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1887-1893 (1
period) FEDERICO
1893-1902 (2
period) ANTONIO
1902-1904 (3
period) FRANCICO
!e"ore DE #A $ENA %ent to p&in' (e e)e*+ted & po%er o" &ttorne, in "&-or o"
FEDERICO &nd 3 ot(er peop.e/ T(eir t&s0 is to represent (i1 &nd &d1inister -&rio+s
properties (e o%ned in 2&ni.&/ FEDERICO too0 *(&r3e in No-/ 1887/ A"ter & "e% ,e&rs'
FEDERICO %rote & .etter to DE #A $ENA/ It *ont&ins & re4+est t(&t DE #A $ENA &ssi3n &
person %(o 1i3(t s+5stit+te FEDERICO in t(e e-ent t(&t (e .e&-es t(e $(i.ippines
5e*&+se one o" t(e &3ents died &nd t(e ot(er 2 &re +n%i..in3 to t&0e *(&r3e/ DE #A
$ENA did not &ns%er t(e .etter
t(ere %&s neit(er &ppro-&. nor o56e*tion on t(e &**o+nts &nd no &ppoint1ent o"
&not(er person %(o 1i3(t s+5stit+te FEDERICO/ !e*&+se o" (e&.t( re&sons' FEDERICO
%ent to p&in/ !e"ore (e dep&rted' (e sent &not(er .etter to DE #A $ENA & s+11&r, o"
&**o+nts &nd in"or1in3 t(&t (e %i.. 5e .e&-in3 t(e $(i.ippines &nd t(&t (e t+rned o-er
t(e &d1inistr&tion to ANTONIO (t(o+3( FEDERICO st&ted t(&t i" DE #A $ENA is not
(&pp, %it( t(is' DE #A $ENA 1+st send ANTONIO & ne% po%er o" &ttorne,)/
DE #A $ENA in *o+rt "or t(e *o..e*tion o" re-en+e "ro1 (is &**o+nts %(i*( %&s
(&nd.ed 5, FEDERICO/ DE #A $ENA &..e3es t(&t FEDERICO (&s on., re1itted 1/20 &nd
sti.. o%es (i1 ro+3(., 720/ F+rt(er1ore' DE #A $ENA see0s to (o.d FEDERICO .i&5.e "or
t(e &d1inistr&tion "ro1 t(e period o" 1887 +nti. 1904/ FEDERICO &sserts t(&t (e
*&nnot 5e .i&5.e "or t(e period &"ter (e reno+n*ed (is &3en*,/ F+rt(er1ore FEDERICO
&r3+es t(&t (is ren+n*i&tion &nd &ppoint1ent o" & s+5stit+te %&s .e3&. "or t(ere %&s
no o56e*tion on t(e p&rt o" DE #A $ENA/
:(et(er t(ere %&s & -&.id &3en*, in t(e *&se o" ANTONIO (2
T(ere %&s &n i1p.ied &3en*, in t(e *&se o" ANTONIO/ DE #A $ENA *re&ted &n i1p.ied
&3en*, in "&-or o" ANTONIO 5e*&+se o" (is si.en*e on t(e 1&tter "or & n+15er o"
T(ere %&s & -&.id ren+n*i&tion in t(e *&se o" FEDERICO/ ;is re&son "or .e&-in3 t(e
*o+ntr, is .e3iti1&te/ F+rt(er1ore' (e 3&-e noti*e to DE #A $ENA &5o+t (is sit+&tion in
%(i*( t(e .&tter "&i.ed to 3i-e (is o56e*tion/
!ein3 & -&.id &3en*, on t(e p&rt o" ANTONIO &nd & -&.id ren+n*i&tion on t(e p&rt, o"
FEDERICO' it 1+st "o..o% t(&t t(e .i&, o" FEDERICO on., e)tends +p to t(e point
5e"ore (is ren+n*i&tion o" t(e &3en*, (1
T(e i1p.ied &3en*, is "o+nded on t(e .&*0 o" *ontr&di*tion or opposition' %(i*(
*onstit+tes si1+.t&neo+s &3ree1ent on t(e p&rt o" t(e pres+1ed prin*ip&. to t(e
e)e*+tion o" t(e *ontr&*t/
T(e &3ent &nd &d1inistr&tor %(o %&s o5.i3ed to .e&-e (is *(&r3e "or & .e3iti1&te
*&+se &nd %(o d+., in"or1ed (is prin*ip&.' is t(en*e"or%&rd re.e&sed &nd "reed "ro1
t(e res+.ts &nd *onse4+en*es o" t(e 1&n&3e1ent o" t(e person %(o s+5stit+ted (i1
%it( t(e *onsent' e-en t&*it t(o+3( it 5e' o" (is prin*ip&./
On <+., 19' 1909' t(e p.&inti= 7.ed &n &*tion &3&inst t(e de"end&nt
in t(e Co+rt o" First Inst&n*e o" #e,te/T(is %&s to re*o-er t(e s+1 o"
$(p442/00 "or t(e 3oods so.d &nd de.i-ered 5, t(e p.&inti= t(ro+3(
its &3ent (>+tierre?) to t(e de"end&nt 5et%een <&n+&r, 11' 1909
&nd Apri. 1' 1909/ To t(is *o1p.&int t(e de"end&nt in (is spe*i&.
&ns%er &d1itted t(&t (e (&d p+r*(&sed "ro1 t(e &3ent (>+tierre?)
3oods' %&res &nd 1er*(&ndise 5et%een <&n+&r, 12' 1909 &nd
2&r*( 1@' 1909 &1o+ntin3 to $(p A92/00 &nd t(&t (e (&d so.d to
>+tierre? &5&*& &nd ot(er e=e*ts 5et%een <&n+&r, 2@' 1909 &nd
Fe5r+&r, A' 1909 &1o+ntin3 to $(p 1'308/80 .e&-in3 & 5&.&n*e d+e
t(e de"end&nt o" $(p A1A/80/ A"ter (e&rin3 t(e CFI "o+nd t(&t t(e
p.&inti= %&s inde5ted to t(e de"end&nt/ T(e de"end&nt &ppe&.ed
&nd 1&de se-er&. &ssi3n1ents o" error/
:(et(er or not t(e >+tierre? (t(e &3ent) is sti.. &n &3ent &"ter 5ein3
NO/ T(ere is no *on-in*in3 proo" t(&t t(e orders 3i-en 5, t(e
p.&inti= to its &3ent (&d e-er 5een *o11+ni*&ted to t(e de"end&nt/
T(e de"end&nt (&d & per"e*t ri3(t to' +nti. ot(er%ise
in"or1ed t(&t t(e &3ent o" t(e p.&inti=' in (is p+r*(&se o" &5&*& &nd
ot(er e=e*ts %&s sti.. representin3 t(e p.&inti= in s&id tr&ns&*tions/
T(e p.&inti= p.&*ed its &3ent &s & %itness &nd testi7ed t(&t t(e
p+r*(&sed &5&*& %&s 5o+3(t 5, (i1 &s &n &3ent o" t(e p.&inti= &nd
de.i-ered &*t+&.., to t(e p.&inti=/
Parcels of land wend by MRCI
AUVCI (AU Valencia) - Agent
For a stipulated fee AUVCI was to con!ert t"e lands into a subdi!ision
#anage t"e sale of t"e lots e$ecute contracts and issue official receipts to
t"e lot buyers
At the time of the agreement, the president of both MRCI and AUVCI was
Artemio U. Valencia
AUVCI e$ecuted two contracts to sell in fa!or of spouses %scar C& Ventanilla
and Car#en 'loria (ia) for t"e co#bined contract price of P**+,-&..
payable #ont"ly in ten years
After ten days and wit"out t"e /nowledge of t"e Ventanilla couple Valencia
as president of MRCI resold t"e sa#e parcels to Carlos Crisosto#o one of
"is sales agents wit"out any consideration Upon orders of Valencia t"e
#ont"ly pay#ents of t"e Ventanillas were re#itted to t"e MRCI as pay#ents
of Crisosto#o for w"ic" receipts were issued in "is na#e& 0"e receipts were
/ept by Valencia wit"out t"e /nowledge of t"e Ventanillas and Crisosto#o&
0"e Ventanillas continued paying t"eir #ont"ly install#ents&
!, (is represent&tions' petitioner is no% estopped "ro1 dis*.&i1in3
.i&, "or t(e tr&ns&*tion entered 5, Ti+ ;+, Ti&* on (is 5e(&."/ It
1&tters not %(et(er t(e represent&tions &re intention&. or 1ere.,
ne3.i3ent so .on3 &s inno*ent' t(ird persons re.ied +pon s+*(
represent&tions in 3ood "&it( &nd "or -&.+e As
As (e.d in t(e *&se o" 2&ni.& Re1n&nt Co/ Inc/ v/ Court of Appeals' (191
CRA A22 C1990D)9
2ore in point' %e 7nd t(&t 5, t(e prin*ip.e o" estoppe.' 2&ni.& Re1n&nt
is dee1ed to (&-e
&..o%ed its &3ent to &*t &s t(o+3( it (&d p.en&r, po%ers/ Arti*.e 1911 o"
t(e Ci-i. Code
EE-en %(en t(e &3ent (&s e)*eeded (is &+t(orit,' t(e prin*ip&. is, .i&5.e %it( t(e &3ent i" t(e "or1er &..o%ed t(e .&tter to &*t &s
t(o+3( (e (&d "+.. po%ers/E (E1p(&sis s+pp.ied)/

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