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Dungeons & Dragons

Basic setting
4th Era, Year 453
(4th Era began when God last time ascended on Terra)
Start of winter
Starting location
Pop: about 25k, Mixed population
Republic (3 dynasties keep the power, one with most prestige/fame gets the power, usually oldest [but not always])
Trading nation(close to all big empires), big fleet
Notable nearby locations
Nation of Sula
Fortress of Goma
o Redheart Dynasty owns.
Most of the Sulas military strength comes from here
Least focused on trade
o Current leader: Miles (Human)
o Pop: 10k
Citadel of Gino the Pontifex
Named after Gino a cleric who fought of Mountain of Shadows powered by Gods
o Richhorn Dynasty owns
Richest of the 3 dynasties, but power wise similar to other 2
o Current leader: Babaago (Gnome)
o Pop: 15k
Braka, east of Pontat river
o Greenocean Dynasty owns
Most trade focused of them all
Big trading fleet & fishing operations
Trades with Leo & Emerald forest
o Current leader: Blake (Human)
o Pop. 18k
o Greenocean Dynasty currently in charge of this city & nation
o Biggest trading city, caravans moves to other nations
o Population: 25k
Other nearby locations
Mountain of shadows
o Had a different name, most have forgotten it
Used to be part of anvil mountains
Was abandoned: at the start of 4th era
Demons took control of it, but were slayed.
No one you know has ever entered
o Small city consists of farmers who are primarily source of food for Sula
o Pop. 5k
o Dwarven mining city
o Pop. varies, few actually live there (1-5k, living: 500)
o Gnome city
o pop: 7k
Jungle of shadows
o A lot of different rumors with this place, but relatively safe

Notable nearby locations

Villages/locations of interest, are marked with red dot
Honorable City of Leohill
o King Robert The Honest of House Lion
o Pop. 50k
Bastion of Segilda
o Joined Leohill
o Leader still Edmur
Delve of the Goblin King
o After fighting against King Robert & Bastion of Segilda, Goblin King Ugdur, made a peace treaty,
forbidding anyone from entering or leaving his domain, Goblins who are found elsewhere are not
protected by this treaty & anyone but Goblin is not allowed to enter.
Faerie Woods
Cafeld, Throne of the Gods
o Big holy city where you can find temples of all good and neutral gods. Paladins are trained here, and
all well-travelled clerics/priests have visited this holy place. There is also a huge & protected catacombs
where everyone notable has been buried (Kings, Leaders, Great Heroes) BUT dwarfs & elves has their
own burial ritual and usually prefer to be buried in their own way. Notable rumors: Many of the kings
have been buried with treasures.
Pop: 30k
+ People who travel there constantly adds another 10k
Leadership: Council of Priests, about 50 people.
Paladins makes the area safe against evil and none good dares to attack
Gauntlet of Chaos
Temporary peace was made, after Bastion joined Leohill & Orc leader was found out to be
human necromancer who had made an army of undead
Anvil mountains
Biggest unified Dwarven Empire. Biggest mines, master weapons/armor crafters.
More information for dwarfs
Leadership: King Orrum Dragonbane Garrak
o Zirakzar (capital)
Pop: at least 30k
o Tumunzar
Player needs to be dwarf
Emerald Forest
o Biggest unified Elven Empire.
o Emerald tower
o More information for full-elfs
o Leadership: King Orantil Silver Nelagarin


Kaikki classit ja prestige classis on sallittu mikli ne lytyy 3.5:n kirjoista. Jos ei ota perus classi pit ottaa
selv omasta classist ja tuntea se kohtalaisen hyvin.
Mieti jonkinnkinen tausta hahmollesi, esim. aatelinen sallittu, mutta mikn mik radikaalisti muuttaa
maailmaa ei. Sovi DM:n kanssa.
Kritit ja krit-fail:it vaarallisia, molempiin suuntiin, erillinen taulukko
Kilvet saavat +1AC, paitsi buckler
Lis spelleist/feateista pit neuvotella, paitsi jos ne tulevat classin mukaan, esim. warlock.
32 point buy tai 4d6, tiputa huonoin ja rerollaa kaikki 1set kerran. (Suositus: pointbuy)
Alkaa 8lvl

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