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Universitatea Babe-Bolyai Cluj School of Public Health

Bbe-Bolyai Tudomnyegyetem College of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences

Babe-Bolyai Universitt Babe-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca
Traditio Et Excelentia 7 Pandurilor Street
400376 Cluj-Napoca

of September 2014
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Welcome letter

Dear SPH students,

First of all we would like to congratulate all of you for the admission to the Cluj School of Public Health (SPH)!

I am writing to inform you about the scheduled activities to be carried out until the start of the courses:

1) The official opening of the 2013-2014 academic year will take place on 24
of September 2014 (the time
and place will be communicated to you in a follow-up email). The event will be black tie cocktail party for
the SPH admitted students and faculty members. You will get the chance to know some of your professors
and advisors, as they will also attend the event. Attendance is mandatory, as is the formal dress code
(evening dress/shirt & tie/evening jacket/evening shoes/no blue-jeans or snicker...)
2) You will all participate in an orientation event in Cluj-Napoca, which will take place from 24
of September
until 26
of September 2014.
3) You will all participate to an inter-personal communication training, which will take place in Baru Mare,
Hunedoara, between 27
September and 30
September 2014. SPH will provide transport and
accommodation; you will have to bring your own food for the duration of the training.

Furthermore, we would also appreciate if you provide us with your Facebook account ID, for the SPH students
Facebook page.

For any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,
Elena Bozdog
SPH students Coordinator

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