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The Spac e Fr ont i e r Foundat i on i s an or gani zat i on of pe opl e de di c at e d t o ope ni ng t he Spac e Fr ont i e r t o
human s e t t l e me nt as r api dl y as pos s i bl e .

Our goal s i nc l ude prot e c t i ng t he Eart h s f ragi l e bi os phe re and c re at i ng a f re e r and more pros pe rous l i f e
f or e ac h ge ne rat i on by us i ng t he unl i mi t e d e ne rgy and mat e ri al re s ourc e s of s pac e .

Our purpos e i s t o unl e as h t he powe r of f re e e nt e rpri s e and l e ad a uni t e d humani t y
pe rmane nt l y i nt o t he Sol ar Sys t e m.


EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS STATEMENT .......................................................................................................... 4
PROJECT: TEACHERS IN SPACE ...................................................................................................................... 5
PROJECT: NEWSPACE CONFERENCE ............................................................................................................ 6
PROJECT: BUSINESS PLAN COMPETITION ................................................................................................... 7
PROJECT: NEWSPACE NEWS .......................................................................................................................... 8
PROJECT: STUDENT BUSINESS PLAN COMPETITION ................................................................................. 9
PROCESS: POLITICAL STRATEGY & ACTION ............................................................................................. 10
PROCESS: COMMUNICATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 12
PROCESS: ADVOCATES 2.0 ............................................................................................................................ 15
PROCESS: FINANCE & TREASURERS REPORT .......................................................................................... 16
DIRECTORY ....................................................................................................................................................... 17


1wo 1housand 1welve was an lmporLanL year for Lhe loundaLlon and for Lhe goal
of seLLllng space. 1he change of paradlgm Lo access space had a vlslble mllesLone
when Space LxploraLlon 1echnologles successfully launched a resupply mlsslon
Lo Lhe lnLernaLlonal Space SLaLlon. lL represenLed a change ln Lhe way our socleLy
vlews Lhe space envlronmenL when our clvll governmenL sLarLed worklng wlLh
Lhe prlvaLe secLor Lo access space Lhe same way Lhey do when accesslng
Albuquerque, nM: by purchaslng a servlce and paylng for dellvery.
We also saw Lhe foundlng of laneLary 8esources and of ueep Space lndusLrles,
endeavors Lo mlne asLerolds. 1he dream of llvlng off Lhe land" ln space has long
been seen as Lhe greaL enabler of llvlng Lhere. 1hese brave, brllllanL Leams are
brlnglng us LhaL much closer.
AL Lhe loundaLlon lLself, our 8uslness lan CompeLlLlon lnLroduced Lhe newSpace communlLy Lo a number of
new companles ln bloLech and oLher secLors, our 1eachers ln Space pro[ecL, Lhrough good flscal managemenL
was approved Lo offer workshops lnLo 2013, and our newSpace serles of conferences was lLs blggesL and
mosL successful yeL. 1hls ls leadlng Lo a growlng accepLance of space as a normal place Lo llve and work and
experlence Lhe world Lo wholly new soclal spheres LhaL never consldered Lhe ldea before. We are golng Lo
bulld on Lhese furLher, expandlng Lhe reach of Lhe 8uslness lan CompeLlLlon ln Lhe comlng year wlLh new
approaches Lo prlzes and by expandlng Lhe 1eachers ln Space program beyond Lhe currenL nASA fundlng wlLh
Lhe goal of puLLlng Leachers Lhemselves lnLo space. 1he newSpace Conference remalns Lhe anchor sLone LhaL
our oLher pro[ecLs flnd Lhelr home and our AdvocaLes can flnd each oLher.
We LranslLloned aL our newSpace Conference ln laLe !uly Lo a new LxecuLlve ulrecLor. Wlll WaLson ls
conLlnulng on as our vlce Chalrman. Pe sLarLed work wlLh Lhe loundaLlon by resurrecLlng our newSpace
Conference from an aLLendance of 73 people and sLarLed us down Lhe road Lo Lhe lndusLry-leadlng evenL lL ls
Loday. under hls leadershlp, Lhe loundaLlon has bullL roads Lo work beLLer wlLh nASA, and durlng Lhls Llme
Lhe loundaLlon has experlenced greaL gross revenue growLh Lo be one of Lhe few space non-proflLs sLlll
growlng. l hope Lo carry on LhaL growLh and Lrend lnLo Lhe comlng years.
1o LhaL end, my ma[or focuses over Lhe lasL 7 monLhs has been Lo lmprove our communlcaLlons efforLs and
our fundralslng efforLs. We have sLepped back Lo ldenLlfy measurable goals Lo each of our communlcaLlons
efforLs, and Lo make sure LhaL resulLs are reporLed afLer Lhe facL. We are lnLegraLlng analyLlcs lnLo our emall
and webslLe managemenL Lo a greaLer degree and have lnLroduced a new publlcaLlon, Lhe !"##"$ &$'( #)"
*+",-#./" 0.$",#'$, Lo Lalk speclflcally abouL loundaLlon lssues and progress. We are also, ln early 2013,
explorlng some sLafflng changes Lo keep Lhese changes movlng forward. We'll keep you up-Lo-daLe wlLh
Lhose changes Lhrough Lhe !"##"$ &$'( #)" *+",-#./" 0.$",#'$ and oLher publlcaLlons Lhls year.
Cur changes Lo Lhe way we do our fundralslng are sLlll nascenL, buL we are explorlng a number of lnLeresLlng
parLnershlps Lo ralse our vlslblllLy ln Lhe publlc eye, as well as maklng subLle, buL lmporLanL, changes Lo Lhe
way we conducL our on-llne donaLlons. MosL lmporLanLly, ln 2013 we are plannlng on lnLroduclng recurrlng
monLhly donaLlons, whlch we are plannlng Lo apply Lo mulLlple areas wlLhln Lhe loundaLlon.
We aL Lhe Space lronLler loundaLlon are exclLed abouL Lhe changes golng on here, and we are looklng
forward Lo hearlng from you abouL Lhlngs you wanL from us. 1hank you.
Ionathan Card
LxecuLlve ulrecLor, Space lronLler loundaLlon

1eachers ln Space's goal ls Lo send 200 of Amerlca's Leachers lnLo
suborblLal space and Lhen reLurn Lhem Lo Lhe classroom where Lhey can
lead a rlgorous revlval ln Sclence, 1echnology, Lnglneerlng and MaLh
(S1LM). 1eachers ln Space also hopes Lo aLLracL Lhe brlghLesL and besL of
Amerlca's youLh lnLo Lhe Leachlng fleld and Lo revlLallze a Llred and alllng
professlon wlLh new and lnvlgoraLlng S1LM Currlculum.

2012 ro[ecL AcLlvlLy:
llve hlghly successful workshops on Lhree separaLe Loplcs were held, whlch were conducLed
across Lhe counLry:
o Space Med|c|ne & numan Iactors, !une 23-29 aL Lhe Clvll Aerospace Medlcal lnsLlLuLe ln
Cklahoma ClLy, Ck
o Suborb|ta| Astronaut|cs, !uly 9-13 aL Lmbry-8lddle AeronauLlcal unlverslLy ln uayLona
8each, lL
o Space Med|c|ne & numan Iactors, !uly 16-20 aL Lmbry-8lddle AeronauLlcal unlverslLy ln
uayLona 8each, lL
o I||ght Lxper|ments, !uly 23-27 aL nASA Ames 8esearch CenLer ln Slllcon valley, CA
o Suborb|ta| Astronaut|cs, !uly 30-AugusL 3, aL Mo[ave Alr & Space orL ln Las Cruces, nM.
ln aLLendance of Lhe flve workshops were 140 u.S. S1LM Leachers, broken down lnLo groups of
23-30 per workshop, allowlng each Leacher a personallzed experlence aL each evenL.
1hrough a parLnershlp wlLh SLudenL SpacefllghL LxperlmenLs rogram (SSL) and nanoracks LLC,
Leachers who parLlclpaLed ln Lhe lllghL LxperlmenLs Workshop compeLed for a chance Lo fly an
experlmenL deslgned by Lhelr sLudenLs aboard Lhe lnLernaLlonal Space SLaLlon. 1he wlnner, Amy
McCormlck's class aL WesL Shore !unlor/Senlor Plgh School, lL, has Lhelr experlmenL scheduled
Lo fly aboard Lhe lSS ln SepLember 2013. Amy & her class have also been lnvlLed Lo an evenL aL
Lhe SmlLhsonlan lnsLlLuLe ln WashlngLon, uC ln !uly Lo celebraLe her experlmenL flylng Lo Lhe lSS.
1eachers ln Space's volunLeer sLaff grew from 7 ln 2011 Lo 23 ln LoLal by Lhe end of 2012. As
1eachers ln Space conLlnues Lo grow, volunLeer opporLunlLles have opened up ln Lhe areas of
currlculum developmenL, secreLary, budgeL developmenL, and newsleLLer edlLor.
1eachers ln Space Leam members spoke and conducLed workshops aL SLLC (Space LxploraLlon
LducaLor's Conference), nS8C (naLlonal SuborblLal 8esearchers Conference), & naLlonal Sclence
1eachers AssoclaLlon Conference ln lndlanapolls, ln.
1op Coals for 2013:
1hrough a nASA granL exLenslon, dellver Lwo more workshops: Space Medlclne & Puman
lacLors ln uayLona 8each, lL ln !une and lllghL LxperlmenLs ln almdale, CA ln !uly.
1hrough our successful parLnershlp wlLh SSL & nanoracks LLC, successfully fly Lhe 2012 wlnnlng
experlmenL onboard Lhe lSS, and develop a second compeLlLlon for a 2014 fllghL.
ConLlnue & expand our fundralslng efforL Lo supporL fuLure workshops, orblLal and suborblLal
fllghL experlmenL compeLlLlons, and suborblLal fllghLs for Leachers.

1he newSpace Conference hosLs an annual Lhree-day evenL LhaL focuses on
Lhe currenL, near Lerm, and fuLure poLenLlal and challenges of Lhe emerglng
commerclal space lndusLry. CurrenLly, Lhls evenL also acLs as Lhe locaLlon
for Lhe Annual 8oard MeeLlng, Annual AdvocaLes MeeLlng, newSpace
Awards Cala, and 8uslness lan CompeLlLlon.
2012 ro[ecL AcLlvlLy:
lncreased overall level of conference sponsorshlp by 80 compared Lo newSpace 2011.
ueveloped and lmplemenLed an upgrade Lo Lhe ln-house conference managemenL sofLware
sysLem Lo meeL Lhe needs of Lhe growlng conference.
Peld newSpace 2012 Conference, whlch reached numerous mllesLones for Sll:
o LargesL number of reglsLranLs for a newSpace Conference: 339 pald (23 lncrease over
nS11), over 300 aLLendees ln LoLal.
o LargesL revenue for a newSpace Conference: ~$123k (23 lncrease over nS11).
o LargesL sponsorshlp revenue for a newSpace Conference: $43k (100 lncrease over
o SlgnlflcanL lncrease ln press ouLreach compared Lo prevlous years.
o Served as hosL for Lhe largesL-yeL 8uslness lan CompeLlLlon, lncludlng a $100k 1
romoLed for newSpace 2012/2013 and Lhe loundaLlon ln general aL varlous conferences:
o Space Access ln hoenlx, AZ
o lSuC ln WashlngLon, uC
o lSCS ln Las Cruces, nM
o C8AS1L ln ALlanLa, CA
o Space 2012 ln asadena, CA
o Spacevlslon ln 8uffalo, n?
lnlLlaLed newSpace 2013 lannlng
o llnallzed locaLlon/hoLel (uoubleLree San !ose)
o ueveloped newSpace 2013 Conference Lheme: reparlng for LxponenLlal CrowLh
o ueveloped flrsL cuL aL programmlng and vl lnvlLe llsL
o Conflrmed volunLeers for all manager-level conference poslLlons
o CbLalned conflrmaLlon from nASA uepuLy ulrecLor Lorl Carver for keynoLe speaker
o SenL lnlLlal seL of sponsorshlp sollclLaLlons
o Cpened reglsLraLlon for nS13

1op Coals for 2013:
CbLaln a wlde range of hlgh-level, lnfluenLlal, and knowledgeable speakers for Lhe conference.
Lxceed reglsLraLlon, exhlblLor, and sponsorshlp growLh raLes for Lhe nS13 conference compared
Lo Lhe nS12 conference.
Secure newSpace 2013 as Lhe offlclal meeLlng place or speclal announcemenL venue for 3 or
more ma[or organlzaLlons or companles.

1he 8uslness lan CompeLlLlon helps enLrepreneurs creaLe newSpace
sLarL-ups and flrms LhaL develop supporLlng, problem-solvlng, and
game-changlng Lechnologles ln supporL of Lhe newSpace lndusLry.

2012 ro[ecL AcLlvlLy Summary:
33 LxecuLlve Summary enLrles were recelved for Lhe 2012 compeLlLlon, compared Lo 26 ln 2011.
1he quallLy of Lhe enLrles also greaLly lmproved over lasL year as well. We were proud Lo award
a $100k 1
lace rlze Lo Space Cround Amalgam, and a $10k 2
lace rlze Lo ulglLal Solld
SLaLe ropulslon.
llve hlghly respecLable [udges for Lhe 2012 compeLlLlon were recrulLed from a greaL
professlonal cross-secLlon of Lhe lnvesLmenL, flnance, and enLrepreneurlal communlLles and
Lhey all en[oyed Lhelr [obs as 8C [udges.
1he 8uslness lan CompeLlLlon Leam has expanded-many Lhanks Lo !eff krukln, aul ConLursl
and !oel vlnas for Lhe lnLulLlve plannlng and heavy llfLlng.
We are hoplng Lo agaln offer a $100,000 flrsL place prlze ln Lhe 2013 compeLlLlon, ln addlLlon Lo
subsLanLlal 2
and 3
place prlzes. 1hls pro[ecL has come a long way slnce 2009, when we
offered a 1
place prlze of $3,000 LoLal, and we hope Lo conLlnue Lhls successful Lrend far lnLo
Lhe fuLure.
ueclslonuesk (buslness plan revlew Lools), nanoLech news & Space Angels neLwork became
ConLrlbuLlng Sponsors ln 2012, for whlch we are very Lhankful.
We have developed an lndependenL webslLe for Lhe on-golng pro[ecL, whlch ls servlng us well. ln
addlLlon Lo Lhe pro[ecL's ongolng webslLe, we're plannlng on havlng dedlcaLed pages speclflcally
for Lhe 2013 compeLlLlon.
unLll Lhere ls greaLer clarlLy ln Lhe granL-fundlng sLreams, Lhe 8C Leam has focused on oLher
necessary acLlvlLles Lo ramp up Lhe pro[ecL for 2013, lncludlng an organlzed conLesLanL
appllcaLlon porLal, lncreased web presence, conLlnued ouLreach Lo Lhe nano-bloLech
communlLy, panel dlscusslons aL varlous conferences, conLlnulng Lhe relaLlonshlps wlLh our
oLher parLners & sponsors, recrulLlng [udges, developlng a markeLlng plan, and sLreamllnlng our
overall process.

1op Coals for 2013:
Successful ouLreach Lo "crossover" lndusLrles, parLlcularly ln nano- and bloLech, Lo encourage
sLarLups ln Lhese areas, where Lhelr Lechnologles could help solve problems ln space seLLlemenL
and economlc developmenL, Lo apply for Lhe compeLlLlon.
Lncourage/conflrm a sLrong showlng for !uly's evenL from Slllcon valley lnvesLors (boLh angel
and vC), as well as from ouLslde Lhe reglon.
ALLracL a far greaLer number of ouLsLandlng appllcanLs for Lhe CompeLlLlon.

newSpace news ls a monLhly elecLronlc newsleLLer LhaL summarlzes all Lhe
laLesL movemenLs of Lhe newSpace lndusLry. A 1wlLLer accounL ls also kepL
and updaLed as Lhe news happens.

2011 ro[ecL AcLlvlLy:
ShorLened Lhe average lengLh of each lssue of newSpace news by abouL 20, ln order
Lo reduce Lhe readlng Llme, and Lo reduce Lhe amounL of waLerlng down" happenlng,
whlle sLlll havlng a sLrong lmpacL.
8educed Lhe number of oplnlon pleces lncluded ln newsleLLers. 1he goal here was Lo
make Lhe newSpace news a sLaLus updaLe" on Lhe commerclal space lndusLry, noL
oplnlons on where Lhe lndusLry should be.
Cplnlon pleces have been replaced, ln some cases, wlLh revlew arLlcles LhaL alm aL
breaklng down complex pollcy and/or conLracL agreemenLs lnLo laymen Lerms (ln an
unblased manner).
8eadershlp has grown by approxlmaLely 20 slnce Lhe beglnnlng of 2012. 1oLal number
of people dlrecLly subscrlbed Lo newSpace news ls now over 1300, and Lhe number of
opens/reads ls up Lo 600+ per monLh.
Seml-regular space pollcy updaLes have been lnLegraLed lnLo Lhe newsleLLers ln order Lo
lncrease Lhe focus on Lhls lmporLanL porLlon of Lhe newSpace lndusLry.

1op Coals for 2013:
lnLegraLe newSpace news wlLh Lhe LeLLer from Lhe LxecuLlve ulrecLor. 1he goal here ls
Lo merge Lhe readershlps of boLh lnLo one by offerlng a slngle, hlgh-denslLy monLhly
newsleLLer. Pow Lhls wlll be done ls sLlll undeclded, buL Lhe goal ls noL Lo [usL replace
Lhe newSpace news, buL achleve Lhe goals of boLh newsleLLers wlLh only one producL.
llnd a way of rapldly expandlng readershlp. Lven Lhough readershlp has grown ln 2012,
Lhls ls sLlll only Lhe Llp of Lhe lceberg when lL comes Lo people lnLeresLed ln Lhe
movemenLs of Lhls lndusLry.
8elaLed Lo Lhe above lLem, Lhe newSpace news 1wlLLer accounL may offer a gaLeway Lo
more readers, buL unforLunaLely lL was noL posslble Lo malnLaln Lhe accounL whlle
concurrenLly dolng nSn, and ls currenLly lnacLlve. 1he goal here ls Lo flnd Lhe besL way
Lo use Lhls Lool, whlle noL requlrlng masslve amounLs of Llme Lo keep lL updaLed.

1he SLudenL 8uslness lan CompeLlLlon ls a [olnL venLure beLween SLuS-
uSA and Space lronLler loundaLlon where sLudenLs are able Lo galn an
lnLroducLlon lnLo bulldlng Lhelr ldeas lnLo vlable buslness plans wlLh an
opporLunlLy Lo compeLe and recelve feedback from esLeemed lndusLry

2012 ro[ecL Summary:
1he 2
Annual SLudenL 8uslness lan CompeLlLlon was held ln november aL Lhe SLuS
Spacevlslon 2012 Conference ln 8uffalo, n?.
1here was a slgnlflcanL lncrease ln parLlclpaLlon compared Lo 2011.
llnallsL Leams were represenLed by lowa SLaLe unlverslLy, unlverslLy of Alabama ln
PunLsvllle, unlverslLy aL 8uffalo, unlverslLy of CenLral llorlda, and unlverslLy of
Larger, beLLer-known unlverslLles wlLh Lop buslness programs were reached ouL Lo prlor
Lo Lhe compeLlLlon, whlch resulLed ln a hlgher level of quallLy when lL came Lo Lhe
compeLlLlon enLrles.
1he SLudenL 8uslness lan CompeLlLlon was ranked 9
ouL of 40 buslness plan
compeLlLlons LhaL every enLrepreneur should know abouL" by, a
webslLe dedlcaLed Lo provldlng resources Lo sLudenLs who wlsh Lo pursue M8A degrees
1he 1
place prlze ($1,000 & free reglsLraLlon for newSpace 2013) wenL Lo
lnLerplaneLary 8eacLlons aL lowa SLaLe unlverslLy, and second place was Sl from
unlverslLy aL 8uffalo.
1he 2013 compeLlLlon wlll be held aL Lhe Spacevlslon 2013 Conference ln 1empe, AZ.

1op Coals for 2013:
ulverslfy Lhe compeLlLors from a wlder varleLy of unlverslLles
lncrease Lhe publlc awareness of Lhe compeLlLlon
lncrease fundlng for prlzes
lncrease parLlclpaLlon numbers
Allgn Lhe SLudenL 8uslness lan CompeLlLlon closer Lo Lhe blgger newSpace 8uslness
lan CompeLlLlon held aL Lhe newSpace Conference.
Add furLher dlverslLy Lo [udges and Lhelr backgrounds

1. Ant|-SLS Act|v|t|es
Cur slngle blggesL pollLlcal goal remalns Lhe cancellaLlon of Lhe Space
Launch SysLem (SLS). AL Lhe close of Lhe AdvocaLes meeLlng ln 2012, Lhere
was a bold plan ln place Lo aLLack Lhe SLS - Lhls was flled as a
communlcaLlons pro[ecL wlLhln Lhe loundaLlon, wlLh as-needed supporL
from Lhe pollLlcal wlng. 1hls plan was Lo aLLempL Lo make SLS lnLo a naLlonal
[oke vla malnsLream medla, and lL requlred around $20,000 Lo lmplemenL lL.
1haL evenlng, we ralsed $1300+ as a sLarLlng polnL.

A key sLafflng poslLlon was lefL vacanL ln AugusL 2012, and lL forced us Lo re-examlne Lhe currenL
sLraLegy. AfLer subsLanLlal dlscusslon, lL was declded Lo Lransfer AnLl-SLS acLlvlLles back lnLo Lhe pollLlcal
wlng of Lhe loundaLlon. 1herefore, we declded Lo develop a new sLraLegy, and Lry a few experlmenLs,
one of whlch was a prlze compeLlLlon Lo come up wlLh Lhe besL [oke for AnLl-SLS. Speclflcally, we
offered up a prlze of $100 Lo anyone who could make Lhe besL [oke abouL SLS, and lL was adverLlsed on
lacebook. Whlle we learned some Lhlngs abouL how Lo do a beLLer campalgn, Lhls experlmenL dld noL
have any poslLlve lmpacLs. AfLer Lhls experlmenL, and much dlscusslon, we came up wlLh a new sLraLegy,
whlch lnvolved very aggresslve and acLlve ouLreach Lo ldeologlcal and parLlsan acLlvlsLs, and ldeologlcal
and parLlsan medla, wlLh Lhe goal of geLLlng lL Lo be well known among Lhls group of people, and llnklng
aspecLs of Lhe SLS program Lo flL preconcelved pollLlcal noLlons (Crony CaplLallsm, 8epubllcan-ln-name-
Cnly or uemocraL-ln-name-Cnly, 8rldges Lo nowhere).

Powever, we are currenLly faclng a fundamenLal problem wlLh Lhls sLraLegy - lack of resources. 1o
lmplemenL Lhe full AnLl-SLS campalgn requlres a subsLanLlal lnvesLmenL of Llme and money. Whlle we
sLlll have a large porLlon of Lhe money we ralsed durlng Lhe AdvocaLes MeeLlng, lL ls noL nearly enough
Lo enable us Lo have a susLalned, long Lerm acLlve campalgn.

lL ls posslble an alLernaLlve sLraLegy may be beLLer, buL Lhe currenL resources we have avallable Lo flghL
SLS ls noL enough Lo achleve success ln a Llmely fashlon. Lven so, we have managed Lo brlng ln some
people who are Lrylng Lo help on Lhls as Lhey can. We have a good relaLlon wlLh 1ea arLy ln Space, and
we are engaglng people from Lhe llberal acLlvlsL communlLy as well.

2. Commerc|a| Crew
We dld noL acLlvely engage on Lhe Commerclal Crew fronL ln 2012 (alLhough many loundaLlon
AdvocaLes are playlng crlLlcal roles on Lhls lssue). Whlle Commerclal Crew ls somewhaL vulnerable sLlll,
lL ls does noL face Lhe same danger LhaL newSpace-based 8LC (8eyond-LarLh-CrblL) exploraLlon faces.
roposed Commerclal Crew fundlng levels from Lhe Cbama admlnlsLraLlon have remalned hlgh, and
Congress has conLlnuously been agreelng Lo lncrease Lhe fundlng levels for Commerclal Crew.

3. 2012 res|dent|a| Campa|gn
As expecLed, Lhe second half of 2012 was uLLerly domlnaLed by Lhe elecLlon and subsequenL debL and
flscal deadllnes. 1he parLy plaLforms were boLh dlssecLed ln laLe summer for relevance and advanLage Lo
Lhe loundaLlon's vlslon. ueLalls on Lhe u.S. space program were sparse ln boLh plaLforms, boLh had [usL
a general llne or Lwo on Lhe lmporLance of space, and we commenLed on Lhls lack of dlscusslon.

Also of noLe durlng Lhe campalgn-Lhere was concern abouL some of Lhe space advlsors supporLlng
Covernor 8omney's presldenLlal campalgn. 1here was acLlvlLy by loundaLlon AdvocaLes Lo lnfluence
Lhls group Lo ensure newSpace had quallLy represenLaLlon among hls campalgn, whlch was successful.

4. Go|ng Iorward
AfLer Lhe elecLlon, Lhe naLlonal pollLlcal slLuaLlon became domlnaLed by flscal and debL concerns, such
as Lhe flscal cllff" and sequesLraLlon." 1hese slLuaLlons expose nASA and publlcly-flnanced spacefllghL
Lo much greaLer volaLlllLy, and Lhls may mean slgnlflcanL fuLure reducLlons ln nASA's budgeL. Whlle we
would prefer Lhese budgeLary cuLs Lo fall on programs llke Lhe SLS, lL ls enLlrely posslble LhaL programs
we supporL, such as Commerclal Crew, could be slgnlflcanLly lmpacLed. We are currenLly flghLlng Lo
make sure Lhls doesn'L happen.

1op Coals for 2013:
Lnsure LhaL Lhere ls sufflclenL fundlng ln Lhe budgeL for Commerclal Crew.
8ulld Lhe necessary flnanclal and volunLeer resource pools Lo lmplemenL AnLl-SLS sLraLegy.
Worklng wlLh Lhe Leam we currenLly have, uLlllze whaL resources we have Lo sLarL aLLacklng Lhe
SenaLe Launch SysLem.

1he ma[or developmenL ln communlcaLlons for Lhe second half of 2012 was
Lhe handoff of Lhe deparLmenL from myself, Marlmlkel Charrler, Lo Lhe new
LxecuLlve ulrecLor !onaLhan Card. CurrenLly he ls managlng Lhe deparLmenL
wlLh some help and lL ls hoped LhaL a new CommunlcaLlons ulrecLor wlll be
found (as lL ls Loo greaL a [ob for an Lu Lo Lake on along wlLh hls oLher
duLles). As wlLh any change, Lhere have been bumps ln Lhe road buL Lhese
wlll soon be resolved so LhaL communlcaLlon from Lhe Sll remalns hlgh
quallLy ln boLh conversaLlon and presenLaLlon.
AnoLher huge accompllshmenL was compleLlng Lhe new webslLe redeslgn (as lf webslLes are ever Lruly
'flnlshed!') and unvelllng lL durlng Lhe newSpace 2012 Conference. So many people conLrlbuLed Lo Lhls
monumenLal Lask and we slncerely Lhank Lhem all! lL broughL lmmense saLlsfacLlon and cheers Lo see
our web deslgner 8rlan ?oung recognlzed for hls lncredlble conLrlbuLlons wlLh Lhe lounder's Award. We
also greaLly appreclaLe Lhe arLlsLlc conLrlbuLlons ln Space Medla who creaLed Lhe seLLlemenL lmage LhaL
now graces Lhe pages. lL remlnds us all how we would love Lo seLLle on Lhe Moon and gaze back aL
Looklng forward, Lhe maln ob[ecLlve of Sll communlcaLlons has noL changed. lL ls sLlll a vehlcle Lo
supporL currenL accompllshmenLs ln Lhe lndusLry whlle challenglng Lhe accepLed paLh and remlndlng
everyone Lo Lhlnk of space seLLlemenL as Lhe drlvlng moLlvaLlon of Lhe space lndusLry. WlLh space
galnlng popularlLy rapldly, lL ls our [ob Lo encourage smarL dlscusslons, lnform Lhe newly lnLeresLed ln
Lhe poLenLlal beyond exploraLlon for seLLlemenL, and gulde pollcy. lL ls a group efforL from all Lhe Sll
managers Lo creaLe Lhe emall conLenL and our supporLers Lo help dlsLrlbuLe lL as far as posslble.
As always, much of our communlcaLlon wlll be geared Lowards our pro[ecLs. WlLh so much amazlng
growLh ln pro[ecLs llke 1eachers ln Space, Lhe newSpace Conference and Lhe 8uslness lan CompeLlLlon
(Lo name a few), lL ls a large [ob [usL Lo share Lhelr news and needs Lo our greaLer audlence. llndlng
volunLeers Lo handle communlcaLlons for each pro[ecL ls an ongolng process.
8eyond Lhe consLanL alm of sparklng new dlscusslon and changlng LhoughL paLLerns concernlng space,
we conLlnue Lo use communlcaLlons as a way Lo brlng ln supporLers and volunLeers. We are acLlvely
Lurnlng Lo new communlLles LhaL, whlle exclLed abouL space and Lechnology, are unaware of Lhe Sll and
lLs mlsslon of space seLLlemenL. 1here may be a few surprlslng moves as we LesL ouL lncreaslng soclal
medla usage, engage wlLh unfamlllar groups or geLLlng lnvolved ln dlfferenL evenLs, buL Lhe lndusLry ls
changlng, and Lhe Sll musL shlfL or rlsk becomlng passe. lor example, Lhe maker communlLy ls showlng
Lons of lnLeresL ln space and some lndlvlduals have even aLLended newSpace buL we can'L honesLly say
LhaL Lhey are parL of our neLwork. 1o brlng ln Lhose lngenlous and ul? people could be a huge wln for
Lhe Sll.
AnoLher poLenLlal communlcaLlons pro[ecL lnvolves new sources of revenue. WlLh so many space
pro[ecLs flndlng fundlng success Lhrough klcksLarLer campalgns, we can no longer blame a lack of
donaLlons on dlslnLeresL ln space. 1he lnLeresL ls growlng, Lhe ablllLy for large numbers of people Lo
make small donaLlons ls belng faclllLaLed and we are [usL noL Laklng advanLage. A communlcaLlon serles

based on Lhe klcksLarLer model has Lhe poLenLlal Lo fund some of our needs buL manpower ls Lhe lssue.
We lnvlLe our advocaLes and supporLer Lo conslder Laklng on a shorL-Lerm (6 monLhs) pro[ecL llke Lhls.
llnally, Lhe quallLy of emall blasLs musL be lmproved so LhaL Lhe movers and shakers of Lhe lndusLry,
press and governmenL Lake our message serlously. We musL appear an organlzed force wlLh a powerful
message raLher Lhan a band of ouLllers wlLh a malllng llsL. Many feel LhaL presenLaLlon ls secondary Lo
message buL unforLunaLely, wlLhouL a respecLable appearance our message wlll ofLen be dlsregarded.
lmplemenLlng sLandards and process Lo formallze Lhe appearance ls a necessary nexL sLep for Lhe
1he communlcaLlons deparLmenL wlll always be open Lo conversaLlons wlLh AdvocaLes and Sll
supporLers. lf you feel you can help ouL, aren'L hearlng enough (or Loo much) from us, or have a
recommendaLlon, please geL ln conLacL. Cur mosL powerful resource ls our neLwork and we wanL Lo
keep ln close conLacL wlLh you. 1hank you.

CommunlcaLlons ls Lhe cornersLone of Lhe Space lronLler loundaLlon. noL only
musL we communlcaLe wlLh our donors and AdvocaLes, buL our essenLlal purpose ls
advocacy for Lhe purpose of human seLLlemenL of space.
WlLh Lhe LranslLlon Lo new managemenL, Lhere was a revlew of our currenL
communlcaLlons sLraLegy. We were hearlng feedback from our AdvocaLes LhaL we
weren'L communlcaLlng enough abouL Lhe dolngs of Lhe loundaLlon lLself, and we were faclng a
problem lnLernally of noL knowlng Lhe breadLh of our audlence. Cur Lyplcal communlcaLlon sLraLegy was
Lo auLhor pleces dlrecLed aL our lnLended message and Lo publlsh Lhese lLems ln Lhe form of press
releases over our emall dlsLrlbuLlon llsL. CommunlcaLlon wlLh our AdvocaLes was done prlmarlly over Lhe
AdvocaLes llsLserv, and done sporadlcally aL besL.
We separaLed our communlcaLlons lnLo Lhree broad classlflcaLlons: newsleLLers, updaLes from Lhe
loundaLlon, and Medla AlerLs. We ldenLlfled our audlences for Lhem as follows: newsleLLers are geared
Lowards a speclflc, sub[ecL-maLLer speclflc audlence and success ls measured by readershlp, updaLes
from Lhe loundaLlon lLself should be avallable Lo a broad audlence and success ls measured by aLLenLlon
pald, and our Medla AlerLs are geared prlmarlly Lowards members of Lhe medla wlLh Lhe goal of belng
1o Lhls end, we sLarLed our publlcaLlon of Lhe LeLLer lrom Lhe LxecuLlve ulrecLor" wlLh news abouL Lhe
loundaLlon, where Lhe bulk of Lhe conLenL of Lhe leLLer lLself ls on our webslLe. 1he emall announclng
Lhe publlcaLlon of each leLLer conLalns a summary of Lhe leLLer, a summary of our appearances ln Lhe
Maln SLream Medla (MSM), and a secLlon for varlous promoLlons. 1hls lasL secLlon (MSM) has conLalned
boLh cross-promoLlon wlLh loundaLlon pro[ecLs and promoLlon of oLher newSpace acLlvlLles. 1he enLlre

emall ls sLrucLured Lo appear above Lhe fold" ln a Lyplcal emall browser, llke CuLlook or Apple Mall. 1he
leLLer ls also promoLed ln 1wlLLer and lacebook. 8y houslng Lhe maln conLenL of Lhe leLLer on Lhe
webslLe, we are beLLer able Lo measure lnLeresL ln our conLenL Lhrough Coogle AnalyLlcs and are also
beLLer able Lo conLrol and Lrack converslon of lnLeresL ln our conLenL lnLo donaLlons Lo Lhe loundaLlon.
Cur Medla AlerLs are now only senL Lo our medla conLacLs and our AdvocaLes (we belleve LhaL our
AdvocaLes are lnLeresLed ln all sLaLemenLs). 1he conLenL ln Lhese emalls are enLlrely wlLhln Lhe emall
send, as we belleve lL ls unreallsLlc Lo ask members of Lhe medla Lo cllck onLo our slLe Lo geL conLenL. We
are LargeLlng our messages ln Lhese leLLers Lo provlde Space lronLler loundaLlon-cenLrlc conLenL LhaL ls
approprlaLe for paragraph 3 of 4 of a news arLlcle coverlng oLher evenLs. We have had some success so
far wlLh Lhls and we wlll be presslng Lhls efforL more ln Lhe fuLure.
Cur newsleLLers are ln a process of LranslLlon. We creaLed Lhe new 1eachers ln Space newsleLLer and
LhaL has been experlenclng a remarkable open raLe, demonsLraLlng a good lnLeresL ln Lhe sub[ecL. We
wanL Lo lncorporaLe many of Lhese formaLLlng changes above lnLo Lhe 1eachers ln Space newsleLLer and
newSpace news Lo conLlnue Lhe growLh of our approach of encouraglng Lrafflc onLo our webslLe raLher
Lhan leavlng readers vlewlng Lhelr emall browser and loslng Lhelr lnLeresL. We expecL Lhese changes Lo
also beLLer allow us Lo use emalls for cross-promoLlon and expandlng Lhe readershlp of all of our
publlcaLlons. SLay Luned for Lhese changes ln 2013.

1he goal of Lhe AdvocaLes 2.0 rocess ls Lo evaluaLe and undersLand Lhe low
numbers seen ln AdvocaLe dues collecLlon and low acLlvlLy wlLhln Lhe AdvocaLe
CommunlLy, and Lo deslgn a new, modern rewards and communlcaLlons sysLem
LhaL meeLs Lhe needs of all of our AdvocaLes, resulLlng ln more acLlvlLy beLween
Lhe AdvocaLes and Lhe loundaLlon, beLLer undersLandlng of Lhe hlsLory of Lhe
AdvocaLes, hlgher saLlsfacLlon wlLh Lhe program, and beLLer dues collecLlon

2012 AcLlvlLy Summary:
Whlle searchlng for archlved AdvocaLe conLenL from 10-20 years ago, a Lreasure Lrove" of
orlglnal 8oard meeLlng mlnuLes, AdvocaLes llsLs, pro[ecL communlcaLlons, eLc. was found from
1988-1993, and ls ln Lhe process of belng dlglLlzed and avallable onllne. 1he webslLe archlves ls
now one of Lhe maln growLh focuses of Lhls pro[ecL aL Lhe momenL.
Whlle archlvlng pasL AdvocaLe pro[ecLs and evenLs, lL became clear LhaL lnLegraLlng [usL Lhls
lnformaLlon lnLo Lhe webslLe was noL enough, we Lhen began worklng on Lhe enLlre archlve of
Space lronLler loundaLlon as a whole, whlch delayed Lhe AdvocaLes 2.0 rollouL, buL ls of greaL
lmporLance, and seems Lo be well worLh Lhe delay.
1he AdvocaLes lacebook page ls worklng as planned, and has grown Lo 117 members.
lnLegraLlon of Lhls capablllLy lnLo Lhe greaLer AdvocaLes communlcaLlons sLraLegy ls one of Lhe
maln focuses now.
Lmall communlcaLlon beLween loundaLlon AdvocaLes vla Lhe Coogle ulscusslon llsL seems Lo be
worklng well. Whenever an AdvocaLe changes [obs or geLs a new emall address, Lhey are
sendlng us Lhe updaLes and we're keeplng Lhe daLa currenL. lL seems Lo be worklng, and we
haven'L heard any complalnLs or lssues ln qulLe a whlle.
AfLer a hlaLus of 3-10 years, physlcal malllngs were re-lnLroduced Lwlce Lhls year-one Lo lnvlLe
AdvocaLes Lo Lhe Annual MeeLlng aL newSpace 2012, and a second Lhank you" glfL malled
durlng Lhe uecember holldays along wlLh a hollday card. 1hese were well-recelved, and are
planned agaln for 2013.
6 new AdvocaLes were plnned aL Lhe 2012 Awards Cala-8en[amln PlgglnboLham, Carlann
PlgglnboLham, Carol lnchefsky, AC Charanla, Mlchael Zwach, and eLer Pomer.
2012-2013 AdvocaLe uues Campalgn 8esulLs: 1oLal AdvocaLes prlor Lo 2012 plnnlng: 231. 1oLal #
LhaL pald dues: 70 (30.3 of LoLal AdvocaLes). uurlng Lhe collecLlon perlod, a llsL of Lhe mosL
common negaLlve responses were collecLed and addressed durlng a recenL 8oard meeLlng, and
Lhe underlylng lssues are ln Lhe process of belng addressed, hopefully resulLlng ln beLLer resulLs
ln Lhe fuLure.

1op Coals for 2013:
ConLlnue Lo lLeraLe AdvocaLes 2.0 plan & conLlnue Lo lmplemenL lL.
CompleLe Lhe new Space lronLler loundaLlon webslLe archlves.
ConLlnue Lo address Lhe underlylng lssues presenLed durlng 2012 dues campalgn.

1he goal of Lhe llnance process and Lhe 1reasurer's 8eporL ls Lo
revlew and reporL on Lhe flnanclal sLaLus of Lhe loundaLlon and
lncrease Lhe flnanclal llLeracy of Lhe loundaLlon's flnanclals. lL
lncludes Lhe llnanclal SysLem CommlLLee whose goal has been Lo
revlew and deslgn lmprovemenLs Lo Lhe loundaLlon's flnanclal
sysLems and accounLlng procedures.

2012 AcLlvlLy Summary:
ln Lhe area of flnanclal sysLems, Lhls pasL year we assessed procedures for everyLhlng from
lnvolce submlsslon Lo expense Lracklng. 1he cash flow requlremenL for loundaLlon pro[ecLs
was conLlnued and lL promoLed proper cash managemenL. L-1apesLry, Lhe donor managemenL
sysLem LhaL wenL llve ln 2011, was lnLegraLed wlLh Culck8ooks for beLLer reporLlng accuracy.
lor overslghL and flnanclal processes, a flnanclal overslghL componenL was added Lo Lhe board
meeLlngs Lhrough Lhe 1reasurer's 8eporL. 1he purpose of Lhls new reporL ls Lo lncrease
flnanclal llLeracy among leadershlp of Lhe loundaLlon. 1hls perlodlc reporL assesses Lhe
flnanclal performance of Lhe foundaLlon and hlghllghLs key flnanclal noLes.
1he overall flnanclal sLaLus of Lhe loundaLlon ls sound. ln 2012, on an unaudlLed cash basls, Lhe
loundaLlon's pro[ecL and non-pro[ecL acLlvlLles showed a neL lncome of $23 Lhousand, mosL of
whlch was lncome recelved early for 2013. 1he loundaLlon recelved unresLrlcLed donaLlons
and parLnershlp donaLlon drlves amounLlng Lo over $44 Lhousand, used Lo cover common
expenses lncluded Lhe LxecuLlve ulrecLor and 8ookkeeper salarles.
1he newSpace 2012 Conference pro[ecL neLLed more Lhan $12 Lhousand ln neL lncome for Lhe
loundaLlon. 1hls annual conference surpassed a LoLal aLLendance of 300 lndlvlduals over Lhe
Lhree days of Lhe venue. 1he venue also hosLed lLs flrsL conLlngenL of lncomlng college sLudenL
vlslLors and Lhelr professors from Lhe ParLnell College as Lhey consldered careers ln S1LM.
lor Lhe 8uslness lan CompeLlLlon, Lhe largesL prlze purse ln Lhe hlsLory of Space lronLler
loundaLlon was pald ouL ln 2012-a LoLal of $110 Lhousand ln Lwo prlzes. AddlLlonal cosLs of
$43 Lhousand were lncurred Lo faclllLaLe Lhls compeLlLlon, neLLlng a $17 Lhousand balance due
Lo 2013 prepaymenL of sponsorshlp lncome.
1he 1eachers ln Space pro[ecL ralsed $28 Lhousand ln lndlvldual donaLlon funds and bllled
anoLher $130 Lhousand ln acLlvlLles agalnsL Lhe k-12 1eachers ln Space granL. Lnd of year granL
bllllng was made Lo cover unrelmbursed program expenses. ManagemenL cosLs for Lhe
1eachers ln Space pro[ecL amounLed Lo $70 Lhousand of Lhe pro[ecL cosLs.


!ames Muncy
8lck 1umllnson
8ob Werb

8ob Werb, Chalrman
Wllllam WaLson, vlce-Chalrman
Marlmlkel Charrler
8oberL !acobson
Llz kennlck
8yan Mcllnko
1homas Andrew Clson
!ames ura
8oberL LancasLer

!onaLhan Card LxecuLlve ulrecLor
My-Llnh 1ruong CorporaLe SecreLary
aul luller 1reasurer
Marlmlkel Charrler CommunlcaLlons ulrecLor
8rook ManLla Cfflce AdmlnlsLraLor

Llz kennlck 1eachers ln Space
!ames 1umber newSpace news
8yan McLlnko newSpace Conference
1homas Andrew Clson 8uslness lan CompeLlLlon
Sara Meschberger SLudenL newSpace 8uslness lan CompeLlLlon
Aaron CesLerle ollLlcal SLraLegy & AcLlon
Marlmlkel Charrler & !onaLhan Card CommunlcaLlons
!ames ura AdvocaLes 2.0
aul luller llnanclal SysLem CommlLLee
8rlan ?oung WebslLe

ConLacL us aL lnfo[

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