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Unit 76

May-might-could + have done 224

I. Dokocz zdania stosujc konstrukcj may + have done:

1. John didnt come to our meeting. He ........................................ (be) busy.
2. She was fined by a policeman. She ........................................ (exceed) the
speed limit.
3. George went to sleep early. He ........................................ (feel) bad.
4. They arrived late. Their bus ........................................ (not come) on time.
5. Philip looks depressed. His girlfriend ........................................ (drop) him.
6. Sue quit the job in the shop. She ........................................ (not like) it.
7. Why did the baby cry? Someone ........................................ (hurt) her.
8. He was arrested by the police. He ........................................ (commit) a crime.
9. They didnt install the plug. They ...................................... (not be able) to do it.
10. She gave up sweets. She ........................................ (want) to get slim.
II. Uzupenij zdania stosujc could (not) + have done oraz podane czasowniki:

carry out




suffer from



1. Why didnt Ted leave any message for us? No idea. He ..............................
to do it.
2. It .............................. Ronald that you saw in the theatre. He never goes to the
3. You .............................. any meat there. It was a vegetarian restaurant.
4. Doctor Hennesey was busy when I came. He .............................. an operation.
5. The plane didnt take off. The security .............................. a bomb on board.
6. He refused to speak at all. He .............................. a sore throat.
7. Why was Jenny so happy? She .............................. the main prize.
8. Ronald .............................. such a lie. Hes too decent a man.
III. Przepisz zdania stosujc might / could (not) + have done:
1. It is possible that Mr Williams became angry.
Mr Williams .....................................................................................................
2. Possibly, Miriam misunderstood my remarks.
Miriam .............................................................................................................
3. Its not possible that the telephone was out of order.
The telephone ................................................................................................
4. Is it possible that Richard got offended with us?
5. Possibly, there were too many candidates for the job.
There ..............................................................................................................


Unit 77 Could - could have done - be able to 225

I. Uzupenij zdania stosujc could, could have done lub be able to:
1. You .............................. (tell) me about Sams birthday. Id certainly have
come to wish him all the best.
2. Although I had no map, I .............................. (reach) my destination.
3. He was so exhausted that he .............................. hardly speak to us.
4. The door in the Parkers garage was open wide. Do you think a burglar
.............................. (break in) while they were away?
5. The first time when he was being heard, he said nothing. But, then, we
.............................. (convince) him to tell the whole truth.
6. It .............................. (not be) Angela that you met in the car-wash. She
doesnt work there.
7. Its not true what youre saying. You .............................. (not read) at all when
you were three years old.
8. Why is Judy crying? Im not sure but something wrong ..............................
(happen) to her.
9. I .............................. (not find) any better place for parking the car, so I left it
10. Neil said that he .............................. (not come) yesterday, because he had to
help his parents at home.
II. Uzupenij zdania stosujc could lub could have done oraz czasowniki:

go to







1. You .............................. Sarah to your wedding ceremony. She likes you and
Im certain shed like to come.
2. I wish Brian were with us now. He .............................. us repair the faulty
3. Why is Donna wearing a plaster? I dont know. She .............................. her
leg while she was skiing.
4. Tom .............................. the cinema with you yesterday, but he preferred to
stay at home.
5. Im not sure but Mr Simmons .............................. his car repainted. It
seems to look more elegant now.
6. If you asked Paula, she .............................. this letter into Polish for you.
7. How did he find out about the secret files? Someone ..............................
them to him.
8. Frank was doubtful at first, but I .............................. him believe in my theory
with ease.


Unit 78

Could not have done


I. Napisz zdania jak w przykadzie stosujc could not have done:

Sarah: David, you used my computer, didnt you?
David: No, I didnt. I didnt even enter your office yesterday.
David couldnt have used Sarahs computer because he didnt even enter
her office yesterday.
1. Sarah: Youve damaged my rollers.
David: Not me. I didnt even touch them.
David ................................................................................................................
2. Sarah: I saw you in a coffee-bar this morning.
David: Thats impossible. I was working all the morning.
Sarah ................................................................................................................
3. Sarah: Is that you who ate my ice-cream?
David: Certainly not. I hate ice-cream.
David ................................................................................................................
4. Sarah: Someone told me you had dated another girl.
David: Dont believe it. Youre the only one that I love.
David ................................................................................................................
5. Sarah: I met your mother yesterday.
David: Thats not possible. My mother is still in France.
Sarah ................................................................................................................
6. Sarah: I have lost weight recently.
David: Dont fool me. You keep eating sweets all the time.
Sarah ................................................................................................................
7. Sarah: Youve devastated my wonderful flowers in the garden.
David: Youre wrong. I havent gone out there for a few days.
David ................................................................................................................
8. Sarah: Mr Benson has borrowed your lawn-mower.
David: How come? I dont have one.
Mr Benson .......................................................................................................


Unit 79

Must have done - had to do


I. Uzupenij zdania stosujc must have done:

1. A:
2. A:
3. A:
4. A:
5. A:

I saw a big hairy creature in the mountains.

It .............................. (be) the Yeti.
Joshua went out without even saying good-bye.
He .............................. (take) offence with us.
I had problems with my stomach the whole day.
You .............................. (eat) some stale food.
Somebody has spilt water on the floor.
Ronald .............................. (do) it. He was here before us.
Im sure he said two thousand pounds.
I thought he said one thousand. I .............................. (misunderstand) him.

II. Uzupenij zdania stosujc must have done lub had to do:
1. We .............................. (get up) very early when we worked on the farm.
2. Arnie didnt arrive. He .............................. (forget) about our meeting.
3. Mrs Hilton was taken to hospital. She .............................. (feel) really bad.
4. It was unfair. I .............................. (keep) guard while the rest were having
a good time.
5. The article was so difficult that most of us .............................. (read) it more
than once to understand it.
6. There are puddles of water everywhere and the crops are badly damaged.
There .............................. (be) a terrible storm here.
7. My parents left for two weeks. It was me who .............................. (take) care
of everything in the house.
8. As far as I remember, a big oak tree grew here before. I guess they
.............................. (cut) it down some time ago.
III. Przepisz zdania stosujc must have done lub had to:
1. It was Roberts duty to park the hotel guests cars.
Robert ..........................................................................................................
2. Its very probable that someone discovered the secret passage.
Someone .....................................................................................................
3. Were you obliged to report on your every action?
4. Theres a high probability that they got stuck in a traffic jam.
They ............................................................................................................
5. Im almost sure that Jeff used this database.
Jeff ..............................................................................................................


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