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Note: This position description form is to be used for Senior Management positions that are classified within the Senior Manager (XM), Executive Officer (EX) and Senior Engineering Manager (EM) series This position description format is designed to be copied into S!" therefore it is important that no formatting changes are made

DATE: SAP Position No (required): 500 Working Title: Bran !: Di"ision#$egion: Depart%ent: &n u%'ent(s Na%e: )urrent )lassi*i ation and +e"el o* Position: Super"isor(s SAP Position No: 500 Super"isor(s Na%e: Super"isor(s Working Title: FTE No (optional):

T!e (Working Title) is a ounta'le *or,

-. $eports to,

/. 0t!er positions reporting to t!e sa%e superior. ("lease ensure this section coincides with the
organi#ation chart )

1. )apsule des ription o* ea ! position reporting to t!e su'2e t position3 outlining pri%ar4 purpose and nu%'er o* positions. ("lease ensure this section coincides with the organi#ation chart )

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E**e ti"e Date o* )onsolidation Fe'ruar4 /3 /005


1. Management Acco nta!"#"t$% $escribe the basic management component of the position based on the number of people (approved %TEs) & salar' dollars, the annual budget of the $ivision and budget under direct control of position such as operating, capital and (other) figures to be shown separatel' %ull direct supervisor' responsibilities ma' include conducting annual emplo'ee reviews, discussing performance expectations, providing feedbac*+ recommending merit increases+ approving vacation leave, overtime, issuing and approving or recommending disciplinar' action+ participating in staffing and recruitment+ establishing ,ualit' and ,uantit' standards & reviewing emplo'ee-s wor* to ensure standards are being met+ establishing wor* priorities+ planning & assigning wor*, etc

&. P'og'am Com(#e)"t$*Corporate Responsibility, Specialized Program no!ledge % $escribe the variet' and scope of the various programs for which the position is directl' accountable or the nature and scope of the issues for which the position and the central agenc' ma' assume (corporate) responsibilit'

+. Po#"t"ca# Sen,"t"-"t$% $escribe the political conse,uences, sensitivit' and impact the position has on the environment and the public it serves !lso describe the visibilit' and contentiousness of the programs

.. C#"ent Re#at"on,/"(,*Inte'(e',ona# S0"##,% $escribe the re,uirement for the application of various interpersonal s*ills such as negotiating, liaising, and influencing, specificall' with external bodies to achieve the program mandate .ho are the contacts/ "rovide examples of when persuasion, strateg', sensitivit' and 0udgment are re,uired as well as the availabilit' of legislation, policies, etc to enforce compliance

1. An$ a22"t"ona# an2*o' (e't"nent "n3o'mat"on%

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E**e ti"e Date o* )onsolidation Fe'ruar4 /3 /005

Pro"ide . to 4 ,tatement, des ri'ing t!e %a2or end results. L",t t/em "n o'2e' o3 "m(o'tance. "lease also include accountabilities in the areas of1 2uman 3esources "rogramming (23")+ Occupational Safet', 2ealth (OS2)+ 3is* Management (3M)+ and Emplo'ment E,uit' & $iversit' (EE&$) Specific wording is re,uired for those positions with 23", OS2, 3M and EE&$ responsibilities "lease refer to the "osition $escription 4uide for further direction -. /. 1. 6. 5. 7. 8. ABORIGINAL AND NORT5ERN AFFAIRS 6ISION% !n improved ,ualit' of life and opportunities for Manitoba !boriginal and northern people ABORIGINAL AND NORT5ERN AFFAIRS MISSION% 5etter services, opportunities and results for Manitoba !boriginal and northern people

("lease insert the $ivision-s mandate from the $epartment-s 5usiness "lan)

("lease insert the 5ranch-s mandate from the $epartment-s 5usiness "lan 5usiness "lan)

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E**e ti"e Date o* )onsolidation Fe'ruar4 /3 /005


T!e Depart%ent "alues and en ourages di"ersit4 in t!e 9orkpla e. Di"ersit4 %eans respe ting and a kno9ledging t!at ea ! o* us is di**erent '4 et!ni it43 ulture3 gender3 age3 p!4si al or %ental disa'ilit43 se:ual orientation3 religion3 language3 lass3 edu ation3 st4le3 personalit4 and *a%il4 status. T!ese indi"idual di**eren es are riti al !ara teristi s t!at enri ! and lead our depart%ent to a !ig!er le"el o* a !ie"e%ent and !elp 'uild our *uture su ess. )olle ti"el43 9e are all responsi'le *or reating and %aintaining a 9orkpla e dedi ated to t!e prin iples o* %utual respe t3 *airness and support *or all persons. E"er4one %ust re ogni;e and re*rain *ro% a tions t!at o**end3 e%'arrass or !u%iliate ot!ers3 9!et!er deli'erate or unintentional.


("lease describe the wor*ing environment including fre,uenc' and duration under which this position t'picall' operates, i e wor*ing alone, shift wor*, travel, on6call duties, inherentl' challenging wor*ing conditions, wor*ing outdoors, extreme temperatures, noise level, exposure to chemicals, dust' air, etc )

("lease indicate the ph'sical demands of the position, i e "ersonal 7omputers ($es*top and8or 9aptop) used at least :;< of the time+ constant sitting, standing, crouching, medium or heav' lifting+ climbing, etc )

("lease list an' special or uni,ue tools and e,uipment used, i e , snow plow, motori#ed vehicle, for*lift, air ,ualit' testing e,uipment, an' speciali#ed machiner', standard office e,uipment, !uto7!$, an' speciali#ed software, etc )

:UALIFICATIONS% E2 cat"on 7 E)(e'"ence%

("lease identif' the level of education re,uired to do the 0ob, i e college diploma, bachelor-s degree, etc , and what prior experience is re,uired to do the 0ob =f a suitable e,uivalent combination of education and experience is appropriate, please indicate These re,uirements must be bona fide in relation to the duties )

("lease identif' the *nowledge re,uired to do the 0ob )

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E**e ti"e Date o* )onsolidation Fe'ruar4 /3 /005

S(ec"3"c De,"gnat"on,< Ce't"3"cat"on, o' L"cen,e,% "lease identif' an' specific designations, certifications, or licenses re,uired, i e 7lass > driver-s license, .2M=S, Operator Training, power engineer certificate, 0ourne'person-s license, etc

S0"##, 7 A!"#"t"e,% ("lease identif' the specific technical s*ills & abilities re,uired to do the 0ob )

C'"t"ca# Com(etenc"e,: "lease insert the 0ob famil' role profile provided in the "osition $escription Specific .ording inserts

Pro"ide an organi;ational !art t!at de%onstrates an a urate re*le tion o* t!e di"ision and t!e 'ran !#unit in 9!i ! t!e position *un tions. S!o9 solid lines *or dire t reporting relations!ips and dotted lines *or *un tional or indire t reporting relations!ips. P#ea,e "nc# 2e SAP =1>>? (o,"t"on n m!e',< c#a,,"3"cat"on #e-e#, an2 ;o'0"ng t"t#e, 3o' a## (o,"t"on,.

& !a"e read t!e *oregoing and understand it is a des ription o* t!e duties assigned to %4 position. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< E%plo4ee=s Signature <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Dated

= confirm that this is an accurate description of the responsibilities and accountabilities re,uired of the position and that it forms the basis for the position classification level and the annual review of the incumbent The incumbent has received a cop' of this position description !n organi#ational chart is attached <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Manager-s Signature1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Dated

N"T#: T!e ontent o* t!e position des ription needs to 'e "eri*ied '4 %anage%ent "ia e>%ail 9it! t!e su'2e t position des ription atta !ed OR t!e signed !ard op4 needs to 'e pro"ided. This confirmation will verif' the accurac' and completeness of the position description

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E**e ti"e Date o* )onsolidation Fe'ruar4 /3 /005

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