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Guide questions:1. Discuss the cc!ic p"oduction o# c$"%on$tes $nd %ic$"%on$tes

&. E'p!$in ho( the p"ocess conse")es $**oni$ in its o)e"+$!! p"ocess
,. Hi-h!i-ht the !e %!$nc $nd so!)$ p"ocess
Sod$ $sh+ is the co**on n$*e used #o" sodiu* c$"%on$te
.ot$sh+ is the co**on n$*e used #o" pot$ssiu* c$"%on$te
N$t"on+ is $ n$tu"$!! occu""in- *i'tu"e o# sodiu* c$"%on$te dec$hd"$te $nd $%out 1/0
sodiu* %ic$"%on$te $!on- (ith s*$!! qu$ntities o# sodiu* ch!o"ide $nd sodiu* su!#$te
1i'i)i$tion+ the p"ocess o# sep$"$tin- so!u%!e #"o* inso!u%!e su%st$nces % disso!)in- the
#o"*e" in ($te" o" so*e othe" so!)ent
2uic3!i*e+ co**on n$*e #o" c$!ciu* o'ide
C$!cin$tion+ is $ the"*$! t"e$t*ent p"ocess in p"esence o# $i" o" o'-en $pp!ied to o"es $nd
othe" so!id *$te"i$!s to %"in- $%out $ the"*$! deco*position4 ph$se t"$nsition4 o"
"e*o)$! o# $ )o!$ti!e #"$ction
5i!n+ $ the"*$!! insu!$ted ch$*%e"4 $ tpe o# o)en4 th$t p"oduces te*pe"$tu"es su##icient to
co*p!ete so*e p"ocess4 such $s h$"denin-4 d"in-4 o" che*ic$! ch$n-es
6u"n$ce+ $n equip*ent used #o" he$tin-
6"$ction$! C"st$!!i7$tion+ is $ *ethod o# "e#inin- su%st$nces %$sed on di##e"ences in so!u%i!it
A!3$!i such $s sodiu* c$"%on$te $nd pot$ssiu* c$"%on$te $"e )it$! che*ic$!s since 18
centu". Those $!3$!is (e"e used in -!$ss4 te'ti!e4 so$p $nd p$pe" indust"ies.The t"$dition$! sou"ce
o# $!3$!i in (este"n Eu"ope h$d %een pot$sh o%t$ined #"o* (ood $shes. Ho(e)e"4 since it "equi"es
de#o"est$tion4 it is conside"ed unecono*ic$!.
Othe" sou"ce o# $!3$!i %e#o"e (e"e #"o* sodiu* c$"%on$te #"o*:
1. N$tu"$! deposits o# n$t"on in d" !$3e%eds used % the Ancient E-pti$ns
N$t"on+ $ *i'tu"e consistin- o# sodiu* c$"%on$te dec$hd"$te $nd
sodiu* %ic$"%on$te. The n$t"on ($s used $s c!e$nsin- so$p.
&. B$"i!!$ $nd 3e!p
The p"ocess is done % %u"nin- o# %$"i!!$ 9$ stout4 %e""+%e$"in- sp$nish sh"u%: #ound in
Sp$in $nd C$n$" Is!$nds4 o" 3e!p #"o* No"th A*e"ic$ #o!!o(ed % e't"$ction o# the $shes (ith
In the e$"! 1;
centu"4 $ #"ench che*ist Nico!$s 1e%!$nc4 p"oduces sodiu* c$"%on$te $!so
3no(n $s SODA ASH %ec$use the sources of sodium bicarbonate were insufficient to meet
Europe's burgeoning demand for alkali for soap, textile, and glass industries.
18<14 the Be!-i$n indust"i$! che*ist E"nest So!)$ *$de its )e"sion de)ised $ *ethod c$!!ed
so!)$ p"ocess o" $**oni$+sod$ p"ocess
Sod$ $sh is used in *$n indust"i$! p"ocesses4 $nd its p"oduction is so*eti*es used $s $n
indic$to" o# econo*ic he$!th. The p"incip$! cu""ent uses inc!ude:
G!$ss *$3in-: Mo"e th$n h$!# the (o"!d(ide p"oduction o# sod$ $sh is used to *$3e
-!$ss. Bott!e $nd (indo( -!$ss 9Sod$+!i*e -!$ss: is *$de % *e!tin- $ *i'tu"e o# sodiu*
c$"%on$te4 c$!ciu* c$"%on$te $nd si!ic$ s$nd 9si!icon dio'ide 9SiO&::.
?$te" t"e$t*ent: Sodiu* c$"%on$te is used to so#ten ($te" 9p"ecipit$tes out M-
$nd C$
c$"%on$tes:. This is used %oth indust"i$!! $nd do*estic$!! 9in so*e ($shin- po(de"s:.
M$3in- so$ps $nd dete"-ents: O#ten sodiu* c$"%on$te is used $s $ che$pe" $!te"n$ti)e to
!e 9sodiu* hd"o'ide 9N$OH::.
.$pe" *$3in-: Sodiu* c$"%on$te is used to *$3e sodiu* %isu!#ite 9N$HSO,: #o" the
Asu!#iteA *ethod o# sep$"$tin- !i-nin #"o* ce!!u!ose.
As $ co**on $!3$!i in *$n che*ic$! #$cto"ies %ec$use it is che$pe" th$n N$OH $nd #$"
s$#e" to h$nd!e.
M$3in- sodiu* %ic$"%on$te: N$HCO, is used in %$3in- sod$ $nd #i"e e'tin-uishe"s.
A!thou-h N$HCO, is p"oduced in the So!)$ p"ocess4 he$tin- it to "e*o)e the $**oni$ it is
cont$*in$ted (ith deco*poses so*e N$HCO,4 so it is $ctu$!! che$pe" to "e$ct the #inished
N$&CO, p"oduct (ith CO&.
Re*o)in- su!#u" dio'ide 9SO&: #"o* #!ue -$ses in po(e" st$tions. This is %eco*in- *o"e
co**on4 especi$!! (he"e st$tions h$)e to *eet st"in-ent e*ission cont"o!s
1e %!$nc ."ocess
So!)$ ."ocess
The availability of sodium bicarbonate was enhanced the discovery of Le Blanc process.
R$( M$te"i$!s:
sodiu* ch!o"ide
su!#u"ic $cid
c$!ciu* c$"%on$te
.RODUCTS: sod$ $sh
hd"och!o"ic $cid
It in)o!)ed t(o st$-es: p"oduction o# sodiu* su!#$te #"o* sodiu* ch!o"ide4 #o!!o(ed % "e$ction
o# the sodiu* su!#$te (ith co$! $nd c$!ciu* c$"%on$te to p"oduce sodiu* c$"%on$te.
&N$C!@H&SBC ++++Dn$&soC @&hc!
N$&SoC@ &C @C$Co,++he$t+++D C$S @ n$&co,@ & co&
The 1e%!$nc p"ocess ($s $ %$tch p"ocess in (hich sodiu* ch!o"ide ($s su%Eected to $ se"ies
o# t"e$t*ents4 e)entu$!! p"oducin- sodiu* c$"%on$te. In the #i"st step4 the sodiu* ch!o"ide ($s
he$ted (ith su!#u"ic $cid to p"oduce sodiu* su!#$te 9c$!!ed the salt cake: $nd hd"o-en ch!o"ide
-$s $cco"din- to the che*ic$! equ$tion
& N$C! @ H&SOC F N$&SOC @ & HC!
1e%!$ncGs cont"i%ution ($s the second step4 in (hich the s$!t c$3e ($s *i'ed (ith c"ushed
!i*estone 9c$!ciu* c$"%on$te: $nd co$! $nd #i"ed. This "e$ction h$ppens in t(o p$"ts. 6i"st the
co$! 9c$"%on: ($s o'idi7ed to c$"%on dio'ide4 "educin- the su!#$te to su!#ide. Second4 the c$!ciu*
$nd sodiu* s($p thei" !i-$nds to !e$)e the the"*odn$*ic$!! #$)o"$%!e co*%in$tion o# sodiu*
c$"%on$te $nd c$!ciu* su!#ide. This *i'tu"e is c$!!ed black ash.
N$&SOC@ & C F N$&S @ & CO&
N$&S@ C$CO, F N$&CO, @ C$S
The sod$ $sh ($s then sep$"$ted #"o* the %!$c3 $sh % ($shin- it (ith ($te". The ($sh
($te" ($s then e)$po"$ted to ie!d so!id sodiu* c$"%on$te. This e't"$ction p"ocess ($s te"*ed
The sodiu* ch!o"ide is initi$!! *i'ed (ith concent"$ted su!#u"ic $cid $nd the *i'tu"e
e'posed to !o( he$t. The hd"o-en ch!o"ide -$s %u%%!es o## $nd ($s disc$"ded to $t*osphe"e
%e#o"e -$s $%so"ption to(e"s (e"e int"oduced. This continues unti! $!! th$t is !e#t is $ #used *$ss.
This *$ss sti!! cont$ins enou-h ch!o"ide to cont$*in$te the !$te" st$-es o# the p"ocess. The *$ss
is then e'posed to di"ect #!$*e4 (hich e)$po"$tes ne$"! $!! o# the "e*$inin- ch!o"ide.
The co$! used in the ne't step *ust %e !o( in nit"o-en to $)oid the #o"*$tion o# c$nide. The
c$!ciu* c$"%on$te4 in the #o"* o# !i*estone o" ch$!34 shou!d %e !o( in *$-nesi$ $nd si!ic$. The
(ei-ht "$tio o# the ch$"-e is &:&:1 o# s$!t c$3e4 c$!ciu* c$"%on$te4 $nd c$"%on "especti)e!. It is
#i"ed in $ "e)e"%e"$to" #u"n$ce $t $%out 1BBB HC.
The %!$c3+$sh p"oduct o# #i"in- *ust %e !i'i)i$ted "i-ht $($ to p"e)ent o'id$tion o# su!#ides
%$c3 to su!#$te.
In the !i'i)i$tion p"ocess4 the %!$c3+$sh is co*p!ete! co)e"ed in ($te"4 $-$in to
p"e)ent o'id$tion. To opti*i7e the !e$chin- o# so!u%!e *$te"i$!4 the !i'i)i$tion is done in c$sc$ded
st$-es. Th$t is4 pu"e ($te" is used on the %!$c3+$sh th$t h$s $!"e$d %een th"ou-h p"io" st$-es. The
!iquo" #"o* th$t st$-e is used to !e$ch $n e$"!ie" st$-e o# the %!$c3+$sh4 $nd so on.
The #in$! !iquo" is t"e$ted % %!o(in- c$"%on dio'ide th"ou-h it. This p"ecipit$tes disso!)ed
c$!ciu* $nd othe" i*pu"ities. It $!so )o!$ti!i7es the su!#ide4 (hich is c$""ied o## $s H&S -$s. An
"esidu$! su!#ide c$n %e su%sequent! p"ecipit$ted % $ddin- 7inc hd"o'ide. The !iquo" is
sep$"$ted #"o* the p"ecipit$te $nd e)$po"$ted usin- ($ste he$t #"o* the "e)e"%e"$to" #u"n$ce.
The "esu!tin- $sh is then "edisso!)ed into concent"$ted so!ution in hot ($te". So!ids th$t #$i! to
disso!)e $"e sep$"$ted. The so!ution is then coo!ed to "ec"st$!!i7e ne$"! pu"e sodiu* c$"%on$te
The 1e%!$nc p"ocess p!$nts (e"e quite d$*$-in- to the !oc$! en)i"on*ent.
The p"ocess o# -ene"$tin- s$!t c$3e #"o* s$!t $nd su!#u"ic $cid "e!e$sed hydrochloric acid
a!" $nd %ec$use this $cid ($s indust"i$!! use!ess in the e$"! 1;th centu"4 it ($s si*p!
)ented into the $t*osphe"e.
A!so4 $n inso!u%!e4 s*e!! so!id ($ste4 C$!ciu* su!#ide ($s p"oduced. It h$d no econo*ic
)$!ue4 $nd ($s pi!ed in he$ps $nd sp"e$d on #ie!ds ne$" the sod$ (o"3s4 (he"e it (e$the"ed to
"e!e$se hd"o-en su!#ide4 the to'ic -$s "esponsi%!e #o" the odo" o# "otten e--s.
Bec$use o# the e*issions4 1e%!$nc sod$ (o"3s %ec$*e t$"-ets o# !$(suits $nd !e-is!$tion
.The 1e%!$nc p"ocess $!so *e$nt )e" unp!e$s$nt (o"3in- conditions #o" the ope"$to"s. It
o"i-in$!! "equi"ed c$"e#u! ope"$tion $nd #"equent ope"$to" inte")entions 9so*e in)o!)in-
he$) *$nu$! !$%ou": into p"ocesses -i)in- o## hot no'ious che*ic$!s.
This i*p"o)ed
so*e(h$t !$te" $s p"ocesses (e"e *o"e he$)i! *ech$nised to i*p"o)e econo*ics $nd
uni#o"*it o# p"oduct
By the !!"s, methods for converting the hydrochloric acid to chlorine gas for the manufacture of
bleaching powder and for reclaiming the sulfur in the calcium sulfide waste had been discovered
%ut the 1e%!$nc p"ocess "e*$ined ($ste#u! $nd po!!utin-. The"e#o"e 1eB!$nc #rocess was not
commerciali$ed until E .solvay devised a method called ammonia%ash process or solvay process
R$( M$te"i$!s:
B"ine 9N$C!:
A**oni$ 9NH,:
1i*estone9 C$CO,:
C$!ciu* Ch!o"ide
sodiu* %ic$"%on$te
Ch#$i!%ry o& Sol'ay Proc#!!
E$"!ie" )e"sion o# the p"ocess (hich ($s snthesi7ed % 1e B!$nc h$d no $**oni$
"eco)e" ph$se. So!)$ p"ocess is $n e'$*p!e o# cc!ic che*ic$! p"ocess.
6i"st step in the p"ocess4 c$"%on dio'ide 9CO&: p$sses th"ou-h $ concent"$ted $queous
so!ution o# sodiu* ch!o"ide 9t$%!e s$!t4 N$C!: $nd $**oni$ 9NH,:.
N$C!@ CO& @ NH, @ H&O F N$HCO, @ NHCC! 9I:
Second Step:The c$!ciu* c$"%on$te 9C$CO,: in the !i*estone is p$"ti$!! con)e"ted to
quic3!i*e 9c$!ciu* o'ide 9C$O:: $nd c$"%on dio'ide:
C$CO,F CO& @ C$O 9II:
Thi"d Step:
The sodiu* %ic$"%on$te 9N$HCO,: th$t p"ecipit$tes out in "e$ction 9I: is #i!te"ed out #"o* the hot
$**oniu* ch!o"ide 9NHCC!: so!ution4 $nd the so!ution is then "e$cted (ith the quic3!i*e
9c$!ciu* o'ide 9C$O:: !e#t o)e" #"o* he$tin- the !i*estone in step 9II:
& NHCC! @ C$O F & NH, @ C$C!& @ H&O 9III:
6ou"th Step: The sodiu* %ic$"%on$te 9N$HCO,: p"ecipit$te #"o* "e$ction 9I: is then con)e"ted to
the #in$! p"oduct4 sodiu* c$"%on$te 9($shin- sod$: N$&CO,:4 % c$!cin$tion 91<B + &,B C:4
p"oducin- ($te" $nd c$"%on dio'ide $s %p"oducts:
& N$HCO, F N$&CO, @ H&O @ CO& 9II:
The $**oni$ #"o* "e$ction 9III: is "ecc!ed %$c3 to the initi$! %"ine so!ution o# "e$ction 9I:.
O)e"$!! ."ocess:
& N$C! @ C$CO, F N$&CO, @ C$C!&
In indust"i$! p"$ctice4 the "e$ction is c$""ied out % p$ssin- concent"$ted %"ine th"ou-h t(o
to(e"s. In the #i"st4 $**oni$ %u%%!es up th"ou-h the %"ine 9s$!t ($te": $nd is $%so"%ed % it. In
the second4 c$"%on dio'ide %u%%!es up th"ou-h the $**oni$ted %"ine4 $nd sodiu* %ic$"%on$te
9%$3in- sod$: p"ecipit$tes out o# the so!ution. Note th$t4 in $ %$sic so!ution4 N$HCO, is !ess
($te"+so!u%!e th$n sodiu* ch!o"ide. The $**oni$ 9NH,: %u##e"s the so!ution $t $ %$sic pHJ
(ithout the $**oni$4 $ hd"och!o"ic $cid %p"oduct (ou!d "ende" the so!ution $cidic4 $nd $""est
the p"ecipit$tion.
The necess$" $**oni$ Ac$t$!stA #o" "e$ction 9I: is "ec!$i*ed in $ !$te" step4 $nd "e!$ti)e! !itt!e
$**oni$ is consu*ed. The c$"%on dio'ide "equi"ed #o" "e$ction 9I: is p"oduced % he$tin-
9Ac$!cin$tionA: o# the !i*estone $t ;KB + 11BB HC. The c$!ciu* c$"%on$te 9C$CO,: in the
!i*estone is p$"ti$!! con)e"ted to quic3!i*e 9c$!ciu* o'ide 9C$O:: $nd c$"%on dio'ide
The sodiu* %ic$"%on$te 9N$HCO,: th$t p"ecipit$tes out in "e$ction 9I: is #i!te"ed out #"o* the hot
$**oniu* ch!o"ide 9NHCC!: so!ution4 $nd the so!ution is then "e$cted (ith the quic3!i*e
9c$!ciu* o'ide 9C$O:: !e#t o)e" #"o* he$tin- the !i*estone in step 9II:
The $**oni$ #"o* "e$ction 9III: is "ecc!ed %$c3 to the initi$! %"ine so!ution o# "e$ction 9I:.
The sodiu* %ic$"%on$te 9N$HCO,: p"ecipit$te #"o* "e$ction 9I: is then con)e"ted to the #in$!
p"oduct4 sodiu* c$"%on$te 9($shin- sod$: N$&CO,:4 % c$!cin$tion 91<B + &,B C:4 p"oducin-
($te" $nd c$"%on dio'ide $s %p"oducts
The c$"%on dio'ide #"o* step 9II: is "eco)e"ed #o" "e+use in step 9I:. ?hen p"ope"! desi-ned $nd
ope"$ted4 $ So!)$ p!$nt c$n "ec!$i* $!*ost $!! its $**oni$4 $nd consu*es on! s*$!! $*ounts o#
$ddition$! $**oni$ to *$3e up #o" !osses. The on! *$Eo" inputs to the So!)$ p"ocess $"e s$!t4
!i*estone $nd the"*$! ene"-4 $nd its on! *$Eo" %p"oduct is c$!ciu* ch!o"ide4 (hich is so!d $s
"o$d s$!t.
A**oni$ "eco)e" in So!)$ p"ocess is quiet e##icient. On! , 3-s o# $**oni$ *$3e+up is
"equi"ed to *$int$in ,BB3i!o-"$* o" so o# $%so"%ed $**oni$ (hich is needed #o" e$ch tonne o#
sodiu* %ic$"%on$te p"oduced. This hi-h $**oni$ "eco)e" *$3es the !e %!$nc p"ocess o%so!ete
Sod$ $sh c$n %e o%t$ined #"o* deposited *ine"$!s:
1. T"on$+"eco)e"ed % con)ention$! d"in- o" so!ution *inin-
+#"$ction$! c"st$!!i7$tion o" sp"$ d"in- to sep$"$te sodiu* c$"%on$te
&. Sodiu* c$"%on$te+"ich %"ines+ #"$ction$! c"st$!!is$tion sep$"$tes sodiu* c$"%on$tes
,. N$hco!ite+ d" *inin-
+"ec"st$!!i7$tion to -et sodiu* %ic$"%on$te

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