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Initial Test

I Fill in the blanks with one of the words given below: A, B or C
A Famous Circus
The circus, Cirque du Soleil, began !" .... Montreal, Canada. It was started ##$#%%... the
Canadian Guy Lalibert in 19!. "hen he le#t college, Lalibert tra$elled around %uro&e and
earned 'oney ##&#%.... 'usic in the streets. (ot long a#ter he returned ho'e, he started Cirque
with )))..').... #riend, *aniel Gauthier. *uring the 199+s, Cirque grew quic,ly. It now does
shows )).()..... o$er the world and the nu'ber o# &eo&le wor,ing #or it has grown #ro' -. to
###)##.... than .,/++.
The Cirque does not ha$e any ani'als, but ))*)))... is 'usic and dance and each show
tells a story. ###7##%... show, which is called 0arian, is about a 'an who could #ly. The show
starts with hi' #alling #ro' the s,y and tells the story o# how he )))+))... to learn to #ly again.
0 A in B at C to
1 A from B by C of
2 A played B plays C playing
3 A their B his C its
4 A some B all C enough
5 A more B much C
6 A this B it C there
7 A One B Each C Both
8 A need B must C has
II Turn the following into negative and interrogative: & ,

1. 1our #ather is slee&ing now.
2. She can sing $ery well.
.. They watched a #il' last night.
!. Mothers li,es roc, 'usic.
III -atch the sentences with the right notice: $,+! ,
./am,le ! This is broken C
1. Children &ay less than adults here.
2. 3e care#ul because this will burn.
.. "e don4t want any 'oney yet.
!. Things are chea&er here.
/. 1ou 'ust &ay with cash.
5. *o not lea$e this o&en.
I0 1ead the following te/t and answer to 2uestions: $, &! ,
The bicycle is a chea& and clean way to tra$el. The #irst bicycle was 'ade about one hundred
and #i#ty years ago. 6t #irst, bicycles were e7&ensi$e. 8nly rich &eo&le could buy one. These early
bicycles loo,ed $ery di##erent #ro' the ones we ha$e today. Later, as bicycles beca'e chea&er,
'any &eo&le bought one. 9eo&le started riding bicycles to wor, and in their #ree ti'e.
Today &eo&le use cars 'ore than bicycles: cars are 'uch #aster and you don4t get wet when it
rains; 3ut so'e &eo&le still &re#er to cycle to wor,. They say that there are too 'any cars in town
centres and you can4t #ind anywhere to &ar,.
1. "hen was the #irst bicycle 'ade<
2. "hy couldn4t e$eryone buy a bicycle in the beginning<
.. "hat is the di##erence between cars and bicycles<
!. "hy do so'e &eo&le &re#er to use bicycles<
V Write a few lines abot !or fa"orite #lm $ %V pro&ram $ %V '(annel) 2

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