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P Merchant Story
\ a\ .No. i J.
"Good people, whose passion for their bodies has been washed
off with the water of .:ompassion, abandon even (these) wretched bodies
as they would dry grass, to extinguish the flaming misfortunes of the
world: but those whose minds cling, do not."
It is in illustration of this thematic statement that the story of a
sea-faring merchant, the Sarthavaha-jataka, is related. This Jataa i
second tale occurring on folios 14a .. 22a of the so-alld Avadanasarasa
muccaya (Ms. Add. 1598) presrved in the Cambridge _ Unive

sty ibr

The story is also found on folios 171a-176a of the Jarakamalavadanasutra
(Ms. No. 139) kept in the Tokyo University Library.) _ The
of this text indicates that it is the thirty-sixth story of a Jatakamala. It IS
similarly described as the thirty-sixth story in the colophonS of the text
contained on folios 199b-205b of a manuscript kept in the Ryukoku
University in japan, reference to which is made by AriYOi Sanada in
Orani tanken raishorai: Bonbun burten shiryo (results of the Otant expedi
tion: Materials for Buddhist lite.rature in the Sanskrit language)6. The
Jatabmalaprakriya of the National Archives, Kathmandu, filmed as B 9713
under the German-Nepales manuscript preservation project, contains
the Sarthavaha-jiraka described again as a thirty-sixth story,) on folios
91b-94a.s The text of the story contained in thes four manuscripts
hereafter referred to as A, B, C, and D respectively, is the same except
for a few variants. Written in a mixture of ornate prose and verse, tbe
1. j0:0ttrn0nt0 ;Gf)0kqnj Gp
tj00! 1onIo n0 el ln0mo0:g

0G p0. t

00no]010n0r (dfth0v0m ~0Ok0 v1. I)


d 11 L0I0o 0/ tl vddh:1t 0n1kYit N0nvr[I! `n thr n:~r1I] L 9r0:(,
(ii Igc: Cambridge 18)8. pp 134 - 5; cOda!\ i5t1thc Btaa B1 the fitst ta1 hcc
\t wa !:t1ar1ynoted uOdct sto1yOo. 1 n 8 bticf su

aty of t. he.contennof t h:! 1.

\O hcvGd00:o\010mcoy0 Jy Racna !aOdu1ukaOdc 10 td: I
n ^do7::G

0nG LvIIvr0l Volume I. cdtcd by cta\a R.m.!. Jgt 1972. Io1:o No I3 ctaOg
thcco1o|hoD o1 the preceding !to1y, thc :pt:nc00q:00 aOd thc cg DODof thc
0rh!+OhG -Dt00 wa8


g \n thcauu!c1|t. Consequendy thc \t5t !to1y o the

collection Cou1d not b tdcOtt\cd.
3. 5 IatsuOa, L0t0!or oj thc OGn:kf:t N0nv:cfpI tn lh6

rs_y L;9f _

Tkyo 1965 pp 58.229. N0t!uO0D gIVc1 a wrong nac. :t Gvu G -I"W 0. In ..

cOuct9t|oD o thc tt1c8of thc co\\cct1oO oO|. 229
rrotok0moojG ofIh0vo0jgto0m :Gttrp0]t0m0+

4. 1[1 t
' .
5. rt .(rhuvoh0jq:00m 10tr:m1GO0m0m
6. Lhuo0ji0 od0o 91tkn. ik: 900 Krnjt do:yn [)\tct9tu1c oO the Central
P)aO 1angagc$ o1 thc oid gc8 k: ;t grt0nn '0 Lvtu:} Nt. 4. 1961
7. t1 Oij:!Gk0mttoom nrth0vhd)ot0k0m

0It0tn0m :0mn[tG
d. h0 V1|a\t! ro th\! maus0\I[t were scOt to c by 1o

Nchac1 !ah:
SZi"daC';d'a-ji!alw cOnt.lins sixty-one verses. A fully metrkal vers[on
of tbe ,tory Occurs cn folios 21a-27a of tbe mlabhadrcit'adanarr,lia (M,.
No. 429) kept in the Tokyo University Library.9 This version, the
Sar!.aviiiajanmavaJinapa'il'mra conSisting of 164 verses, referred to as E
in thi3 p'.lpa, forals the fourth chapter of the al'adanamali. Here, tbe
Siaha:'"ha story is presented us being relacd by tbe Elder Upagupta to
King Asob. Vrscs 2-59 of the Sirrhat'uhct tet of A, B, C and Dare
quoted in E. the amdi:"amilCl tet. Te v.riant readings of E differ
notably from those of A, E, C and D. The author of tbe text is not
named 'r :ny of the manuscripts. Ti,e possibi l i ty of Gopadatta. author
of [he s./tClb<milii,Z,vaZira. bein" the author of this legend as wdl bas
been suggsted by Michael Hahn in
bis paper onHaribhoH, and Gopa!otta.
two uthors in thl Scession of Aryosura (Srvdia Phi!ologica B"ddhioa,
O;c.:sionni f;ljcr Scris I Tokyo, The Reiyubi Library 1977, p. 16).
The (ull text of the Sarrhal'ii1a-j(j'aka is currently being prepared by
the pres';nt writer to form a part of a proposed edition and un English
translation of the first five stories of the AvadanasarasimHccaya. The
Sambradr;'acanamala version will be appended to this edition. Tbe
foll abstrac[ of the Sarhac;ha story is based on this editioll.l
'Though the Blessed One, as a bodhisattva, had, furthermore, the
POW<f to octi'att the splendour of wealth by merely wishing for it, because
of tile equipment of merit be bad accumulated, and was endowed witb
meaI'.s of abundant wealth, (He) went :0 the great o.ean, accomparlitd
by "o):ging merchants travdling in greemenr, with the sole intention of
ffodi.g protection from distress to tbose who bad taken to the seas.ll
Thw the mercbants gradually emred the ocean, whicb bad long
rows of crevices, fearful with croondiles. and :10 edge bright with foam,
scattered on account of its shdtcr bcin. shaken by the tide11. In a
moment, "'hether because of their deeds dredf ul at their ripenin" or as
the (curse of n.ture IVculd b:ve it. [be sea ce(me even more .iolenr
tbn it -ould during the age of dcstruc:ion, sei,ing their hearts (with
9. 1uO1\. 0i>. ic. pp l5!, 236
10. .:\y thanks are du to 1o1:sso1s_. Y!. c. Julg. ;;<!ac| 1hO Jnd hqO|Oi L|czcx;c
Io1 >u_gsJ\oOs tcuI|O] to thc ttt C.od t:aDs0tioD -otcC |O l h$ att6J:
I I. (ai::::[l rUh..0 ki0 L,jICJ(4V:. n . !'lnlltt(lircplfna unt.Gt0, hi.,nn t:c-
nid:ovs1:n,:t0I\00nit [r0b..:|::oj..aun 'pi :J rvc'om udad/liga:n
:':d t].:nlcri;:(r -(; l" !(kC{PJ::(i'''ttiI

\::a t.|:.:Q0;:

t0 JIlCl/,wrm 0iii Urc.:r.sam

12. ..:t:, {:1 `i rc)ajZ:I\ :1il[hull{i1:'
::ilUnr;ich ;;.1::t0t::[ 0:.0I::DJ\
tc lu:oJ0 0hnat i;; ra ?!l C;1
:i:..nto` . 1J


ttt '.::1:i (l. - )

Si.: E. LL gGmbi lefH :dH::g i7 A


'0 / ~1L!1 L`
fright).1l Seein.f tht CCLC vicr swallowed as it were the sky along
with the sun the moon nd th 5CT5 with its waves as high o mountains,
cleft asunoer by the force of trc winds, thC, one :nd all, miserable at
heart, were full of anxiety inOeed bcc2Lse of the dnger to thei r llves.14
Th"ir faces bereft of lustre. they paid obeisance to the Uodhsq(rtq, as they
went dcep inro the oceon, whkh was fearful, affording no protection .'s
Lcckt \: t the [onni:o::.o, they spoke to rIm in thi, md nner stamme.
ring in a sad voice.16 "You are our r,\tc from misIc:vnc. Ic:ccc
Mo,t Honourable Onc, :avc us, who lie in the belly of Death, from
da:cr, like a father showing cCf'passion iC hi: sons. `` It is not right
to delay now, L Lord. This sh;p be0ten b rhe warer will crumble to
pieces. L Heroic One, these large fish, their eyes S red 8S poli shed gun
rcuits, dart to and fro on all sides."ls
Then trut Grcat Bcng spoke, consoling those friend.'9 "Oceans
do not live with tc ded. This indeed is ever known or them. rcr-
fore. D7\ vou bocd ,irs cross trc oce"n. so hrd to cross, taking recourse
to my d:d bccy20
l do lOOt ,,!e this body to goin virtue of this sorr,
. IC!':::n:.lh: \, ...--.....!.-
Sl'cf,htla(o :ntuni cfh b(:n('nlt
pr)7:.bJ((no i\

J(tyni :

i.I\+J:iLI(:u:1I01u:D `uhv (v:. );
. :n1JCiIvUh:.I ....tu;:.: |:1.:[|_Ir
n.1'tD : lC ni.('.!tL . . : ,;,,:,:+.!::+:c|:.n3r(.!

:(I:t i+:c.!:n c:cq)j,) P'r
:lS:': .:/tc.dofl-:;:l
l_tt : 1. cu!:J+

i . .|
.`..d!.:r:^n) iz :.:,.nCbim{\

ir.t(. ,l'"(1.;lJbh(i !odhi5(l[Cnt

]-n_ - (. ,.I)
C icy u.t .:;,:dr.r.J:i;:d": 1f/.!j
; toJJih;11\.
!\ .:+nuoiIc+I:i:c

( Ie .')
17 .l'O pULZ:n :n.lh mrc.l::;:tCS
; n0 bh.'n rnrC)l(' 'I;'Olt;':5dl{':1
mo:.),:;m, t C ` . ' 'J:.:.!.t+
;,.n -.,! (..c. "pcd:'Ctbh'(1 ( :;
) on!.tm - :.. n.: _.,,..c `0.::.
birya:e -cn ..-:.-..
,nu-.rt,tI:r.| \;j:e,::-:,'"w:o ,:,l
.`iJcn:j;'.1 krrfo - |u!- ()
;9 Ath1 ( tn)(IJ. . : :h(IY11 ..\tI.:n o;,;);
,- mrr,l\('. sJ` J::.".,
? n :1tI\ tn../
rL":$iJhi" r\0 . . In `1. : s:
c:D "'t1I::(;,;r),.: t.i |:\l..,n
I.l:'.'l:j '.:IIC 'Ir.!ln:..ihin.1 S;:dl1'C::

(\ S :c)
"1Y ttttDm ! c:.
which yields incomparable happiness, of what use is this orcass. h'lnned
and feeble, so like a bubble n thc oecoa wbirled by the wind?"21
Then those people worshippt'd thot Gre"t Be:ng vi al thtir
limbs (laid prostrate) embraCing his feet, and spoke as follows 'lI of
uS would readily go to dath right her in thc grcat ocen but we atc
unabk to do this ignoble deed (of letti nz you die).l) rat :s tc use c,f
wealth or l ife here, seeing the destruction of an excellent friend like t i,
very rore to find? hereforc, L Strong-minded One. refrain from this
Then the ou:suuo spoke 05 foll ows .acifyin trc;c rcncs . ., ;f
sprinkling them with the .mbrosial waters cf cOra5sion n::cd with
contentment.IS "If you have ar |ce' ing of lultless fr:end:h. rn
afection towards \C then it s not right tht ycu sirs hould obstu:
an act Ot vittue that has fam' as its ornamenc.'6 If L do not rescue you
from this ocean so hard to cro;s, how cn \ :oc the world from the oecln
of 3G`J5T.T (existence)?l? After using my body to brin about the ha; (ine!s
of protecting you sirs, shall certainly pin a body of virtue, which
cannot bc broken asunder, cut up or carried away, impcrd"ble, unscarred
] cv.\u:d!c ;c.di rc |. ;o -. pr:t)'ok'
pu:t):g.1mt nirllpcm.t n.1 i.Iirnu0ondh:
io ::!o n\1n. p('..ih
f[l\a hrcv;rell(
l-:(:'hl1tamtHni.:h jb:{(lbu'du+,"dzne."" (s. !7)
mS!. 'Jhvurvud '
1! hO tc ,... . . t.-. rnh1tuun pnJ`.;oh
SitTp.isv.l ',- pmnam',l ca 1c:,.),u: i (,v:an.
21 k:'Inu," n1dt\m.U:u1uc| );:xu uyo_m lO(hoJe.dhc.u
:i10 n.I tt ;yumC k::.utn -:cd y.!. (s _:)
ABC k:m.':' mr.1iv. ndnono 0:v. .\.: r(hod:J"cu
l1 vu1dho!

: \)a' d? c.'ii
whrdvi.s;chy.l sa.iuriabh()'a
.j.11r dh(n,1if \ ki^ \u:\ k'}C
:.t :.hd a-c !'o..i: (. ,|)
/0 1:iO bOJD:vC:t:

h :c'1:incjc|\1 tn aJ,;:y,d.;Cn
C,,kalnpam:lOv:ribhi]1 +\Jn 1v0 tpiu!:tnc|1: :y abTcf"it.
.- iclth(fd'vi;rcmbha(\irr.Ja'a \0
)(.ly ()(j kLi cin :7('i c:I0u

na k(TluTn ClrhClnci tt:IO DhCu:|nI0
dhi"ma'.'l krc):uh'\f(t

C:'( vIhnc| |V
!7 t. nabh)udd,\1'iy'aml 'u;mjn n1inod dLlfUrr,'lfU(
kcuhCm lu(ra)i.
"ami loka
n sorcgc:t (:. ++)
- r

J2 1 N\t1 JL14
and unsurpassed.23 oirs, setting aside confusion, l ay hold of my Jead
body, a you would a raft: clinging to one another arrive at s,ot in
(any) di reCt i on kd by the speed of the water or by the wind; support;ng
y ourselves with leaves, roots, frui\5, water and such like, unfailing in your
friendship towards one another, depending on detds one by yourselves,
and contemplating the nature of the wodd, await the result of your
actions." The Bodhisatrt'a spoke thus and remained closely attentive for
a moment.29
Though restrained by a hundred friends, with tears streaming from
the corners of thei r eyes, the Righteous One gave up Conccrn for hi: own
body, distressed as he was by the misfortu!\(s of the pcople.'o
The Bodhisattm, the Gre<t Being, strmgthened his vow to (;ch.cvc)
peace for all beings, in thi5 manner.)\
'Nay , through this virtuous dted, rescue all helple3s beings
immersed in the ocean of eXistence which has delusion as it: whirpool,
death B5 3 5LB monster, conCeit as the stones in it desire "s its water,
and anger "s a creep:ng serpent, which is turbi d with passi on, and is
shaken by the wind of sorrow."12
Having thus made an unshakable vow, he whose mind was as firm
as iron, gBve up concern f or his own body, though it had ceen acquired
through hundred good deeds, and delighted in mind, }c >pht open his
&^ Oh0vCt.1:t.i

1tt:je 1u \Od
n+JO)(0 u]1


^Ud(c:n uccroum c:hu\n ovy,

\ dh(ITlT!C1!c.rj-om o\iJ

(. ,;)
:.!. ;+niCn ""L `U0m0m

I.'.tku 1tIft\'\`v'nu ]fn0 0tnt: pjU,_.;ru .!:t'm ;c:-.:

i7f0mut'\t1c'|u'OdJlf (toj;ltCh C:O;Qu:"cm ;;,),:nt.\:thr0:i 1:H'(IJ:"H'('
lcotiv.1:::ntO o`:,'0Ol`uv7m t1v:amu\\u v:n|(t'0...tqo::::c)nr:h

ogi,otc| t tU0 |OTulIvO mhttt:m t._r,=JnO Ju:

o : :t:Ir1I :t+l\
1,\nbt.1 ijotd:ulOCJnui\tC.


jm u


inyo O:t|jo:uno[t:ptJ jv1 4}

-111.1, :Ddh!
OJtt\tv0 ': nmh)ttOvu t: +und!D tt0h[m!t:,; :t:
.(cflul)e io1\l1iit tlllhm.
m0'ivttft tu1:1nnt:

::: m:+nr:C'


'tot in.:d.\\ot!:tS k:O. 1!C:u

mn 0:r:m h;tio!,nidh.1! auC1OtoOd::C


, t:mDa Or1m r.;lTG,nCl, \

t1nt!m :lCcornOlyc:m (:. 1)
own belly with 0 knife, n ordtr to resCue living beings, his heart perturbed
by their pains and sorro's.l Then werc beard the ousp;Ci ous words of
the gods, the vd)0dnoc: the o!:u and the rksasas as follows. "Hi;
beautiful and charm:ng body, full of virtue, is destroyed.")'
That body of ihai Lord, pleasing though bereft of life, lovely I
colour I^ rolished gold, lay radiant as though held with delight by the
goddes, of fortune,;S Thn they, the corers of whose eyes were red
through the sOO:n of tears, dung to his body as the,! would to a raft,
and by taking resort to the tr ength of hi> vow ale, crosse d that Ot^an
with its circles of wavc sruCk by the claw of sea-monsle,5.,6
Thus Od tht Ilessd !nc, whose pure thoughIs \'ere filled wih
compasioll, do what was vtry hard to be done, for cl-.e wel!-bcin,{ of the
world. Therefore, make your minds serene with regard to h:m, th
kinsmon c: the world, the victorious or-e, the l:nique hero, engaged in
hcping o!\ bei ngs.'
The 5crrl\ol'cho story outlined above dcerws comparison with the
story 5aid to have bccr related by the Blessed OrlC with reference \O the
five Bh3draV?rgikal Bhadravar giya monks (Panckinm bhadrat'argiak(lnam,
crckd1 l ccorded in he ",1"hal'scl! /::J,,,` the nre 1TCOT of wh!h
is as f

lIo\s. The monks spoke to the Blcscd One and made a statement
)). 't . .n :t\ |:0ndn ::ct' m v|..`..s.,;- .!
|:r.:t2!.1h ....a-.`::o;..:- \ )v::!ehe
ni.: ;i ;S:! -:

p;.mH J:Um[:;,.;1/,1 i-I0.\ .C l.ul;,u

, O)xivt:tut,0 [rt



: [( jj)
~" /`.\ ,,,uc.-e g ' h


IC 'C:ulhu xo:>-c


t: .t:munO:*cstI;Ch
[:1.|.: t1q :mopc;("IL;Lit:h \_J
/a!..iI1L\;t m.nh(,;,


t1 nrs . Crtc. ... nu \

S .
i.\:it:!r1|; \[.m c] rt:.rtnnGn
^+, (\ r;(( ,., ,+ n ::,u t >1
.:1n':iC ?t..i :: t l I0cc|:t:um
tt>[:nrt.v.+ U:J.|Gni7nc1t
u; nl 1 m o

-.:rJ .\00-


.0!}c:.t jH0+Ih:bJ{i :;t5ot !2I:Ut0 m Cv. _V1
tJ :1t,m t,:

:txt1.n l:tcC(IIZ:n .... 0hIl1]

'(' ..: ,.|c: ... t-,,..,,-o = 0dh(ti ;'
],:0:.tto tu:xct iunonn oIo j{;g(.db(ndhct
,:.,t 0.1ctno:J0rt\Gr0n:+J(1r n (.s. D3

Q' \t C t 5<t uccC|puDc O lDt:\O\-
L. Md/tul:GH!t. c:c Cut:>ct) U 1
C pr

+ r0O r. ,
] ^1 CcC 7\` '1
CtO c\ O\O DDW*D!0\1f, [i1 ^D`\+ CDc ItOi5icU<. arLS
l ```
obviously in dmi ration aOOu: tbe ` d f

b !
. IDc: cOl 0 `$ re ' f`
..c ravo:g:ya !CO! wh f 'l
= u tne IV"

_ 0 Wc1c 0, owers of

cDcc (:or:CrJ' ul:U establishino the

crct:cs rom the C08D C1

he Blessed \FC s U h_
-D D In tc safe land (k!rmCstC!o} of
al t dt It W08 not l h h
t 1e !vc OaC:?v0:_a m k b h
CD y t cn t at Dt :t>CucC
`3U ac:!iccd himself and sov U h !
n a [rcvOu> occastCD too, he
CD. s, ut t at 0 -

4+ e t em rom |Ct1 C U

w.entheywrchcl'-" ss
roYne U1 the ocean
> , ,t lCIt s 10 Ctu wr Id
v:c curicus to hear of that ot" -
ec <- at sea. As the mor,ks
past story
11er i8I0Fcc 1D0 Blessed One rea1ed \0
n 1Dc pest, som :nerchants WC1

:0 "Jrn wealch Dg
out to t
nc g1et Cc0RD 1y 8
Q p, attac oed by f-
wreckd_ The merchonts s a f
monstrous Ish (nJ:JJ} W88
W D or sottime Th t
near t 0 l 0aUer, who hims \t k
. ere were |vc n:c:cDant
.L occurree to the 0U01 II\:
5 cg|;D
afloat by swimming. However
y wou. not 10 01c t h
m t .t m^r

cr. rc rc0 `td t-h t d h

0 cro>s t e ocean
.0 eat was i1 t
j .,en, :ec+: n_ uD old $0y1Og l!0t'1D d
::0Dl or a of them_
de:d bod,/

cean oes
spend a ni ght W|
D a
_ tiJ JJn:: :o nrOk ] d
:Jt:.oso:., he dcd to S" h

"na cJ ': (n tui+im nC

mc asCU the five l:1tc"Dl

: . imst
1f and save tDt fivt mtrcDOt>
w:lh a knife w' !0
-. O
t n
to is body, and thcn he cul D|8 neck
, = .= appcne-- to aVe wI' h'm d b
, e me,chants la"inn hold of - h d
a I
r.c aea ocy, with
) 0 It. 1c0c e the <hore -n lD
n_ t. he grc:t eartn trembl U h-

I 0 cCu18c ot the
c dctJ, ,,_

0s 8!U
at t
me 8DU there W88 8 bi
g noise
C J _ t e Lsuras 1 U `
happening in th< great ('cean. The de-
tnui rt es as to what

105CFUc Dy rc]C1!1!g'h U
..y presiU
ng over the great ocean

L e !D: ent and excla- ,- h h '

ocrs o tht wh'd' U'
. in.Hg J 0l t e L0J\:sJuvJ:
' . ,s [tdcu t to be done a L

bell-;gs' /
'|:t:`tiJ c
Ddh1:J!ltn h}
_ r
enl upon helping 0l1
- .(Ho:JvonJn or:y:chopfvr:te.)
The O1

J8c ;ction of th ` n

, e I a U'-al v h b
C1.C70U 1y 0 ser Ot !\
' t i;g t e 8 ove accou nt is
, I tetn verses b - h
5\C1y ends with the Ble<sed On -d
c81Dg t e samc conttnl. TDe
c i cD1: y:D? t1e d \ h
a_s !DI8\ :md the t:vt t:cD
ea 0t 0 t e Derchanl5
g:R mon.:.
8tJ8, YDC Vv10 $8V0U, a8 the tvt DU10Va1-
Rajendraiala ` lra
IVr8 a 5ynopss C! the
i a Danu;cr; pt cf te :o0\:tu /
_ 58Dc J0tJJ, as occuring
of P `
,a ana ept iD It A
- S -
enHa ,
~ u!'8,` WD__
rom the
_ _

'' CI0!y
e tttOn t u0Jlc1$ vf dew-I l l
\-erSlOn gIven In Senart5
I on.y- UClc ^:l16
"The .|D!8 0FQu.0U DCV 1l WM t
:tecedents, who ver0 th f I
hal the
five men Ot :t>tCtDlc
.e 0 owers of 1i:tn|: U
II is?osed to 11c LCU U
iJs 0D Vc1c thc refC1e
I " cree were so eas-I d
In .cation Ol very great
I Y conerte - t was an
. sagaCIty In the LoU that he made t1cD his
39- T!eSanItit HJi L::co:.-e oj Nep, Ra]endtaIa'a Mi"" CaIcutta 1382. p- I59

8t8uDcDc$1 C\ccD\8 first Ct al\. In oDe ot their previous existences,
they were cast i"to thc t8 tC_0t1t1 V1lD l\0 LC\C WDC wa5 the ca|1a\D
of the DO:cD!1U\^F. Dcy wert a\l Ho8t\ng on the 10yDg 8urge without
the faintest hopc ot being wa\ ted to )11 aFU. On n !uCCc1 lhey ourd
toc captain, whom l\cy 0\\ imploreU to 5RV0 1DcV. CQua\y Ci:tre$e
with lD0 1l, the captan ha|pened to rtmtmber an C!U 81Fg, that the
sea nevtr Urowns corpse. He F8I8Dly cCDDUfG lD0D lC 8y \0
hold of him, which !cy UU. )c drcw out 8 knife C |luF_cU it Ii
D8 L1c85l

With DI$ dead bcdy, t hey a! vt:c throvD upon the s}.ore_"
The most notable UtUe1cnce between the o0:hJ:0J-)0|JJ onC thc
(oI.:t: vcr:: is the nc

cnc of the nidcni<arha, thc incident leading

to the narration cf the to:y in thc former, t.C o course the consequent
ider,tific2tion of char_cte,s at the end of the story. The pointS of Cet8il
in whih the V1\CD of the Maha,-asta in Senatt's cC ton (), and that
\D the manuscipt, the content of VD|:D is rc|ortU 1y (\!1a ||J U1!01
VDD 1lctc5l u: in 1eation to the Sarr/;a,-Cha-Jacaka are 35 follows. 1)
The !c0C01 of 1D0 melch2nts decid( to save the mcrc!nt> en \8 own
accord in A, v\l< the t,erchat'.ts implore the s2Ut) to savc t\cm u B
as they do ID th, o0::hc::0nJ-)6!JJ as well (vss. 1i-1J. 2) The leader
of the mtcan\> cuts 8 neck with a kD1c in A (:0:huv6ncnJ :J:I:cnJ
:vcu!c:,y :kJ.\I0J WDt\0 he plunges his knife in hi. b\0ast D . h0
DCUc Ot k)i11Fg \D80\\ 8UCQlcU 1y the hero of our text, the `0tthov0l.J~
)0!J; is tD0 c s;litting his own Dc!\y w1D a ntc (53c: i\is|:i
Jmitd|Jmc|n0h pa:a)am oJ l:u'n:; Tht number of mtrch8Dls a"ed
is nowhere mntioned a$ \Ivt ! tDt :.:!mvJIJ)0:JkJ. A hundrCC,
presumably 8 fi gure given here to d0nole a !0re number, arc :eferred
to in verse 49. J is probable lU21 the orgina vcrsion of 1Dc \cgcDC
1:\c110U to D0F m0rcDants bein sa-ed by the L0d^i:Juo, 8DU 1!8l the
rtdactors of lc Aoh0o:t liuIteO the number to five to suit their
purpose in introducing the story in a pa1tiu 0r context

It D0 be noted DCc lD8l the J0n0d:00d0i0n0lU vLrsion of

the story 18C Oc5ctICt5 tDt cI:Cum>taOct ading to thc narration of lhc
story, which Csc\|tion is >u18J8DlI1\y the oame 88 th:t given in lDc
AJr0vJ,!:; vcrsior8 The Sambhadra.adCnamale presen tS the story in
the form of a dialogue belwen King sCa 8tU DI8 lc:cD0:, lD 11Ut1
Up0gu|1a. Pzon pays obeisance to Upagupta, 8I8108 !D01 1Dc uUUD0
c5t81l!8DcU lhe five ad:avargiya monks in the good doctrine leading
to enlightenment, even though they wele heretics DCC:tg 8c vieVs
and requests him to relatc the story for his benet (vss_ 1-6). The
Arhat Upagupta UCc\ares lD0l the Buddha had
indeed estab\.$hed D1c1c5
DCC\Fg 0\8c V\0V5 in the good doctrine even in thc |88l |V83. 1-8) and
proceeUs to narrate tDc :0+[hJu0hJ tory {vst. 9ft.). The identification
C\ ch8racters occurS in verse \1.
' ^ 0\LP 5TORY
Our sZrha ,' ah(l :rC:y i s referred to in the thirteenth stama of the
)aw(ws,av(! of )lana)as c:, a work consisting of twenty 5t anzas, thc text
of which has Lccn pr inr ed by . . Bai ley,O and an Engl i sh tra ml ati on
of wh.c, 210ng wi th the text has been publ ished subscquentl y by
. . Shackleton Bi l ey. '1 quot e Shackleton Bi lcys text and transl ati on
of the relevant stanza,
5a;nrambhat phan ina,( phanahar icaiCt bhimormi ma! 'a apam
palyl<r yan lna(,a [ral rchc|0ti l l i ic (Jnryasr ana, , (,C narah
j:mn0lc,u.c|octcic bl,[t 'D.,( li ,clnram a{;adi!l!5
r a: l,ama: is(l)Cna r na niklti ! ( l"al\ b!aiihlalt
"Because for love you brought the shipwrecked men to shor e by
the grCJt shi p th3t \'; 3S your body, out or r he cccan vich V> convul sed
by hosts of monsters, _0rlnded v rh dreadful waves, and s haken by t he
heod-blows of rh: hooded ones i n t hei r fu ry, therefor e by t hat pre
eni nert t karma a ll manki nd has become your consort . "
he Khctansc )tckc:|.|i c, belongi ng to thc ssne li terary t ype as
the Sanskri t but di ffer i ng I a:gclv in conecot ,1! al o makc reference to
r hcsar r havaha story. Story No. Za in t he Khotanese jarakasr a('(l rel ating
to ` t he shigvrrcckcd mcrc hants appears to be a paral l el to our st ory,
as > clear from t he strophes bearing numbers 9I and VZ i n the text,
Dresdn's Enli sh trnsl3tion of whi ch I quote here.`
"I n rhe ocean separated by
merchants were helpless, t:
vour life. They dung upon
mouneai n peaks, virh broken
compassi on for their sake, you
you and escaped to t he s hore.
shi p,
You feared lest t he merchants should peri sh in the wate r .
on thei r par t rcached rhci r homcs, a thei r pai ns vere di spe led .
went al one to the other world for t hei r ecuri ty. Therefore, 0
bei ng, homage to you and again homage. "
4 1 ,
-2 .

U. 1anduruIonde
T'e'oo|i::o aof 1-aas , ]. ' |i ey , J11 1 1 er i n of r ho School 0/ Ori enral
S, u' es. Vo! l , l 9J7 19, [. j. 35 \ . 859
h :c-oo.c of JncHa:(.sa, ), | lutK 0! Ut B<I !y , As ::c. Fest:c| l, l. e:l:c|
``''r, 1cI p:I 195', pp, 2230
! ? l cy o, c' r. , 851 I 0i Sc CtCt t he B\ddho'$ FCrmer Bi r ths. \!CCCC}I\ U ( Khotanc
e) text, Enli$h transbci on, Lt aUn0tI |8 Notes nJ g!ossades. M+tk . D:csden.
t0.3t i on2 ,j : le Ame i;an Philo)cphi.a! Soci e( :, cw e:ie, Vc : , \t 5
UI !aCc! phi a 2955
Dresden (i bi d. , 449,' n;ces that : c!cc Chi nese pU<l!el \s (0 be found i n CCC
`C 67 (1, 245-257)
. /

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