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Is it ever too late for justice to be done? Justice is a concept of moral rightness that is not always obtained.

The perpetuation of justice often results in a multitude of bureaucratic complications and thus furthers the prolonged issuing of justice. Further, a desire to maintain power and self- vested interests can often corrupt legal systems and thus prevent justice from being implemented. However, on the other hand, in some instances it can never be too late for justice to be administered due to precedents set, ensuring similar injustice are not repeated. Justice takes a prolonged period of time and therefore challenges an effective resolution. As more time passes after issues of injustice, the likelihood of retribution being served dwindles. This is due the multitude of bureaucratic obstacles one must face in order to achieve justice. A variety of actors involved in the issuing of justice have conflicting interests and thus adding a level of complexity. The Tall Man Documentary deals with the lack of justice achieved after the death of Aboriginal Cameron Doomadgee in police custody due to Sargent Hurleys temper. The unorthodox response made by the prosecutor over the death of Aboriginal Cameron Doomadgee in police custody declared that theres no evidence and there will be no prosecution after the coroner declared that Chris Hurley will be charged with manslaughter. This emphasises how difficult it is for justice to be attained due to conflicting points of view and thus justice can never truly be attained when there are contradictory views within the legal system. Furthermore, when justice is not served, people often resort to violence as a means of protest and thus results in injustice. The Palm Island communitys response to the death of Doomadgee was of the view that it was a racist act and thus compelled them to besiege the police station in attempt to seek retribution for his death by pelting the station with rocks, smashing windows and demanding police get off the island. This emphasise that not only does a lack of justice result in volatile riots it further questions the legitimacy of the legal system for allowing such atrocities to occur under their watch. The conditions which allow justice to flourish are entirely dependent on societys ability to continue review and revise what it deems important. Without this, the road to justice can become fraught with inconsistencies and can become an insidious force within society thus preventing justice from being achieved. Legal systems are often the ideal representation of justice yet paradoxically they are the root cause of injustice therefore prohibiting the implementation of said justice. Those appointed to administer justice, often misuse their power resulting in dire consequence, thus the corruption of authoritative figures within the law leads to the prioritization of self-vested interest over moral obligations For example, in the Tall Man Documentary the police force acted inappropriately where standard procedure was ignored and further key witnesses lied. When the ideal representation of administering justice is tainted, it becomes extremely difficult to ensure a complete resolution and thus justice cannot be implemented. Furthermore, loyalty of legal officials towards peers undermines the authority and legitimacy of the legal system, preventing justice to be served. After the death of Doomadgee in police custody, rather than following standardized protocol, the police forces remained loyal towards Sargent Hurley. By pledging their allegiance to Hurley, not only have the police offers ignored procedure, they have furthered conspired in the name of loyalty and thus

the investigation was totally compromised. When the very essence of justice is compromised for the sake of loyalty, justice can never truly be administered. Justice is a goal that is not always achieved as the quality of being just embodies an underlying conformity to powerful figures who act in accordance with their beliefs rather than taking pragmatic consideration. In doing so, powerful figures are able to put forth their own agenda without any accountability, often resulting in injustice. A desire to maintain power at any cost often ignores the concept of justice. For example, the Sudanese Governments action as a state terrorist has resulted in genocide with over 400,000 deaths in order to maintain power. The rape, murder and ethnic cleansing as a result of government policy (Director Human Rights Division, Africa Division) highlights how Omar al Bashir has used his power as the President of Sudan to carry out his own personal agenda, resulting in a multitude of injustices to occur. As a sovereign nation and the leader of the country, al Bashir holds no accountability and thus justice is not always served. Furthermore, self-interests are often prioritised over the implementation of justice and therefore it can never truly be attained. Russias continual use of the veto in resolutions involving intervention in Syria highlights how her self-interest in selling weaponry to Syria prohibits justice from being attained. As Russia is a partner with the regime in killing the Syrian people the Egyptian embassy asserted that their actions in Syria are A crime and that nothing in the whole world justifies this. Whilst very structure of justice is upheld in various forms, self-interest and a lust for power acts as a catalyst for the inability to achieve justice. However, on the other hand justice is a goal that can be achieved if it is handled correctly at some point. In order for justice to be implemented, injustice must first to occur. The paradox between the two concepts ensures that, arguably, for some time, justice will be served no matter the time lapse. For example, Doomadgees deaths, highlights how no matter the time lapse, it is never too late to implement justice. Despite taking five and a half years to be resolved, justice was finally delivered for the manslaughter of Doomadgee. Whilst there are no winners and no losers from this, the perpetuation of the court case highlights that no matter the amount of time that passes, in some instances it is never too late for justice to be done. Similarly, when justice is administered, it sets a precedent to ensure similar cases of injustice are not repeated later in history. This is exemplified through Kevin Rudds 2008 Sorry speech to ensure justice was administered for the human beings who have been damaged deeply by the decisions of parliaments and governments (Kevin Rudd). The Stolen Generation was a primary example of injustice, yet contrastingly it is also an example of where justice triumphed with Rudds speech, no matter the 100 year time lapse. Thus, it can be concluded that, in some instances, no matter the time lapse, it is never too late for justice to be done. Justice is an ideal that is not always achieved due to the combination of several factors. Selfish interest, a desire to maintain power and a corrupt legal system all ensure that justice will never be achieved. This is exemplified in the Tall Man Documentary and further the issue of Syria and Russia. However, in some cases, justice cane be administered despite the time lapse. Societys ability to determine what is deems important used in accordance with constant vigilance ensures that justice can be achieved.

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