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Strategic Overview of the Campaign

by Carl von Clausewitz
Chapter 1.
French Forces. Creation of the Standing Army
When Louis XVIII left Frn!e" the r#$ %s &$ so#e !!ounts 115"''' #en stron()
*1+ ,on-rte sttes tht the nu#&er of #en r#s %s onl$ /0"''')*1+ On the
1st of 2une *1815+" fter ten %ee3s h. -sse." the r#$ !onsiste. of 114"''' #en)
Thus e5en if %e !!e-t the lo%est esti#te for the ro$l r#$ s !!urte" the
!tul in!rese in si6e #ounte. to onl$ 117"''' #en) While ,on-rte !li#s tht
there %ere lso nother 15'"''' #en in .e-ots on the 1st of 2une" these %ere
o&5iousl$ not $et or(ni6e." &e!use he !ertinl$ too3 ll for!es tht %ere in n$
%$ useful .ire!tl$ to the &ttlefiel.)
There !oul. not h5e &een short(e of #n-o%er" tht is to s$ trine. sol.iers"
&e!use if $ou .. to(ether %ht ,on-rte h. 5il&le %hen the %r en.e. in
18178the r#$ in 9-in n. o--osin( Wellin(ton *in 9outhern Frn!e+" the troo-s
in Itl$ n. the Netherln.s" n. ll the fortress (rrisons8the Fren!h r#$ #ust
still h5e !ontine. t lest 0''"''' #en) 1''"''' -risoners of %r .efinitel$ !#e
&!3 fro# !-ti5it$" so it see#s tht ,on-rte !oul. h5e .is-ose. of #ore thn
7''"''' 5etern sol.iers in 1815)
Tht there %s lso no short(e of %e-ons !n &e seen in the f!t tht 15'"'''
#e#&ers of the Ntionl Gur. re!ei5e. r#s) Further#ore" the rrn(e#ents tht
,on-rte #.e for in!resin( r#s -ro.u!tion -ro5i.e little reson to &elie5e tht
su!h short(e e:iste.) E;ull$ i#-lusi&le is the ssu#-tion tht there %s not
enou(h !sh 5il&le initill$) We #ust therefore !on!lu.e tht" -rt fro# the ti#e
re;uire. for trinin(" there re .efinite li#its to ho% fst r#e. for!es !n &e rise."
%hi!h re #ore !onstrine. thn the$ #i(ht --er t first (ln!e)
For e:#-le" t the en. of 1810" fter ,on-rte s% his r#$ .estro$e. t the
,ttle of Lei-6i(" re-l!e#ents o5er the ne:t three #onths #ounte. to onl$
15'"''' #en) Goin( &!3 e5en frther" %e fin. tht t the &e(innin( of 1810" %hen
,on-rte %s l#ost the onl$ one to return fro# the r#$ tht h. &een shttere.
in <ussi" the in!rese in si6e of his for!es fro# then until the r#isti!e8 -erio. of
se5en #onths8onl$ !#e to &out 1''"''' #en)*0+ When !onsi.ere. in reltion to
the -o-ultion n. stren(th of Frn!e" these in!reses re ;uite #o.est) We #ust
therefore &e !reful &out !re.itin( e5en the #ost ener(eti! (o5ern#ent8n.
,on-rte=s !n !ertinl$ &e !ounte. s su!h8%ith the &ilit$ to #o&ili6e hu(e
nu#&ers &se. solel$ on -o-ultion n. %elth) The sitution is .ifferent %ith
Landwehr s$ste#"*7+ or %hte5er other n#e one (i5es it" for %hi!h %e !n t3e the
r#in( of the Fren!h ntion in 14/0 n. 14/7 s n e:#-le) It is %ell 3no%n ho%
the Fren!h fiel.e. su!h o5er%hel#in( #sses of troo-s t tht ti#e)
Our o%n e:#-le is si#ilr) At the &e(innin( of 1810 our r#$ %s 0'"'''
#en stron(" n. t the ti#e of the strt of the !#-i(n in 9:on$ roun. 4'"''')
The in!rese in si6e %s thus 7'"''' in three #onths) In !ontrst" the in!rese &$
usin( the Landwehr fro# tht ti#e until the en. of Au(ust8 -erio. of roun. four
#onths8%s --ro:i#tel$ 15'"''') It is thus !ler tht !entrli6e.
.#inistrtion li3e tht of r#$ hs #u!h (reter .iffi!ult$ e;ui--in(
e:!e-tionll$ lr(e for!es %ithin li#ite. -erio. of ti#e thn .o -ro5in!il
.#inistrtions s-re. !ross the entire !ountr$" s lon( s these !t
si#ultneousl$ n. %ith the ne!essr$ 6el) O5erll the #in !hr!teristi! of
Landwehr s$ste# is tht it is su&>e!t to fr fe%er inherent li#ittions in %rti#e thn
si#-le e:-nsion of the r#$" no #tter ho% the ltter is .one)

Chapter 2
epots and the Arme Extraordinaire
In ..ition to the 114"''' #en tht ,on-rte h. r#s on 1 2une" there
%ere &$ his o%n !!ount nother 15'"''' #en in .e-ots) He .oes not s$ ho%
#n$ of these %ere in!or-orte. into the r#$ or t %ht ti#es" n. it see#s tht
u- to the #i..le of 2une8thus t the .e!isi5e #o#ent8no su&stntil nu#&ers
h. entere.)
In ..ition he lists narme extraordinaire su--ose.l$ !onsistin( of 1/?"''' #en"
#inl$ #iliti n. n5l troo-s" %ho %ere inten.e. to (rrison Frn!e@s ninet$
fortresses) It is not !ertin if these 1/?"''' #en %ere !tull$ r#e.) He l&els
the# Aeffe!ti5es"B &ut &e!use he lso uses this ter# for the 15'"''' #en in the
.e-ots" it re#ins un!ler ho% #n$ of those 1/?"''' #en %ere !tull$
The lr(e nu#&er of fortresses !oul. h5e s%llo%e. u- (ret #sses of troo-s"
&ut >u.(in( &$ the nu#&ers of r#e. troo-s %e !tull$ en!ountere. %hen %e
entere. Frn!e" there is (oo. reson to .ou&t the relit$ of those fi(ures) A!!
to the# there shoul. h5e &een 114"''' #en on the frontiers -lus nother 05'"'''
#en insi.e Frn!e" in! those in the .e-ots) Ho%e5er" #n$ of the /'
fortresses %ere either not (rrisone. t ll or onl$ li(htl$ #nne." s !n &e
!on!lu.e. fro# the e:#-le of 9trs&our(" sin!e <--*5+ h. to thro% his %hole
!or-s into it in to &e &le to .efen. it) Further#ore" the entire Fren!h r#$ in
Pris n. fter%r.s &ehin. the Loire %s not #ore thn 8'"''' #en stron(" of
%hi!h t lest 7'"''' h. !o#e fro# ,on-rte=s #in r#$" so the reinfor!e#ents
!oul. not h5e #ounte. to #ore thn 7'"''' #en)*?+ All %e %nt to -oint out %ith
these fi(ures is tht %hen ,on-rte s$s tht Con 2une first I h. 5?'"''' #en r#s"C one shoul. not re(r. this s soli. f!t) If he h. !tull$ h. su!h
nu#&ers" it %oul. !ertinl$ h5e &een -oor e!ono#$ of for!e for hi# to &rin( onl$
11?"''' #en %ith hi# to the .e!isi5e &ttle on 1? 2une) The onl$ !ertint$ is tht he
h. 114"''' troo-s o--osin( the ene#$) The for!e tht %s &ehin. the r#$ n. in
the interior of the !ountr$ in fortresses #$ not h5e &een ne(li(i&le" &ut s the
results -ro5e it %s lso not suffi!ient to -ro5i.e reli&le sour!e of su--ort fter
totl .efet)
Chapter !
"onaparte#s "oasting about $is %esources
In the en." ,on-rte !li#s tht he %oul. h5e in!rese. his for!es to roun.
8''"''' #en &$ the 1st of O!to&er) ,ut if %e lre.$ h5e reson to .ou&t the
-re5ious nu#&ers" this is e5en #ore the !se %ith those 8''"''' #en) One !nnot
i(nore the f!t tht the uthor of the Memoirs en>o$s u-on his
tre#en.ous efforts n. on this o!!sion8s on so #n$ others in his %or3s8.oes
not sti!3 5er$ !losel$ to the f!ts) ,on-rte n. the uthors %ho su--ort hi# h5e
l%$s tte#-te. to -ortr$ the (ret !tstro-hes tht &efell hi# s the result of
!hn!e) The$ see3 to #3e their re.ers &elie5e tht throu(h his (ret %is.o# n.
e:tror.inr$ ener($ the %hole -ro>e!t h. lre.$ #o5e. for%r. %ith the (retest
!onfi.en!e" tht !o#-lete su!!ess %s &ut hir=s & %$" %hen tre!her$"
!!i.ent" or e5en fte" s the$ so#eti#es !ll it" ruine. e5er$thin() He n. his
su--orters .o not %nt to .#it tht hu(e #ist3es" sheer re!3lessness" n."
&o5e ll" o5erre!hin( #&ition tht e:!ee.e. ll relisti! -ossi&ilities" %ere the
true !uses)
If %e !onfine oursel5es to n o5erll i#-ression of the sitution" then ,on-rte
see#s li3e ln. s-e!ultor %ho -reten.s to &e ri!her thn he !tull$ is) He .i.
not h5e #u!h #ore thn !ou-le of thousn. #en 5il&le" n. he trie.
his lu!3 %ith the#) H. he su!!ee.e. in o5erthro%in( the !olition" or t lest in
se!urin( Frn!e@s &or.ers" then fter%r.8%hile still fr fro# h5in( in!rese. his
stren(th8he %oul. h5e re5ele. the #iser&le -erfor#n!e of his o--onents &$
sho%in( ho% his in!o#-r&le &ol.ness h. en&le. hi# to !!o#-lish so #u!h
%ith so little) ,ut no% tht the tte#-t hs file." n. !tull$ see#s to h5e &een
i#-ossi&le ll lon(" he .oes not %nt to loo3 li3e re!3less .5enturer) Inste. he
s$s his -re-rtions %ere !olossl n. !li#s tht the Fren!h -eo-le %ere #3in(
tre#en.ous efforts for hi# out of enthusis# n. .e5otion) These re entirel$
nturl e:-ressions of his (ret 5nit$ n. lo% re(r. for the truth" &ut this si.e of
his !hr!ter re.u!es his si(nifi!n!e s %riter of histor$ fr &elo% tht of other
#ilitr$ le.ers %hose #e#oirs h5e &e!o#e -ri#r$ uthorit$ for historins)
We re not %stin( ti#e here in so#e useless s-e!ultion" &e!use our e5lution
of the strte(i! reltionshi-s of this !#-i(n %oul. &e !o#-letel$ .ifferent if %e
!oul. trul$ &elie5e tht ,on-rte h. &een so !onfi.ent in the Fren!h -eo-le" n.
so su!!essful in ll of his -re-rtor$ #esures" tht he #i(ht !tull$ h5e
!hie5e. the results tht he -resentsD to h5e 8''"''' #en r#s n.
&un.ntl$ -ro5i.e. %ith ll ne!essr$ e;ui-#ent %ithin three #onthsE lso Pris
n. L$on fortifie." the for#er %ith 11?"''' #en n. 8'' (uns" the ltter %ith 15"'''
#en n. 0'' (uns) E5en if the Allies .i. not !tull$ (i5e hi# ll three of the
#onths he nee.e. to !o#-lete this -ro>e!t" n#el$ 2ul$" Au(ust n. 9e-te#&er" he
still %oul. h5e .r%n !loser to this (ret (ol %ith e5er$ #onth tht -sse.) It
!oul. therefore &e -re.i!te. tht if the Allies h. .5n!e. to%r. Pris in 2ul$"
the$ %oul. h5e en!ountere. .efensi5e for!es tht8in !on>un!tion %ith the loss of
stren(th tht e5er$ strte(i! offensi5e suffers s result of the nee. to se!ure its
lines of !o##uni!tion8%oul. h5e suffi!e. to &rin( the o-ertion to stn.still"
n. there&$ (r.ull$ le. to the in5ol5e#ent of the entire -o-ul!e) This %oul.
nturll$ h5e (i5en the Fren!h fr (reter !hn!e of su!!ess thn the$ h. %ith
the offensi5e tht ,on-rte !tull$ un.ertoo3) ,ut if ll of ,on-rte=s nu#&ers
re #ore or less e#-t$ &osts" if he h. to rest his ho-es for ne% strt solel$ on
n r#$ of 114"''' #en" then -erh-s this offensi5e %s so o&5iousl$ the onl$
-ossi&le #ens of resistn!e tht nothin( else !oul. e5en &e !onsi.ere.)
Chapter &
ispositions of the Army
The 114"''' #en tht ,on-rte h. r#s t the &e(innin( of 2une %ere
.i5i.e. into se5en r#$ !or-s" Gur.s !or-s" four !or-s of o&ser5tion"*4+ n. n
r#$ !or-s for the Ven.Fe)*8+ After .e-lo$#ent the$ !onsiste. of the follo%in(
1) The #in r#$ o--osite the Netherln.s 10'"'''
The I#-eril Gur. n. fi5e !or-s
1) On the G--er <hine 15"'''
H 5th Cor-s t 9trs&our( <-- 1'"'''
&H 1st O&ser5tion Cor-s t HInin(en Le!our&e 5"'''
0) O--osite Itl$ 11"'''
) 4th Ar#$ Cor-s t Ch#&eri 9u!het 1?"'''
&) 1n. O&ser5tion Cor-s in Pro5en!e ,rune ?"'''
7) O--osite 9-in 8"'''
) 0r. O&ser5tion Cor-s t Toulouse Je!en 7"'''
&) in , Clu6el 7"'''
5) In the Ven.Fe L#r;ue 15"'''
'otal 11'"'''

%hi!h .oes not !orres-on. e:!tl$ %ith the nu#&er of 114"''' #en" &ut the
.ifferen!e is not si(nifi!nt)
The r#$ i#e. t the Netherln.s %s ori(inll$ su--ose. to &e 1'"''' #en
stron(er" &ut these %ere sent to the Ven.Fe to .el %ith the i##e.ite thret tht
h. --ere. there)
To &e sure" ,on-rte h. there&$ !on!entrte. his for!es to hi(h .e(ree (inst
,lI!her n. Wellin(ton" &e!use he o--ose. the 11'"''' Allie. troo-s f!in( hi#
on this front K%hi!h re-resente. &out oneLthir. of the totl ene#$ stren(thH %ith
10'"''' #en" tht is to s$ #ore thn t%oLthir.s of the totl for!es he h. 5il&le
to -l!e on the &or.ers) Ne5ertheless" %e re te#-te. to s$ tht he" the (ret
#ster of the rt of !on!entrtin( his stren(th t the .e!isi5e -oint" h. fr(#ente.
his for!es in this !se) The troo-s on the G--er <hine n. those f!in( Itl$ n.
9-in %ere o&5iousl$ insuffi!ient e5en to #3e sho% of the ri5ers n.
#ountins tht l$ &efore the#" $et the$ %ere not &solutel$ #erel$
for (rrisonin( the fortresses) An. !onsi.erin( tht ,on-rte #i(ht h5e (ine.
nother 1'L0'"''' #en for the #in r#$ out of the 55"''' sttione. on the
&or.ers if he h. i##e.itel$ & *his efforts to .efen.+ the !ountr$si.e"
then it see#s li3e hu(e #ist3e not to h5e #.e the ut#ost efforts to sse#&le
ll of his stren(th t the .e!isi5e -oint) For in -osition su!h s his" this --ers to
&e the onl$ thin( tht !oul. h5e s5e. hi#) There is no .ou&t tht nother 1'L
0'"''' #en !oul. h5e &een 5er$ .e!isi5e in the &ttles of 1? n. 18 2une" e5en
thou(h it !nnot &e ssu#e. tht this %oul. h5e (urntee. Fren!h 5i!tor$)
Ho%e5er" if %e -ut oursel5es in ,on-rte=s -osition %hen he %s for#in( n.
e;ui--in( his for!es" %e #ust ste- &!3 fro# su!h >u.(#ent) In nl$6in(
strte($ the #in thin( is l%$s to -ut $ourself -re!isel$ into the -osition of the
in.i5i.ul %ho h. to t3e !tion) This is often 5er$ .iffi!ult to .o" of !ourse) The
5st #>orit$ of strte(i! !riti!is#s %oul. either .is--er !o#-letel$ or &e re.u!e.
to #inor" theoreti!l .ifferen!es if %riters %oul. %nt or &e &le to nl$6e ll
situtions in su!h #nner)
9in!e ,on-rte %s -re-rin( to o--ose ll of Euro-e" he nturll$ h. to
! the .efense of ll of his &or.ers) He therefore -l!e. s#ll -ortions of his r#$ on the &or.ers of southern Ger#n$" Itl$" n. 9-in in to for#
nu!lei roun. %hi!h ne%l$Lrise. for!es !oul. for#) The$ %ere the !.res for the
!or-s he inten.e. to !rete there) When he (5e these or.ers" there %s no %$ he
!oul. -re.i!t in %hi!h -rti!ulr %ee3 hostilities %oul. &e strte. &$ one si.e or the
other) Nor !oul. he 3no% >ust ho% fr his 5rious rer##ent #esures %oul. h5e
-ro!ee.e.) While he !oul. (enerll$ foresee tht his efforts %oul. ne5er en&le hi#
to sse#&le enou(h for!es on the G--er <hine to o--ose the e:-e!te. #in
ene#$ r#$ there on n$thin( li3e e;ul ter#s" he !oul. still ho-e tht su&stntil
for!e there %oul. t lest !use the usul initil .el$s" un!ertint$" n. !ution
foun. t the o-enin( of n$ !#-i(n" thus (inin( ti#e n. slo%in( the ene#$
.5n!e so tht he %oul. h5e ti#e to rush there %ith his 5i!torious #in r#$ fro#
the Netherln.s) We re not #erel$ s-e!ultin( tht he s% the sitution li3e thisE
rther" %e h5e t3en it fro# his #e#oirs) It #3es &i( .ifferen!e %hether or not
& is !o#-letel$ .e5oi. of for!es to .efen. it" es-e!ill$ %hen ri5ers n.
#ountins -ose n o&st!le to the tt!3er" s is here the !se %ith the Vos(es" the
<hine" the 2ur" the Al-s" n. the P$renees) If there is &solutel$ nothin( in
-ro5in!e" then e5en the #ost in.e!isi5e" -on.erous o--onent" e5en the
he.e. he.;urters of !olition r#$" is -r!ti!ll$ for!e. to .5n!e" inste. of
&ein( -ro5o3e. &$ resistn!e into JunLli3e !ution)*/+ Thus e5en the s#llest
for!e !n !use su&stntil .el$s n. in.e!ision)
Another reson %h$ ,on-rte !oul. not ! !o#-letel$ stri--in( his estern
&or.ers of troo-s %s the i#-ression this %oul. h5e #.e on the Fren!h
-o-ul!e) He %oul. there&$ h5e &een seen s (i5in( u- hlf of the E#-ire" thus
e:-osin( the !o#-lete %e3ness n. un!ertint$ of his -osition) This %oul. h5e
h. serious re-er!ussions #on( the -oliti!l -rties in the !ountr$" s %ell s for
the results of the rer##ent effort) One !oul. e5en (o so fr s to s$ tht he
%oul. h5e &een for!e. to 3ee- troo-s in #ost of -ro5in!es in to (ur.
(inst the -ossi&ilit$ of ro$list u-risin(s) Finll$" one shoul. not o5erloo3 the f!t
tht the ori(inl -ln the #in r#$ %s su--ose. to h5e &een 1'"''' #en
stron(er" n. tht the e#er(in( .n(er in the Ven.Fe for!e. ,on-rte to sen.
so#e of the troo-s inten.e. for the #in r#$ &!3 to the Loire)
In #i.L2une the !ir!u#stn!es %ere su!h tht he f!e. for!e of 11'"'''
,lI!her n. Wellin(ton in the Netherln.s" (inst %hi!h his 10'"''' #en h. little
li3elihoo. of su!!ess" n. on the G--er <hine he !oul. o--ose the lr(e *AustroL
Ger#n+ r#$ of 9!h%r6en&er( %ith >ust 0'"''' #en" e5en in! the si:teen
Ntionl Gur. &ttlions he sent to <--) ,on-rte #$ %ell h5e %ishe. he
!oul. !o#-letel$ eli#inte the in.e;ute for!es on the other &or.ers in to
h5e (reter !hn!e" or &etter $et !o#-lete !ertint$" of su!!ess in the
Netherln.s" &ut it %s no lon(er -ossi&le to !hn(e ll this t the lst #o#ent) He
therefore h. to tr$ his lu!3 %ith the 10'"''' #en tht he h. on the northern
Chapter (
'he )ational *uard

The !tul r#in( of the -eo-le" tht is to s$ the est&lish#ent of the Ntionl
Gur." .eser5es !loser loo3)
In A-ril ,on-rte h. the i.e of r#in( ll #le inh&itnts &et%een 1' n. ?'
$ers of (e n. or(ni6in( the# into #ore thn 0"''' ntionl (ur. &ttlions"
%hi!h %oul. h5e (i5en hi# o5er t%o #illion !o#&tnts)
This (i(nti! !on!e-t %s un;uestion&l$ less thn soun.) It re;uire. three #in
ele#entsD the unit$ of the -eo-le" enthusisti! ener($ on the -rt of his su--orters"
n. the ne!essr$ e;ui-#ent) It .oes not t3e #u!h to see tht of these three
ele#ents" the first %s not -resent t ll" the se!on. onl$ in insuffi!ient ;untit$" n.
the thir. %s e5en frther fro# &ein( &le to stisf$ su!h n e:tr5(nt
It is not >ust this e:-n.e. #o&ili6tion tht %e #ust ! illusor$" &ut lso n$
sort of (enerl r#in( of the -o-ultion) This %s not -ossi&le the
!ir!u#stn!es) ,on-rte #ost .efinitel$ felt this n. e:-ressl$ !on!e.e. s #u!h
%hen he s-o3e of the ne!essit$ of re.u!in( the 77"'''L#n stron( Prisin
Ntionl Gur. to 8"''' #en %hile inste. in!resin( the li(ht infntr$ of the
Prisin su&ur&s fro# 15"''' to ?'"''') The sitution in the Ven.Fe n. in the
south lso sho%s !lerl$ tht the !oo-ertion of these .e-rt#ents !oul. not &e
!ounte. on) ,on-rte %rites tht e5en the #oo. in the northern .e-rt#ents %s
-oor n. unreli&le)*1'+
The result %s tht he li#ite. his entire -ro(r# of r#in( the -eo-le to >ust 178
elite *Ntionl Gur.+ &ttlions %ith totl stren(th of 15'"''' #en)
Of these" 1? &ttlions %ere sent to stren(then Generl <--" 1? &ttlions to
Generl 9u!het in the Ju-hinF" n. finll$ roun. 1'"''' #en to , n.
Toulouse) Thus --ro:i#tel$ 7'"''' #en of the Ntionl Gur. %ere .e-lo$e. in
the fiel.) Tht le5es roun. 11'"''' Ntionl Gur.s#en %ho8lon( %ith n5l
troo-s" 5eterns" 5oluntril$ reenliste. retirees K#ostl$ offi!ers n. nonL
!o##issione. offi!ersH" n. finll$ in.i5i.uls still in the .e-ots8#.e u- the
fortress (rrisons n. ll the other for!es lo!te. in the interior of the !ountr$)
Chapter +
An Attac, on the Allies in April
,on-rte s3s hi#self if on the 1st of A-ril he !oul. n. shoul. h5e t3en ll
troo-s 5il&le t tht ti#e n. tt!3e. the Allie. for!es lo!te. in ,el(iu# n.
on the <hine) Three f!tors" he s$s" for!e. hi# to &n.on this i.e)*11+
1H In the north he h. onl$ 05"''' #en 5il&le) In to .5n!e %ith this
for!e into ,el(iu# he %oul. h5e h. to stri- &re ll of the fortresses in the
northern -ro5in!es) Ho%e5er" senti#ent there %s too unf5or&le for the# to &e
left to their o%n .e5i!es)
1H He .i. not %nt to --er to &e the ((ressor)
0H The ,our&ons %ere still fo#entin( unrest in the south n. %est" so it see#e.
essentil to hi# to for!e those -rin!es to le5e Fren!h territor$ n. ni- the internl
%r in the &u.)
While the nture of ,on-rte@s -osition #3es the se!on. reson see# li3e n
illusion" -retense t le(l reltionshi-s" the other t%o resons re ;uite
His filure to !on.u!t su!h -re!i-itte tt!3 is often seen s one of his (ret
#ist3es" &ut if %e e5lute su!h n tt!3 fro# the -oint of 5ie% of the Allies" there
is e5en less reson to &elie5e tht it %oul. h5e -ro5en fruitful)
On the 1st of A-ril the En(lishLHno5erin r#$ the Prin!e of Orn(e
nu#&ere. 1'"''' #en n. the Prussin r#$ Generl Mleist 5'"''')
Wellin(ton rri5e. fro# Vienn erl$ in A-ril" n. ,on-rte l%$s h. to re!3on
%ith this -ossi&ilit$) 4'"''' #en Wellin(ton n. Mleist #i(ht %ell h5e &een
-l!e. in so#e .iffi!ult$ &$ 05"''' #en ,on-rte" &ut it is !o#-letel$
unreson&le to ssu#e tht he !oul. h5e .elt the# .e!isi5e .efet n.
s#she. their r#ies) On the !ontrr$" tht %oul. h5e &een the #ost unli3el$
out!o#e of ll) If ,on-rte=s su!!ess (inst these t%o le.ers h. !onsiste.
si#-l$ in for!in( the# to (i5e u- -rt of the Netherln.s" then su!h result %oul.
not h5e &een in n$ %$ .e!isi5e) E5en (inin( the ,el(ins8if tht h. &een so
!ertin s ,on-rte &elie5e.8%oul. not h5e ..e. #u!h %ei(ht to
!ounter&ln!e the o5erll sitution)
Nothin( is #ore i#-ortnt in strte($ thn ensurin( tht the for!es tht re to !rr$
out n tt!3 re not use. in 5in" tht is to s$" tht the$ re not #erel$ thrust into
the ir) ,ut tht is &si!ll$ ho% n o-ertion (inst Wellin(ton n. Mleist %oul.
h5e to &e 5ie%e." e5en if it h. &een su!!essful)
Of !ourse" if %e onl$ ! the for!e rtio of 05 to 4'" then there %s no reson
for ,on-rte to e:-e!t &etter o..s t lter ti#e) Net the issue is not >ust the
li3elihoo. of 5i!tor$ &ut lso its i#-!t) It is !ler tht 5i!tor$ o5er oneLtenth of the
ene#$@s for!es !nnot &e s .e!isi5e s one o5er thir. of the#) ,ut if e5en
5i!tor$ o5er this thir. Kssu#in( tht he %on the ,ttle of ,elle Allin!e *Wterloo+H
*11+ %oul. still h5e left ,on-rte@s ulti#te su!!ess 5er$ #u!h in .ou&t" then it is
i#-ossi&le to see ho% n uni#-ortnt 5i!tor$ su!h s one o5er Wellin(ton n.
Mleist !oul. h5e &rou(ht si(nifi!nt results)
Thus ,on-rte !orre!tl$ & the i.e of fllin( on the Allies t the 5er$ first
#o#ent" n. inste. %ite. for ti#e %hen for!e %oul. &e (there. (inst hi#
%hose .efet %oul. &e %orth the effort)
Chapter -
,on-rte lso rises the ;uestion of %hether he shoul. h5e re#ine. on the
.efensi5e or inste. tt!3e. -ortion of the Allie. for!es &efore the$ h. ll
sse#&le." so s to -l!e hi#self in #ore f5or&le -osition fro# %hi!h to sustin
hi#self fter%r.)
Ho%e5er !onfi.ent he #$ h5e &een &out his rer##ent efforts" he fores% tht
&efore he !oul. !o#-lete the#" n enor#ousl$ su-erior for!e %oul. .5n!e
(inst hi#) He -ersonll$ &elie5e. tht ?''"''' #en %oul. o--ose hi#" &ut in f!t
&et%een ?''"''' n. 4''"''' --ere.) If %e !o#-re these nu#&ers %ith the
1''"''' tht he h. in the fiel. n. .. to the# nother 5'"''' %ho %ere in the
fortresses %ith %hi!h the ene#$ %oul. !o#e into !ont!t" there still re#ins
su-eriorit$ in nu#&ers tht e5en ,on-rte h. reson to fer)
8 these !ir!u#stn!es" the first thou(ht h. to &e of .efense) In -rti!ulr"
.efense in %hi!h he into the interior of the !ountr$" on the one si.e to%r.
Pris" on the other si.e to%r. L$on) This .efense %oul. h5e &een (retl$
stren(thene. &e!use it %oul. h5e &rou(ht into -l$ lr(e -ortion of the Fren!h
theter of o-ertion n. nu#&er of fortifie. -l!es" s-e!ifi!ll$ Pris n. L$on" the
for#er %ith 11?"''' #en n. the ltter %ith 15"''')
The i##ensel$ i#-ortnt .5nt(es of su!h for# of resistn!e %oul. h5e
1H A..itionl ti#e) The #in &ttles %oul. h5e o!!urre. four" si:" or e5en ei(ht
%ee3s lter" &e!use one !n ne5er !l!ulte ho% #u!h ti#e !n &e lost &$
in.e!isi5e !o##n.ers)
1H The %e3enin( of the ene#$ for!e resultin( fro# n e:ten.e. theter of
o-ertions" in %hi!h nu#&er of fortresses %oul. h5e to &e surroun.e." n.
nu#&er of ro.s se!ure. &$ (rrisons)
0H The in!resin( in5ol5e#ent of the Fren!h -eo-le" %hi!h !oul. h5e &e!o#e
true %r of insurre!tion)
These three thin(s" %hi!h !onstitute the essentil .5nt(es of strte(i!
.efensi5e n. %hose effe!ti5eness in!reses the frther the .efense !n &e .r%n
&!3 into the interior of the !ountr$" re offere. &$ ,on-rte hi#self s the &est
r(u#ents in f5or of the .efensi5e) An. these r(u#ents %oul. h5e &een so
o5er%hel#in( tht there !oul. h5e &een no ;uestion of n$ other for# of
resistn!e" -ro5i.e. the uns-o3en su--osition on %hi!h the$ ll .e-en.e. h.
&een true)
This su--osition is of lo$l" .e5ote." un.i5i.e." n. enthusisti! -eo-le) ,ut this
%s in!on!ei5&le" &e!use e5en thou(h the ,on-rtist -rt$ h. (ro%n stron(er
in 1815" it %s still >ust one -rt$" %hi!h %s o--ose. &$ the ro$lists n. the
re-u&li!ns) E5en if %e .#it tht the ltter stoo. #ore for the ,on-rtists thn
(inst the#" the$ %ere still t%o se-rte ele#ents)
As result" the %hole su--ort of the -eo-le for re(ulr n. irre(ulr
ssistn!e %oul. h5e &een %e3ene.) In those -rts of the !ountr$ o!!u-ie. &$
the Allies" -oliti!l -rt$ in o--osition *to N-oleon+ %oul. h5e risen n. the" inste. of feelin( hi#self t ho#e n. in stren(th n. !o#fort" %oul.
h5e &een in n un!ertin -osition" l#ost s if in forei(n ln.)
One su&>e!t tht re;uires s-e!il !onsi.ertion" #oreo5er" is the !-itl) E5er$
!-itl hs (ret strte(i! i#-ortn!e" &ut so#e #ore thn others) This is (reter in
those tht e#&o.$ the !on!e-t of !-itl" n. #ost of ll %here there is 3not of
-oliti!l -rties) This %s the !se %ith Pris) ,on-rte h. to hol. Pris t ll
!osts" n. for this reson his entire strte($ re5ol5e. roun. this stron(-oint) No%
,on-rte h. in f!t lre.$ (i5en thou(ht to fortif$in( n. Pris" &ut
this (i(nti! -ro>e!t %s !o#-letel$ illusor$ s lon( s he !oul. not !ount on the
un.i5i.e. su--ort of its inh&itnts) Tht he !oul. not is -ro5e. &$ his intention to
.isr# the Pris Ntionl Gur. n. re-l!e it %ith nother for!e &se. on the
lo%er !lsses) E5en if he .i. not h5e the !our(e to !rr$ out this -ln" it .oes
sho% ho% #u!h he fere. the -ortion of the Prisin -o-ul!e tht %s not
!o#-letel$ lo$l to hi#) The o--osition ,on-rte en!ountere. in the Le(islti5e
Asse#&l$ #3es the -oliti!l un!ertint$ of his -osition in Frn!e ;uite --rent) As
lon( s he .i. not .e#n. n$thin( #ore thn the relti5el$ in.ire!t efforts re;uire.
&$ the r#$" s lon( s he fou(ht the %r on forei(n territor$ or on the
&or.ers" n. .i. so #ore or less su!!essfull$" his un!ertin sitution %oul. re#in
stisf!tor$ n. the -re-on.ern!e of his intelle!t n. his lu!3 %oul. !ontinue) ,ut
s soon s .ire!t"" n. -ro.i(ious efforts &e!#e ne!essr$" s %oul.
&e the !se in .efense !on.u!te. in the interior of the !ountr$" then ,on-rte=s
-re!rious reltionshi- %ith Frn!e %oul. no lon(er h5e -ro5en stron( enou(h)
The tool %oul. h5e &ro3en in use)
,on-rte felt ll of this !lerl$) If he .oes not stte it e:-li!itl$ in his #e#oirs" it is
onl$ &e!use of his .esire to --er s the i.ol of the Fren!h -eo-le) Ne5ertheless"
he is for!e. to s-e3 of the resistn!e in the %estern -ro5in!es n. the un!ertin
s-irit of the northern ones)
In su!h sitution ,on-rte #ust h5e !onsi.ere. the role of li3e of <ussi to &e unsuit&le" f5orin( inste. one li3e of
M!e.oni)*10+ He therefore -referre. to -l!e hi#self t the he. of his e:!ellent
r#$ n. trust his fte to his lu!3$ str n. to his flshes of (enius in &ol. 5entures"
rther thn !ount on #ore f5or&le .e5elo-#ent of the o5erll sitution" %hi!h he
!oul. not !onte#-lte %ith #u!h !onfi.en!e)
9u!h !onsi.ertions re in this !se #u!h #ore i#-ortnt thn si#-le -referen!e
for tt!3) The ltter !n .eter#ine the !tions of ! in s#ller" less
.e!isi5e situtions tht .o not -l!e his entire e:isten!e t ris3) ,ut it !nnot &e
!onsi.ere. in !se %here fr (reter .estin$ is t st3e) There is -ro&&l$ no
other ! %ho -referre. the tt!3 for hi#self n. his r#$ s #u!h s
Fre.eri!3 the Gret) Ne5ertheless" in 14?1 he o!!u-ie. the !#- t ,un6el%it6
%hen the sitution for!e. hi# to -in ll of his ho-es on %itin()*17+
Chapter .
Attac, on /ellington and "l0cher
E5en &efore the <ussins h. rri5e." n. &efore the (ret Allie. r#$ on the
G--er <hine h. sse#&le." there %s lre.$ n Allie. for!e in the Netherln.s
n. on the lo%er <hine for ,on-rte to !onten. %ith) This for!e %s su&stntil
enou(h tht .e!isi5e 5i!tor$ o5er it %oul. (retl$ &enefit his o5erll -osition" $et
not so lr(e tht he !oul. hol. no ho-e of su!!essful out!o#e) ,on-rte %s
&oth %illin( n. &le to &e(in the %r (inst this for!e &efore the others h.
!rosse. his frontiers) He !hose the lst -ossi&le #o#ent" %hen 9!h%r6en&er( h.
nerl$ sse#&le. his for!es n. the <ussins %ere onl$ &out fourteen .$s@
#r!h %$) He -ro&&l$ .el$e. tt!3in( until so lte &e!use #ost of his for!es
rri5e. onl$ .urin( the lst fe% .$s) Other%ise it %oul. h5e &een .e!i.e.l$ #ore
.5nt(eous to h5e &e(un erlier" so s to h5e enou(h ti#e to s#sh this for!e
on the Lo%er <hine &efore the others !oul. &e(in to influen!e the sitution)
The fun.#entl !on!e-t tht ,on-rte .o-te. for the !#-i(n %s to &urst
forth %ith n tt!3 on the Allie. r#$ in ,el(iu# n. on the Meuse" &e!use it %s
the first one -resent n. thus the first one !-&le of &ein( &rou(ht to &ttleE
&e!use it %s !losest n. thus the first one tht !oul. &e re!he.E n. &e!use it
%s !o##n.e. &$ the #ost enter-risin( le.ers n. therefore the ones to &e
fere. #ost) He therefore sse#&le. .is-ro-ortionte -rt of his r#$ (inst
the#" s %e h5e lre.$ seen) There %s !ertinl$ nothin( &etter for hi# to .oD
This %s the onl$ %$8(i5en his e:tre#el$ .iffi!ult n. -re!rious sitution
8for hi# to ttin #ore soli. -osition) Onl$ &$ s-len.i. 5i!tor$ o5er ,lI!her n.
Wellin(ton" the t%o (enerls in %ho# the Allie. so5erei(ns -l!e. their (retest
!onfi.en!e" n. &$ the totl .estru!tion of their r#ies" !oul. he stri3e &lo% tht
%oul. !use .#irtion in Frn!e" .is#$ #on( the Allies" n. stonish#ent in
Euro-e) Onl$ then !oul. he ho-e to (in ti#e n. in!rese his -o%er &$ fe% #ore
ste-s" thus &e!o#in( #ore of #t!h for his o--onents) If he file. to (in this
5i!tor$" or if it .i. not .eter the Allies fro# i##e.itel$ Frn!e" then it
%oul. &e i#-ossi&le for hi# to s5e hi#self fro# se!on. .o%nfll)

Chapter 1
Allied Forces
In the first hlf of 2une" the for!es tht the Allies set into #otion (inst ,on-rte
h. the follo%in( stren(ths n. .is-ositionsD

1) The r#$ of the Netherln.s
Wellin(ton in ,el(iu#
!onsistin( of En(lish" Hno5erin" Jut!h"
,runs%i!3" n. Nssu troo-s 1''"'''
,lI!her on the Meuse 115"'''
Ger#ni! Confe.ertion troo-s on the Moselle 1'"'''
'otal 105"'''

1) The <ussin r#$" on the #r!h to%r.s the Mi..le <hine 17'"'''
0) The Austrin r#$" to(ether %ith Ger#ni! Confe.ertion
troo-s fro# 9outhern Ger#n$" on the G--er <hine 10'"'''
7) The Austrins n. 9r.inins in Itl$ ?'"'''
2*rand3 'otal ??5"'''
A(inst these #sses the Fren!h h. --ro:i#tel$D
11 Ar#$ 18'"'''
Ntionl Gur. 15"'''
'otal in the field 1/5"'''
If %e .. to these &out 8'"''' #en fro# the fortress (rrisons" %ho !oul. h5e
!o#e into !tion .urin( the !ourse of the !#-i(n" then the Fren!h %ith their
145"''' #en re su--ose. to hol. their o%n (inst ??5"''' #en or e5en .efet
the#) ,ut the Prussins lone h. nother 1''"''' troo-s #o5in( u-" n#el$ the
Gur." the 5th n. ?th Cor-s" n. se5erl re(i#ents &elon(in( to the other four
!or-s) Lter on" the Ne-olitn n. Jnish troo-s %oul. h5e to &e t3en into
!!ount s %ell" lon( %ith the ne% !or-s &ein( rise. in Ger#n$" su!h s the
Prussin 4th Cor-s in West-hli)
To (et the &etter of su!h o5er%hel#in( for!es %oul. re;uire l#ost #ir!le"
n. ,on-rte=s tte#-t in his #e#oirs to use the !#-i(n of 1817 s -roof tht
su!h #ir!le %s -ossi&le is #ere so-histr$) The su!!esses tht he h. (ine.
(inst the Allies in Fe&rur$ 1817 %ere not t!ti!l 5i!tories o5er n ene#$ t%o or
three ti#es his su-erior" for he .efete. the for!es one t ti#e" n. in e!h
en((e#ent he h. either su-erior or rou(hl$ e;ul nu#&ers) Nor .i. these
5i!tories le. to o5erll strte(i! su!!ess (inst the %hole llin!e" for the
!#-i(n en.e. in his .o%nfll) These 5i!tories %ere the result of %ell rrn(e.
o-ertionl !o#&intions n. tre#en.ous ener($) The f!t tht ll their
results !oul. not &rin( &out f5or&le out!o#e for the !#-i(n s %hole"
ho%e5er" sho%s the insur#ount&le .iffi!ulties tht o!!ur on!e !ertin
.is-ro-ortion of for!es is re!he.)
We .o not #en to su((est tht it %s totll$ i#-ossi&le for ,on-rte to &rin(
the %r to su!!essful !on!lusion) <ther" %e re s$in( tht in %rs &et%een
!i5ili6e. so!ieties" %here the for!es n. the #o.e of e#-lo$in( the# re not 5er$
.ifferent" nu#&ers (enerll$ .e!i.e #ore thn hs usull$ &een .#itte.) Thus the
nu#&ers sho%n here8!! to ll theoreti!l n. histori!l -ro&&ilit$8h.
lre.$ .eter#ine. the out!o#e of the %r in .5n!e)

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