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Michigan Department ! Nat"ra# Re$ "rce$

DNR - WILDLIFE DIVISION P#anning an% A%aptati n Secti n &AIS 'rant Pr (ect) STATE WOR*ER + March ,-.+

Posting date: March /.0 ,-.+

L cati n

Deadline for Response: 1 p2m2 Apri# 30 ,-.+

415, Ea$t St ## R a%0 Ea$t Lan$ing0 MI &R $e La6e Fie#% O!!ice) Emp# 7ment Date$8 Ma7 ,-.+ 9 Septem:er /-0 ,-.+ N"m:er ! P $iti n$ 8 + W r6 ; "r$: /1-+- h "r$ <ee6#7 %epen%ing n < r6 # a% 9 "p t 3.= h "r$ Pa7 Rate8 >3251 per h "r ? :&$) P $te%8 Short Term Worker Position with DNR Wildlife Division Brie! ? : De$cripti n C n%"ct !ie#% :a$e% $"r@e7$ an% mapping ! aA"atic an% terre$tria# in@a$i@e p#ant $pecie$0 primari#7 in $ "thea$t Michigan n : th p":#ic an% pri@ate #an%2 The p $iti n <i## :e :a$e% "t ! Ea$t Lan$ing0 :"t %ai#7 tra@e# t $"r@e7 # cati n$ <i## :e reA"ire% &<ith State- <ne% @ehic#e)2 O@ernight tra@e# ma7 :e reA"ire% n a !e< cca$i n$2 In%i@i%"a#$ <i## < r6 in team$ ! t< t i%enti!7 $"r@e7 # cati n$0 < r6 <ith #an% <ner$ t %i$c"$$ pr (ect$ an% $ec"re permi$$i n0 an% t c n%"ct $"r@e7$ ! r in@a$i@e p#ant$2 The $"r@e7 < r6 <i## :e c n%"cte% !r m a : at r 6a7a60 r :7 #an%2 Pre@i "$ eBperience <ith $ma## <atercra!t i$ reA"ire%2 Data <i## :e c ##ecte% "$ing han%he#% 'PS "nit$ an% in! rmati n rec r%e% n %ata $heet$2 A%%iti na# %"tie$ inc#"%e %ata entr7 "$ing MS EBce#2 P#ant i%enti!icati n training <i## :e pr @i%e% :"t pri r eBperience i$ he#p!"#2 We are $ee6ing $e#!-%irecte% an% high#7 m ti@ate% in%i@i%"a#$ <h ha@e the a:i#it7 t < r6 in%epen%ent ! $"per@i$i n2 In%i@i%"a#$ <ith the a:i#it7 t c mm"nicate e!!ecti@e#7 <ith c -< r6er$ an% the p":#ic in a pr !e$$i na# manner0 $tr ng rganiCati na# an% c mp"ter $6i##$ an% a :ac6gr "n% r intere$t in <i#%#i!e management r a re#ate% !ie#% are pre!erre%2

Se#ecti n Criteria8

Education: No specific amount of type. Possess a valid drivers license. Boating or kayaking experience



Possess a high school diploma or ED certificate Possession of or !orking to!ards a degree in "ildlife #anagement$ "ildlife Biologist$ or a related field. %lexi&ility to !ork various hours and dates$ up to '( hours per !eek )&ility to communicate !ell !ith co*!orkers and the pu&lic Experience !ith a+uatic plant identification Experience !ith handheld P, units and data collection

Screening Criteria8 ; < t App#7 ,u&mit a cover letter$ resume$ and completed DNR application form -%orm PR*./012 to the Department of Natural Resource$ "ildlife Division$ 3450 E. ,toll Rd$ East 6ansing$ #7 '3301$ )88EN879N: ,ue 8angora or email ,ue at no later than 4 p.m. on )pril .$ 0(/'. DNR application can &e found &y linking to the follo!ing !e& site: http:;;!!!;dnr;($/5(.$.*/41*/(155<//355*0'4/.**$((.html N te8 =ivil ,ervice Rule 0*. re+uires that all ne!ly hired state employees su&mit to and pass a pre*employment drug test prior to their actual start date. 8he DNR is an e+ual opportunity employer. 7f you have any +uestions$ please call ,ue 8angora at 4/.*03'*5001. Possess a high school diploma or ED certificate. Possess a valid drivers license. Possession of or !orking to!ards a degree in "ildlife #anagement$ "ildlife Biologist$ or a related field. Experience using computers

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