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Egypt Questions


Nile River.
The Nile River flooded bringing water to the soil around the Nile River.
The two major kingdoms in Ancient Egypt were Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.
The 3 major periods in Egyptian history are the old kingdom; the middle kingdom; and
the new kingdom.
5. King Menes united upper and lower Egypt.
6. A group of nobles split off into separate states which collapsed Egypt into civil war and
thus the reigning pharaoh lost authority.
7. The middle kingdom began once the nobles that had overthrown the pharaoh united to
restore order to Egypt.
8. The Hyksos from west Asia invaded Egypt.
9. The Hyksos taught the Egyptians to use a chariot.
10. Egyptian religion drove the people of ancient Egypt and so the architecture was
impacted directly as well from religion tombs were built to ensure that the soul of the
dead could return to the body.
11. A pyramid is a giant construct build by ancient Egyptians to bury a pharaoh and give
him everything he needs in the afterlife.
12. The art inside the pyramids were carvings/jars and statues.
13. A canopic jar is used to hold the important organs of the human body after death.
14. Human, baboon, hawk, jackal Imsety, Hapi, Daumutef, Qebehsnuef
15. They were built in mastabas, rectangular shaped buildings that were underground.
16. The pyramids were constructed for the pharaohs body could be undisturbed as it
waited for its soul or ka to return.
17. The Egyptians made sure that the body was undisturbed and they also embalmed all
the organs excluding the heart and brain (heart because it was supposed to be the
source of the ka and brain because they believed it was useless and was the source of
18. Khafre is the descendant of the sun god, Re.
19. The sphinx at the beginning of the pyramid represents Khafre.
20. 3 features that Ikhanton's portraits consisted of were an elongated neck, big lips, and a
pointed chin.
21. The paintings of pharaohs were always in such weird positions because the artists of
ancient Egypt had a strict set of rules they had to follow, they had to show the head,
arms, legs, and feet of the pharaoh were always shown, while the shoulders and body
were shown from facing the viewer.
22. Wall paintings were created by carving the wall flat, plastering the wall, and then
animals were drawn onto the wall with no shading, giving a 2-d look.
23. Animals and humans and writing were found in the paintings to help tell the story of
the painting.
24. 3 typical colours found in ancient Egyptian art are blue, red, and yellow.
25. Egyptians drew people uniquely as the men were darker than the woman.
26. A mummy is the finished stage of the mummification process, which is committed by
embalming and then wrapping the skin with cloth.
27. They mummified people and cats so they can have the same life in the afterlife.
28. Hieroglyphics are ancient Egyptian symbols used as writing.

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