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Date 25/06/2014

Dr Sasidharan Sreedharan,
Vidya Academy of Science and Technology,
Thalakottkara !"#, Thrissr"
Scientific #fficer
Sasthra 'ha(an !attom ! #, Thir(anantha)ram"

S*+ Project Completion Regarding
,ef+ Project: - ETP/01/2010/KSCSTE
Dear -s" 'in.a Thomas -" Tech"
The a*o(e referenced )ro.ect has *een com)leted" /ns)ection, financial adit and reim*rsement ha(e *een
finali0ed" A smmary of the Docmentation, inclding final co)ies of the Project Completion Report, Statement of
Expenditure, tili!ation Certificate and "##et Tran#fer Certificate, are enclosed"
/ here*y re1est closeot of this )ro.ect and certify that+ the )ro.ect 2as com)leted in accordance 2ith $S%ST&
reglations3 all re)orted costs 2ere incrred in the )erformance of eligi*le 2ork3 2ork 2as com)leted in com)liance
2ith the )ro(isions of the $S%ST&4State Agreement3 )ayments for the )ro.ect 2ere made in accordance 2ith the
e5isting re1irements of initial )ro.ect )ro)osal3 no frther re1ests for fnding on this )ro.ect 2ill *e made3 and there
are no )ending *ills"
6rther, 2e attest that all financial records co(ered *y this closeot re1est 7checks, 2arrants, in(oices, in4kind
e5)ense re)orts, etc"8 2ill *e retained and made a(aila*le for /ns)ection and Adit )er the 9o(ernment of /ndia
,eglations and la2s"
After the enclosed information has *een re(ie2ed, shold yo re1ire frther information concerning this )ro.ect
closeot, )lease contact Dr Sasidharen Sreedharan 7sasiait:gmail"com8"
Sincerely yors,
Dr Sasidharen Sreedharan,
!rinci)al /n(estigator
Project Completion Report
Statement of Expenditure
Utilization Certificate
Assets Transfer Certificate

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