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What I Am

Most Proud
I write well.

I write poetry.

I appreciate Beethoven.

I prize many varieties of music.

I enjoy reading the English version of

Marcel Proust's
A la recherche du temps perdu
translated by G K Scott Moncrieff.

David Hume is my preferred philosopher.

I am indebted to Jean-Paul Sartre and Bertrand Russell.

I delight in the company of others.

I can make people laugh.

I use public transport exclusively.

I was interviewed by Larry King.

I have not been in the DisUnited States of Northamerica since 31

December 1975.
I am an atheist.

I was born in Brooklyn, New York.

I did not permit the Roman Catholic church to quash me physically

or intellectually.

I have kissed three Italian princesses:

La Principessa Marcella Borghese, La Principessa Giorgiana Corsini,
La Principessa Fiona Corsini.

I did not murder when I was an artillery officer in Vietnam.

I fight with my words not my fists.

I am TheWordWarrior!

I admire beautiful women.

When I watch a sporting event, I mute the sound.

I renounced my DisUnited States' citizenship.

I am a mitigated Marxist.

My electric bill is the lowest in my apartment building.

I read at least four or five or six or seven books at a time.

I possess a built-in instinct for what is insincere.

I have refused to recognize the three medals I was awarded for

service in Vietnam.

I relish cigars.

I survived an airplane crash.

I listen to classical music ( and
every day.

I outlasted two armed robberies.

Every time I encounter an Italian priest or sister,
I ask them if Hell is big enough to accommodate 57,000,000

I pulled through two 122mm Chinese rocket attacks on the

Cambodian-Laotian borders.

I outlived assorted mortar barrages in Vietnam.

I understand the Venezuelan people.

I have two doctors: Dr Diet & Dr Repose.

I comprehend the Italians.

I am a fan of Roger Federer but hope he has no “stupid” or criminal

skeletons in his closet!

I walk as much as I can.

I bicycle for pleasure.

I suggest that young children be disciplined by tickling them—not

slugging them.

I was discharged by the State of Florida's

Division of Family Services because I refused to swindle
Afroamericans living in the ghetto of Fort Lauderdale
where I served as a social worker.

I was a journalist for three newspapers.

I was a copy editor for Venezuela's English-speaking daily.

My sensitivity for people's suffering and the incredulity I possess in

watching them do all they can to worsen their condition.

My respect for Nature.

I do not own a motor vehicle.

My will to preserve the natural resources I depend upon.

My hope in the future.

My utilization of the computer and Internet.

The varied work experiences I have had in my life.

The extensive listing of subjects that influence my reading.

I have no respect for Tony Blair, John Bolton, Thomas Friedman,

Francis Fukuyama, Al Gore, Stanley Hoffmann, Samuel Huntington,
Robert Kagan, John Kerry, Henry Kissinger, Charles Krauthammer,
William Kristol, John McCain, Norman Podhoretz, George Will, Paul
Wolfowitz,...and others of this ilk.

I admire Daniel Bell, Fausto Bertinotti, Hugo Chávez, Noam

Chomsky, Hillary Clinton, Paul A Cohen, Rodney Dangerfield,
Richard Dawkins, Simone de Beauvoir, Barbara Dorris, Vittoria
Franco, Eric Hobsbawn, Martin Jacques, Peter Lavelle, Karl Marx,
Alain Minc, Robert Reich, Don Rickles, Joan Rivers, Ségolène Royal,
Edward W Said, Israel Shamir, Peter Singer, Sun Tzu, Gore Vidal,
Oscar Wilde, Howard Zinn,...among others.

Updated: 29 December 2009

Anthony St. John:

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