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C\O Prem Shanker Pandey 538ka/732, Triveni Nager, Near Bright Land Sch Sita"#r $ ad L#ckn %&22'(2()*+P, - .i! N / +91-7499882944 !

T "#r0#e a key r !e in the rgani1ati n %here 2 can c ntri.#te my 0ki!!0 and gr % %ith the rgani1ati n and t attain e3"erti0e in 0ervice ind#0try thr #gh "er0everance dedicati n and hard % rk+

4 2 3 7 5 ' 7 8 53treme!y g d at achieving 0"eci6ied 0a!e0 target0+ Per6 rming e3ceeding!y %e!! 6 r "rimary and 0ec ndary 0a!e0+ 5nhance di0tri.#ti n net% rk+ Catered 6#!!y t im"!ement 0a!e0 0trategie0 acc rding t c m"any80 ! ng&term and 0h rt& term .ene6it0+ 2n6!#enced "r 0"ective di0tri.#t r0 t increa0e 0a!e0 n a c ntin# #0 .a0i0+ Partici"ate e66ective!y in m nth!y 0a!e0 meeting t ga#ge the target0 and 0#gge0t e66ective 0a!e0 "r m ti n0+ Per6 rm market inte!!igence activitie0 and 0#gge0t rec mmendati n0 .a0ed n the re0#!t0 identi6ied+ 9igh!y m tivated t drive 0a!e0 and achieve target0+

4+ 2+ 3+ 7+ 5+ Pre0ent!y % rking %ith NOBEL HYGIENE LTD. 6 r the " 0t 6 S+O+ 0ince :#ne 2(43 ti!! date+ ; rked %ith To !" T#! L$ . 6 r the P 0t 6 S+O+ 6r m <#ne 2(44 ti!! ="ri! 2(43 in 9ard i >i0trict, L#ckn % >i0trict and Sita"#r >i0trict+ ; rked %ith J.L. %o&'(o) *I) '!+ L$ . 6 r the Po($ o, S.O. ="ri! 2(4( t -ay 2(44 in $ae.are!!y >i0trict, L#ckn % >i0trict and 9ard i >i0trict+ ; rked a0 S.R. %ith %!-.o$&! /!&0#$')1 23$. L$ . 6 r 7 m nth0 6r m Se"t+ 2((? t -ar2(4( in L#ckn % >i0trict+ ; rked %ith %!&'4o L$ . a0 a P.S.R+ )! 2((7 t ked a6ter the area 6 L#ckn %, 6r m <an+ =#g+ 2((? in L#ckn % )$#ra! =rea0,, 9ard i >i0trict, S#!tan"#r )$#ra!

=rea0,, @ nda )$#ra! =rea0,, Bara.anki >i0trict+

4 2 3 7 5 ' 7 8 ? ="" intment A hand!ing 6 0t ckie0t+ 9and!ing a team 6 SS%. $e0" n0i.!e 6 r 0a!e0 A marketing "erati n0 t achieve the m nth!y target and increa0e the "r 6ita.i!ity C nd#ct 0tringent 0a!e0 "ractice that de!iver higher !eve!0 6 "er6 rmance .a0ed n a th r #gh #nder0tanding 6 c m"etitive envir nment and c#0t mer need0+ -aking / deve! "ing re!ati n0hi" %ith dea!er0 A key c!ient0 );-P,+ @enerating -2S "eri dica!!y t a00e00 0it#ati n+ La#nching ne% "r d#ct0 in the market Sa!e0 ana!y0i0 A 6 reca0ting 9and!e market deve! "ment activitie0

4( 2denti6y market "" rt#nitie0+

E9!/')!$'o) B+=+ Y#!& 2((2 6)'3#&('$" L#ckn % *niver0ity

CO%P6TER LITERACY: -S ; rd0, 53ce!+

D!$# o, B'&$. L!)1;!1# P#&(o)!-'$" T&!'$ %!&'$!- S$!$;( / / / / (7 <an 4?84 5ng!i0h, 9indi+ Briend!y, >edicated -arried

>=T5/ PL=C5/


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