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Computer Addiction

Balong-angey,Edwin Jr. M.
Saint Louis School of Pacdal
This paper was prepared for English IV
Section IV-St.Cera
Taught by Ms. Norma Taray

The researcher wish to acknowledge his family, colleagues, teachers, and students for
giving the researcher their undying support and encouragement.
Maraming salamat po.

I. Introduction
A. Background of the study
It is known that we are living in technological era. The computers become
irreplaceable tool in everyday life of almost each person. The adult users generally use it
for business purposes while youngsters for computer games. Computers became the part
of our life and very important component in spheres of the life is leisure. And nowadays
majority of young people spend their leisure time playing computer games, surfing
through the internet. Computer games have become one of the favorite time-spending of
young people in all ages, and even some adults and the students. With permanent
development of computer technology the quality of people using computer either for
working purposes or entertainment purposes is increasing speedily.
There are many things that causes addiction to computer games, one reason being,
is that most students just need something to occupy their time and these games do that for
countless hours. Some students use computer gaming to escape their reality which can
include school, work and possibly personal problems. Computer games also represent
students to challenges they can overcome so they can feel a sense of accomplishments in
virtual world, mistakes can be undone and time can review itself with the push of a few
Psychologists are not sure yet what to call this phenomenon. Some label it an
Internet Addiction Disorder. But many people are addicted to their computers long
before the internet enters their lives. Some people are extremely attached to their
computer and dont even care about the internet. Perhaps we should call the phenomenon
a Computer Addiction.Also, lets not forget the very powerful, but now seemingly
mundane and almost accepted addiction that some people develop to video games. Video
games are computers too very single-minded computers, but computers nevertheless.
Or how about telephones? People get addicted to those too, and not just the sex lines.
Like computers, telephones are a technologically enhanced form of communication and
may fall into the category of Computer Mediated Communication (aka, CMC) - as the
researchers are dubbing internet activities. In the not too distant future, computer,
telephone and video technology may very well merge into one, perhaps highly addictive.
Perhaps, on a broad level, it makes sense to talk about a Cyber Space Addictionan addiction to virtual realms of experience created through computer engineering.
Within this broad category, there may be subtypes with distinct differences. A teenager
who plays hooky from school in order to master the next level of donkeykong. Maybe a
very different person than the middle aged housewife who spends 500 dollars a month on
AOL chat rooms who inturn may be very different from the businessman who cant tear
himself away from his finance programs and continuous internet access to stock quotes.

Some cyberspace addictions are game and competition oriented, some fulfill more social
needs, some simply may be an extension of work holism. Then again, these differences
may be superficial. Not many people are waving their fingers and fists in the air about
video and work addictions.
B. Statement of the problem
The researcher seeks answer from the following questions:
1. What is the effect of computer addiction to time? Health? Relationship
with friends? Family?
2. What are its positive and negative effects?
3. Who are mostly being affected by this computer addiction?
4. What are the possible illnesses can a computer addict have?
5. Possible solutions to this problem? How can it be overcome?
C. Hypothesis
The writer assumes that

The performance of students in school will be affected.

It will be time consuming.
Relationship with family\friends will be affected.
It will destroy your future life.
The students will forget to do their responsibilities in home and school.
It will give various types of illnesses.

D. Purpose of the study

The researcher aims to enlighten the youths knowledge about computer addiction,
why do they easily get addicted to it. As you read this, it is more about negative effects
and less of its positive effects. The researcher aims to make you know that too much
exposure to computer can destroy your future life. That, with all the researchers
knowledge and gathered data, may it benefit you. May it impart you with great thoughts
and learnings. It is also inspired by the continuous desire to share the beauty of life and
its importance of it. The researchers reports, in particular the masterpieces of men in the
world. They are selected with the aim of not only providing sheer delight in reading but
also of instilling values worth living and worth-keeping.

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