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Village of Fleischmanns
Board Meeting
January 12, 2015
The Village of Fleischmanns Board of Trustees held their regular Village Board meeting
on Monday, January 12, 2015 at the Skene Memorial Library at 6:00 p.m. Present were:
Mayor Todd Pascarella, Deputy Mayor Benjamin Fenton, David Yates and Larry Reilly.
Village Trustee Harriet L. Grossman was absent.
Mark Project/Peggy Ellsworth
Peggy Ellsworth advised that the movie theatre roof had been patched & at present is not
Plans for the spring include a full brick faade restoration which entails taking it down
brick by brick, putting the correct sheathing behind it & putting the same brick back in
place. This is a very specialized field and in order to do it correctly, the marquee needs to
come down. There could be some issues; the condition of the marquee is sketchy. Many
parts of it are rotted. Our biggest fear is that if it comes down, it might crumble in hand.
We are going to digitally laser scan the entire marquee, not only for dimensions but for
details. It will then be stored in the Village garage while the faade is being restored.
Depending on the condition, it might be used as a fund raising tool to do the restoration
of the marquee itself while its on the ground. Should it crumble, we would have the
documentation necessary to recreate it & get it back up. Then we will be looking to do
the flat side of the roof which is on the front of the building, look at energy efficient
windows the same size as SHIPPO approved & energy efficient doors for the two store
fronts. The theatre doors need to be retained for historic preservation reasons & we will
be looking to create like doors to compliment them with SHIPPO approval for the store
fronts. This will eat up the entire budget.
The Smart Growth application is due in 2 week time period. This is for the Rte. 28
corridor from Olive through Andes open to villages, townships and not-for-profits. The
thought was to apply for a Gateway Beautification Program where the Village could
actually hire a landscape architect, stand up on Rte. 28 & look down at that entrance to
the Village and come up with the renderings and the working drawings as to weather a
sign needs to be tilted; so when you come off the mountain from the ski slope or from
Kingston, Fleischmanns is presented as a welcoming environment to come into.
Peggy Ellsworth thought we could submit a competitive application.
The Mark Project will be opening its small business development fund. Guidelines and
applications should be available Thursday afternoon. There is a list of over 60 potential
applicants that will be getting notification via email. It will be posted on the Mark
Projects website & on Facebook simultaneously. These are loan-grant combos open to
existing businesses, new businesses, & not-for-profits. Its for capital expenditures only.
Equipment and furnishings are eligible expenses, but marketing, etc. is not. This is the 1st
tier. We have half the money in place in the bank. Once we spend that money, we can
draw down the other half. Grant loan combos will be for 75% of the project cost. How
its divided between grant & loan will be left to the review panel. Mark is there to help
through the application. Peggy Ellsworth is not on the review panel. Once the review
panel makes their recommendation, it goes to the Mark Project Board of Directors for
final approval. Time frame would be: applications become available at the end of the
week, there will be a post-mark date of March 5, 2015, reviewed in the following three
weeks with announcements in early April. Funding will be available as soon as we can
get funding in place.
Peggy Ellsworth advised that at the end of March they will be holding a two day
conference. Its a Main St. boot camp which will be held at the Hanah Inn. We will be
partnering with the state and several other agencies.
Delaware Operations, Inc./Jim Buchan
Monthly Report December, 2014
At this time the Wastewater Facility is running through most of the month at a reduced
rate of flow and discharges effluent flow from the facility every day of the week.

Operators continue to monitor the pump station and the collection system on a daily
Purchase Orders:
Motion made by Benjamin Fenton to approve the following purchase orders for January,
2015: Water Department: USA Blue Book, 8 foot curb key, total cost of request: $48.18
plus shipping, large item shipping charge, reason for purchase: access deep curb boxes.
Sewer Department: Slack Chemical, chlorine bleach, 55 gal. drums, 110 gal. @
$2.66/gal., total cost of request: $292.00, reason for purchase: chemicals used in the
treatment process. Motion seconded by Larry Reilly. Benjamin Fenton-Aye. Larry
Reilly-Aye. Todd Pascarella-Aye. David Yates-Aye. Harriet L. Grossman-Absent.
Motion so carried.
Water Department
Jim Buchan presented a draft request for changes in water service to the Village Board
which will require residents to provide signed requests for services along with a written
signed statement as to their correct mailing address, etc.
Mayor Todd Pascarella said there were two vehicles parked in the upper corner of
WWTP property which he verbally requested be removed & they are still parked there.
The Village Attorney, Carey Wagner, will send a letter to the Merwins requesting that the
cars be removed from the municipal property.
Delaware Engineering/John Brust
John Brust presented 6 copies of a draft water use law. John advised there was a change
to section 6 regarding water meters. When everyone is comfortable with a proposed
amended water use law, then the Village can proceed to hold a public hearing.
The Tweedie Construction invoice $53,450.04 (Payment Request # 1-Period ending
11/30/14) for the work done under Main Street Stormwater Improvements will come out
of CHIPS funding.
The Park Snack Shack will be re-bid in February. Jeff Francisco found flood doors at
approximately $3,000.00 versus the $30,000.00 which hopefully will bring the price
Delaware County Bridge 80 Replacement
Bridge Street over Bushkill
In 2012 the NYS Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) reviewed the Bridge 80 data
supplied by FEMA and concurred that the proposed replacement poses no adverse effect
to historic properties as long as a Phase 1 Archaeological Assessment is completed. The
SHPO did not indicate any adverse effect to any standing historic structures and for this
reason the current study does not include an architectural APE.
The Village Board acknowledged that they have no knowledge of any archaeological
significance in the affected area. Mayor Pascarella will fill out the survey form, sign it &
forward same to Dan Sanford of DPW.
Resolution/Wednesday, March 18, 2015
At the Regular Village Board Meeting
Of the Board of Trustees of the
Village of Fleischmanns, New York
Held at the Skene Memorial Library on
Monday, January 12, 2015 and
Upon motion made by Benjamin Fenton and seconded by David Yates, the following
resolution was duly adopted:
Whereas, pursuant to Section 15-104, Subparagraph 1 (b) of the Election Law of the
State of New York, if the third Tuesday in March falls on March 17th, St. Patricks Day,
then the Village Election will be held on Wednesday, March 18, 2015.
Be It Resolved that the Village Board of Trustees provide that the village election will be
held on Wednesday, March 18, 2015. The elections political calendar continues to be

computed from the third Tuesday of March.
Dated: Jan. 12, 2015
---------------------------------------------Lorraine DeMarfio, Village Clerk
Village of Fleischmanns
State of New York )
County of Delaware)
I, Lorraine DeMarfio, Village Clerk of the Village of Fleischmanns, New York do hereby
certify that the foregoing is a true & correct transcript of a resolution adopted by the
Board of Trustees of the Village of Fleischmanns, New York on January 12, 2015 and the
whole thereof.
---------------------------------------------Lorraine DeMarfio, Village Clerk
Village of Fleischmanns
Motion made by Benjamin Fenton to adopt the above resolution. Motion seconded by
David Yates. Benjamin Fenton-Aye. David Yates-Aye. Todd Pascarella-Aye. Larry
Reilly-Aye. Harriet L. Grossman-Absent. Motion so carried.
Election Polling Place
At the Regular Village Board meeting
Of the Board of Trustees of the
Village of Fleischmanns, New York
Held at the Skene Memorial Library
On Monday, January 12, 2015 and
Upon motion made by Benjamin Fenton and seconded by Larry Reilly, the following
resolution was duly adopted:
Whereas, the next General Village Election for officers will be held on March 18, 2015
Whereas, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Fleischmanns according to Election
Law Sec. 15-104(3) must designate by resolution the polling place in each district and the
hours the polls will be open,
Now Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Village Board of Trustees designate the Skene
Memorial Library, 1017 Main Street, Fleischmanns, New York 12430 as the official
polling place in District 1 for voting in the Village of Fleischmanns Election and
designate that the polls be open the hours from 12:00 noon until 9:00 p.m.
Dated: Jan. 12, 2015

----------------------------------------------Lorraine DeMarfio, Village Clerk

Village of Fleischmanns

State of New York

County of Delaware)
I, Lorraine DeMarfio, Village Clerk of the Village of Fleischmanns, New York do hereby
certify that the foregoing is a true & correct transcript of a resolution adopted by the
Board of Trustees of the Village of Fleischmanns, New York on January 12, 2015 and the

whole thereof.
-----------------------------------------------------Lorraine DeMarfio, Village Clerk
Village of Fleischmanns
Motion made by Benjamin Fenton to approve the above resolution. Motion seconded by
Larry Reilly. Benjamin Fenton-Aye. Larry Reilly-Aye. Todd Pascarella-Aye. David
Yates-Aye. Harriet L. Grossman-Absent. Motion so carried.
Resolution/Registration Day
At the Regular Village Board Meeting
Of the Board of Trustees of the
Village of Fleischmanns, New York
Held at the Skene Memorial Library on
Monday, January 12, 2015 and
Upon motion made by Benjamin Fenton and seconded by Larry Reilly, the following
resolution was duly adopted:
Whereas, Village Election Law Section 15-118(4) provides that the Village Board of
Trustees adopt a resolution stating the date, place, and hour at which inspectors shall
meet to prepare the register for the Village Election and the hours and place of
registration and election,
Therefore, be it resolved that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Fleischmanns
directs that the Village voting inspectors shall meet to hold Village Registration Day and
prepare the voting register at the Skene Memorial Library, 1017 Main Street,
Fleischmanns, New York 12430 on Saturday, March 7, 2015. Preparation of the register
will begin at 11:00 a.m. and formal registration of voters will begin at 12:00 noon until
5:00 p.m. The Village of Fleischmanns Board of Trustees is designating the Skene
Memorial Library as the official polling place for the upcoming Village Election to be
held March 18, 2015 and the polls will be open for voting purposes from noon until 9:00
Dated: Jan. 12, 2015
---------------------------------------------Lorraine DeMarfio, Village Clerk
Village of Fleischmanns
State of New York )
County of Delaware)
I, Lorraine DeMarfio, Village Clerk of the Village of Fleischmanns, New York do hereby
certify that the foregoing is a true & correct transcript of a resolution adopted by the
Board of Trustees of the Village of Fleischmanns, New York on January 12, 2015 and the
whole thereof.
---------------------------------------------Lorraine DeMarfio, Village Clerk
Village of Fleischmanns
Motion made by Benjamin Fenton to approve the above resolution. Motion seconded by
Larry Reilly. Benjamin Fenton-Aye. Larry Reilly-Aye. Todd Pascarella-Aye. David
Yates-Aye. Harriet L. Grossman-Absent. Motion so carried.

Appointment of Election Inspectors
At the Regular Village Board meeting
Of the Board of Trustees of the
Village of Fleischmanns, New York
Held at the Skene Memorial Library
On Monday, Jan. 12, 2015 and
Upon motion made by Benjamin Fenton and seconded by David Yates, the following
resolution was duly adopted:
Whereas, the Village of Fleischmanns will be holding a General Village election on
March 18, 2015 and;
Whereas, Election Law Sec. 15-116-1 states the Village Board of Trustees shall adopt a
resolution appointing Election Inspectors and
Whereas, the Village Board must appoint Inspectors to be present and work on the
designated Village Registration Day, March 7, 2015 and Village Election Day, March 18,
2015 and
Whereas, the Village Board must set the salary of the Village Inspectors;
Now Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Village Board of Trustees appoints Sandra
Roberts as Chairwoman of the Village Election, Patricia Maxim as Election Inspector,
and Dorothy Minion as Alternative Inspector who shall assume the office of Inspector
upon the inability or refusal of an Inspector to assume or perform their duties and for any
clerical help which may be deemed necessary and sets their salary at $10.00 an hour.
Dated: Jan. 12, 2015

Lorraine DeMarfio, Village Clerk
Village of Fleischmanns

State of New York

County of Delaware )
I, Lorraine DeMarfio, Village Clerk of the Village of Fleischmanns do hereby certify that
the foregoing is a true & correct transcript of a resolution adopted by the Board of
Trustees of the Village of Fleischmanns, New York on January 12, 2015 and the whole
---------------------------------------------------------Lorraine DeMarfio, Village Clerk
Village of Fleischmanns
Motion made by Benjamin Fenton to adopt the above resolution. Motion seconded by
David Yates. Benjamin Fenton-Aye. David Yates-Aye. Todd Pascarella-Aye. Larry
Reilly-Aye. Harriet L. Grossman-Absent. Motion so carried.
Resolution /Appointing Central
Catskills Collaborative Members
At the Regular Village Board meeting
Of the Board of Trustees of the
Village of Fleischmanns, New York
Held at the Skene Memorial Library
On Monday, Jan. 12, 2015 and
Upon motion made by Todd Pascarella and seconded by Benjamin Fenton, the following
resolution was duly adopted:
Whereas the Village of Fleischmanns is a member community of the Central
Catskills Collaborative which includes the municipalities of Andes, Margaretville,
Middletown, Olive, and Shandaken; and

Whereas, the Village is requested to annually appoint standing and alternate
members to the Collaborative;
Therefore be it Resolved that the Village of Fleischmanns Board hereby appoints
John Duda as the standing representative and Larry Reilly as the alternate member for the
Village of Fleischmanns on the Central Catskills Collaborative for the year 2015 and
moves its adoption
Dated: Jan. 12, 2015

Lorraine DeMarfio, Village Clerk
Village of Fleischmanns

State of New York

County of Delaware )
I, Lorraine DeMarfio, Village Clerk of the Village of Fleischmanns, do hereby certify that
the foregoing is a true & correct transcript of a resolution adopted by the Board of
Trustees of the Village of Fleischmanns, New York on January 12, 2015 and the whole
---------------------------------------------------------Lorraine DeMarfio, Village Clerk
Village of Fleischmanns
Motion made by Todd Pascarella to approve the above resolution. Motion seconded by
Benjamin Fenton. Todd Pascarella-Aye. Benjamin Fenton-Aye. David Yates-Aye. Larry
Reilly-Aye. Harriet L. Grossman-Absent. Motion so carried.
Public Input
Discussion was held as to when the property located at 717 Wagner Avenue would be
cleaned up from all the fire debris. The CEO, Carl Patrick Davis, sent a letter to the
owner advising that he would be given 6 months from the date of the letter to clean and
remove debris.
Motion made by Todd Pascarella to pay the following vouchers for the month of January,
2015: General Fund, Abstract # 40 Vouchers # 192 through 214 totaling $44,032.09,
General Fund, Abstract # 41, Vouchers # 215 through 219 totaling $3281.59; General
Fund, Abstract # 43, Vouchers # 220 through 222 totaling $24.89; Water Department
Fund, Abstract # 8, Vouchers # 46 through 53 totaling $4,002.70; Sewer Department
Fund, Abstract # Abstract # 8, Vouchers # 82 through 93 totaling $28,534.93. Fire
Department Capital Reserve Truck Fund, Abstract # 2, Voucher # 2 totaling $17,691.83
Motion seconded by Benjamin Fenton. Todd Pascarella-Aye. Benjamin Fenton-Aye.
David Yates-Aye. Larry Reilly-Aye. Harriet L. Grossman-Absent. Motion so carried.
Motion made by Benjamin Fenton to adjourn. Motion seconded by Todd Pascarella.
Benjamin Fenton-Aye. Todd Pascarella-Aye. David Yates-Aye. Larry Reilly-Aye.
Harriet L. Grossman-Absent. Motion so carried.

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