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Thank you for calling MAZ BUSINESS CENTER. This is Nicole. How may I assist/help you?
I am having a little difficulty hearing you. Can you please speak up?

"May I tell Sir/Madam____ who is calling?" Or "May I ask who is calling?"
"May I ask what you wish to speak to Sir/Madam___ about?" Or, "May I know the reason for your call?"
When the caller wont give his name
"Im sorry, but Sir/Madam___ is not available at the moment. Would you mind calling back?" Or you can simply tell him that you are not
permitted to put through a call without first finding out who is calling. If he still insists, suggest that he write for an appointment.

"I think Sir/Madam__ our Managing Director will be able to answer your questions. May I transfer you to him?" Or, "May I transfer you to our
Managing Director? I believe Madam Nasreen, our managing director, can help you

When you suspect you have a wrong number, ask "Is this Eldorado 9-9999?" Or "Is this the Latham Company?" When the answer is "no", say,
"Im sorry, I have the wrong number." and hang up.
After dialing a wrong number, say Im sorry, I must have dialed the wrong number, or something similar. Thats it. Hang-up. No explanation
needed and no need to hear the other partys response.

Mr. John, do you mind if I place you on hold? --"May I put you on hold?

Dont put the second call on hold and just leave it there. Keep the waiting caller informed. You can say "Madam___ is still on the other wire, but
Shes just about finished with the call."

Hi, my name is Nicole and Im calling from MAZ BUSINESS CENTER. May I please speak with Mrs/Mr______?

Yes Shes in. May I tell her whos calling, please? is an appropriate response.
When its necessary to screen calls (i.e., if someone is available ONLY to certain individuals), Shes out of the office; may I take your name and
number? OR May I say whos calling? Thank you. Let me check and see if hes in.

Im sorry but shes away from her desk. Can I help you, or would you like to leave a message?
Im sorry but shes unavailable at the moment. Would you like to try calling back in about 10 minutes or would you like to leave a message?
Im sorry, but she has the day off *note: not an off day+. Could I take a message and Ill have her return your call tomorrow?

Name of caller and from where or what company he is calling from.
The callers phone number.
The reason for the call.
Short message.
Best time and date to call him back.
Action to be taken (i.e., Please Call, Will call back, or URGENT)

When calling someone, establish specific call-back times. Ask, When is the best time for me to call again? or When is the best time for them to
call me back?
When taking calls for another individual, schedule return calls during specific blocks of time (i.e., I expect him to return by 2:00 p.m. You can reach
him between 2 and 5).

Alternative Dialogue
Instead of Say
Hold on
Will you hold while I (and wait for
the answer)
Who is this?
May I have your name please? or
Who is calling, please? or May I ask
whos calling?
Thank you for calling the office of the
Director of Education, Finance and
Everything Else, in the College of We
Are the World. My name is Global
Warming, how may I help you.
College of We Are the World, Global
We cant do that.
I believe we can offer (alternative)
...will that work for you?
I can take a message.
Ill be happy to take a message and be
sure it gets to (the correct person) right
So and So is responsible for that.
Im sorry youre having this problem,
what can I do to help?
Like I told you before
Im really sorry youre having this
problem. Lets find a way to resolve this
No one here would have promised you
anything like that.
If I understand you correctly, you were
promised Lets figure out how we can resolve
If you would just listen.
I understand you are upset, I
apologize for the trouble youre having
with this.
Sentences starting with you Sentences starting with I

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