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HOT DESKING: Front cover

1) Which version of the cover do you prefer (left or right) and why?
I prefer the one on the left, this is mainly because it has more stuff on it and it
makes it more interesting to look at.
I like the left cover better because it has more on it and the right cover looks slightly
I prefer the left one to the right one because it looks more complete. The one on the
right doesnt look like its finished and it just looks empty
Left, it looks more complete and really stands out, see if you could emphasise your
main cover line slightly more.
2) Does your preferred choice have the codes and conventions you would expect to see on a
rock magazine?
Yes and no. I feel as if you should make your main storys cover line a little bit bigger
than the rest, this would make it obvious that it is the main story.
The masthead suits well I think to rock genre, the use of blue and purple/pink also
suits this.
You have a great colour scheme, it really works well and are the sorts of colours a
rock magazine would be.
Yes, most cover lines are placed in the left side of the page and the mast head is
located in the upper third of the page. The image works well and follows
conventions however the colour scheme could be changed to fit the conventions of
a rock magazine
3) Does the image fit the genre and why?
Yes, because it has the typical rock look to it. With the idea of having colours in the
hair and darker eyes. Not only that, but the idea of it looking unique.
I think the image does fit the genre because of the colours, pose and makeup used
with the model.
Yes it does because the way youve edited it with the hair and makeup etc. it looks
like a rock musician and it conveys that well
Yes, the props work well and the model suits the look you are going for, it is also a
bit different than usual pictures but I think works really well.
4) Can you suggest any improvements?
Possibly adding more colour to the front cover so it makes it look more appealing, or
possibly enlarging the price a little, as it is a little bit hard to see. You could even
spread your cover lines out a little bit more to make it look more alternative. Or
even adding a buzz/puff to draw audiences in.
Maybe the image could have the contrast increased a little to give it a more stand
out look, the details above the barcode are a little unclear so enlarging it I think
would improve it,
I think that the cover lines are maybe slightly too big. They cover a bit too much of
the image I think. I like the masthead, but I think that is should be bolder. Because it
is about the same boldness as the cover lines. So although the masthead is a bigger
text, it doesnt stand out as much as it could. Other than that, it is an excellent front
Just to emphasise main cover line and to change the colour scheme a little bit, but
other than that it works really well. I really like the font of the masthead.

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