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Dominance-Isolation Subscale

The dominance-isolation subscale measures behaviors related to isolation from resources, demands for
subservience, and rigid observances of traditional sex roles.

Sum responses to the following items to obtain the dominance-isolation subscale score:

Item # PMWI Female PMWI Male
1 My partner put down my physical
I put down my partner's physical
5 My partner told me I couldn't manage or
take care of myself without him.
I told my partner she couldn't manage or
take care of herself without me.
7 My partner criticized the way I took care of
the house.
I criticized the way my partner took care of
the house.
21 My partner became upset if dinner,
housework, or laundry was not done when
he thought it should be.
I became upset if dinner, housework, or
laundry was not done when I thought it
should be.
22 My partner acted like I was his personal
I acted like my partner was my personal
25 My partner ordered me around. I ordered my partner around.
26 My partner monitored my time and made
me account for my whereabouts.
I monitored my partner's time and made her
account for her whereabouts.
27 My partner was stingy in giving me money
to run our home.
I was stingy in giving my partner money to
run our home.
28 My partner acted irresponsibly with our
financial resources.
I acted irresponsibly with our financial
30 My partner used our money or made
important financial decisions without
talking to me about it.
I used our money or made important
financial decisions without consulting my
31 My partner kept me from getting medical
care that I needed.
I kept my partner from getting medical care
that she needed.
32 My partner was jealous or suspicious of my
I was jealous or suspicious of my partner's
33 My partner was jealous of other men. I was jealous of my partner talking to other
34 My partner did not want me to go to school
or other self-improvement activities.
I did not want my partner to go to school or
other self-improvement activities.
35 My partner did not want me to socialize
with my female friends.
I did not want my partner to socialize with
female friends.
36 My partner accused me of having an affair
with another man.
I accused my partner of having an affair
with another man.
38 My partner tried to keep me from seeing or
talking to my family.
I tried to keep my partner from seeing or
talking to her family.
39 My partner interfered in my relationships
with other family members.
I interfered in my partner's relationships
with other family members.
40 My partner tried to keep my from doing
things to help myself.
I tried to keep my partner from doing things
to help herself.
41 My partner restricted my use of the car. I restricted my partner's use of the car.
42 My partner restricted my use of the
I restricted my partner's use of the
43 My partner did not allow me to leave the
I did not allow my partner to go out of the
house when she wanted to.
44 My partner did not allow me to work. I refused to let my partner work outside of
Item # PMWI Female PMWI Male
the home.
47 My partner tried to turn my family against
I tried to turn our family, friends, or
children against my partner.
52 My partner tried to convince me I was
I tried to convince my partner's friends,
family or children that she was crazy.
55 My partner threatened to have an affair. I threatened to have an affair with someone

Emotional-Verbal Subscale

The emotional-verbal subscale measures behaviors related to verbal attacks, attempts to demean the partner,
and withholding emotional resources.

Sum responses to the following items to obtain the emotional-verbal subscale score:

Item # PMWI Female PMWI Male
2 My partner insulted me or shamed me in
front of others.
I insulted my partner or shamed her in front
of others.
3 My partner treated me like I was stupid. I treated my partner like she was stupid.
4 My partner was insensitive to my feelings. I was insensitive to my partner's feelings.
8 My partner said something to spite me. I said something to spite my partner.
9 My partner brought up something from the
past to hurt me.
I brought up something from the past to
hurt my partner.
10 My partner called me names. I called my partner names.
11 My partner swore at me. I swore at my partner.
12 My partner yelled and screamed at me. I yelled and screamed at my partner.
13 My partner treated me like an inferior. I treated my partner like an inferior.
14 My partner sulked or refused to talk about a
I sulked or refused to talk about a problem.
15 My partner stomped out of the house or
yard during a disagreement.
I stomped out of the house or yard during a
disagreement with my partner.
16 My partner gave me the silent treatment or
acted like I wasn't there.
I gave my partner the silent treatment or
acted as if she wasn't there.
17 My partner withheld affection from me. I withheld affection from my partner.
18 My partner did not let me talk about my
I did not let my partner talk about her
19 My partner was insensitive to my sexual
needs and desires.
I was insensitive to my partner's sexual
needs and desires.
20 My partner demanded obedience to his
I demanded that my partner cater to my
45 My partner told me my feelings were
irrational or crazy.
I told my partner that her feelings were
irrational or crazy.
46 My partner blamed me for his problems. I blamed my partner for my problems.
48 My partner blamed me for causing his
violent behavior.
I blamed my partner for causing my violent
49 My partner tried to make me feel crazy. I tried to make my partner feel crazy.
50 My partners moods changed radically. My moods changed radically, from very
calm to very angry, or vice versa.
51 My partner blamed me when he was upset. I blamed my partner when I was upset
about something, even when it had nothing
to do with my partner.

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