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walls at uniform temperature and with a small opening for observation

graybody:* a temperature radiator the spectral emissivity of which is
less than unity and the same at all wavelengths.
total emissivity* (e,) : the ratio of the radiant flux density (radiancy)
at an element of any temperature radiator to that at an element of a
blackbody at the same temperature.
spectral emissivity* (<? x ) : the ratio at a given wavelength of the radiant
flux density per unit wavelength interval (at that wavelength) of any tem-
perature radiator to that of a blackbody at the same temperature.
5. Lighting Terms
luminosity factor : the ratio of the luminous flux at a particular wave-
length to the radiant flux at that wavelength. It is expressed in lumens
per watt. The relative luminosity factor is a dimensionless ratio set equal
to unity at 0.554 micron wavelength. Standard (relative) luminosity
factors are given in Table 1-3.
luminous efficiency of radiant energy : the ratio of the total luminous
flux to the total radiant flux (usually expressed in lumens per watt of
radiant flux). For energy radiated at a single wave-length, luminous
efficiency is synonymous with luminosity factor.
This term is not to be confused with the term efficiency as applied to a
light source since the latter is based on the power consumed by the source
instead of on the radiant flux from the source.
mechanical equivalent of light (minimum) : the reciprocal of the luminous
efficiency (maximum) of radiant energy; that is, the watts per lumen at
the wavelength of maximum luminosity.
The best experimental value is 0.00154 watt per lumen, corresponding to
650 lumens per radiant watt, the maximum possible efficiency of a light
source. When expressed in terms of the new value of the lumen these
values become, respectively, 0.00151 watt per (new) lumen and 660 (new)
lumens per watt. See page 1-12.
efficiency (of a light source) : the ratio of the total luminous flux to the
total power input, expressed in lumens per watt, or, (for combustion
sources) in lumens per thermal unit consumed per unit of time.
reflection factor (reflectance)
or r) : the ratio of the light reflected by
the body to the incident light.
transmission factor (transmittance) (r or t) : the ratio of the light trans-
mitted by the body to the incident light.
performance curve: a curve representing the variation in performance
of a lamp (candlepower, consumption, and so forth) during its life. See
Fig. 6-39, page 6-43.
characteristic curve : a curve expressing a relationship between two
variable characteristics of a source, such as candlepower and volts, candle-
power and rate of fuel consumption, and so forth. See Fig. 6-10, page 6-11.
curve of light distribution : a curve showing the variation of luminous
See pages 1-8 and 1-12.

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