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User Guide

Business Objects Training
STAR Reporting Universe
Version 042204

Table of Contents
Changing Your Password
Lesson 1-1: Getting Started
Logging Into Business Objects
Terms & Navigation
Lesson 1-2: The Basics
!etrieving " #ocument
$or%ing $ith The !e&ort
- '
Lesson 1-3: Working With The e!ort
(e)&*u) Terms & Too)bars
!e*resh & +i)ter
,ignature "uthori-ation !e&ort
#emand Chec% !e&ort
Purchasing !e&ort !e&ort
Center In*ormation !e&ort
Person !e&ort
+inding #ata
0a& +eature
,aving " +i)e
Printing " !e&ort
12iting Business Objects
B#siness $%&ects 'ser (el! ) S#!!ort /'-/3
Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page 5

$e)come to Business Objects training *or the ,T"! universe6 This user user-guide is intended to give
.ou ste&-b.-ste& instructions on how to e2ecute a &re-e2isting 7uer. using Business Objects in the ,T"!
4niverse8 $hi)e this guide is ver. com&rehensive9 it does not cover the use o* Business Objects in the
+inancia) !e&orting or 1PIC universes8 The objectives *or this user guide are:
To &rovide .ou with a basic understanding o* how to access and navigate
within Business Objects9
To &rovide .ou with ste&-b.-ste& instructions on how to e2ecute the e2isting
,ignature "uthori-ation 7uer.9 and
To demonstrate he)&*u) *eatures such as saving and &rinting .our re&ort8
"s a reminder9 Business Objects re7uires the use o* .our ;4net I# and 1-&assword *or securit.
authentication8 I* .ou need to reset .our ;4net I# &assword9 .ou can do so b. visiting
I* .ou are read.9 )et=s get started6
Lesson 1-1: Getting Started
Logging *nto B#siness $%&ects
#oub)e-c)ic% on the >Business Objects? icon on .our des%to&9 or se)ect it *rom .our ,tart menu8 You wi))
see the *o))owing screen &rom&ting .ou *or .our username and &assword8 +or .our 4ser Name9 enter .our
;4net I#8 +or .our Password9 enter .our 1-&assword8

Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page 3

Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page @

You wi)) %now that the s.stem has acce&ted .our )ogin when .ou see the *o))owing screen8

The New !e&ort $i-ard is a he)&*u) *eature i* .ou are interested in creating new re&orts in Business
Objects8 ,ince we are &rimari). interested in e2ecuting an e2isting re&ort9 )et=s de-se)ect the >!un this
$i-ard at ,tartu&? bo2 at the bottom )e*t o* the $e)come screen8

Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page

Ne2t9 se)ect the Cance) button and the *o))owing screen wi)) a&&ear8

Lesson 1-2: The Basics
etrie+ing A ,or!orate -oc#ment
Now that we are in Business Objects9 )et=s *ind our re&ort8 "t the +IL1 menu9 go to +i)e A !etrieve +rom A
Cor&orate #ocuments as shown be)ow:

Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page B

Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page '

You wi)) see a window simi)ar to this:
C)ic% on the 4ncategori-ed *o)der under Cor&orate #ocuments9 and .ou wi)) see the *o))owing screen:
CNote: Your screen ma. )oo% s)ight). di**erent8D
Locate and high)ight the *i)e >,ig"uth C"))D8re&? and ma%e sure the >O&en on !etrieva)? bo2 has been
se)ected8 Ne2t9 c)ic% on the !etrieve button as shown be)ow:

Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page 3

You wi)) %now that the *i)e has been success*u)). retrieved when .ou see the *o))owing screen:
Business Objects wi)) save the *i)e to the >user#ocs? *o)der within Business Objects8 Im&ortant: The
Business Objects 7uer. is now )ocated on .our com&uter8 It is not necessar. to retrieve the re&ort *rom
Cor&orate #ocuments each time .ou need to run the 7uer.8 The ne2t time .ou need to run the 7uer.9
se)ect +i)eA O&en and se)ect the *i)e *rom .our >user#ocs? director.8

,e)ect OE *rom the Im&ort !esu)ts bo2 and the 7uer. wi)) o&en8 Let=s &ause here *or now to review some
termino)og. and ta)% about the re&ort we just retrieved6
Lesson 1-3: Working With The e!ort
The &ur&ose o* this re&ort is to &rovide .ou with an e**icient wa. to view signature authorit. Cboth direct
and inheritedD on various nodes and centers
This re&ort inc)udes seven tabs9 inc)uding the he)& tab9 each &resenting a di**erent view o* in*ormation
re)ating to signature authori-ation8 You can s&eci*. the in*ormation to be &resented in the re&ort b.
*i)tering and re*reshing the 7uer.8
Be*ore we start to review the re&ort9 )et=s cover some Business Objects Termino)og. and Basic
(el!.#l Terms
What it is/0
B)oc% Feneric term used to describe tab)es9 crosstabs9 and charts at the
re&ort )eve)8
C)asses Logica) grou&s o* re)ated Objects8 +or 12am&)e: " #ate C)ass
wou)d t.&ica)). contain Year9 Guarter9 and 0onth Objects8
#ata Provider Business Objects Guer. or Im&orted *i)e C12ce) or Te2tD8
#ocument Business Objects *i)e with an 8r&t e2tension8
Object 1)ement or +ie)d8
!e&ort Tabs in a BO *i)e9 stored simi)ar to a wor%sheet in 12ce)8
4niverse Logica) grou& o* c)asses that inc)udes tab)e joins and object
creation<renaming ca&abi)ities8
Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page H

"en# Bar and Tool%ars

+ormu)a Too) Bar
!e&ort Too) Bar
+ormatting Too) Bar
,tandard Too) Bar
0ain 0enu Bar
Ti!: Fenera)). a)) the icons and navigation buttons that .ou wi)) need *or training and ever.da. use wi))
be *ound on these too)bars8
1ie2ing 3o#r e!ort
To ma2imi-e the viewing area o* .our re&ort9 )et=s minimi-e the !e&ort 0anager *eature in Business
Objects8 The !e&ort 0anager is the &ane) on the )e*t-hand side o* .our screen8 To hide this &ane)9 se)ect
the >2? as demonstrated in the *o))owing screen:
C)ic% (ere

Now that we have c)osed the !e&ort 0anager9 .ou shou)d have a >c)eaner? screen with more viewing
area *or .our re&ort8
Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page /I

e!ort ,om!onents
"s mentioned above9 this re&ort has si2 tabs containing signature authori-ation in*ormation8 1ach tab
dis&)a.s di**erent signature authori-ation in*ormation8 The re&ort tabs are as *o))ows:
o ,ignature "uthori-ation
o #emand Chec%
o Purchasing
o Center In*ormation
o Person In*ormation
e.resh and 4ilter
#uring the course o* .our wor%9 .ou wi)) *ind it necessar. to search ,T"! to )ocate the in*ormation that
.ou need8 The *o))owing ste&s wi)) assist .ou in using the Business Objects 7uer. to )ocate on). the
centers9 ro)es9 or ;unet I#s that are necessar.8
$e wi)) use the !e*resh #ata Icon to he)& us com&)ete the search8 You wi)) *ind the !e*resh #ata
icon on the ,tandard too)bar8 P)ease see above *or a review o* using too)bars in Business Objects8
$hen .ou c)ic% on the !e*resh #ata Icon9 .ou wi)) see the *o))owing screen containing +i)ter &rom&ts:

There are *our C@D categories in which .ou can *i)ter9 or search *or .our data8 The. are Center9 !o)e9
;4net I#9 and #irect<Inherited access8
The *o))owing &ages wi)) review the use o* each *i)ter and the va)ues that can be entered *or each *i)ter8
The va)ues button wi)) dis&)a. a )ist o* a)) the avai)ab)e o&tions9 or va)ues *or each o* the *our *i)ters8 This
is e2treme). im&ortant i* .ou are searching *or mu)ti&)e items or i* .ou are not sure o* what the avai)ab)e
va)ues are *or a *i)ter8
You can se)ect individua) va)ues with a c)ic% o* the mouse9 or .ou can se)ect mu)ti&)e va)ues b. &ressing
the Contro) button and then c)ic%ing .our mouse8
Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page //

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+i)ter b. Center: To *i)ter using the )ow-)eve) centers9 sim&). %e. in the /I-digit center number9 without
h.&hens8 I* .ou have mu)ti&)e centers to enter9 or need to search *or a center9 .ou ma. want to use the
;a)ues button8 " &artia) )isting o* va)ues *or +i)ter b. Center is shown be)ow:

+i)ter b. !o)e: To *i)er b. !o)e9 enter the ro)e name into the te2t bo28 Note: Because the naming
convention *or the ro)es is so s&eci*ic9 it is recommended that .ou use the va)ues o&tion to se)ect the
desired ro)es8 The *o))owing screen &rint is a &artia) )ist o* va)ues *or the !o)e *i)ter8

Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page /3

+i)ter b. ;4net I#: To *i)ter b. ;4net I#9 enter desired ;unet I# into the te2t bo28 PL1",1 NOT1:
$hen *i)tering b. ;4net I#9 .ou must enter the entire I# in a)) C"PIT"L,8 The screen &rint be)ow is a
&artia) )ist o* a)) avai)ab)e I#s

+i)ter b. #irect<Inherited "ccess: To *i)ter b. #irect or Inherited "ccess9 sim&). enter the words >#irect?
or >Inherited? into the te2t bo2
(ere are a *ew he)&*u) ti&s when *i)tering .our data8
o It is im&ortant to note that a +i)ter Te2t Bo2 cannot be )e*t em&t.8 I* .ou do not want to *i)ter b. a
s&eci*ic va)ueCsD9 then .ou must return a)) va)ues8 This is done b. entering a s&ace in the +i)ter
Te2t Bo28 C)ic% in the te2t bo2 under the *i)ter and &ress the s&ace bar8
" s&ace is re&resented in Business Objects b. the JKLJ s.mbo)8 This is norma) and can be
e2&ected8 " +i)ter Te2t Bo2 with JKLJ in it wi)) return a)) va)ues *or that *ie)d8
o Not a)) *i)ters shou)d be used with ever. re&ort tab8
"t this &oint9 se)ect the OE button and .our re&ort wi)) re*resh with re7uested in*ormation8 Now9 )et=s
move on and review re&ort tabs6
Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page /@

Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page /

The *o))owing &ages wi)) &rovide .ou with in*ormation on each re&ort tab and *i)ter recommendations8
Signat#re A#thori5ation Ta% - This re&ort &rovides .ou with a )ist o* a)) individua)s with an. t.&e
,ignature "uthori-ation *or a re7uested centerCsD8 The re&ort wi)) dis&)a. the re7uested center number
and name9 as we)) as9 the *irst and )ast name9 the ;4net I#9 and ro)e *or each &erson with ,ignature
"uthorit. at this center8 The recommended *i)ters to use *or this re&ort are /9 5 & 3 with the @
*i)ter set to
return a)) va)ues8 #o))ar )imits are a)so dis&)a.ed *or a&&ro&riate ro)es8

-emand ,heck 6 This re&ort &rovides a )ist o* &ersons and their ,ignature "uthori-ation !o)es b. center
customi-ed *or users in the #emand Chec% areas8 The re&ort wi)) dis&)a. the *o))owing codes:
Y indicates the individua) has ,ignature "uthorit. *or a &articu)ar ro)e at this center8
N indicates the individua) does not have ,ignature "uthorit. *or a &articu)ar ro)e at this
")) indicates that the individua) has a&&rova) *or a)) do))ar amounts *or this &articu)ar ro)e
and center8
,&eci*ic do))ar amounts indicate the )eve) o* authorit. that an individua) has *or a
&articu)ar ro)e and center8
The recommended *i)ter is M/ on).8 ,et *i)ters 59 3& @ to return a)) va)ues8

Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page /B

P#rchasing - This re&ort &rovides .ou with a )ist o* &ersons with ,ignature "uthori-ation authorit. *or
Purchase !e7uisition9 ,ma)) PO and Ca&ita) !e7uisition ro)es b. center8 The re&ort wi)) dis&)a. the
*o))owing codes:
Y indicates the individua) has ,ignature "uthorit. *or a &articu)ar ro)e at this center
N indicates the individua) does not have ,ignature "uthorit. *or a &articu)ar ro)e at this
")) indicates that the individua) has a&&rova) *or a)) do))ar amounts *or this &articu)ar ro)e
and center8
,&eci*ic do))ar amounts indicate the )eve) o* authorit. that an individua) has *or a
&articu)ar ro)e and center8
The recommended *i)ter is M/ on).8 ,et *i)ters 59 3 & @ to return a))8

Pa7roll - This re&ort &rovides a )ist o* &ersons and their ,ignature "uthori-ation !o)es b. center
customi-ed *or users in the area8 The re&ort wi)) dis&)a. the *o))owing codes:
Y indicates the individua) has ,ignature "uthorit. *or a &articu)ar ro)e at this center8
N indicates the individua) does not have ,ignature "uthorit. *or a &articu)ar ro)e at this
The recommended *i)ter is M/ on).8 ,et *i)ters 59 3 & @ to return a))8
Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page /'

Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page /3

,enter *n.ormation 6 This re&ort wi)) &rovide the name and address o* the &erson res&onsib)e *or the
re7uested centerCsD8 "n O&en<C)ose *ie)d is wi)) &o&u)ate the status o* the re7uested centerCsD8
The recommended *i)ter is M/ on).8 ,et *i)ters 59 3 & @ to return a))8

Person *n.ormation This re&ort dis&)a.s detai)ed ,ignature "uthori-ation in*ormation in ;4net I#
and cost center combinations8 +or each &erson and center combination9 .ou can see the *o))owing
The ,ignature "uthorit. !o)eCsD8
The Tree in which the. have authorit.9 and at the highest node within that Tree that
the. have been granted access8
$hether the access is #irect or Inherited8
"n. combination o* *i)ters wor%s we)) with this re&ort8

Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page /H

Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page 5I

Lesson 1-8: "iscellaneo#s
There are two wa.s to *ind data in the resu)ts o* .our 7uer.8 The. are the +ind-In-!e&ort Too) and the
0a& +eature in !e&ort 0anager8
4inding -ata 94ind *n e!ort Tool:
Business Objects &rovides with .ou the abi)it. to search .our data *or s&eci*ic in*ormation8 To do this9
se)ect the binocu)ar icon

*rom the ,tandard Too)bar8 $hen &rom&ted9 enter the numbers or
characters that .ou wish to search *or and se)ect +ind Ne2t8 Business Objects wi)) ta%e .ou to the *irst
occurrence o* that item8 The *o))owing screen demonstrates this *eature in action8

"a! 4eat#re
The second *eature that a))ows .ou to )ocate data in .our re&ort is the 0a& +eature8 The 0a&&ing +eature
is )ocated in the !e&ort 0anager8 "s .ou reca))9 we c)osed the !e&ort 0anager at the beginning o* the
training so that we had more room to view our re&ort8 +or this e2ercise9 we need to bring the !e&ort
0anager bac% into view8 To do this9 sim&). c)ic% the !e&ort 0anager icon

*rom the ,tandard
0enu Too)bar9 or se)ect ;iewA !e&ort 0anager *rom the 0ain 0enu Too)bar8
The !e&ort 0anager &ane) wi)) now be visib)e on the )e*t-hand side o* .our screen8 "t the to& o* the
&ane) .ou wi)) see two tabs: >#ata? and >0a&?8 In the )ower )e*t-hand corner o* the !e&ort 0anager
&ane) there are two radio buttons8 The button on the )e*t is the de*au)t se)ection and it dis&)a.s data in
a)&habetica) order8 $ith that button high)ighted9 c)ic% on the 0a& tab and .ou shou)d see the *o))owing in
the !e&ort 0anager &ane):
Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page 5/

$hi)e wor%ing within the >0a&? tab9 observe what ha&&ens to .our re&ort data when .ou c)ic% on the
various re&ort names8 The ma& *eature wi)) automatica)). ta%e .ou to that &ortion o* the re&ort8

")so notice what ha&&ens when .ou c)ic% on the bu))et &oints under the re&ort name8 The 0a& +eature
automatica)). ta%es .ou to that &oint in the re&ort8 This is es&ecia)). he)&*u) i* .ou are to )ocate
one s&eci*ic name or cost center8
Sa+ing A 4ile
There ma. be a situation where .ou need to save a co&. o* the data returned in .our 7uer.8 Business
Objects wi)) a))ow .ou to save .ou resu)ts as an 12ce) *i)e8 To do this9 sim&). se)ect +i)eA ,ave "sA and the
*o))owing screen wi)) a&&ear: Note: The *i)es )isted in .our user#ocs wi)) be di**erent8

In the >,ave as t.&e:? dro& down menu9 se)ect 0icroso*t 12ce) $or%sheet then se)ect ,ave and .our
re&ort wi)) be saved in the 8NL, *ormat8
Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page 55

Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page 53

Printing A e!ort
Occasiona)).9 .ou ma. have a need to &rint a hardco&. o* one o* the re&ort tabs in .our 7uer.8 To do this9
se)ect +i)eA Print Preview and the re&ort tab in which .ou are viewing wi)) be dis&)a.ed8 ,ee the
*o))owing screen as an e2am&)e o* one o* the re&ort tabs in Print Preview mode8 $hen .ou are
com*ortab)e with the &age setu&9 se)ect &rint and the re&ort wi)) &rint as dis&)a.ed8

E;iting B#siness $%&ects
$hen .ou have com&)eted .our wor% in Business Objects and .ou are read. to e2it9 se)ect +i)eA C)ose to
e2it the 7uer.8 Ne2t9 se)ect +i)eA 12it to )eave the Business Objects too)8
B#siness $%&ects 'ser (el! ) S#!!ort
Business Objects o**ers an e2tensive amount o* e)ectronic-based (e)&8 ,e)ect (e)& *rom the 0ain 0enu
too)bar and .ou wi)) access the on-screen he)& window as shown be)ow:

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Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page 5

+or .our re*erence9 7uic% inde2 searches can be &er*ormed b. c)ic%ing on >Business Objects (e)&? at the
to& o* the (e)& menu8 I* *urther detai)s are needed9 .ou can access an e2tensive )ibrar. o* (e)&
documentation b. se)ecting one o* the two the Business Objects 4ser Fuides8
You can a)so get assistance b. contacting the +I, ,u&&ort #es% using the *o))owing website9 emai)
address and &hone number8
FIS Support Desk
$ebsite: htt&:<<www8vanderbi)t8edu<*is
1mai): *is-a&&)icationsJvanderbi)t8edu
Phone: 355-'H'H
Business Objects Training *or the ,tar 4niverse Page 5B

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