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The Own self Matter Feeling!!!

So these ur reply suggest that u only make false bills ....On TV Sets, Wireless,......&
too News Papers all contain in ur department visible I think are then dummy &
too after ur recruitment..Hope u had stop viewing Current Affair & World News
---View as now no need...As How to Earn extra...The Thought!!!!!if not show the
above news of an Living Man Kept underneath several death body...leads to die due
to suffocations due to negligence via cops...& u deny of ignorance --of no same....the Cop ..The Ruling Political Party did wrong...we r facing
till dt...the Cunning & twister with environment beneficiary at great rise.......But c
that Night My Mother Curse--a True Women of Her Husband with God Worshipper
curse...if I am true the Party who did wrong & made us suffered what in these 30 yr
didn't happen same as like our environment of Conspiracy with many Tricks Played
same do would happen to these supported & these Ruling party to all would come
to an End Or Ground of....Power Ghamand....C How The Environment changed after
11/10/06......& 2 u check SI Aloke Naskar Details He too Might Is Not relived of the
curse.....the Corrupt part of Society....Which had lead to Rules Of Cat & Dogs In
These Flats'--Where no Rules, Support Diplomacy, No Strictness’ etc Occurs there
Cunning & 3rd party only gets Benefits.."Divide & Rule"....Punish The SI--Have Narco
Analysis....Had Change Our Life Everywhere......hoped to do Suicide as Same Do
Like Going On Metro tracks....But Mother Saying...After every fall There An Rise
Occurs...Robert Bruce.....Maha Rana Pratab and foremost Madam Kiran Bedi &
Honorable Abdul Kalam Azad.....Life Bill Gate to Info sys
Examples Chock out...???

kisholoy mukherjee :

Date: November 14, 2009 @ 10:26 am

You asked for exact date, time and place of the incident i mentioned. I think KP
should be having it! It was all over the news. It would be a shame if you do not have
information regarding that incident, where a person had DIED due to negligence. It
was a serious enough case and demanded proper investigation, don’t you agree.
We citizens are not supposed to go about taking notes of incidents around the city
are we?? No! It is your job. If someone lodges a complaint, would you ask that
person of all the details, like the wheres, whens, hows etc? You may inquire, but if
the complainant cannot provide the details, you must be able to find it out by
yourself. Otherwise what good is a police force, if the common man has to go about
in the city playing Sherlock Holmes?? If some cop refuses to do his duty properly at
some place in the city, is it physically possible for the complainant to have all
information regarding that incident? It is entirely up to you policemen to investigate
and find out the truth. As i mentioned in one of my earlier posts, rokkhhok e
bhokkhok na hoe jai.

And btw, as i mentioned before, the incident that manifested negligence towards
duty by a policeman is by no means the first one. Surely you have heard many such
complaints and it seems that a deaf ear was turned to them. This has to stop.

Dear Mr Kisholoy Mukherjee,

We sincerely apologize if such an unfortunate incident has taken place. However,

there was no such information with the Kolkata Police. It has been widely
recognised that if an accident takes place and Kolkata Police gets its information,
we do rush to the point immediately and our priority rests in the rescue of the
victim. That is why we asked for the exact information from you, to look into the

Hoping for co-operation,

Kolkata Cop

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