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MARY L#. $. PI/ERO 00000000000000000000 A!!ountant II 3itness for %ontra!


Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)

,O+N #- N'ES"RO

Contract ID : Contract Name : Construction of DENR-CENRO Manay Office Building Location of the Contract: San gnacio! Manay! Davao Oriental
%hief, A!!ountin- Se!tion

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CON"R#C" #ND #$REEMEN"

THIS AGREEMENT, made this ____ day of August, 2013 between the Department of Environment and Natura Resour!es represented by CHAMBERLAIN J. BABIERA, OIC, PENR Officer Department of Environment and Natura Resour!es"#rovin!ia Environment and Natura Resour!es $ffi!e, Government %enter, Dahi!an, %ity of Mati, Davao $rienta &hereinafter !a ed the 'DENR() and the Durian %onstru!tion * Supp y, In!orporated represented by ANTHONY E !AR . A"#ILAR, #roprietor, with business address at No+ , #ine St+, %uyu-an Hei-hts, Matina, ,... Davao %ity &hereinafter !a ed the '%$NTRA%T$R()+ !HEREA$, the ENR is desirous that the CONTRACTOR sha e/e!ute the wor0s under the proposed Construction of Office Buildings of DENR-CENRO Manay, Davao Oriental and has a!!epted the 1id of the %ontra!tor for the e/e!ution and !omp etion of su!h wor0s !a !u ated in the unit pri!es shown in the atta!hed 1i of 2uantities, with a tota 1id pri!e of Two Million Nine Hundred Ninety Two Thousand our Hundered Ninety Eight !"#$%% &'(,))(,")!*!"+ to be !omp eted within O%e Hu%&re& 'ift( )1*0+ c,-e%&,r &,(s.

3itness6 4or the Entity

D#%#O CONCREE"E &ROD'C"S &#arty of the se!ond #art)


N$3 THIS %$NTRA%T AGREEMENT 3ITNESSETH AS 4$55$3S6 7+ In this CONTRACT A"REEMENT, words and e/pressions sha have the same meanin-s as are respe!tive y assi-ned to them in the Genera %onditions of %ontra!t hereinafter referred to+

Represented by6

ANTHONY E !AR %ontra!tor

8+ The fo owin- do!uments sha be atta!hed, deemed to form, and be read and !onstrued as part of this CONTRACT A"REEMENT6 a+ 1iddin- Do!uments for the %ontra!t &Anne/ 'A() (1) (2) (3) (4) Genera %onditions of %ontra!t Spe!ia %onditions of %ontra!t Drawin-s Spe!ifi!ations

DE&#R"MEN" O( EN% RONMEN" ) N#"'R#* RESO'RCES &#arty of the 4irst #art) Represented by6

C+#MBER*# N ,- B#B ER#

$I%, #ENR $ffi!er

1of 7

MARY L#. $. PI/ERO 00000000000000000000 A!!ountant II 3itness for %ontra!tor

Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)

,O+N #- N'ES"RO

Contract ID : Contract Name : Construction of DENR-CENRO Manay Office Building Location of the Contract: San gnacio! Manay! Davao Oriental -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%hief, A!!ountin- Se!tion

b+ %$NTRA%T$R9S %a !u ated 1id in the 4orm of 1id in! udin- its te!hni!a and 4inan!ia #roposa &Anne/ '1() !+ d+ e+ f+ -+ %$NTRA%T$R9S e i-ibi ity re:uirements, do!uments;statements< &Anne/ '%() Noti!e of Award of %ontra!t and the %$NTRA%T$R9s '!onforme9 &Anne/ 'D() #erforman!e Se!urity &Anne/ 'E() %redit 5ine !ertifi!ate &Anne/ '4() $ther !ontra!t do!uments that may be re:uired by e/istin- aws and;or the Entity

3itness6 4or the Entity

D#%#O CONCREE"E &ROD'C"S &#arty of the se!ond #art)


7+ #ERT;%#M Dia-ram and 1ar %hart with S"%urve, Manpower * e:uipment =ti i>ation S!hedu e &Anne/ 'G() 8+ %onstru!tion Methods

Represented by6

ANTHONY E !AR %ontra!tor

?+ %onstru!tion Safety and Hea th #ro-ram du y approved by the D$5E ?+ In !onsideration of the payments to be made by the ENTITY to the CONTRACTOR as hereinafter mentioned, the CONTRACTOR hereby !ovenants with the ENTIT@ to e/e!ute and !omp ete the 3or0s and remedy any defe!ts therein in !onformity with the provisions of the CONTRACT A"REEMENT in a respe!ts+

DE&#R"MEN" O( EN% RONMEN" ) N#"'R#* RESO'RCES &#arty of the 4irst #art) Represented by6

C+#MBER*# N ,- B#B ER#

$I%, #ENR $ffi!er

2of 7

MARY L#. $. PI/ERO 00000000000000000000 A!!ountant II 3itness for %ontra!tor

Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)

%hief, A!!ountin- Se!tion

Contract ID : Contract Name : Construction of DENR-CENRO Manay Office Building Location of the Contract: San gnacio! Manay! Davao Oriental
The fo owin- are the :uantities and items of 3or0 in! uded in the s!ope of wor0

3itness6 4or the Entity

D#%#O CONCREE"E &ROD'C"S &#arty of the se!ond #art)

ANTHONY E !AR %ontra!tor

ITEM NO. I. II. III. I%. %. %I. %II. %III. I-. -. -I. -II. -III. -I%.

,O+N #- N'ES"RO


QUANTITY I.S. cu.m. cu.m. cu.m. cu.m. ',.m. ',.m. ',.m. I.S. ',.m. ',.m. ',.m. I.S. I.S. I.S . 23.285 38.72! 5.9!4 44.075 345.97 !55.427 57.750 I.S . 72.4!8 00.900 8 3. 7! I.S . I.S .

Site Preparation Building Layout "#ca$ation &ra$el Ba'e (oncrete )or*' +a'onry )or*' Pla'tering )or*' (arpentry )or*' .oor' and )indo/' 0ile 1 (ladding )or*' 2oo3 1 2oo3 4raming Painting )or*' Plum5ing )or*' "lectrical )or*'

UNIT COST 30,000.00 379.4 3! .5 ,3!5.73 20,725.72 932.57 23 .5! 990.57 283, 7.95 ,875.83 3,039.84 2 0.! 25,507.48 !3,5!8.70

TOTAL COST 30,000.00 8,834.5! 3,999.84 2 ,802.5 9 3,48!. 322,!42. 8 5 ,770.!8 5!,2!2.42 283, 7.95 323,520.!5 30!,7 9.8! 7 ,2!3.00 25,507.48 !3,5!8.70 5,000.00 2,500.00 2,999,995.92


DE&#R"MEN" O( EN% RONMEN" ) N#"'R#* RESO'RCES &#arty of the 4irst #art) Represented by6

Represented by6

II. "'timated &o$ernment "#penditure' III. (ontingencie'62e'er$ed TOTAL

C+#MBER*# N ,- B#B ER#

$I%, #ENR $ffi!er

3of 7

MARY L#. $. PI/ERO 00000000000000000000 A!!ountant II 3itness for %ontra!tor

Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)

%hief, A!!ountin- Se!tion

Contract ID : Contract Name : Construction of DENR-CENRO Manay Office Building Location of the Contract: San gnacio! Manay! Davao Oriental
A+ The ENTIT@ hereby !ovenants to pay the CONTRACTOR in !onsideration of the e/e!ution and !omp etion of the 3or0s, the unit pri!es in the CONTRACTOR1$ !a !u ated bid as app ied to the a!tua :uantities a!!omp ished as !ertified by the PROC#RIN" ENTITY under the provisions of the CONTRACT A"REEMENT at the times and in the manner pres!ribed by this CONTRACT A"REEMENT+ The %ontra!tor hereby !ovenants to e/e!ute the wor0s fu y detai ed in the 1i of 2uantities in! uded in the %ontra!tor9s 2uotation whi!h !onstitute an inte-ra of this %ontra!t &'Anne/CCC() in a professiona and wor0manship i0e manner in a!!ordan!e with the fo owin- %onditions of the %ontra!t6 a+ Remedy a defe!ts within thirty &?.) days of notifi!ation by the En-ineer In" %har-e durin- the period of the e/e!ution of the %ontra!t and thereafter defe!ts notified within the defe!t iabi ity period

3itness6 4or the Entity



D#%#O CONCREE"E &ROD'C"S &#arty of the se!ond #art)

Represented by6

ANTHONY E !AR %ontra!tor

DE&#R"MEN" O( EN% RONMEN" ) N#"'R#* RESO'RCES &#arty of the 4irst #art) Represented by6

C+#MBER*# N ,- B#B ER#

,O+N #- N'ES"RO f+

b+ The DENR reserves the ri-ht to terminate the !ontra!t due to the unsatisfa!tory performan!e twenty"one &87) days after -ivin- a written noti!e+ If the %ontra!t is frustrated by for!e maDeure or by any other event outside the !ontro of either the DENR or %ontra!tor, the En-ineer In"%har-e sha !ertify that the %ontra!t has been frustrated+ In su!h event, both the DENR and %ontra!tor wi have a ri-ht to terminate the %ontra!t by -ivin- twenty"one &87) days noti!e to the other party without finan!ia reper!ussions on either side+ #ayments after termination or frustration sha !onsider the va ue of wor0 !omp eted and materia s de ivered by the %ontra!tor, and the advan!e payment made by the DENR6 !+ A materia s and !onstru!tion e:uipment on site, temporary wor0s, and wor0s sha be deemed to be the property of the DENR if the !ontra!t is terminated due to the fau t of the %ontra!tor< d+ The %ontra!tor wi , in a !ases, abide by the dire!tions of the En-ineer In" %har-e< e+ The %ontra!tor sha submit to the En-ineer In"%har-e, a pro-ram within seven &E) days after the si-nin- of the %ontra!t des!ribin- -enera methods and s!hedu e to !omp ete the wor0s< %ontra!t !omp etion period is one hundred fifty &7B.) days after si-nin- of the %ontra!t<

$I%, #ENR $ffi!er

4of 7

MARY L#. $. PI/ERO 00000000000000000000 A!!ountant II 3itness for %ontra!tor

-+ No part of the wor0s sha be sub!ontra!ted without prior approva of the DENR< ,O+N #- N'ES"RO i+ D+ + h+ In !ase of variations in :uantities, unit rates under the !ontra!t wi be used to support the variation order+ New items of wor0 performed as ordered by the En-ineer In %har-e wi be paid at the mutua y a-reed rate and in !ase of any disa-reement between the %ontra!tor and the En-ineer In"%har-e, the atter wi fi/ the unit rates that wi be bindin- on the %ontra!tor< The %ontra!tor sha be responsib e for the safety of a the a!tivities on the site< Durin- the e/e!ution of wor0s, the En-ineer In"%har-e wi !arry out inspe!tion of wor0s at site to verify the wor0s are e/e!uted by the %ontra!tor sha ta0e immediate a!tions to re!tify a defe!ts in a!!ordan!e with subpara-raph &a) above<
%hief, A!!ountin- Se!tion

3itness6 4or the Entity

0+ Either party may terminate the %ontra!t by -ivin- a thirty &?.) day noti!e to the other party for unforeseen events su!h as wars and a!ts of God su!h as earth:ua0es, f oods, typhoon, and et!+ In su!h !ase, the payments wi be made to the date of termination of !ontra!t+ The %ontra!tor is responsib e for a ta/es, duties, evies, et!+ in a!!ordan!e with the aws of the Repub i! of the #hi ippines<

D#%#O CONCREE"E &ROD'C"S &#arty of the se!ond #art)

m+ The %ontra!tor sha pay i:uidated dama-es to the pro!urin- entity at east one tenth &7;7.) of one per!ent &7F) of the !ost of unperformed portion for every day of de ay+ The ma/imum !umu ative dedu!tion sha be ten per!ent &7.F) of the amount of the %ontra!t+ The pro!urin- entity sha res!ind the %ontra!t without preDudi!e to other !ourses of a!tion and remedies open to it< and n+ The disputes between the DENR and the %ontra!tor arisin- between them under or in !onne!tion with the %ontra!t sha be reso ved ami!ab y+ In the event the dispute remains unreso ved, either party may refer to Ru e GHIII, Se!tion BI and J. of Repub i! A!t I7,A in a!!ordan!e with the aw -overninthe !ontra!t+

Represented by6

ANTHONY E !AR %ontra!tor


J+ In !onsideration thereof, the DENR !ovenants to pay the %ontra!tor the !ontra!t pri!e of T!O MILLION NINE H#N RE NINETY T!O THO#$AN 'O#R H#N RE NINETY EI"HT 234100 )PHP. 2,552,352.23+ in the fo owin- manner and insta ments6
DE&#R"MEN" O( EN% RONMEN" ) N#"'R#* RESO'RCES &#arty of the 4irst #art) Represented by6

C+#MBER*# N ,B#B ER#

&i) An advan!e payment of fifteen per!ent &7BF) of the !ontra!t sum wi be paid upon the %ontra!tor brin-in- at the wor0 site the fo owin- items and En-ineer In"%har-e !ertifyin- it6 a+ 7+ At east one"ha f &7;8) of a materia s to be in!orporated in the wor0s or a materia s to be !onsumed within three &?) months whi!hever is ess< and

$I%, #ENR $ffi!er

5of 7

MARY L#. $. PI/ERO 00000000000000000000 A!!ountant II 3itness for %ontra!tor

b+ 8+ A e:uipment re:uired for the !onstru!tion+

,O+N #- N'ES"RO E+

3itness6 4or the Entity

The %ontra!tor warrants that he has not -iven nor promised to -ive any money or -ift any emp oyees of the ENTIT@ &or any #hi ippine Government Instrumenta ity) to se!ure this !ontra!t+

IN 3ITNESS whereof the parties thereto have !aused this CONTRACT A"REEMENT to be e/e!uted the day and year first before written+


D#%#O CONCREE"E &ROD'C"S &#arty of the se!ond #art)

Si-ned, sea ed, de ivered by CHAMBERLAIN J. BABIERA the $I%, #ENR $ffi!er DENR"#ENR$ Mati, Davao $rienta &for the #ro!urin- Entity) Si-ned, sea ed, de ivered by ANTHONY E !AR #RIAN CON$TR#CTION 6 $#PPLY, INC. &for the %ontra!tor) . A"#ILAR. the #roprietor

Represented by6

ANTHONY E !AR %ontra!tor

1indin- Si-nature of #R$%=RING ENTIT@

%hief, A!!ountin- Se!tion

&ii) ii+ A four &A) subse:uent insta ment payments wi be made at the rate of twenty per!ent &8.F) of the !ontra!t amount+ Ea!h insta ment payment wi be due for payment within twenty one &87) days of submission of invoi!e when the va ue of the wor0 a!tua y performed, !a !u ated on the basis of unit pri!es and :uantities rea!hes twenty per!ent &8.F) of the !ontra!t amount< &iii) iii+ The fina payment of remainin- five per!ent &BF) of the !ontra!t amount sha be made upon !omp etion of the wor0s !ertified by the En-ineer In" %har-e+ &iv) iv+ The defe!t iabi ity period wi be twe ve &78) months after ta0in- over of !omp eted wor0s by the DENR+



MARY L#. $. PI/ERO A!!ountant II

DE&#R"MEN" O( EN% RONMEN" ) N#"'R#* RESO'RCES &#arty of the 4irst #art) Represented by6

C+#MBER*# N ,- B#B ER#

1indin- Si-nature of %ontra!tor

$I%, #ENR $ffi!er

ANTHONY E !AR #roprietor

. A"#ILAR #roDe!t En-ineer

6of 7

MARY L#. $. PI/ERO 00000000000000000000 A!!ountant II 3itness for %ontra!tor

Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)

%hief, A!!ountin- Se!tion

Contract ID : Contract Name : Construction of DENR-CENRO Manay Office Building Location of the Contract: San gnacio! Manay! Davao Oriental ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

,O+N #- N'ES"RO

3itness6 4or the Entity



Repub i! of the #hi ippines) Davao $rienta LLLLL)

1efore me, A Notary #ub i! for and in the #rovin!e of Davao $rienta persona y appeared6

D#%#O CONCREE"E &ROD'C"S &#arty of the se!ond #art)






ANTHONY E !AR %ontra!tor

Represented by6

0nown to me and to me 0nown to be the same persons who e/e!uted the fore-oininstruments whi!h !onsists of si/ &J) pa-es in! udin- this pa-e on whi!h this a!0now ed-ment is written and a!0now ed-e to me that the same is their free and vo untary a!t and deed+


DE&#R"MEN" O( EN% RONMEN" ) N#"'R#* RESO'RCES &#arty of the 4irst #art) Represented by6

C+#MBER*# N ,- B#B ER#


$I%, #ENR $ffi!er

7of 7

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