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Scorpio Rules : the sexual organs.

Health Habits : Scorpio people are renowned for their energy and imagination. Scorpio natives are
prone to problems and infections of the sex organs. Skin eruptions on the genitals, cystitis and diseases
of the urinary tract, and venereal infections are ailments to which Scorpios are very susceptible to. In
addition, Scorpions are subject to ill health brought on by emotional difficulties.
Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto, which governs the formation of cells and the reproductive function
of the body. Thus, Scorplo's link with sex and regenerative forces is strengthened. As a rule, Scorpios
have strong, voluptuous bodies and excellent recuperative powers. It's been said that Scorpios look old
when they are young, and young when they are old.
Scorpio's cell salt is calcium sulphate, which is the prime ingredient in the repair of tissues and
resistance to infectious diseases. The nose, mouth, throat, esophagus, reproductive organs, and
intestinal pathways need this mineral for healthy functioning. A deficiency opens the way to colds and
sinus infections that hang on forever, skin eruptions which do not heal, and infertility.
Eat : Foods rich in calcium sulphate, which Scorpios should include in their diet, are asparagus,
cauliflower, radishes, onions, tomatoes, figs, black cherries, coconuts. Scorpios need calcium food such
as milk, cheese, yogurt, and cottage cheese. They should concentrate on a diet high in protein, fresh
fruits and vegetables & whole-grain breads. The following are particularly good for Scorpio: fish and
seafood, green salads, beets, lentil, almonds, walnuts, citrus fruit, berries, apples, bananas and
Don't Eat : Scorpios should not eat large meals, and the evening meal should be light. Bottled spring
water is often better for them to drink than regular tap water.Scorpios have a problem handling liquor.
Of all the signs in the zodiac, alcohol has the worst and most immediate effects on Scorpio's looks and
Eat: Fruits, bananas, black cherries, coconut, steamed vegetables, green salads, leeks, cauliflower,
onions, radishes, tomatoes, asparagus, cucumbers, beets, beans, lentils, and almonds
Avoid: Oily foods, yeasty foods, salt, sweets, and refined sugar

The water element rules the reproductive and lymphatic systems and body liquidsincluding blood,
mucus and lymph. Water lubricates, flushes and cools the body. Water signs are exceptionally sensitive
to their environment, particularly to fungi, bacteria and viruses.
Health issues for water signs generally have a strong emotional component. Water sign people easily
pick up negativity from others. They tend to brood on their health and imagine problems to be greater
than they are. Their health problems tend to recur in cycles.
Excess Water
These people tend toward sluggish digestion, poor assimilation and slow metabolism. Stagnant excess
water may manifest as mucus, cysts, tumors and swellings, as well as systemic candida. Excess water can
manifest as weight problems. It is seldom helpful to decrease dietary intake alone. Better results come
from increasing the metabolic rate, decreasing the liquid intake, changing the diet and increasing
physical activity.Excess Water is balanced by foods that are hot, dry and light.
Take steamed vegetables, beans, fruits.
Avoid oily foods, diary, sweets, yeasty foods, breads and salt.
sage, basil and thyme, Diuretics such as parsley, uva ursi and juniper berries, Chapparal, garlic
and olive leaf
Low Water
Low Water constitutions have trouble flushing toxins from their systems, and lack lubrication to their
systems. They tend to be stiff and dehydrated and have difficulty sleeping. They suffer from conditions
similar to excess air, such as skin and hair dryness and difficult absorption of nutrients. They find it hard
to accept emotional nourishment. Take baths, drink plenty of liquids, and live near water.Melons,
cucumbers and other moist and fleshy vegetables help balance this constitution Don't fast, take care
with extreme exposure to heat or sunlight and take extra salt with exertion or warm weather.
Take wheat, rice, oats, seaweed, dairy products and natural sugars .
Avoid beans and natural diuretics such as carrots, celery, cabbage and asparagus
Remedy licorice sweetened with honey, Fruit juices
Note: : The health information given above is not meant as a substitute for care from a qualified
physician. The information is given for educational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose or
prescribe. or its owners are not responsible for any mishaps that occur as a
result of using this information.
Dietary: Since you are a water sign moon, refrain from consuming alcohol or consume small
amounts. Make sure you keep your colon and elimination healthy or you could end up with a health
crisis down the line. Too much salt and fried foods are not your friends, and you need plenty of fiber in
your diet from vegetables (with skin), fruit (with skin), and whole grains. You are okay with dairy, but get
checked for lactose intolerance and dairy allergies first. Digestion could be a problem so rule out celiac
disease or give up gluten all together and you will see marked improvement with digestion. Eat an
alkaline diet (animal products, caffeine, chocolate, and fruits are considered acidic so eat
sparingly). Investigate the ingredients in your foods or cook from scratch. Watch out for food poisoning
because you are prone to it.
Dieta pentru zodia Scorpion 23 Octombrie - 21 Noiembrie

Campion la incapacitatea de a-si armoniza trairile emotionale, Scorpionul sufera din cauza prabusirii
imunitatii lui pana la cote primejdioase, devenind foarte receptiv la tot felul de virusuri. El e afectat si de
o carenta de calciu, motiv pentru care este predispus la imbolnavirea sistemului respirator, a organelor
de reproducere, a intestinului subtire si gros. De aceea, Scorpionul, semn de apa, trebuie sa manance
des alimente calde foarte putin sau deloc sarate, alimente oferite de apa, telina, ceaiuri, sucuri, produse
bogate in fier, salata verde, alimente de culoare rosie sau neagra: sfecla, cirese, visine, mere, ridichi,
capsune, rosii, zmeura, mure, gogosari, ardei capia, lamai, legume si fructe de toamna. Din pacate,
Scorpionul, prefera chiar daca stie ca apoi nu va simti bine, alimentele grele cu arome puternice si
carnea rosie. Ca sa-si pastreze energia, iar organismul sa aiba ragaz sa elimine toxinele, ar trebui sa
alterneze alimentele umede - proaspete - cu cele uscate, avand grija sa manance alternativ: intr-o zi din
primele, apoi celelalte.

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