent you a e "ati"(ied &ith 'oi$e Mai) Se vi$e o( you $e)) o%e ato 6 'a - Hery (atisfied 'c - (atisfied to an e&tent 'b - (atisfied 'd - ,issatisfied


To &hat eHtent you a e "ati"(ied &ith Mo3i)e o( you $e)) o%e ato 6 'a - Hery (atisfied 'c - (atisfied to an e&tent 'b - (atisfied 'd - ,issatisfied


To &hat eHtent you a e "ati"(ied &ith 'a)ue Added Se vi$e" )i.e GPRS< MMS< E:MAIL< Chatting< 0aH et$- o( you $e)) o%e ato 6 'a - Hery (atisfied 'c - (atisfied to an e&tent 'b - (atisfied 'd - ,issatisfied


To &hat eHtent you a e "ati"(ied &ith Bi))ing 3y you $e)) o%e ato 6 'a - Hery (atisfied 'c- (atisfied to an e&tent 'b - (atisfied ' d- ,issatisfied


To &hat eHtent you a e "ati"(ied &ith Cu"to#e Ca e Se vi$e o( $e)) o%e ato 6 86 86

'a - Hery (atisfied 'c - (atisfied to an e&tent @>!

'b - (atisfied 'd - ,issatisfied

A e you %)anning to Shi(t to othe $e)) o%e ato in nea (utu e6 'a - Mes 'b - +o


A e you going to Re$o##end you $e)) o%e ato to othe "6 'a - Mes 'b - +o


Any Sugge"tion" to "e vi$e % ovide 6

CUSTOMERS DATABASE NAME ,heeraj Mi lani Anuj (ood Anuj .upta Mofij Ahmed Miss ,eepa Aman (in h + ,ur a Rao Pooja )anton Mrs Bharti Mrs (heila Mrs Dyoti (hah Oiran Oumar =haranjit (in h Arpit (anjeev Mishra Oartik (harma Prince Ahuja Manoj Oumar Bhola ,evesh Arora Hinay Prakash Prabhat Oumar (hweta Bakshi ,eepak Hij Barnali Pat iri Pradeep (ambyal ,eeraj Oumar (harma .yanendra ,ev OD( Oochar (anjiv Ohurana Pooja )hapar 87 87 SE@ M M M M $ M M $ $ $ $ $ M M M M M M M M M $ M $ M M M M M $ AGE @ ? E E ? E @ E @ @ @ @ ? ? E ? @ @ @ ? ? E @ E E 9 ? ? ? @

Anita ,hillon Dyoti Gahiri Oapil ,ev (harma (udeep Bhatt +aveet Gomish (aya =hopra (onaal Pandit Ranjiv kapur Hishal ,ewan Raj Malhotra Hinay Oapoor Reena (ethi (unil O .ambhir Gukose O Doseph +idhi Arora Farish )aneja (heetal (hweta Paul B + Dha Mayank (harma (achin ,eshmukh Rahul sethi Abhishek Prashad (haji Ouruvilla Rajesh (adhu Moitree (inha (hameen Rocha )erry * =onner Aruna Ohan +eela Bhowmik (udha =houdhry Gynnette +ath Ashish Oumar Bhawna Makhnotra (unil (harma Rajit Mehta I!(! (andhu (ameema Bano Rajesh (ud Hijay .upta Pramod Radhakrishnan Hipin jain Baishali .hosh I B (ahay Praneet (in h 88 88

$ $ M M M $ M M M M M $ M M $ M $ $ $ M M M M M M M $ $ $ $ $ $ M $ M M M $ M M M M M M M

@ @ ? ? ? ? E E 9 ? @ @ @ @ @ ? ? ? E E ? ? ? ? 9 ? E ? ? ? @ ? @ @ ? E 9 ? E ? ? E ? ? E

Ritesh +itin (aini Dyoti shahi Rajesh (adhu Moitree (inha (hameen Rocha )erry * =onner Aruna Ohan +eela Bhowmik (udha =houdhry Gynnette +ath Bhawna Makhnotra (unil (harma Rajit Mehta Mayank (harma (achin ,eshmukh Rahul sethi Abhishek Prashad (haji Ouruvilla Moitree (inha Alok +ath #unice (tephen (abreena R .rimm Ashish Oumar Bhawna Makhnotra (unil (harma Rajit Mehta I!(! (andhu P( Anantha +arayanan Rajesh (ud Hijay .upta Pramod Radhakrishnan Hipin jain Baishali .hosh Payal Praneet (in h Ritesh +idhi Arora Farish )aneja (heetal B + Dha RA(FMI RAD(FR## ,heeraj Mi lani Anuj (ood 89 89

M M M M M $ $ $ $ $ $ M M M M M M M M M $ $ $ M $ M M M M M M M M M $ M M $ M $ $ $ $ M M

? @ @ @ ? ? ? E 9 ? E ? @ ? E ? ? @ @ @ ? @ ? @ E E ? 9 ? ? ? ? @ ? @ @ @ @ 9 ? E E @ @ ?

Anuj .upta Mofij Ahmed Rakesh Aman (in h + ,ur a Rao saurabh pandey Mrs Bharti Mrs (heila Mrs Dyoti (hah Oiran Oumar =haranjit (in h Arpit (anjeev Mishra Oartik (harma Prince Ahuja Manoj Oumar Bhola ,evesh Arora Hinay Prakash Prabhat Oumar (hweta Bakshi ,eepak Hij Barnali Pat iri Pradeep (ambyal ,eeraj Oumar (harma .yanendra ,ev OD( Oochar (anjiv Ohurana Pooja )hapar Anita ,hillon Dyoti Gahiri Oapil ,ev (harma (udeep Bhatt +aveet Gomish (aya =hopra (onaal Pandit Ranjiv kapur Hishal ,ewan Raj Malhotra Hinay Oapoor Reena (ethi (unil O .ambhir Gukose O Doseph +idhi Arora Farish )aneja (heetal 90 90

M M M M M M $ $ $ $ M M M M M M M M M $ M $ M M M M M $ $ $ M M M M M M M M M $ M M $ M $

E E ? E @ E @ @ @ @ ? ? E ? @ @ @ ? ? E @ E E 9 ? ? ? @ @ @ @ ? ? ? E E @ ? @ @ @ @ @ ? ?

(hweta Paul B + Dha Mayank (harma (achin ,eshmukh Rahul sethi Abhishek Prashad (haji Ouruvilla Rajesh (adhu Moitree (inha (hameen Rocha )erry * =onner Aruna Ohan +eela Bhowmik (udha =houdhry Gynnette +ath Ashish Oumar Bhawna Makhnotra (unil (harma Rajit Mehta I!(! (andhu P( Anantha +arayanan Rajesh (ud Hijay .upta Pramod Radhakrishnan Hipin jain Baishali .hosh I B (ahay Praneet (in h Ritesh +itin (aini Dyoti shahi Rajesh (adhu Moitree (inha Ohushi (harma (uruch Dain (weta Rasto i M V Male $0 $emale A.#/ @0 Upto ?6 Mears E0 EC096 Mears

$ $ M M M M M M M $ $ $ $ $ $ M $ M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M $ $ $ ?0 ?C0E6 Mears 90 9C Mears J above

? E E @ ? ? ? 9 ? E ? 9 ? @ ? @ @ ? E 9 ? E ? ? E 9 ? E ? @ @ @ ? @ @ @

91 91

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