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Created By:
Nurul Wulandari
XI Science II
Social function Procedure: To help us do a task or make something They can be a set o!
instructions or directions
Text organization:
" #oals $ the !inal purpose o! doing the instruction%
& 'aterials $ ingredients( utensils( e)uipment to do the instructions%
* Steps $ a set o! instruction to achie+e the !inal purpose%
Language features :
,se o! imperati+e $ Cut--( .on/t mi0--%
,se o! action +erbs $turn( put%
,se o! connecti+es$!irst( then( !inally%
!a"e t#e !eat$alls
" kilo o! +ery !ine minced meat $pre!erably bee!%
& eggs
*11 grams o! tapioca2!lour
324 clo+es o! garlic
" red onion
" teaspoon o! 5hite pepper
& teaspoons o! salt
6irst o! all(mi0 garlic( red onion( salt( and 5hite pepper in a mortar or mi0er
Second step( mi0 the spice2mi0ture 5ith the eggs( the tapioca2!lour and the minced
7!ter that( use your !ingers( add a cup o! 5ater( and keep on 5orking until the mi0ture
!eels so!t and smooth
Then( boil some 5ater in a rather large pot( at least about & liters
Ne0t step( start rolling the mi0ture into small meatballs
6inally( lo5er the meatballs into the boiling 5ater When they !loat up to the sur!ace
the meatball are ready to ser+e
Social function recount: To tell the readers 5hat happened in the past through a se)uence o!
(eneric Structure of Recount:
" 8rientation $ 5ho 5ere in+ol+ed( 5hen and 5here 5as it happened%
& E+ents $ tell 5hat happened in a chronological order%
* 9e2orientation $ optional : closure o! e+ents%
Language features Recount:
,se o! pronouns and nouns $ .a+id( he( she%
,se o! action +erbs in past $5ent( studied%
,se o! past tense $ We 5ent !or a trip to the ;oo%
,se o! ad+erbial phrases
,se o! adjecti+es
)acation to London
'r 9ichard/s !amily 5as on +acation They are 'r and 'rs 9ichard 5ith t5o sons
They 5ent to <ondon They sa5 their tra+el agent and booked their tickets They 5ent to the
British Embassy to get +isas to enter Britain They had booked !ourteen days tour This
includes tra+el and accommodation They also included tours around <ondon
They boarded a large Boeing !light The !light 5as nearly !ourteen hours 8n the
plane the cabin cre5s 5ere +ery !riendly They ga+e them ne5s paper and maga;ine to read
They ga+e them !ood and drink There 5as a !ilm !or their entertainment They had a +ery
pleasant !light They slept part o! the 5ay
8n arri+al at =eathro5 7irport( they had to go to Customs and Immigration The
o!!icers 5ere pleasant They checked the document care!ully but their manners 5ere +ery
polite 'r 9ichard and his !amily collected their bags and 5ent to <ondon Welcome .esk
They arranged the trans!er to a hotel
The hotel 5as a 5ell2kno5n !our2star hotel The room had per!ect +ie5 o! the park
The room had its o5n bathroom and toilet Instead o! keys !or the room( they inserted a key2
card to open the door 8n the third !loor( there 5as a restaurant ser+ing 7sian and European
!ood They had +ariety o! !ood
The t5o 5eek in <ondon 5ent by !ast 7t the end o! the "32day( they 5ere )uite tired
but they !elt +ery happy
*. '+RR+T%)E
Social function narrati,e: To amuse or entertain the readers 5ith actual or imaginary
e0perience in di!!erent 5ays Narrati+e al5ays deals 5ith some problems 5hich lead to the
clima0 and then turn into a solution to the problem
(eneric Structure 'arrati,e:
" 8rientation $ 5ho 5as in+ol+ed( 5hen and 5here 5as it happened%
& Complication $ a problem arises and !ollo5ed by other problems%
* 9esolution $ pro+ide solution to the problem%
Language features 'arrati,e:
,se o! noun phrases $ a beauti!ul princess( a huge temple%
,se o! ad+erbial phrases o! time and place $ in the garden( t5o days ago%
,se o! simple past tense $ =e 5alked a5ay !rom the +illage%
,se o! action +erbs $ 5alked( slept%
,se o! adjecti+es phrases $ long black hair%
T#e Old -oman and T#e Sparro.
8nce upon a time( there li+ed a kind hearted man and his 5i!e 8ne morning( his 5i!e !ound
a poor little sparro5 She took it gently and !ed it To sho5 its gratitude( the sparro5 stayed
5ith them and sang e+ery morning But there 5as an ill2tempered old 5oman 5ho didn>t like
the sparro5 She cut the sparro5>s tongue That>s 5hy the bird !le5 a5ay to its pre+ious nest
?no5ing that their sparro5 !le5 a5ay( the kind man and his 5i!e looked !or the sparro5
They 5alked a long 5ay( crossed the bridges( climbed the mountains and passed the 5oods
7t last( they could !ind the sparro5>s nest The sparro5 5elcomed them and pro+ided a !east
!or them Be!ore they 5ent home( the sparro5 brought t5o baskets@ one 5as large and looked
hea+y( and the other one 5as small and light The sparro5 asked them to choose only one
They chose the small and that 5as the best choice There 5ere many rolls o! silk and piles o!
gold in it
Being jealous( the ill2tempered old 5oman did the same thing as the kind man and his 5i!e
did She chose the big basket 5hich actually contained 5asps and +enomous cra5lers( such
as scorpions( centipedes( and other horrible creatures 6inally( aaathey stung and bit her to
Social 0unction descripti,e: To describe a particular person( place or thing
(eneric Structure descripti,e:
" Identi!ication $identi!y phenomenon to be described%
& .escription $describe parts( )ualities( characteristics%
Language features descripti,e:
6ocus on speci!ic participants
,se o! attributi+e and identi!ying processes
6re)uent use classi!iers in nominal groups
,se o! the Simple Aresent Tense
1atim Par"
6or people in East Ba+a( Batim Aark may ha+e been heard many times as it is one o! the
!amous tourism object in East Ba+a pro+ince Batim Aark o!!ers a recreation place as 5ell as a
study center
Batim Aark is located at Bl ?artika & Batu( East Ba+a To reach the location is not too di!!icult
because the object is only &( C kilos meters !rom Batu city This Batim Aark tourism object is
about && hectares 5idth
Disitor can enjoy at least *E kinds o! !acilities 5hich can attract them as 5ell as gi+e ne5
kno5ledge Bust a!ter the pass gate( the +isitors 5ill !ind an interesting +ie5 o! F#aleri
Nusantara/ area This study o!!ering continues to step on FTaman Sejarah/ area( 5hich
contains o! miniature temple in East Ba+a like Sumbera5an temple( customhouse o! ?iai
=asan Besari Aonorogo and Sumbera5an Statue
The other !acility 5hich is able to be enjoyed is F7gro Aark/ area It presents crop and
rareness !ruits( animal diorama 5hich consists o! uni)ue animals that ha+e been conser+ed(
and supporting games like bo5ling( thro5 ball( scooter disco( etc
Batim Aark is suitable !or !amily and school recreation The recreation area sites o!!er
precious tour and can used as alternati+e media o! study
2. 'E-S %TE!
Social function ne.s item: To in!orm readers or listeners about e+ents o! the day 5hich are
considered ne5s5orthy or important
(eneric structure ne.s item:
" Ne5s 5orthy e+ent $ tells the e+ent in a summary !orm%
& Background e+ents $ elaborate 5hat happened( tell 5hat caused the incident%
* Sources $ comments by participants( 5itnesses( authorities and e0perts in+ol+ed in the
Language features ne.s item:
In!ormation on the use o! head lines
,se o! action +erbs$ hit( attack%
,se o! saying +erbs$ said( added( claimed%
,se o! passi+e sentences $ 7ceh 5as hit by Tsunami in &113%
,se o! ad+erbs in passi+e sentences $The +ictims 5ere badly injured%
To.n Contaminated
'e.s.ort#3 e,ents
'osco5 : 7 9ussian journalist has unco+ered e+idence o! another So+iet nuclear
catastrophe( 5hich killed "1 sailors and contaminated an entire to5n
4ac"ground E,ents
Gelena Da;rsha+skya is the !irst journalist to speak to people 5ho 5itnessed the e0plosion o!
a nuclear submarine at the na+al base o! shkoto+o : && near Dladi+ostock
The accident( 5hich occurred "* months be!ore the Chernobyl disaster( spread radioacti+e
!all2out o+er the base and nearby to5n( but 5as co+ered up by o!!icials o! the So+iet ,nion
9esidents 5ere told the e0plosion in the reactor o! the Dictor2class submarine during a re!it
had been a Fthermal/ and not a nuclear e0plosion 7nd those in+ol+ed in the clean up
operation to remo+e more than E11 tones o! contaminated material 5ere s5orn to secrecy
Sources 7 board o! in+estigators 5as later to describe it as the 5orst accident in the history o!
the So+iet Na+y
Social function report: To describe the 5ay things are $!or e0ample: a man 2made thing(
animals( plants% The things must be a representati+e o! their class
Text organization report:
" #eneral classi!ication $introduces the topic o! the reportHtells 5hat phenomenon under
discussion is%
& .escription $tell the details o! topic such as physical appearance( parts( )ualities(
Language features report:
,se o! general nouns $ Whales( ?angaroo( Computer%
,se o! present tense$?omodo dragons usually 5eigh more than "E1 kg%
,se o! beha+ioural +erbs $Snakes o!ten sunbathe in the sun%
,se o! technical terms $ Water contains o0ygen and hydrogen%
,se o! relating +erbs $is( are( has%
Alants are li+ing beings They need !ood( 5ater and air !or sur+i+al $(eneral Classification6
Alants deri+e their !ood !rom the earth and the air I! you look at their roots( you 5ill !ind that
ends o! these roots are like !ine !ibers We call them root2hairs They absorb 5ater and
minerals( then transport them up5ards to the lea+es through the trunk and the branches It is
the lea+es 5hich prepare the !ood $Description%
The green material( chlorophyll( prepares the !ood like a machine It con+erts the carbon
dio0ide taken !rom the air and 5ater !rom the ground into sugar 5ith the help o! sunlight
This chemical reaction is called photosynthes In !act( the chlorophyll takes energy !rom the
sunlight and uses it to synthesi;e the hydrogen !rom 5ater and carbon !rom carbon dio0ide
!or making sugar This reaction also gi+es out o0ygen and 5ater 5hich are e0creted by the
lea+es $Description%
7. +'+L8T%C+L E9POS%T%O'
Social function anal3tical exposition: To persuade the readers or the listeners that
something in the case( to analy;e or to e0plain
(eneric Structure anal3tical exposition:
" Thesis $usually includes a pre+ie5 argument It introduces topics and indicates the
5riter/s position%
& 7rguments $consists o! a point and elaboration se)uence The number o! points may
+ary( but each must be supported by discussion and e+idence%
* 9eiteration $restates the position more !orce!ully in the light o! the arguments
Language features anal3tical exposition:
Emoti+e 5ords such as : alarmed( 5orried
Words that )uali!y statements such as: usual probably
Words that link arguments such as: !irstly( ho5e+er( on the other hand( there!ore
,sually present tense
Compound and comple0 sentences
Corruption and Indonesian Culture
Corruption has happened !or many years and today it becomes a bad culture in Indonesia !or
three reasons
+rgument 1
'ost adult Indonesian or !oreigners ha+e kno5n and admitted that corruptions happen in
many places The daily ne5spapers( ne5s programs on TD and radio ha+e reported
corruptions are done e+ery5here( almost in all departments or public ser+ices o! this country
Corruptions happen in health( education departments and banks When 5e manage to get
some documents in public ser+ice o!!ices( 5e usually need much money to pay
'anipulations happen e+ery5here
+rgument &
The actions to eliminate corruption are 5eak The e+er stronger culture seems not to come to
an end 5hen the responsible institutions 5ho ha+e to rein!orce the justice today commit
corruption This is the 5orst Corruptions happen in police department( courts 5here judges(
public prosecutors( la5yers make deals to do corruption 7ll o! us also heard in the end o!
&113( Arobosutejo reported that he had bribed the Supreme Court( or called 'ahkamah
7gung 5hich becomes the highest le+el 5here the justice can be obtained Aerhaps you ha+e
to try to come to the local courts and see 5hat happen there Gou 5ill see practices o! bribery
and other kinds o! corruption There!ore( 5e can say that corruptions becomes our culture .o
you like itI
+rgument *
The citi;ens ha+e no good5ill to !ight against the corruption They create the situations in
5hich people ha+e opportunities to do corruptions The citi;ens like to break the rules
because they are not disciplined 6or e0ample( in the street 5hen they dri+e a car or ride
motorcycle( they do not ha+e the dri+ing license or necessary documents Then( they are
caught by the local policemen To a+oid more di!!iculties( they like to bribe the o!!icer The
o!!icer let them go then In other 5ords( the citi;ens and o!!icers are the same( doing
corruption together I! only the people 5ere critical( disciplined( and obey the rules( and
5illing to report any 5rong beha+iors( this country 5ill not be number one corrupting
country in the 5orld
Reiteration: conclusion
Conclusion Based on the reasons( 5e can conclude that corruption is becoming a bad culture
in Indonesia i! it is not ended soon by all o! us It seems that there must be more se+ere
penalty !or the Corruptors .o 5e still care about the !uture o! this countryI
;. SPOO0
Social function spoof: To tell an e+ent 5ith a humorous t5ist
(eneric structure spoof text:
" 8rientation $5ho 5ere in+ol+ed( 5hen and 5here 5as happened%
& E+ents $ tell 5hat happened in a chronological order%
* T5ist $pro+ide the !unniest part o! the story%
Language features spoof:
,se o! connecti+es $!irst( then( !inally%
,se o! ad+erbial phrases o! time and place $in the garden( t5o days ago%
,se o! simple past tense $he 5alked a5ay !rom the +illage%
'asreddin<s Coat
8ne day Nasreddin had been in+ited to the dinner party =e 5ent to the party by
5earing old clothes
When he arri+ed in the party( nobody looked at him and nobody ga+e him a seat =e
got no !ood in the party so he 5ent home and change his clothes
Ne0t he put on his best clothes =e 5ore his ne5est coat and 5ent to the party again
The host at once got up and came to meet him The host o!!ered him the best table and ga+e
him a good seat and ser+ed him the best !ood
Nasreddin sat and put o!! his coat =e put his coat and said@ JEat the !ood( CoatKL the
hosts and guests 5ere +ery surprised and asked Nareddin@ JWhat are doingIL Nasreddin
replied calmly@ JWhen I came here 5ith my old clothes( nobody looked at me Then I 5ent
home and put on my best clothes I came back in my ne5est coat and you all gi+e me this
best !ood and drink So( you gi+e !ood to my coat instead o! meL #etting Nasreddin>s
ans5er( they just shook the head

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